How do you feel about this?
How do you feel about this?
He will grow up to breed your daughter one day. How does that make you feel?
The fact you spend time posting this shit all day should be enough for you to kill yourself. How have you managed to live this long without realizing how meaningless and pathetic your life is? Genuinely I wonder this
pajeet here, OP is based
justvfound this thread when looking for threads to raid
keep up the good work
Same fag
>i-its not that everyone disagrees with me, its all a conspiracy
you are literal sewer shitskin who is paid to post blacked. It is a conspiracy you fucking mongoloid. And OP is probably an asian or a hapa raiding Yea Forums
Kek good one fag. Keep wasting your life spamming Yea Forums. Or better yet kys.
lol ugly ass bitch hiding her stupid fucking face
hope someone stomps it the fuck in
EX made me cum twice
If white people didn’t pity lower races your ancestors would be dead and therefore you wouldn’t exist. Your final days cannot come soon enough
cool story bro, and yeah I get MONEY from shitposting, youre the one who entertains me for hours on end with your schizo fits, and yo do it for free lmao!
cry more whitoid
never thought it was actually legit
Got back to your hut shitskin. You’re lucky white people created this system for you to shit post
Why are you so fuckin jealous? Why can't you just accept you will always be a pathetic meek cuck whiteboi and you may as well bow to your black superiors? Why harbor these delusions of white racial superiority when they're clearly not true?
Porn? It is degenerate.
is this OP?
It doesnt take effort to argue with stupid crackers like you
an actual poojet thinks he can say who is superior and who isn't.
Jesus Christ, your women NEED to get raped by white guys. We would be doing your pathetic race a favor
>stupid crackers
Says the nigger/poojet. My GOD, you people have no self awareness, you are an inferior beast, get over it and fap to some bleached like a good slave
LMAO didnt even post that one, face it whitoid youre outnumbered and going down
booo hooo. Nobody cares about the words of subhuman with an iq of 85. Hope your whole family gets bleached
>no self awareness
>inferior beast
>good slave
lmfao sperg
Why are you so jealous of white people? You’re the one posting about how shitskins are supposedly superior. I’d say you’re very insecure if you spend so much time having to try to convince people of your “superiority”
lmao whitoids BTFO
Blacks do not make these.It's a well known hapa incel.
Im just purposefully going to threads full of shit I hate and whining, y-youre the one whos seething
definitely making a compilation of this shit, this is hilarious
>post an illegal immigration chart, in a black superiority thread...
write in english next time, ok?
This. It’s just some sad white incel trying to get people to respond to their sad thread.
I'd be like... move over kid, I'm latching onto the other tit!
Go back to storm front. No one is buying what you’re selling
Dicklet fat whites cant do this
So how’s the skinhead recruitment going?
true that
How do you feel about this?
Said the fat white nazi
funny you say that I get paid to do this shit
jack off to this degeneracy all you want, but just know the name:
>Greg Lansky
LA based porn producer and massive JEW - the people responsible for making whore trash of our women.
How should one feel about this? You’re a white incel that should’ve killed themselves long ago.
Stay mad and inferior.
I don’t doubt it. At least you admit what a truly vile individual you are.
Yeah it's me. Butthurt little crackers can't deal with black superiority.
Refer to these:
Hope this helps.
Inferior? I guarantee I’m more European than you. You’re a sad sack trying desperately to draw other sad loners to your defunct ideology
black people have no hair on their legs
good to see that women of all colour are going black
/thread niggers don’t shit post like these fat white incels
>the people responsible for making whore trash of our women.
Supply and demand retard.
If people didn’t watch it, they wouldn’t make more of it.
People watch a lot of it, so they make a lot of it.
YOU are the actual reason.
Honestly these posts are pointless. The only fucks that boat black superiority threads are sad white supremacists trying to recruit others
The whores are just doing what they're brainwashed by the Jews to do. They can't think for themselves.
Why are you still waiting to kys? Go go go! There isn’t a point in living for you, why wait?
How you feel about this shitskin?
lol, why are you so angry?
Jews create the demand via Jew-owned mass media.
That being said, if previous generations hadn’t been such apathetic, tolerant, letdowns, this wouldn’t be a problem. A society has the men/women/Jews/degeneracy it deserves.
>inferior? i guarantee i'm more european than you
You literally just associated being more European with being superior, so you just undermined your entire point by admitting to white superiority.
As an American, I'm English, Balkan, Scandinavian, and Baltic. Hope this helps.
