Hey stoners of Yea Forums, any tips on getting weed out of your system to pass a drug test...

Hey stoners of Yea Forums, any tips on getting weed out of your system to pass a drug test? I know things like drink a lot of liquids and exercise, but any other tips? I used to be an avid smoker for years, and was clean for awhile. This weekend I took about 25 mg of edibles all together, and I was curious if edibles last any longer in your system than bud. I wouldn't need to pass one for at least 2 or 3 weeks, but I know from the past it can be a month or more.

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if you smoked weed you have to eat the whole plant now so it can absorb the THC (it's tissue is like THC sponge(=(

6-60 days for urine 90 for hair. Never give the first piss of the day as your sample. Thats about it.

so I may or may not be fucked? Urine would definitely be the method. I will just have to drink gallons of water a day I guess.

25mg is NOTHING. Maybe you meant 25g.

Drink lots of water and get lots of exercise. Sweat and piss it out of your system. 3 weeks might just be enough. Why are you being tested? Court mandate? Parents? Job?

Lots of water and sweat. Sweat it out. I heard that is about it besides a detox.

If those test were accurate no one would have a legit job.

nah I meant mg, been awhile since I had smoked so it was a pretty good trip.

lol wut, you tripped off 25mg?

I'm applying for another position, my current job doesn't drug test. This other place pays a lot better, and I'm not even sure they will test. Just trying to be safe. I live in a medical state, but not recreational.

If they are being dicks about it and you drink a ton of water and your piss is clear they will make can make you take a retest. If they hit you with a urine test and you can stay clean a few days you might squeak by depending on shit like body fat and other factors.

on edibles? Yeah dude, the suggested is 10 mg or am I incorrect?

What type of test? If its a piss test you can always dig your finger in your pocket and get some lint in your finger nails and if you get some lint in the sample you can argue that it was tampered with.

I see what you mean now, 25 mg of THC, not 25mg of an edible.

I'm a pretty skinny dude, and the test wouldn't be for at least another 2 or 3 weeks like I said. Hoping for the best.
This actually work? Doubt they would hire me still even if it was iffy.

no i know what you meant, i guess i never realized that that low can cause lighter weights trip

Yeah, I'm blessed with being a light weight, still was even when I smoked every day all day. It saved a ton of money, and even now it still does.

Oh damn you have 2 weeks? You're good. Dont even stress it, just do what you already said you were going to do.

depends entirely on your drug test.
if it's a mouth swab you can be clean in 2-3 days.
if it's a piss test it could be 5 days to 3 weeks depending on a lot of factors (do research)
if it's a blood test it takes 2 weeks
if it's a hair test it takes 3 months to get clean.
your test isnt for 2-3 weeks so you're good. no-one does hair tests except certain govt agencies cuz that shit is expensive. it'll likely be a piss test or a mouth swab.

>25g of edibles
that little? that's fuck all.

Who are you two lmao, how is that not a lot for a dose? I was balls high, does it have less of an effect if you smoke a lot?

You have two to three weeks. Stay sober for those few weeks and the chance you test positive will be extremely low. If you arent an every day smoker it will actuslly be damn near non existant.

i used to take 100mg before going out to the pub with friends.
250mg if I wanted to sit down with a movie or vidya at home to feel nice and baked.

high metabolism 10 days
low 1 month
listen to me or dont but go on a low carb low fat diet if you ass jiggles from one milkshake a month
if you are skinny stop being a hedonist retard
I know how funny that seems considering fattos eat all the food you just cant afford but stfu and do as I say
smoke weed but swab test 24 hr
pee 10 day
hair stop doing drugs
and ffs get the fuckin job no matter what you stupid whore


It’s not really a lot it’s just average dose for someone who doesn’t smoke all the time. Someone who smokes all the time would probably want a 100mg edible. I’m an everyday smoker and ate a 1000mg brownie a few weeks back and it was fucking intense to the point a lot of the effects were similar to LSD.


I passed a mouth swab that I didn't assume I was gonna have to take after smoking 14 hours before. Thank you, mouthwash.

dude I saved your thread, u should thank me. it was 2nd from the end

It was, thanks user. Sometimes being a tard is helpful after all.


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THC is fat soluble. So drink all the water you want and it won't do shit. It will leech out of fat cells over time. There will always be some metabolites in your piss. Only when the fat cells are exhausted of thc will you be clear. You can dilute your sample, like avoid first piss of the day, give the intitial drop and not mid stream. But it's just a matter of level. Sorry. Nurse fag.

store near me sells 2600mg bottles of THC BBQ sauce
occasionally i'm tempted to just chug the whole thing but I know it's a retarded idea and that i'll probably just fall asleep from it

Anyone who does drugs is a bad person and should be in prison.

you have 3 weeks? just don't do any more drugs until the test and you're a-ok

So chances of passing it in about 3 weeks are low or high based on this opinion? I've also read that it isn't about the water content removing the THC, its about not being dehydrated so the contents of the piss are higher in water.
Yeah probably.

You can buy fake piss online op. I’ve passed 2 employment drug tests with those flush pills you get at head shops but I don’t know if they worked or it was the gallon of water they require you to drink after taking them that allowed me to pass. It’s also possible that the test was a ruse or thresholds so high making it impossible to fail. Usually employment drug tests only bust out the real deal when their trying to deny workers comp. if it’s a court ordered test you better start prayin.

Would not recommend. I had a huge tolerance from smoking wax/shatter and even then 1000mg put me in the looney bin.

