>"Hello user. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice."
>"Why don't you come upstairs to my office and we can discuss the contract?"
>wat do?
"Hello user. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice."
Ask her why she taped an elephant trunk to her waist
>"Thats not an elephant trunk silly, its my penis.
>"Now, shall we head upstairs?"
what type of contract? I don't recall any contract...
Yeah, I’ll come up and look at the contract. My throat is soar, perhaps you could find a way to loosen it for me.
I get it.
Oh please don’t fire me!
I want to succ
If you put down the gun, I’ll let you unload all you want into me
Yes sir thank you sir
kys faggot
get fucked
yeah no I get it
anymore or are we done?
Were done I guess.
Time to sink into the yellow sea
The fuck is wrong with you children? Stop jerking off so much that you ruin your sanity.
Go back to faceberg normie
Of course. Hang on I'll just get my secretary in here...
No bueno.
Go upstairs and discuss that contract.
>As we go up the stairs to her office she notices my bulge and cuddles
>"Nice bulge there user"
>I was getting a blush and i responded "H-Hey"
>She winks and makes a smug face
>When we get to the office room she says
>"Boys first