Maybe you'll use this experience to take losing to me better. You'll get used to it pretty quickly.
its funny how its a photoshop or some ugly bitch lol
>As an American, I'm English, Balkan, Scandinavian, and Baltic. Hope this helps.
Gonna disambiguate this and specify that that's my ancestry. I know it's easy for inferior nigger brains to get confused by that sorta thing.
Why do niggers have huge dicks? Must have been all the big-boi bredding during slavery-times
Three AIDS ridden disgraced subhumans
Based black queen
It's a racist myth, they are average just like everyone else.
Legit the hottest pic I’ve seen in weeks
Nah they're bigger and you're a jealous whiteboi.
Because skinheads like you exist
so you're not even black
he's not black. he's a hapa who hates whites. you libcucks blaming whites for this is peak cuckoldry
you are such a nigger loving cuck that when they attack you you blame whites for it,
blacked has better and higher res pictures than this, why is this dumb pic used to start threads?
I’m 99.9% northwest European. English/German/Irish. And .1% Jewish. White people have pushed the world toward modernization, but I consider European colonialism as an opportunistic leverage over less technology advanced societies. Europe wasn’t always the most advanced continent on earth. We just stuck gold at the right time. I disavowed European, African & Asian superiority. The idea of “racial” superiority is only for sad lonely fucks with nothing else going on in their lives.
it's not about superiority you stupid cuck. it's about fighting for your own race and genetics because they are yours
If you only see other races as an Us vs. Them mentality than I can only assume you are a very poplar individual with a very healthy social circle... seek help before you harm others or better yet just kys
dirty kike
You’re kidding yourself if you trying to justify that mindset. You do believe whites are superior, you want a genocide of the other races, you want to kill innocent people, you should be executed.
yeah right bitch. you are just a cuckold doormat who doesn't understand evolution. all evolution is us vs them. you are such a cuck bitch you come to a thread where people are attacking white males and saying they are all cucks and losers and you still defend niggers cause you're a whipping boy doormat bitch. the vast majority of niggers see shit as us vs them and hate every last white person. you are just fucking blind.
kys nazi
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first of all i like to fuck nonwhite women which is incompatible with wanting to kill all nonwhites
second of all niggers want kill all whites and believe that they as blacks are superior. same with Jews
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kill yourself filthy jewish kike. you are the evil ones. look at the sick shit you say about whites
Please tell me of your interactions with other races.
>uh... uh a black guy in school was popular and I... I wasn’t
kikes openly callfor the extinction of whites but we're the bad guys?
black "men"
You must be frequenting stormfront a lot I see. Get out of the basement and explore the world.
it's not about my personal interaction it's about the mass anti white male conspiracy that niggers and Jews participate in
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Why? Because I posted real statements from a Communist Jew made in Harvard Magazine where he said the white race needs to be abolished and that we need to bash all white men until whites die out?
Why are your pathetic attempts at recruitment on the page so fruitless? You’re scapegoating white issues with the the jews. Make some friends offline
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Why bitch? Because I post real legitimate quotes that you filthy kikes say? The truth is hate speech it the eyes of you sick inbreds. Read the Talmud and look at all the sick shit it says. You Jews are the evil ones.
sage when you post you fucking idiot. stop bumping this shit to the top page, low IQ retarded moron
Conspiracy? Yeah I’d agree with that. It’s just like the Democratic conspiracies on Trump’s collusion with Russia, correct? Conspiracy theories are more often than not untrue. Log off the internet from time to time and read a non-white superiority novel
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based retard
That all three of them should be killed
the left has a great ass indeed !
I always sage. Don't reply to me again
I find it hilarious that this thread started as a black superiority thread, but when called out for actually being posted by white supremacists they get their lederhosen in a bunch
we know it's true because they openly admit to wanting to kill off whites on video and in Harvard Magazine for fuck sake
hahaha muricans are lost
it's hilarious you anti white racists claim niggers are superior and then get mad when we fight back and claim we're the ones who are racist
Fuck off, black man.
black "men"
When did I claim that blacks are superior? The concept of “racial” superiority is for lonely incels with nothing else to take pride in
you post niggers with white women and claim they are superior to white men and that they are fucking all the white women and that all white men are losers and you do it all over the fucking internet just to fuck with white males including children cause you're sick schizophrenic pieces of shit. this is why i wish hitler would have killed you all because jews are a cancer on society an on white people
I legitimately hate the same people that post the black superiority bullshit, but allow to give you some insight. No black person posts these threads, only white supremacists do. They do so to try and make whites feel insecure and attacked to get them on their side. Don’t fall for it. This thread I guarantee you has only had white people post in it. No one in this thread or website genuinely supports black superiority.
