

Attached: Boy George.webm (720x720, 383K)

Other urls found in this thread:




What makes you say that they're fake?

o w o Sounds like it.

What happened to your plans for last night? o w o

Hello Ello.

Attached: dcb41c3bb490c67c129a2f30b4bf4e152e8e3eac.jpg (1280x1920, 185K)

i want her to crush me with her tits

Attached: 20180607_junko_0177_1.jpg (2202x3303, 1.41M)

>summerfags don't know celeb threads get banned on Yea Forums
Back to plebbit you go.

Attached: 49305930_picturepub_alexandra-daddario-006.jpg (1300x974, 117K)

Birthday load for the birthday girl

Attached: zoe-saldana-03-nude-alkhall-bar-none.jpg (1475x1812, 856K)

What do you mean what happened?
I broke my 24 hours of not spamming tay.

Attached: Taylor Swift.jpg (1072x1600, 222K)

can't ever get enough of that yummy nigri tummy tho

Attached: 1540764003930.jpg (1920x1280, 399K)


Anyone have her making out with masie williams?


Favorite celebrity legs?

I thought you said you were gonna end it all? o - o

Attached: 1521835678503.png (1000x1500, 1.03M)

I like the sound the raindrops make on my blinds
cooling-off the air

Attached: totally-elle-photoshoot-2016-marc-royce-009.jpg (3000x2000, 448K)

Attached: 4.jpg (1500x2292, 346K)

Isnt it common knowledge.....oh, your fucking with me

Attached: 1449633980_3.jpg (1536x2048, 792K)

good choice

Attached: 13.jpg (2542x3322, 402K)

Gal, shakira, haiz, rihanna, kiera Knightley

;Ծ Ծ;

Attached: 1521210863874.jpg (2890x1927, 581K)

Taylory Swiftano, best legs in the game.

End my 24 hours streak of not spamming Tay.


Why, would you want me to end it all?

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Hersh a cute

not babs, but she aint too bad

Attached: 1546217686035.jpg (3141x5047, 1.65M)

They'd look so good wrapped around my waist

Attached: 1536435907009.jpg (1920x1280, 263K)

Hey boys

Attached: 1554891461117.jpg (1280x1618, 197K)

top tier taste user
another one to consider

Attached: 9.jpg (2884x4918, 1.84M)

hey karen, checked

Attached: 1541421407801.jpg (1775x2662, 844K)

Who's the dude?

Attached: 77C8CB89-2301-4EF1-B12E-03D159494EC1.jpg (1474x1920, 280K)

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My niggah

Attached: 1556039755242.jpg (2048x1536, 485K)


no u

lood but true

Attached: 0.jpg (1191x1821, 978K)

Not sure who she is, looks good though
I also like how she gets naked quite a bit

Attached: 2.jpg (88x125, 2K)

cooks as well

Attached: 1555532877695.webm (492x744, 1.73M)

The did not have it annon

Attached: 2a668baa53.jpg (70x125, 2K)

Attached: 1547243303266.jpg (1024x683, 114K)


>lood but true
Just say it, it would be a dream come true

Attached: 1541801385396.jpg (1877x2459, 378K)

no, hersh a cutest

Attached: 1546486246258.png (464x698, 664K)

literally a man

Lips > legs

Attached: er20efo3g3x21.jpg (1440x890, 174K)

Yep ;)

Attached: 1554891536214jpg.0.jpg (1080x1350, 155K)

...but mostly her legs, right

Attached: keira-VI-Fashiontography-9.jpg (1099x745, 274K)


Attached: 1551558722729.jpg (500x500, 61K)

Wow moar

I have a feeling she would be amazing in bed

Oh I definitely would love to rub up against those smooth legs

Attached: Keira-Knightley-Feet-1553355.jpg (1018x1562, 577K)

well yeah thats a given

no u

Attached: Zendaya6.webm (1920x1080, 1.98M)

mama taytay gibe milkies

Attached: pwnbxhGF.jpg (1080x1349, 174K)

Jew pigs

Attached: 2cf517d.jpg (78x125, 1K)

Attached: 2d55fd0f0749691f89a0a83197db.jpg (125x93, 2K)

>I have a feeling she would be amazing in bed

Attached: 2e45f93088c7d.jpg (125x93, 1K)

>Wow moar

Attached: 2eea8b56d3b1ef59946fa60b.jpg (93x125, 2K)

anything answer other than a vs model is pure crazy talk. It's literally the thing they're known for.

