Name something dumber then a republican

name something dumber then a republican

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2 republicans

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Two republicans!

Got a point there.

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to be fair,obama supporters wernt anymore intelligent then trump supporters

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>please take away my healthcare

funny,it was obama who did that.not trump

>polluted drinking water

sadly,it only gets media attention when its a poor black community in a state who's governer is a republican,otherwise.nobody cares

Ba boom!

What do you call 100 republicans at the bottom of the sea?

A good start!


Wage-slaves would be stupid to believe in either of them, but MAGAttes are in a class of stupid all their own.

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funny that when Obama was in office I actually had healthcare.

you calling them MAGAttes makes you sound as stupid as they are about stopping the childish nicknames and call them trump supporters instead


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Bella Thorne.

funny,because apparently you were to busy chanting about how black your president was to realize how many people's existing healthcare plans were terminated because they didnt want your nigger's handout

also,making things free doesnt make them better.if you want socialist healthcare,feel free to move to canada like you threatened to do with bush and trump

The scary thing is that when he was at that rally in Orlando, he could have told everyone there to attack someone and they blindly would. Like some stupid ass hive mind inbred army. The not so scary thing is that anyone with half a brain could outsmart and subdue them.

people who believe republicans and democrats actually want anything different other than power and money and people who don't believe that both parties are fictionally created to divide the american public to make control easier.
go fuck yourselves.

a democrat

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>if you want socialist healthcare,feel free to move to canada
>I like getting cancer if that what Jeebus and Walmart says should happen

People who use "then" when they should be using "than"

Two republicans!


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man i guess republicans really want to fight to control everyone, only then giving them freedom to whatever that person wants to do!


2 republican!

The treasonous cunts that pretend Trump is somehow a good president.

Lulz are not a reason you shit stains.

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healthcare is a basic human right it shouldn't be something you have to work for.

we could be living in a utopia right now, never having to work for any basic necessity but people like you have had it fucked into their skull that the only way to live a fulfilling life is to slave away your most formidable years to "earn" it.

Time out, everyone! The trumpster needs some unearned respect!

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How did healthcare work before ACA?

my point had nothing to do with walmart or jesus you retard,canada has free quit your bitching and go there,since i already know you were threatening to move there if trump won the crying left wing piece of shit you are

i mean,he may not be a good president.but hillary wouldnt of been any better

congrats, you're dumber than a republican.

i dont get it,are you calling me a trumpster? because i dont like donald trump.i like real republicans,not idiots who have spent their life in a liberal city and have brought their left wing bullshit to washington dc

it worked fine,im sorry your to poor to get a job and decent health insurance.making things free isnt improving anything,libtard

a democrat

Obama instituted what was essentially Richard Nixon's old healthcare plan, which he was unable to put through Congress because it was too "conservative". The Barking Pumpkin tried to take that away without replacing it with anything on the grounds that it was too socialistic.
Stupid people believe in the sound of words without bothering to look into their meanings.

any people believing in politicians?

A liberal

>Ain't no way Walmart and Jeeebus tell me whut ta do!
>As long as I don't pay no taxes, I don't mind if everyone else dies ah corporate-sponsored cancer!

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>Trump spammer

>real republicans

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lol,people who wanted obamacare only cared about getting more free shit that the tax payers were gonna provide them.democrats cater to the poor,thats why people on welfare have voted for them for generations

but keep up the childish nicknames for trump though,how are you any better then trump supporters with "crooked hillary" "sleepy joe"or whatever nicknames they make up?

oh right,the party of welfare queens is talking about taxes again

people who actually pay taxes didnt want your handout welfare queen

There are no real republicans left. This is obvious by the giant orange man child still being in office. They've proven themselves to be bigger pussies than the MAGA idiots claim the left are.

Wage slaves.
Communists. Every fucking time.
The only good commie is a dead commie.

unironic /pol/posters

you mean democrats,since there the party of faggots.republicans are the party of decent human beings

exactly - isn't believing that voting for someone can somehow protect your 'freedom' an act of cuckery

>giant orange man child still being in office

well libtard,how about you impeach him then huh.anyday now,since you have bitched and moaned since the day he was sworn in about impeachment.i guess your to incompetant to even do that.maybe you should stick to your poverty ridden cities and let successful people run the goverment

>it worked fine,im sorry your to poor to get a job and decent health insurance.making things free isnt improving anything,libtard
Ok so you don't know how it works. And I think you still don't or you would know it works better literally everywhere that socialized it

a democrat

we make america great again :_D

>dumber then a republican
>dumber then
maybe you?