Im a pajeet
that's just Jewish propaganda and lies. you kikes have been promoting white women with niggers for about a hundred years.
Indians = world's smallest cocks
no you are a hapa and you know it
>No one in this thread or website genuinely supports black superiority.
wrong, go to the /blacked/ general on /trash/, go on the archive of /r9k/. There are many white cucks that actually believe it and they spam other boards
just because someone claims to be a white cuck doesn't mean that's who they actually are. nonwhites call themselves "white cucks" just to falseflag and insult and humiliate white people
Do you really believe the average nigger sits at home and posts on Yea Forums about how superior they are to whites? If you do... I feel bad that you have such naïveté.
That could very well be true, but to suggest that there isn’t a significant amount of shit posters propagating this bullshit are doing so to stroke hate from whites and make them extremists
okay schizo
well Im Indian but I only do this because it pays well, I seriously couldnt give a shit
do you actually believe niggers sit on street corners and preach about how they are the true Jews? Oh wait. they actually do
Do I believe niggers post these threads? No but I think they like them a lot and I know the person who makes them despises white people and I believe he is a youtuber/redditer by the name of Tenda Spencer/Eurasian Tiger after having seen his videos and read his manifesto and also the fact that he sometimes gets triggered when you call him out by his name.
then post your "brown hand" with a timestamp
Dead race traitor whores we don't have to weed out, and nogs in prison. We use (((you))) as our weapon.
Tenda you will never win
>post a picture of yourself on r/b
The frequency the threads are created make me seriously doubt one person makes the majority of them. These threads are produced my white supremacists to further their ideological reach. It certainly doesn’t hurt that many racist white people have a kink for cuckoldry and interracial sex despite their racial views.
not of your face just of your hand and you can remove the exif data. you are Tenda. I know it for a fact. There's no reason why a picture of your hand would be a problem.
you really have it out for this ricenigger huh?
>It certainly doesn’t hurt that many racist white people have a kink for cuckoldry and interracial sex despite their racial views.
big lies. These are just falseflag
>i know it for a fact
t. Tenda seething hard
Falseflag? 100% The flag of black superiority and white genocide are false. They are just trying to make more white supremacists.
indian bois btfo
>100% The flag of black superiority and white genocide are false.
keep believing that, you fucking rat
>t. sperg
still cant believe someone gets angry over this shit
Im just making money
still amazing to see ONE GUY get this ass hurt over a bunch of pixels, you made my day sperg user thank you
If these are made by /pol/, they have some fucking great actors in their ranks.
>white supremacists promote the thing they hate more than anything else on this Earth
sure Kike
Holy apples and oranges Batman! How did you come up with that bogus analogy? I do actually agree that the most homophobic individuals usually have some repressed urges. The islam this is bullshit because it’s a religious ideology. Sexual urges are not the same as religious affiliations
if it wasn't a big deal someone wouldn't pay you money to do it. how does it make you feel that Indians literally have the smallest penises on Earth?
do Islamophobes secretly want to fuck Arab women or suck Muslim cock? do people want to fuck everything that they hate? that is literally the philosophy of libcucks because libcucks are literally wrong and backwards about everything
how doe it make you feel that your angrily typing to a literal streetshitter whos getting paid to make you angry
If you wanted to bring more people on board with your ideological beliefs how would you go about it? Post anti Semitic memes? That’s too obvious. Or post things to purposely try and make the majority of people who visit this site (white people) feel insecure and under attack? The latter option is more effective
how does it make you feel that you live in a impoverished shithole, you're short, your street is littered with feces like a human litterbox and you have a tiny penis?
on the other hand if you want to keep the white race pure and stop white women from fucking niggers why would you post propaganda that encourages white women to fuck niggers?
pretty comfy, how does demographic replacement and inevitable extinction feel?
i will go to Indian and fuck your women with my much larger white penis
niggers are on pace to reach 4 billion population in 100 years while the Indian population is stagnant. niggers will migrate to India and breed you out of existence. your penises are so tiny your women will flock to them
Trump is the leader of the free world. MAGA 2020 Whites win.