Attached: lais_ribeiro8.jpg (1612x1200, 293K)

plus Scottish so she wont be able to swim and wont be eaten by a shark cos quite frankly im getting fed up with that

Attached: karen.jpg (1600x1372, 682K)

how can something so wrong be so right?

Attached: 1546060124112.jpg (4319x2880, 873K)

Attached: aj2Rk17.webm (420x376, 184K)

Attached: 3c56.jpg (125x93, 2K)

Filthy nigger

Your tongue?

Attached: Keira Knightley20.jpg (2678x3886, 1.45M)

Only if you don't bite this time.

Attached: 1559245007020.jpg (1280x1643, 205K)

Attached: 3f3071b1c9fefe9d56aed5.jpg (70x125, 2K)

She'd pull you so close...

Attached: maxim0322.jpg (1020x1250, 226K)

Attached: Barbara Palvin - Victoria's Secret - June 2019-1.jpg (4500x6000, 1.37M)

Always 2 times more than you

>dat mouth

Attached: xqgp689auev21.jpg (649x810, 48K)

...would dry up before getting to the second leg

Attached: keira-red-dress-shoes-17feb15-01.jpg (652x970, 87K)

Attached: gg440.jpg (724x1024, 107K)

so hot

Attached: 74548680d312af7b13a3d5ae4457c513.jpg (1181x1771, 317K)

The face that reflects in her mirror says it all.

Attached: 4.jpg (93x124, 2K)

trips checked plz gibe

Attached: xfsyYYkc.jpg (736x900, 115K)

>so hot

Attached: 4ab9645fec0ff4.jpg (91x125, 2K)

that face has said quite a lot over the years my friend

Attached: 1552698176623.png (479x592, 354K)

Who got dem Millie Boobie?

Attached: th123.png (1080x1080, 679K)

Thank god I'd be ready to help you out

Attached: 1529258931135.jpg (700x951, 118K)

You can count on Swift delivery.

Attached: 1547090862239.jpg (1280x1395, 370K)

th .... mhmmmmmmm

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Attached: AlexMorgan003.gif (245x368, 1.57M)

A bit too much if you ask me, but still fits nicely with how she looks.

Attached: 1558974505307.jpg (1080x1061, 176K)

same user from last thread?

Attached: file-139.jpg (1200x1769, 226K)


Attached: th128.jpg (1080x1080, 117K)

Attached: 041.jpg (1638x2048, 1.55M)

rather have her on top tbh


Attached: Karen bath.webm (1700x960, 1.99M)

true personally i prefer totally innocent looking women

Attached: image.jpg (2770x2078, 408K)


Attached: 1544912837574.gif (245x200, 1.42M)

I got heads, if you mean that, heh
saved a lot of your pics, btw

Attached: 1542827313149.jpg (2000x1333, 778K)

mmmm yes I knew I could count on ameriga's sweedheardd :~DD

Attached: pfQbt6cY.jpg (1080x1080, 147K)

Attached: delta_goodrem_01.jpg (1360x2040, 502K)

Attached: th142.jpg (640x799, 64K)

I like sugar and I like tea

Attached: 1548944894928.jpg (1242x1600, 70K)

I'm sure you wouldnt hesitate

Attached: c557b31446435942818214e76d13ab83--keira-knightley-sexy-legs.jpg (735x740, 37K)

The shamefull thing is though. She used to be hot af and now she's well... That. Also nice dubs there user.


