What is around our Universe and what it looks like...

What is around our Universe and what it looks like? What would happen with some kind of object if it suddenly appeared outside our Universe?

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Most likely there is already empty space. also other "universes" may be popping up 100 or 1000 or 1000000 billion light years away (our universe is 13.5 billions light years wide.

also also the fabric of space time might have a dimension the black holes are tears on the fabric itself that leads to other dimensions of our reality.

there is nothing beyond our universe

According to our current understanding there is no such thing as ''outside''.
Our universe is all there is,nothing exists outside of it.Of course this is confusing since our brains just can't comprehend such a concept.
Some theories exist trying to explain the ''outside''(e.g. parallel universes) but nothing can be proven right or wrong so everyone is free to accept their own truth.

We probably couldn't comprehend the "outside" of our universe if there even is such a thing. We can barely make sense of the shit inside our universe, let's not worry about the outside

what do you know about Edward D Cope?

Human males struggle to get laid from human females. If they struggle with that, do you honestly think they can solve "the outside", let alone the spooky stuff that happens in our own universe.

TL;DR - Until every P on earth is being put into a V, and every V is receiving some P, nothing outside of earth matters.

But I wanted to know what it looks like in between those Universes if they exist. That "space" in which the Universes are. What would "nothing" look or feel like?

Absolutely nothing.

More of this.
And all of it pulling away from itself and expanding.
Always, without end.

Attached: Cosmic-void-1.jpg (640x426, 116K)

But if "outside" 3D does not exist, could it be that our Universe could be infinitely small if we observe it from "outside"?

5th dimensional space.

It's where the souls of the damned are kept for eternity

Go lock yourself in a closet and wear noise canceling headphones

I’d imagine it would be like that minus the gravity and atmosphere

Everything is relative to the point of reference.

not even that, nothing is quite literally nothing. complete silence and darkness is not nothing.

Anybody have a clue?

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If there is a space between spaces there's no actual guarantee that we could perceive it at all. To give an example, normal matter is mostly empty space, still feels pretty solid though. We lack the perceptive capabilities to see its true form, it could be like that with "extrauniversal" space

the best way i have heard it describe tbh "imagine looking out the back of your head, that's what nothing is"

no impulse of any kind. no photons enter your retina, no matter to carry sound (not that our space is any different) you'd start to freeze as heat exchange would have to match no movement around you. on the long run you'd desintegrate. heat death is the ultimate fate of this place.

youd need to be traveling at the speed of light for starters, and thats impossible.

The Universe does not care about your feelings

Well let's imagine that it is possible.... Jeezus...

A guy in a white robe with a battery operated higgs field generator that he periodically maintains. Also a Metallica poster because he loves enter sandman.

You're mistaking Universe with Observable Universe.

The bubble is the Observable Universe, which means the regions which have interacted with us, meaning
regions from which light has had time to reach us.

Universe = Observable Universe + Rest

Our current observations point out to the fact that beyond our observation reach there's just more of the
same what we see inside the bubble, going out into infinity.

If some person would somehow appear beyond our observable universe, they would just see universe
from their perspective. Stars, galaxies, microwave background. Exactly the same shit, just from a different

Some person appearing right now at the edge of our observable universe would see in their microwave
background a blob that will eventually evolve into the milky way.

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Almost every night before I go to sleep, I'm imagining that little dot from which out Universe became, but I'm positioned "outside". I'm trying to imagine what it would look like. But then I come to a problem because I would have to be in a space with 3D's. And then I start to think about how would the start of our Universe look like if I observe it from a place with no 3D, and then i come to a tilt when I realize that in that case, our Universe wouldn't even have a size. And then I fall asleep because those thoughts exhaust my brain so much. But it gives me unbelievably trippy dreams, every night.

then you broke physics law as we know it. that finger overtook the big bang schockwave which is at the speed of light.


Im not trying to be an asshole. But all Im saying that with the understanding of physics as we know it today. It's impossible to get your head around it.

basically you'd need infinite energy and your mass would become infinte as well.

TL:DR I have no fucking idea.

