So,Yea Forumsros...

So,Yea Forumsros, life time lurker here and I've been on Yea Forums( not just/b/) on and off for about 10 years now and this is my first time posting.
I'm a 24 year old piece of shit. Like I am a retardedly stereotypical user. I'm fat as fuck, (300lbs), I'm a manlet 5ft 8, I used to have long greasy hair and a neck beard. (Cut both off yesterday.)
I'm ready to change Yea Forumsoys. My only issue is working up sustained motivation. I dont wanna dive head in to changing my life and then fall off of it like everything else. Essentially I'm scared I will fail. But I dont want that to stop me. How have you guys changed your life?

Teal Deer: How do I stop myself from being a beta bitch and man up to change my life. How do i keep motivated?

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no one will ever like you.

you shouldnt exist

You walk for 30 minutes every day, at a relatively brisk pace.
You eat varied and only three times a day.
This is enough for a start - best of luck user.

As long as I like myself I'm okay with that.

Thank you, Yea Forumsro. I've recently started playing pokemon go and walking to work to help get me active. I appreciate the solid advice.

No worries, when you feel ready you add to the physical exercises.
In time you'll find you think clearer, and you'll know what to do.

Listen to his advice OP

It's hard to stay motivated user. I have an addictive personality so I traded one addiction for another and just stuck with it. You will run into stumbling blocks but the point is to make the effort and build on that sustained effort everyday until it starts to become habit. Do your research as to a good fitness plan (bet you could find one in 10 minutes on fit) for your body type and make easy goals that you can attain. 1LB a week then move up to 2 when your body acclimates to the new normal etc. The point is if you try now in a year or two the weight will be gone, you'll be out of the house everyday possibly meeting people and expanding your social circle. Underpants = profit user!

Do you think that clarity can come if I keep smoking marijuana? I just started about a month ago when I got my medical license. It's kinda when the want to change started to come on and do small things to become active.
One of my favorite things to do now is smoke a mini j to get a slight buzz and then go walk a 2 or 3 km on pokemon go lol.

Are you seriously asking. Start doing things, lay off the dope, and dont be an asshole to people in public. No one cares about your suffering, and if you're an asshole in public people will bring you down a peg. Go, do stuff Dont sit and rot, and again, dont be an asshole. You're a nobody, so stop walking around like you own the place when you go to walmart or do whatever benefits your life. Nobody owes you nothing.

I cold turkey weed and cigarettes and I feel like dying for days now but I dont want to die prematurely

Thanks, Yea Forumsuddy. Never really been on fit, glad to know that they help retards like me.

you will be purged for you shouldnt exist

Well statistically you'll cave. I made it 2 months. Was feeling great til boredom caved me.

Oddly helpful.

I'd not smoke it every day - perhaps a buzz once every week at max.
While it is the teachers herb, it will also dull your faculties if you overdo it.
You're to begin to clear your mind, not to cloud it.

Yeah, I made it 3 months without weed once. Pretty stupid to relapse

Well, goodbye mum, sorry.

Try "Meditations" from Marcus Aurelius. Live according to the stoic philosophy, no harm will come to you.

Attached: 220px-Marcus_Aurelius_Glyptothek_Munich.jpg (220x344, 20K)

Inb4 Yea Forums raids this shit

You are going to get a gamut of different opinions about pot. I actually abuse it when I do use to the point where I don't eat much and lose the gains I've made in the gym. Some people it works inversely where they never lose the weight they exercise for because of the eating tied to dope for certain individuals.

Take it slow. You'll get there one day. Right now you're paying for all the stupid shit you did.

Man - nobody cares.

Thanks dude. Chastisement for my sins mentality could work in some fucked up way.

Will certainly do, user.

Dont overthink, you dont get credit for thinking, you get credit for DOING.

I like that, thank you. Overthinking shit is a big problem for me.

Dont get involved with love until you are ready
bitch's just gonna break your heart

keep you're self image up and just be happy with who you are

i on the other hand cant and have occured this a while ago so
yeah its either that
Or im going K.K.K.Kurt ka Banging it

Just dont be an asshole. People start getting somewhere when they become real, that's when all hell breaks loose. If someone trys bringing you down, remember that guy used to be you.

I can tell you, that in the beginning you will fail, no doubt about it. What you shouldn't do then is to stop trying and hate yourself. Let yourself fail and if you do try again. It probably will take a long, long time to get it right, but you have to keep telling yourself you gonna make it and if you fail and stand up again, then you are on the right path. Also in the beginning you will only do babystep, so you also have to be patient. Remember, your mind sets the direction. You only have to follow one step at a time.

This bro gets it too. I'm in the process of my 10th fail. 24 years old, I'm close to breaking through.

To add something... Drink way more water, and cut way back on anything else (even juice). I trimmed the fastest amount of weight by cutting that out.