It's certainly possible, but I think you're giving them way too much credit. It's also entirely possible these threads are paid advertising for the porn they heavily and consistently feature, blacked. I think it's just a leftist incel with a bone to pick though, one that is very well known.
England conquered India cause you're inferior lol
oh shit, the sewer rat is back, do you have any phisical deformity, like most indians?
Are you like the elephant man?
>it's certainly possible
AGAIN why would white supremacists promote the thing that they hate more than anything in the entire world. It makes no fucking sense. It's a lie by anti whites.
no your weak people will offer them free shit and will voluntarily put them in a higher caste, India is safe because the niggers might be brutes but the sandniggers are an evolved form that will be able to repel them, face it, european civilization is DEAD
I just literally said that comparing Islamophobes to Homophobes or Racists is a false comparison. No person hates a particular religion because they secretly want to be one of them, but hardcore homophobes do suppress their own urges because their hate of gays manifests in part due totheir own self hatred for their urges. Some, not all, hate blacks because they have a false sense of inferiority about themselves. Have you heard of psychology?
To reverse the course. The poster didn’t make the porn, they just want whites to feel insecure
but insecurity makes people less outgoing and more timid and anyone with common sense knows that
I lean that way aswell, but until we know for sure, it's only possibilities.
no your Indian women will suck their cocks cause you are poor trash just like niggers but at least niggers don't have 4 inch baby dicks like Indian midget men
The posters don’t make the porn, they just want to capitalize on the insecurities of whites to push them towards extremism
so how can you assume that people who hate cucks are cucks with no evidence when you can't assume the same for religion?
no they want to make whites insecure in order to make them home bound mentally illlosers who believe that everyone hates them and girls will shun them for being white
Are you shitting me? Making white people fell insecure will make them more reactive and more likely to take action to stop the “genocide”. How dense are you?
blacks and Jews hate whites cause they think we're superior
It’s meant to build white resentment. Do you not understand the power of racial resentment?
prove it. it's about brainwashing whites to be trannies, fags and cucks. you think anti white sissy hypnosis is made to make whites angry? no it's to turn them into submissive nigger loving faggots
so you say. I say that it's straight forward and made in order to promote niggers having sex with white girls. I think you know the truth and you deliberately misrepresent it.
>Raising a White man's bastard
Uhh, white men raise their own kids m8
Nigger this honky that, you all bleed red, air go Indians and aliens
do you really think some white supremacist goes on the internet and says "ya know what would really help the white race? if i posted a bunch of white faggots and trannies sucking black dick?"
liberals have a backwards brain that literally sees everything as the opposite of what it really is.
not when they're niggers
Lol the Chinese out number us all, you guys retarded
the nigger population is growing. the chinese population is stagnant. the enemy is clear
Who do you believe frequents this site the most demographically? Blacks? Jews? Women? No, it’s white Anglo-Saxon men trying to recruit others to their poisonous ideology. It’s not straight forward, but it’s a creative form of propaganda. Like i’ve said earlier, posting anti-Semitic memes are less effective than shooting towards the thing that make men most insecure... sex. And pushing the black superiority bullshit wouldn’t make sense on a board already full of people susceptible to the racist ideology
Why do you think there isn't white pride? Im proud i look at my skin and smile
>white anglo saxon men
you mean the people who fought Hitler?
>Okay steve bahahahahahha
Fucking this is a Japanese based image bored, your looking way to into this, fucking weebs
And do you really think there is a Jew sitting behind a keyboard posting this this to... what? Make white people just accept their inferior status? That makes no sense.
why would they hate blacks in the first place if they didnt think they were a threat and why would they encourage white men to be cuckolds?
We are anonymous you mad whity?
lol that guy must be like 5'5"
Made by a white American. Your point again?
A tiny cocked white guy like me would be no match for a thicc white girl. Best let them get taken care of by real (black) men.
They aren’t genuinely trying to make white men cucks, you cannot force a sexual urge towards those that do not already possess it. They post to to irk whites and build up racial resentment
yes i really think there is and yes that's what i believe. i think the Jews are butthurt about the Holocaust and want some kind of revenge but they know they could never win a physical war against whites so they resort to psychological warfare and media brainwashing. did you know the Jews broadcast porn of Muslim women getting fucked by Jews on Palestinian tv in order to demoralize Palestinians? why wouldnt they do the same against whites? or do you really think the Jews want Palestinians to hate them so they'll try to kill Israeli soldiers? No. They do it to make Palestinians psychological submissive and broken and they do the same to white men.