You wouldn’t be able to see our universe from ‘outside’, nor would you be able to exist in it; the fabric of our universe is called ‘space-time’ for a reason. There wouldn’t be a where or when, nowhere or anytime. You couldn’t see because the photons can’t travel through nothing, there’s no place for them to be

the point is it is not possible

It’s been theorized of late that higher dimensions exist in our universe, but have contracted so they barely take up space despite being everywhere


Considering one is human interaction and the other is Math, I think the latter is more likely to be solved.

because our point of reference is inside this universe, and it is impossible to prove what's in the other side since we cant detect.

saying things out of our ass as best guess is all we got.

if we could instantaneously pop up outside this universe:

what would we see since photons dont travel into our eyes? black?

could a space suit endure? I'd imagine it is 0 pascals and 0 Kelvin degrees. It would violate every physics law we know....

most likely such place cant exists.

gay cummed on animal butts

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Question is impossible to answer the way you presented it, as some have already pointed out. It is because you are seeing the universe as a hollowed out sphere of "stuff" that is floating around in some void. I know this is what drawings of multiverses appear like but it is almost certainly not like that at all.

It is very hard to comprehend given our limited brains, but don't think of the universe as an expanding orb. Just think of it as a dimension that really doesn't have an edge. If there is no multiverse, then there literally is nothing outside of it. The available space of the universe is increasing due to dark energy acceleration. In this scenario you could travel in a straight line as fast as you wanted to but you'd never reach an edge, because there really isn't one.

This is the right answer.

The universe could potentially be infinite. What we call the "universe" is what we can observe.

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Our understanding of the universe is so limited that we might as well still be monkeys.

But I have hope for the future, transfer of information is happening like never before in history with the internet. Sooner rather than later will come along and expand our understanding of the universe.

The shroud

>What we call the "universe" is what we can observe.

appart form all the shit beyond the hubble horizon

I think I know..

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If I die I'll send my body to a black hole so it can transcend this universe.

I should have explained some of that better, looking back at it it seems more like some crackhead rambling than an actual thing.

What I’m saying is based on superstring theory and how that relates to spatial dimensions. Basically, the theory I support says that at the moment of the Big Bang, the first three spatial dimensions expanded massively, and dimensions 4-10 collapsed. The universe, however, is made up of very small ‘strings’ which resonate in all dimensions, and all matter-energy is a kind of resonation. Humans have only seen and can only imagine 3 dimensions, much like we cannot think of a brand new colour. Outside of the universe, however, there are no strings. The strings make up space, which directly impacts time, so outside of the universe is nowhere and never, which means that there isn’t a place for anything, nor would there be a time for it to exist in. It’s mind-bending, yeah, but it’s our best guess.

None of this is 100% confirmed and there are other theories, but this one seems the most promising and likely.

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I believe that there are a myriad of things outside of what we call our universe. Inter-dimensional dimensions, alternate realities, wormholes... Perhaps they all come together to make some form of a living creature.

Black holes are pathways to Xzangarth.

>sometimes it's hard to get laid therefore science is impossible


Hey, its hard to science with blue balls

Looks like neurological pathways, doesn't it?

If black holes are infinitely small region of space where laws of physics does not exists (singularity), how is it possible to have bigger and smaller black holes? How is it possible to have a bigger infinitely small and "smaller" infinitely small?

Then get them removed.
The universe is so much more interesting than that vile, animal urge.
We as humans can not evolve until we grow understand sex is a terrible thing.

when people talk about size, they're talking about event horizon. the singularity itself is an unknown. we have no idea what's inside the event horizon

it fucking sucks that I decided to study business administration at 17. instead I should've studied physics this shit is exciting. I have to confess that my understanding of quantum physics is nil. The last thing I heard something related to it was the mirror particles or mirror matter. Where particles may resonate with matter that could even break the law of light speed. But my understanding of all that is murky at best.

There is as much space inside of a basketball as there is outside of it. Things can get infinitely big as well as small.

>our universe is 13.5 billions light years wide
You fucking retard

A fucking void. Spooky.

It is 13.5 billion years old, and if the big bang is how everything started, everything started moving away from a single point at the speed of light.

Nonexistence is fucking terrifying to the existing.

The beyond the universe doesnt exist, its literally expanding into itself, not into something. Theres no parallel universes, universe simulations or other dumb pop science thing until proven otherwise.

how feel? , maibe tomorrow cant wake up

You're just making things worse
Stop posting

> our universe is 13.5 billions light years wide
stay stupid, you fucking retard

The laws of physics apply everywhere, including in a singularity. The common cliche that "physics break down at the singularity" is just a statement that our current theories don't explain the singularity. However, there is no evidence that there is any location in the universe that does not obey the laws of physics, so applying Occam's razor, we can safely assume that they matter even in the center of a black hole.

In my mind if you have an object large and dense enough you get gravity as manifestation of the 5th dimention. dense and compressed enough you get a black hole. Which to me is a tear on the time-space tear. Once matter comes thru black hole it may make it's way to another universe as black holes in our universe "evaporate" to a universe that can handle enough matter at a single point to not tear the fabric of its space and time it may collapse into another big bang at that universe for all we know.