>We're too damn proud to believe in effective and low-cost healthcare systems!
>Every other first-world countries are a bunch of COMMIE PINKOS!!

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Healthcare is not a right. It is a service.

Demanding a service for free is making a slave of the service provider. What if no one became a doctor, because socialized medicine doesn't pay for their effort? Would the state then require people to become doctors? SO by force?

What are the three industries most affected by inflation?

Healthcare, Education, Housing

Odd that they are also the three most government intervened and regulated. How can voluntary surgery costs (Plastic surgery, Lasik, etc) costs be decreasing rapidly and other care not? Market competition.

Aww, nasty unamericans say mean things!

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You think you're addressing Jeff Bezos?

>so you dont know how it works

do you even care how it worked? all you obamacare supporters cared about is getting your free shit

I'm pretty sure you don't understand the word "free".

Massive taxation and the cost of waiting. Wait times for a cancer patient can be up to two months, meaning lots of pain and potential death. Wait time to get a family doctor can be up to a year. Surgery wait times up to a year or more. Of course you can always pay out of pocket (free market) for a doctor outside the system and get immediate care.


im more american then your draft dodging,gun control supporting,idiot in chief is

a public citizen can't impeach a president you fucking goon. the dems are pushing for actually doing something way more than the republicans that would rather lick Trump's asshole than do anything against them. they're either blackmailed into playing ball or they are gigantic pussies that would rather see their party die than show some backbone. either way, they're shells of what they once were.

>What if no one became a doctor, because socialized medicine doesn't pay for their effort? Would the state then require people to become doctors? SO by force?
this has happened nowhere, there are multiple different kinds of socialized healthcare systems and none have this problem.
The only change is that doctors ration care according to need instead of wealth

is this suppose to be some criticism against republican business owners? you do realize what states the jobs move out of and what states they move in to

Like water, it is both a right and a service. Things can be both.

actually i do

i understand obamacare wasnt was TAX PAYER funded basically,the tax payers had to waste money to keep your welfare abusing parasites alive

A "democrat" that doesnt know Obama's congressional budgets were financed by the exact same people that finance trump.


a "democrat"who doesnt realize that trump and his whole family have been democrats most of their lives or have been democrats their entire lives.its funny how the people who should hate trump support him and the people who shouldnt hate trump are the ones who hate him

A... A Democrat?

Not to the simpleminded. The simpleminded need clear distinctions between black and white. Otherwise they become nervous and angry.

Water isn't a right. If I pump water to the surface with my well, you have zero right to it.

I don't like Obamacare it was shit. I want Medicare for all, I want free or so affordable people won't make their family broke by choosing to live

Acting like Americas not a bureaucratic nightmare.

I doubt that even the reactionaries in SCOTUS could agree with you.

Massive taxation and the cost of waiting. Wait times for a cancer patient can be up to two months, meaning lots of pain and potential death. Wait time to get a family doctor can be up to a year. Surgery wait times up to a year or more. Of course you can always pay out of pocket (free market) for a doctor outside the system and get immediate care.

So yes, Canada and UK are a failure. Other countries with single payor or "free" healthcare are quickly following suit.

>Sick people are nothing but welfare abusing parasites!
>Unless o'course AHHH get sick, then I should be helped
>But I ain't payin' for ANYONE ELSE because letten folks die is UH-MERICAN!
>'Specially them cullerds...

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A "democrat" that believes the functional agendas of either party are different. Rhetoric is irrelevant when the outcome is always the same.
I--big govt-----------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, socialists, communists(socialists), nazis, marxists are all on the same end of the scale.

Then why do I pay for water? I dont have a job, cant pay my bill. Why did my water get turned off if the supreme court ruled it's a right?

Water isn't a right. If I have water on my property, you do not have a right to it.

You do not have a right to another persons labor. Period.. Ever.

Claiming a right to someones labor is declaring them a slave.

a democrat

>i want medicare for all

you do realize thats going to be as shit as obamacare was,you socialist morons sure as a funny bunch

>sick people

>so instead of giving them better quality healthcare,lets just make it free!

More than half the US budget goes to killing people for their oil. That's your tax dollars. That's not Jeff Bezos's tax dollars because (socialist drumroll) he doesn't pay any!