THEY ARE! Why can't you liberals ever see anything for what it is? You always have to claim everything is the opposite because your brains are backwards and you're wrong about literally everything. That's why you vote against your own racial interests.
>you cannot force a sexual urge you don't already possessed
many women orgasm during rape and the vast majority of gays were raped as children
funny cause my cock is bigger than the nigger in the op and i'm white
If that’s true then why hasn’t hamas given in to their new found cuck urges? Last I checked they still hate Jews and would stop at nothing to wipe Israel of the map
and whites still hate Jews and niggers despite cuck propaganda
Jew detected.
This entire thread is white people trying to push other white people to become more extreme.
it's not promoted nearly as relentlessly as Jews promote anti white pornography
>many women orgasm during rape
40% of women have a rape fetish
>vast majority of gays were raped as children
that's a way of coping
You literally couldn’t be more incorrect, but you can’t reason with idiots
nope the whole thread is nonwhties and Jews who hate whites spreading anti white cuck propaganda in order to kill whites off and you're a submissive liberal cuck retard who cries about Donald Trump daily and takes black dick up your ass
people are not born gay just like people arent born transgender
Jews making anti white porn isn’t the same as the people posting it on here. The fags posting these threads are white supremacists trying to push their ideology via racial resentment. I’m sorry you’re too stupid to see this
prove people are born gay. you can't and no one ever has
prove your race. post your hand and the last name on your license.
I actually like Donald trump, I’m surprised you like him. He is a friend to Jews and Israel
prove it. thanks for conceding that Jews make anti white pornography.
sometimes you have to make a deal with a devil. the vast majority of Jews hate Trump and voted for Hillary so he must not be that good to them
Nice try. You first fag
no you are just a liar who blames shit on white supremacists because you're brainwashed and can't see a nonwhite ever attacking whites cause you're naive cuckboy
my race is not relevant to the questions being asked but yours is, kike
>nice try
why because you almost admitted that you're Jewish?
This thread is proof enough that this site is mostly filled with white supremacists. I’ve been on Yea Forums for more than a decade. I know this crowd
Posting your drivers license on Yea Forums... I’m not a Jew nor a retard
Kek, good deflection faggot.
and all the white supremacists have professed their disgust. not once in the 10+ years that this shit has been posted did a cuck poster ever slip up and hint at being a white supremacist but kikes have slipped up on pol and been caught promoting racemixing and the hapa faggot Eurasian tiger once posted about how he spams niggers dick on Yea Forums cause he think that white men fuck asian women because they're jealous of black men with white women.
Hey I don’t doubt non- whites attack whites, I just think the people that post these black superiority threads aren’t posted by blacks or Jews, just sad incels trying desperately to push their ideology
He talked like he wasn't going to be good for their subversive plans, but he turned out to be a good goy after all.
you seem like more of a libtard cuckold who is blind or apathetic to the fact that the white race is dying. i bet you watch CNN daily
simply having a white male figurehead is better than a leftist white whore like Hillary
Agreed, just disappointed how it worked out.
you think but you are wrong. you think niggers and Jews are above it cause you're a cuck who thinks they are better than whites cause you've been so demoralized by the anti white Jew media that portrays white males as losers
No I actually prefer Fox and I’m politically center-right. I just hope none of you due harm to innocent people. Get help before it’s too late
shitty thread
in other words you're a cuckservative do nothing who is part of the reason it's gotten this bad for whites in America and the demographics have shifted so much
cuckservatives like you are just spineless low IQ sheep
Look at this dude being proud of a guy who is literally sucking his own dick, what an accoplishment for your whole race war going on here.
Just look at how this thread has deteriorated from supposedly Jews/Blacks pushing anti-whit propaganda to neo-nazis airing their grievances. My point has been proven. All of you are just white supremacists pushing your vile ideology
Ya think?
nope bitch. i was the guy posting bleached porn you fucking idiot. the nigger dick poster left after the image limit was reached when he stays he makes more text posts about black supremacy
>anti white propaganda is pushed by white supremacists
t. cuckservative who watches his wife get fucked by niggers eats their jizz out of his wife but it's okay cause we're all 'Muricans
respond to any of the bleached posts and i will send you the screencaps with the (you)s
i posted white men fucking black women in retalation to the blacked poster. reply to the posts of white men fucking black women and i will show you the (you)s in a screencap
You must be real popular at diner parties, does your mothers basement get any light from outside? I think it would help to get some vitamin c