Space is expanding faster than the speed of light (and no, that is not a violation of the laws of physics).

he reads snippets of shit online and he tries to play the role of "the smart guy" in his circle of dumb friends while he spouts factoids he doesn't understand. he probably watches and quotes ted talks as well.

It's not.
A black hole is literally nothing more than a star with gravity so strong it slows the emitted light to a stop and pulls it back to centre mass before it can escape
They arent magical mystical mysteries like science shows like to make out

dont feed the troll. let him be.

calling other people stupid without contributing it's embarrassing enough

The most accepted theory is that the universe is limited but unbounded (as in it doesn't have an edge)

If you were to go in a straight line infinitely you would be back where you started,as the 3 dimensional space we call universe is a closed "surface" bent in a fourth dimension.

Think of this as if you were a 2d being on a 3-dimensional sphere surface.

However, the math is never wrong.

Not as bad as contributing incorrect information as facts
Nothing brings out the potatos like a science thread on Yea Forums

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I haven’t formally studied shit, but a library/bookstore, stable internet connection, and mediocre work ethic can get you a lot. I recommend starting with some of Michio Kaku’s books (particularly Hyperspace for this kind of thing), then moving on to harder stuff. Online learning is also effective.

The Universe is all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos.

Anything in existence is part of the universe regardless the distance from us or wether we know of its existence outside of what is observable. It’s like the concept of knowledge, Anything that’s unknown becomes part of the known once the information is available but it still lands inside the notion.

So that pic used in the Op is some pseudo bullshit.

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And a good way I heard of to imagine it is an ant walking on the surface of a balloon. He can keep walking and walking but he will never reach a barrier because there is not one.

we dont know.

it's been theorized that on the long run it would "evaporate" it would lose mass due to gradual addition of antiparticles.

thanks mate, I'll check that out



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Observable universe is 13 billion years old, meaning the light started traveling 13 billion years ago when it began, it doesnt say anything about its size, just its age. The universe might very well be looping onto itself or infinity.

Except we do know, and the evaporation isn't theorized, it's been proven, but not because of "antiparticles", it's due to hawking radiation, and the eventual lack of new mass to be pulled in

> Nothing brings out the potatos like a science thread on Yea Forums
i'm an experimental astrophysicist and these threads make me want to rip my hair out usually. i've had people ask questions about my field of expertise, then when i answer their question, they tell me i'm wrong because it doesn't agree with how they (erroneously) interpreted something from a pop science physics book they got at barnes & noble while i present new research at conferences around the world several times a year.

But yet you’re here shit posting on Yea Forums? Sure user, sure.

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is this you? it looks as stupid as you sound

>Some person appearing right now at the edge of our observable universe would see in their microwave background a blob that will eventually evolve into the milky way.
that doesn't even make sense

no it isn't. fucking stupid

The laws do exist in a bh. The radius of the event horizon is determined by its mass. The infinitely
small is referring to the singularity at its center which can have different mass depending on how much stuff falls into it and how massive the star was before collapsing, the radius of a bh is determined by the mass of the singularity which is infinitely small in size regardless of its mass.

It is not infinitely small
It is a physical tangible object

we literally do know though, we just photographed a real black hole and it looks exactly like it has been theorized to look

It’s Gordon Ramsay you sped.

Care to name at least a few of those supposed “research conferences” you present information at?

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There is no "outside" the universe. The universe is all existing matter, space and time. Just because we don't yet understand what's at the edge or beyond doesn't mean it requires a different name, it's just a nameless part, still within the universe. We may eventually come to understand what's out there and when we do it will be another part of the universe.

according to general relativity the size of the singularity is zere

it wouldn't make any sense if it had a diameter, it wouldnt even be considered a black hole

>we might as well still be monkeys
We were never monkeys.

theres nothing outside of the universe

there isnt anything to look in any way

>might as well still be monkeys
The funny thing is that human brain is most likely the most complex thing in the universe.

General relativity asserts nothing of the sort, and it would.make sense if you understood that black "hole" is a name, not an actual hole, and doesn't even refer to the massive object, but the event horizon caused by the gravity well pulling light back in, thus making it appear to an observer as a hole because there is no visible light.
You are poorly informed and sharing your assumptions as fact. Please stop

I never said that its literally a hole or an object. The gravitational pull is infinity at its center, it literally bends the space time infinitely hence why the singularity.