Thinking about messaging this girl I fingered from high school, just cause I'm so bored...

Thinking about messaging this girl I fingered from high school, just cause I'm so bored. Last time I spoke to her was 2 years ago, and I just followed her on instagram.
What should I open up with?

Attached: chingchong.jpg (1024x831, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

'Yup, still badder than a super-villain'

Send this

Oh, and also the reason I fingered her and never spoke to her:
>Talk to her in class
>She actually gives me her number on a little note
>I message her a bit
>She's really fucking weird/annoying
>Just block her and stop talking to her
>Move seats in class
>Don't talk to her in person again
>Get horny one day
>Unblock her
>Make up some stupid excuse similar to "Oh, I thought you blocked me"
>Get nudes out of her literally within the hour, AFTER ignoring her for weeks
>Bring her to my home
>Parents are out (mind you this was 11th grade, 2 years ago)
>Fingering her and stuff
>Can't get hard, probably cause too much porn
>Pretend I got a text from parents that they're coming home
>Send her home
>Never talk again
Yup, it was pretty based. Still a virgin though but only 18.

Should I just assume that she'll know who I am? Would it be beta to say something like "Hey, remember me from class?"

No i said send her this

How the fuck would that get me laid? I'm bored, so I wanna try and fuck her or something.

Dude just trust me

can confirm, wil do the job OP do it or else you're an fag

this worked for me

>pretty based
everything you wrote was fucking stupid

Show us more pics of her user.

Omg she's so pretty, you're a fucking faggot
Upload the nudes

You didn’t finger shit faggot

But say CHING CHONG anyway

That isn't her in the OP. She's a white whore with blue eyes.
Have you guys seriously never seen that picture?

You should start with a new personality where its not instantly visible that you're an insecure try hard posing as a grown up.

If that was her in OP I definitely coulda got hard, but that isn't her unfortunately.

>i fingered a girl in high school once
>we haven't spoken in 2 years
>should i dm her on instagram and hope she'll fuck me?
Lmao you aren't gonna get anywhere

How am I an insecure tryhard? Where did I give off insecurity? I even said that I couldn't get hard like a faggot, and didn't care. I literally laughed after I sent her on her way.

So you ghosted the chick that hard and expect her to be dtf after some quick line on insta? You gotta be a rather good lookin guy for that one bud. Go for it tho, who knows.

where did i say in my post that ops girl was the one he fingered? i was calling him a fucking autist for thinking this act somehow makes him cool you're just as stupid as he is dipshit

I ghosted her for weeks, and got nudes out of her the very hour I messaged her again. I expect that she could jump on my cock instantly since I've ghosted her for 2 years now.

>I blocked this girl then unblocked her and got her to send me nudes then i fingered her and sent her home lmao im so fuckin based plus i laughed at her when i made her leave did i mention i was based?

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>i was calling him a fucking autist for thinking this act somehow makes him cool
OP here, I don't think I'm cool for this, I was just saying it's based.

Still not insecure, and I didn't deny that I could be a tryhard. Maybe it is too much to call myself based, but don't act all sour cause you can't get nudes from dumb bitches you know.

>op is bragging about fingering some fat ugly girl who was desperate for some action
>hasn't accomplished anything with a woman since
>decides to hit up the one girl that let him near her vagina and act like he's cool on Yea Forums of all places
Imagine being this pathetic

you also needed an excuse last time, what will this one be?

None of this ever happened, cringelord




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You're worrying over what message to send a girl you haven't spoken to in two years. There are literally no repercussions if you fuck this up. You are a scared child and will probably remain a virgin forever.

>im not cool im based
Summer really is here

>Still not insecure
>guise like what do i message this girl i talked to years ago i wanna get laid and icant do it without 4chans help!

This is the actual chick guys, I think she'll still be down.

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It's pretty fucking obvious you do think you're cool. You literally made this thread just to brag and it's so sad I bet you thought you were gonna get internet high fives lmao.

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It literally did.
This is seriously a redpill though to how women respond to being ignored. If you ignore a girl, she will definitely want you more.
>fat ugly girl
She actually has a great body, albeit an average face. The thing that really turned me off is she seems stupid.

>trying this hard to defend yourself
>g..guys I'm confident I s..swear

then show what she looks like you fuck.

>18 year old virgin, trying to give advice on women

Fucking yeesh goddamn

That's not insecurity, it's just debating on whether or not it's even worth it. People are saying there's no repurcussions, but there really are since she could say yes, then be a bitch irl.

Hey OP come back when you've matured a bit yeah?

Send her a picture of aziz anzari doing the claw

>women love being ignored
>that's why the only sexual encounter ive had with a woman was in high school and all i did was finger her

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This entire thread is a larp. No teenager doesn't get hard when his fingers are inside a chick. I walked around with a semi the entire time from 6-12th grade.

Unless he's a faggot.

Wanna smell my finger? I haven't washed it since it was in you 2years ago and still sniff it each night before I go to sleep

>every post in the beginning of the thread op is asking for help and responding with "uh how will that get me laid?"
>now he's backpedaling as if he wasn't
Damn you're a fucking idiot



OP here, I am laughing at all you tryhard incels who are getting mad cause I fingered one of your oneitises after ignoring her for weeks.
>N-no Chad, please don't fuck her after ignoring her for 2 years. I have been working hard to get her to be my gf

Attached: I Love My Job.jpg (1024x731, 103K)

Keep laughing, incel, I also had a gf who I got a bj from. Still a virgin though ngl.

lmao this thread is seriously retarded

>y-y-y-youre an incel
>also i got my dick sucked once so fuck you!

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WOW a whole BJ look at this CHAMP right here

The reason you're very obviously a two-trick bitch is because you're crafting a story about yourself in an effort to get back slaps from strangers on the Internet, using a random photo is a prop. I can hear your voice cracking from here. You also know this about yourself intimately.

>Asking for help on how to get laid

>op starts a thread hoping to get some help from his Yea Forums buddies
>instead just gets shit on for being an autistic underage fag
>now he's trying to act like he isn't some virgin beta loser with

Whatever, fags, I'm out. Gonna go fuck one of my many girlfriends. I havent had sex YET but I will eventually. I'm only 18 so it isnt sad yet, so stop saying it is.
Also, she had big boobs that I squeezed so stay salty.

OP here, my dad used to fuck my ass every night now i'm gay

Can't tell which replies are from OP because they're all equally pathetic, jfc just get a hooker or something and keep this shit off my board REEE

>she had big boobs that i squeezed stay salty

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Being a virgin at 18 is pretty sad.

did her boobs feel like bags of sand OP?

Real OP here. Sorry for all the fake OPs.
Help me please. I want to get close to a girl and can't do it on my own

It's hard to be sad for somebody like that lol

So, you are in multiple friendzones?

OP here, I drew the girl cause I don't wanna post her here where you guys will ddos her or hack her phone. She kinda looksed like this but with big boobiues.

Attached: teehee.png (1425x773, 20K)

It's always a good day when I go on Yea Forums and some retarded OP is getting BTFO

Op here. I want some cock

I didnt get btfo INCEL. Go back to r*eddit, us 4channelers are all chads. Even tho I havent had sex, Im stilla n honorary chad/

ACTUAL OP here guys, 90% of this thread is fake me's. So here is an ACTUAL picture of her, and yes, I touched the fuck out of her pussy that she totally has.

Attached: her.jpg (960x960, 103K)

Don't post my waifu.

Back off, only my booger spear goes in there