Attached: tiptip.webm (570x674, 258K)

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Attached: 1546053952725.jpg (753x900, 212K)

niggers suck lol

Attached: fSOueCT_d.jpg (640x800, 66K)

had to take a call, didn't mean to disappear like that
sharing is caring, they are all yours :)

Attached: 409(2).jpg (1540x2000, 925K)

Attached: 1497934599037.jpg (2000x3000, 1.74M)

Except Lil Ari.

Attached: 1545733115242.jpg (1283x2896, 530K)


Attached: Caprice lipbite.webm (640x360, 110K)

*tips fedora*

Attached: th106.jpg (640x800, 49K)

time catches up to us all friend skip to 2.55 for my first true love (should probably mention i was the same age at the time)

Attached: 8EEAE02E-333F-4CB8-A528-ADC8570A70B5.jpg (1200x1575, 279K)

is she part black really?

Attached: GDsexyformal.jpg (1080x1322, 168K)

Finally a hottie

she is a celeb

Attached: 1497935138151.jpg (3000x2000, 1.45M)

Natalie Portman still is one of the hottest women around.


Brown people are niggers too, user.

Attached: 1540969123270.jpg (3333x5000, 838K)

>Finally a hottie

Attached: 6bd90278ad09fba0103567d08a3c6c.jpg (125x93, 2K)

Attached: 1545971811186.jpg (1280x1920, 1.65M)

Attached: 6d153e.jpg (91x124, 2K)

good day to all friends in the thread

Attached: dua200.jpg (2592x3873, 735K)

No problem...you got me a bit worked up though, tbh

Attached: jessica_alba_for_harper_s_bazaar_magazine_mexico_march_2017_2.jpg (1200x1435, 103K)

Attached: 4576545.jpg (1470x2253, 164K)

Yeah you.

hey duabro

Attached: Anna Kendrick qtpi.webm (1044x1080, 826K)

holy kek yeah she's okay i guess

Attached: WRheathers2.jpg (1280x704, 86K)

Attached: Walking Tacos.jpg (1200x1200, 259K)

ok you win that's a big boi hat

hello duanon

Attached: gg7.jpg (1080x1350, 219K)

o fuk yes, frens time

Attached: 6dccbca39dbe7f179387.jpg (125x89, 2K)

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>sad he has no friends

I love those so much

Attached: hxuYns.jpg (1080x1080, 310K)

I like hats :3
hey cutie

Attached: 1557336271952.jpg (1280x1920, 1.85M)

Attached: 1516150614988.jpg (1280x824, 289K)

Attached: 1491686243786.jpg (2275x3000, 480K)

nice ass

Attached: 1552803022470.jpg (2146x3000, 783K)

I-I-I know m-m-m-m-m-m-many men c-c-c-can only d-d-d-d-d-d-dream t-to h-have a w-woman l-like th-this...

Attached: 1513213173151.jpg (1242x1543, 344K)

Any Brynny fans!

Attached: maxresdefault (7).jpg (1280x720, 87K)

yeah but she lost her spark awhile ago that fan mail you sent didnt help

Those nips are making me feel funny

hey cutest qt. how's the day treating you?

whatsup annanon, how are you doing?

u cutie. how's things?

Attached: dua201.jpg (1280x1895, 264K)

Attached: 7.jpg (93x125, 2K)

Brynn who?

Attached: prMnwgx.png (1280x720, 465K)

>see this
>do backflip
>break nack

Attached: 1497955403284.jpg (2000x3000, 584K)

Nice Stew

Attached: 8ne3lpwffs031.jpg (438x637, 39K)

Attached: Eva_Green.jpg (1994x1994, 251K)

doing alright, getting late and I'm bored tho
hows you?