Unless it’s a hair test (you’re fucked) or they have to observe the urine specimen leave the body (stare at your dick) buy some fake urine (I’ve used quickfix) and some hand warmers. Quickfix has a tool on their website to confirm whether or not your product is genuine, which is important if you don’t wanna get fucked. Give em the ol’ switcheroo.

Alternatively, quit filling gaps where boredom would spur productivity by using drugs, you nigger. If you find yourself being:
it might be time to go get some fresh air, boyo.

Depends on your metabolism, sorry. I worked in substance misuse for NHS and a few users stopped using cannabis and switched to stuff like cocaine because it's easier to pass drug tests. Saying that we didn't think of a failed test due to cannabis as a fail. We didn't tell the patients that though. But in the UK if you get caught doing a crime, you can get put on a drug intervention program rather than prison. Fail a few tests and prison awaits. They treat cannabis the same as heroin etc. So people will smoke heroin because it's out of the system in 3 days roughly, rather than have a doob. Crazy.

If you're really worried then check out "Toxin Rid"
I smoked heavy for the last year and had a 2 week notice for a drug test
I passed my test last week
This shit works, but it's a little expensive and you'll have diarrhea while taking it
Order a couple of home drug tests as well just to make sure you're good to go

You can also try diluting your urine
Drink a lot of water the night before and day of
Take vitamin B pills (for piss color) and creatine supplements (tricks the test into thinking you didn't dilute the urine, GNC will have them)
Always use urine from the midstream, meaning pee in the toilet for like 5 seconds, and then pee in the cup
And make sure you pee at least 2 or 3x before the test


I’m 100% convinced employers do this as well at least for the hiring process. I work in a plant with ~800 employees and literally 750 of them smoke weed every day yet somehow everyone magically passed the pre-hire piss test.

That is pretty wild, didn't know it was so restricted there. In the US it isn't even that bad.

Back when I was in the military we usually had about 6 "random" drug tests a year
I had more than 20 one year
Everyone was doing coke, adderal, and pain pills just because it got out of your system quickly, especially with daily exercise
You would get fucked up on Friday night, and be good to go for that "random" drug test on Monday

I just got hired at a landscaping/mowing company and one of the properties they mow is a city government property.

He said they (M.U.D., the gov't property) drug test and background check. He didn't give me any instructions as to how though.

I assume they mow the property once a week, so I doubt they'd want to pay to urine test everytime, or maybe it's a one time deal.
Do you think it'd be a mouth swab test or urine?

In the UK if people got sacked for smoking dope, half the population would be unemployed. I've played cards with senior management in the health service, very important roles and we were all smoking cannabis. I know people who work on the railways are drug tested but I've never heard of a sacking. It's crazy, I could go to say Colorado skiing. Have a perfectly legal smoke and then 2 weeks later, lose a job because of it but I could go out, get absolutely fucked on alcohol for a weekend, turn up to work 12 hours later, hungover to fuck and pass any drug test. It's all bollocks.

They should all be in prison. They are dangers to society.

Do you live in a legal state? Better yet do you have medical card? Although the government claims they will fire you even if you are medically prescribed it, it’s just a scare tactic as they know they would lose in court.

THC is fat soluable, so drinking water doesnt help. Exercising also burns the fat, releasing the metabolite into your blood stream, so dont exercise before the test. Diluting your piss is usually looked for, and they check for vitamin B and creatine. Make sure you take vitamin B pills and a little bit of creatine powder, and when youre pissing, dont let the first piss of the day be the test piss. Also, start pissing into the toilet and only piss mid piss into the cup. GL Op

Part of the reason why coke is so popular cos it's water soluble. Get fucked Friday/Saturday and no one knows come Monday. Synthetic cannabis is also huge in the UK. Specialist labs have to used to detect it. Very expensive. So fuck heads use it, get really fucked up mentally because cannabis is detectable. "Spice" is bad news.

I don't live in a legal state. It sounds like the place that tests is just a client of the landscaping company, I am not working directly for the gov't.

Also, when i said take the vitamins and creatine, i mean for like a week to get it truly in your system

If I have a smoke, by 12pm the next day I'm fine. There's no impairment to any functioning, certainly none after 2 weeks. People will and are using "harder" drugs. Well done, governments.

I passed the mouth swab with under 8 - 6 hours. Peroxide, mouthwash, brushing my teeth / gums till they bled... and a high fat burger king breakfast sandwich.

Havent gotten randomd yet at this job. Someone said all you need to do is eat 10 min before. Never tried it

We had a lot of people doing spice in the states about 5 years ago
All the head shops (tobacco stores) had it
The government cracked down on it pretty hard though, but you can still find it online
I tried it a couple times, but that shit had me feeling weird and anxious for the rest of the day

To be on the safe side, I reccomend Qcaps. Has never failed me. I took it and smoked only a few days prior and passed.

It's endemic here. The government banned it and then it really took off. The media love calling it "synthetic cannabis". Cannabis is a fucking plant. Spice is pure shit.

nice excuse junkie

I’ve seen people have complete mental breakdowns after long term spice use. I hit a pipe of it twice and had a full blown panic attack for an hour. Worst experience of my life and I’ve been hesitant of rc’s ever since.

Subbing is only way you can be sure at this point.

If you wanna try, drink a lot of water, helps you lose weight. Do a lot of fat burning exercises, and don’t eat a lot.

My research says you should do all this up to a week before the test. During that week, be a huge fat ass. Eat fast food, don’t drink water, don’t exercise. Your body will go into fat storage mode. Day of test, drink a lot of water, don’t use your first piss of day and use mid stream.
