Your own women's titties are nourishing the next generation of strong black men who will pound you into the ground whiteboi. How does this make you feel?
Your own women's titties are nourishing the next generation of strong black men who will pound you into the ground...
this ugly bitch needs to kill herself & that disgusting spic nigger
This doesn't make sense, who wants to drink breast milk?
baby looks like a spic not a nigger.
lol @ this virgin incel
Because he's half-black. Are you retarded?
holy shit, whitebois btfo
I’m just trynna see the whole tiddy son
How do i feel? Like white has always been the race to destroy niggers in almost everything.
Yes of course. Remember to keep paying your rent and showing up to work on time. Also don't ever criticise capitalism for any reason! Change is coming!
the poojet is still seething
not OP but good to see the BLACKEDpill spreading
Breastfeeding thread?
I'm sure that womans titty nourishment now will benefit Jamal years later when hes getting jacked in the prison yard before returning to his slave labor job at whatever prison he will inevitably be locked up in.
So what?
every white woman need a black baby round her titties
a white woman and a black man do not get a black child, it's ... lighter.. better.. ;)
Well JIDF Kyke or john bettendorf, considering he will most likely be shot and killed/in jail before he's my age, feels good man. Let the whores raise their mulatto niglets by themselves, only to have them thugging or dead before they could be of any actual worth to society.
Nice bait though.
Future walmart shoplifter detected
As usual blacks think they're important.
If you'd think with your brains rather than your testosterone levels you might see the statistics.... the Muslims are doing exactly to the gene pool and western culture what you're claiming to do, but far more effectively because you know... they do it smartly rather than "ooga booga I'm a caveman ho u doin whitey"
I've seen first hand how blacks are treated to this day within Arabic culture... Enjoy your future, you'll realize the whites were the best thing you ever had while they mercilessly put you in zoos and torture you for entertainment.
Lmao what? The global Muslim fertility is like 2.5 if you exclude the Black Muslim countries, which is only 1 point higher than the white fertility around 1.5
On the other hand Sub-Saharan Africa has a fertility of 6 or 7, some countries even as high as 8. By 2100 there will be 5 billion blacks. Face it the future is black whiteboi. Maybe it will be Muslim religiously, but it will be all Black racially.