Attached: 10.jpg (400x600, 170K)

me too :p

very good, always better with a cute duanon tho :3

Attached: gg266.jpg (1080x1350, 141K)

me too, never had one with just meat, ssauce, and chips, though.

Attached: 1559791058648.jpg (625x960, 61K)

Attached: 1556545305213.jpg (2000x3000, 964K)

same tbh

Attached: amodd025rq031.jpg (640x800, 143K)

Attached: 1476854446170.jpg (1998x3048, 1.01M)

that settles it, i'm setting BLACKED.com as my home page

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Attached: 1553034421755.jpg (3369x2117, 608K)


you gotta go to the gas station and fix one of those boys up real soon

Attached: iNDanzlPW.jpg (510x907, 43K)

I like hats ... how are you?
lilyfriend did too ;_;

Attached: 1551561978495.jpg (2618x3926, 1.14M)

Attached: roll.jpg (1000x1600, 216K)

Now what can we do about that

Attached: 1514239937949.jpg (1349x1800, 378K)

how about UFC fighters

Attached: 1560298589320.jpg (576x1024, 66K)

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4 get

Attached: 1516930007530.jpg (1280x1920, 158K)

haven't had one since i was in school, don't think they have the makings at any gas station near me.

Attached: 20064233_1_600_507.jpg (600x507, 38K)

Post some pvz please

Attached: 1548124221970.gif (500x526, 1.94M)

Attached: 1496937293297.jpg (3527x2356, 1.96M)

get a drink, that's what i did

you're the sweetest. makes my day coming into these threads

i also like hats and wish i owned that one. i'm not too bad thanks

Attached: dua202.jpg (1440x2057, 596K)

how hard it be to get a blowjob from her when she's wearing that thing?

Attached: 1545503002402.jpg (1439x2781, 1.32M)

offbyone damnit

Attached: 1550355923469.gif (500x271, 996K)

Meisha Tate

Attached: 1560298612674.jpg (576x1024, 63K)

wrong elsa, you had me excited there for a moment

Attached: 1550605017562.gif (500x281, 426K)

Attached: 1560301546421.jpg (563x1000, 75K)

Attached: roll9.jpg (1552x2143, 1.09M)

>almost rolled a seben
that's highly unfortunate

Attached: LGjaysus2.jpg (736x920, 145K)



Attached: taylor-swift-you-need-to-calm-down-bts-6.jpg (800x1075, 102K)

Would be a lipless one, throat only

Attached: B02C9A58-ECEF-4950-976D-9ED3FE9F0912.jpg (300x250, 25K)

Attached: 8a84c_tate-headshot.jpg (1600x2325, 1.04M)

rollerino on mah mini trampelino

Attached: 1521398585604.jpg (1280x1920, 593K)


just gotta put her teeth on it

Attached: 51thS-iJ8QL._SX355_.jpg (355x205, 10K)

This weekend I probably will

kek rollout

wew those thighs

Attached: 5.jpg (2046x3072, 583K)

any ideas?

Attached: AnD6WpA.jpg (1356x1835, 287K)

rolling for a sister

Attached: 1548196414138.png (1076x892, 1.27M)

that doesn't sound as fun, nevermind she can take it off

eh, just makes the next time that much better.

scammed out of hat pic by IMG limit

I have quite a few hats, rarely do I wear one outside of my job tho
but sometimes I do, and I fucking enjoy it!



please tell me when you do
I enjoy drinking with you :3

Image limit, not a good idea, heh
do you have disc?

tyene get!


You don't have to if you don't wanna, all good

gibs sandor

wanna post yours?

I can if you insist, but rather not tbh

does it start with TL?

...this is getting a bit creepy, kek

had a feeling i knew you ;)

as long as it isn't marvel, why not

Well in that case, shoot me a message, dunno who you are, sorry :p

it's been a while, drunkalbaanon
i have some work to do but i will as soon as i can

I am fine with this on every level
keep on keeping on

Ok now i know who you are
I'm really flattered you still remember me

Who is this