Britbong here, wtf might have caused this? Just took off my jogging bottoms and seen this on my calf...

Britbong here, wtf might have caused this? Just took off my jogging bottoms and seen this on my calf. No pain or itching. Can't be a spider cos anything big enough to make bite marks like that would have been noticed.

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Could literally be anything you retard, you gonna make a thread for every minor scratch you receive?


Who gives a shit about that? Cut your fucking nails you degenerate

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That's a normal nail, I bet yours look like pic related.

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You have lymes disease.

Dont think so m8

Aids nigger bite. Africanusdikyoass

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Enjoy this everyone

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I am surprised this actually worked

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it could be bed bugs

Hmm nah bed bugs itch like fuck apparently

defo turbo aids

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Grow the fuck up you faggot. You're giving Brits an even worse name.

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>jogging bottoms
I hope the entire island and Ireland gets glassed.

Oi fuck off m8 nothing wrong with chillin indoors with some joggers and a t shirt.

fucking chav

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It's Niggrotizing Fasciitis. You will slowly turn into a nigger.

u fokn wat m8

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Fucking twat passed over jenna for megan the man is demented

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Niggerlover filth.

This appears to be a rare combination of Super Nigger AIDS and leprosy.

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weren't you in court today ?

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lol OP, it's skin chafing, doesn't need to necessarily hurt just your skin being distressed.

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Might have been a tick trying to attach twice...

If USA was a toothless heehaw with an incomplete 4th grade education pining about how superior he is bc of his huge IQ and his pile of small arms laying around his dump of a house.

great tits

little black spider, you don't feel the bite but it itches a little later on. either that or super aids

ouch they have a much bigger gene pool than that

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well, then again the entire royal gene pool couldn't handle Jennas pure undiluted gaul wildling dna without some sort of celtic civil war occurring on a genetic level.

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pffffffffttttttttttt they have their methods

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They're a bunch of stray 19th century german immigrants still living in the barbaric culture they brought with them, that unfortunately for the world, avoided being wiped out in two world wars when their culture reached its inevitable conclusion... twice.

Thanks to USA for being a time capsule, preserving the most stubborn ignorant and aggressive inbred morons on earth.

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Ever been ? an upper class British accent gets you many brownie points in some parts

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That's it. Now I need to see Jenna as the Gaelic warrior queen savaging the eastern tribes on horseback, with a harem of a dozen men to service her, sexually. And her horse too bc its Yea Forums.

For 3 years, in affluent communities around the midwest. I went out into the country a lot, and was amazed, you think these derpy fuckers are out in the rural areas in their farm huts, but then you come to the suburbs and realize everyone is like that. Some people just end up with money, but a dumber more belligerent people I've never encountered anywhere. Even italy, for as big of a mess as it is, can be completely bankrupt and everyone is living in poverty, and yet on an individual basis they're better off than the americans are lol. It's no wonder their leaders make such a big deal about having to protect the worlds Old Money that landed on their shores over the wars, bc they bleed it out they have no fuckin hope of ever reclaiming it. Without that capital, they're just another Kazakstan, only, one without the math geniuses.

Spider bite. Its gonna swell up, but I doubt its serious.

Sounds like you went too far inland never a good plan in America i think religion has a big part to play in the derpy thing it makes them come across as simple, but if they decline too far we enter the age of the Asian

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No way it's a spider bite mate. Happened indoors, fully clothed, and I would have noticed a spider big enough to make that kind of mark.

if they don't itch, they're ingrown hairs. your skin stretching over your calves as they swell from being worked out is the cause.

if they itch, spider bite.

Yeah there's no itching or any discomfort at all. Bit weird I'd get 2 ingrown hairs together like that though.

not the other user, but he's right, it is a spider bite - most likely a woodlouse spider or European mouse spider - surprisingly big fangs on fairly small spiders that easily puncture human skin.
Had the selfsame bite from one that got trapped in my sleeping bag - skin went yellow for 4" around the bite, went black then sloughed off. No real pain tho. More itchy if anything.

Vampire bit you

It‘s cancerino, sorry dude but you should honestly go to a doctor

That’s AIDS and you caught it from bumming tramps in the bins behind Lidl

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There is literally no symptom other than the marks though. If it's a spider it's freaking me out cos I'm sure I would have felt something inside my clothes.


Definitely a spider bite. Like 100% sure. Probably bit at night. Might swell later, might itch a little bit, not a guarantee though.

It is a spider bite.

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So I've got a fuckin biting spider on the loose in my room? Great. To to buy a flamethrower.