> Alternate Tip: If you, like me, really enjoy soda... Commit to only having it with a sit-down meal (and also limit how many you have during that meal).

I found that easier to stick to, although now I'm pretty much a water/coffee person.

> Pro Tip: Crystal Light (and others) make water additives that give the water a taste and only add 5 calories to the water (nothing else). It can break up the monotony of drinking just water. (Lemonade and Pink Lemonade are the only good flavors)

A little to nicely put though. You are a LOSEar no doubt. It's no one else fault but yours, your choices make you who you are. Nobody can make you do anything unless you really are that pathetic. Rehab yourself like a little baby, can plenty of sleep, lay off the dope, drink juice, watch some tv, never play on the internet for more than 2 hours a day. Sad I have to tell a 24 year old "man" this, but chances are your parents were pieces of shit and I dont hold that against you.

I like you, broseph. Keep at it, putting in effort to make a change is the start.

You should be scared of who you are right now user. Because if I were you I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror.

You dont shave your face every day? You think that advertises well to women who puppies dont smell like tuna fish? Get real...

Being scared of failure is exactly what paralysis so many Yea Forumstards

You are going to fail at some point it's reality nobody never fails

Failure is a part of life like breathing get used to it and learn from it I failed and retook the last year of highschool twice because I was paralyzed by the thought of failure I turned my life around and now I've a master's in electrical engineering graduated at 26 in a great job feeling good about life.

It's going to be hard user but life is hard embrace it don't let the fear of failure stop you from even trying

Good luck

How much cheddar you bringin' home?

You are a fucking product of YOUR fucking choices. The world is a business, you have to sell yourself, believe in yourself, and be able to be mentally alert to opportunities. You overthink, you miss your chance, you start thinking more, you're drained and you lay in your bed and wake up with the same shit. Duh! My God.. This generation needs to wake the fuck up, I'm tired of all these bumps in my age group. I need someone to party with who isnt a depressed ugo.


Keep up with your walking with Pokémon go. Don’t overdo the weed cuz it will make you lazy as fuck. Drink shit loads of water. Try to cut out dark pops or pop in general.

Weed is a weakness unless you're in a non legal state and your slangin' it. I say cut it out all together. Hes too weak to have a drug habit.

I’ve found looking at the success of others motivates me. I see someone doing well, then I think why can’t I have that and it makes me work harder.

Taking care of your personal hygiene and grooming are great ways to boost your confidence

You need to create a routine. The best thing for people without motivation (like myself and possibly you) is to create a strict routine.

Get a job if you don't have one. Doesn't matter if its fast food or call center, just do it.
When you have money coming in, get yourself a swim pass at a local indoor pool or something along those lines.
Swimming is the best all body exercise in the world, especially if you want to just lose weight and not get ripped. go as many days as possible during the week. minimum of 3, 7 is better.
Restrict your "play time" to less than 2 hours a night. Play time is tv or gaming. both of them are terrible for your eyesight and give you nothing beyond simple pleasure.
Engage your brain. Start reading books, take up a hobby, play an instrument.
eat properly. you need carbs, fats, sodium, vitamins, minerals and sugar. The trick is to not go overboard with anything. pick the healthier choice. Baked chicken with steamed veggies is better for you than a medium rare steak with mashed potatoes. whole grain bread has fiber and actual taste rather than the spongy white bread most people eat. quinoa is better for you than rice, etc.
lay off any drugs you are on unless you have a perscription. its gonna suck, but your head will clear after a few days.
finally, remember that money is not happiness. all it does is facilitate your pursuit of happiness. happiness is the connections you make with others and the memories you make with them. no life is better without at least someone to talk to.

I disagree with the strict routine. Sometimes you need rest, sometimes you need to expend energy. Being time efficient and honest with your level of output, and become healthier over time to further your drive.

If he trys a strict routine now it'll break him anyways, that's for like a level 6 man.

Do not fear failure. Welcome it.
You're harshest critic has the most to teach you.
Life = simple. Simple =/= Easy.

Being alone is fine man girls bring nothing but pain

You will fail, you will get discouraged, you'll have times where you feel like it's all pointless and that's ok. Lifestyle change is hard, sustained weight loss is incredibly hard.

The typical pattern is that you put in a strong effort for weeks to months and then relapse and feel guilty about your failure and return to your old habits. Don't be hard on yourself when you relapse and just get right back into it. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Ultimately, it is about building sustainable habits for the rest of your life, not about making a heroic effort, getting to where you want to be, and then thinking you can take your foot off the gas. Changing habits is hard, but it gets easier and easier the longer you do it and the more ingrained your new habits become. So start slow and reasonable and gradually ramp up with time and try to limit any back steps but again, don't kick yourself if you do. Remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing and that you're doing it for yourself. You can do this.