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also,i never said anything about race,and calling them "coloreds" tells me your a racist piece of shit


I don't agree with that either. You are conflating the issues.

I think the tax rate should be exactly "0".

An Israeli

>killing people for their oil

oh man,its like bush is president many years later and you libtards still havent quite figured out the reason we went to war

Health care bills are too high. As an area develops more doctors and hospitals, the price should come down by a lot as the demand is met

You're beyond help, son. I can only hope that you're still twelve years old and you're lucky enough to get a few good teachers to turn you around.

>Wait times for a cancer patient can be up to two months, meaning lots of pain and potential death. Wait time to get a family doctor can be up to a year. Surgery wait times up to a year or more
You are literally putting the highest wait possible it's up to not average, and again ration according to need not wealth, if you are poor and have a very painful cancer you are more likely to wait a long time than a rich with non painful cancer. In socialized healthcare it's according to need so your non painful non spreading cancer can wait

"we" didn't go to war. You seal clapped at the news and ate chetos for five years you didn't do shit, and you would last exactly three days in Iraq or Afghanistan

I'm for privatization of nearly everything. I'd pay taxes for law enforcement, military, maybe a different version of the justice system. That's about it though I think. As part of the "rule of law" area, I think those are the spots that need the most forced transparency.

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in what way?

Unfortunately, it may not happen since years of Republican government has cut the quality and funding of education so low that high school graduates become Trump supporters.


America already has quality healthcatre if you're rich, it's just you don't have access to it if you aren't

You said it was my right.. if the government isn't going to take money out of someone elses pocket(taxation) to pay for me to have water, how else do you expect me to realize this "right?"


>Ahhm not gunna give a DIME to the got-daym gooberment
>Ahhhl pave muh own roads and distill mah own drinkin' watter, dammit, just to SHOW 'EM

Exactly - unless you're a multimillionaire, you're fucked.

Beyond help? A few good indoctrinating liberal teachers that don't understand economics in the least, that push their marxist bullshit agenda?

No, I am very well educated and actually understand economics quite well. Read some Hayek, Milton Friedman, Sowell, Bastiat, etc, then you, son, may get a clue.

A dirty fascist

I agree with privatization, absolutely. If we are going to be a sovereign nation, then we need to protect sovereignty, and I agree with upholding property rights. I think there is a way without federal taxation, but I can see that a 5% flat tax may be the stepping stone.

I pay my taxes. I would never defend the efficiency of the federal or state governments like you do.
I don't distill my water, I pump it from 120 feet down in the ground. My well is about 40 feet from my house. I live on a private road.


End fractional reserve banking. Tax problems solved.


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You realize that there hasn't been drafting in America for a while now right, and what gun control acts have been passes since he's been in office

End the Fed reserve. Get rid of Fiat currency.

Preach it.

to be fair you have to have very high iq to unerstand neoliberalism

You did not answer his question

>Ahh don't need nuthin', just stayin' on my farm. To HELL with them damn SOCIALISTS and their HIGHWAYS and WATER TREATMENT PLANTS and public SCHOOLS!
>Betcha they even FEED the poor kids at those SOCIALIST schools when they SHOULD let all them poor kids STARVE, which is UH-MERICAN!

a libertarian

trips confirms it


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Fuck you. Keep sucking the governments tit.

A libtard

flat taxes are stupid because even though you pay the same percentage the value isn't the same.
Easy exemple flat tax is 10%
Guy A makes 100 bucks he has 90 after taxes
Guy B makes 10000 bucks he has 9990 after taxes
For Guy A that's a big difference, it's a meal might not be able to buy, his life just got harder
For Guy B it's nothing, he might as well have not been taxed he won't see the difference

A democrat

statist shill.

You need to recheck your math

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You and the other buzzfeed subscribers

Highways and water treatment plants are way better in the US than in socialist Venezuela. Highways around here are built by private companies, with public money.
Anyone arguing for a larger government is lost in my opinion. One look at our national debts, state debts, city debts, municipal debts tells me that they're doing something wrong. If a business operated at such deficits, it would shut down instantly. That's because its not a competitive and efficient means of accomplishing most goals. When governments are unrestrained by spending limits, inefficiency and corruption are guaranteed.

he dodged the draft 5 times for vietnam and i think was on record during his former candidacy in an interview as pro gun control



Guy A has $90
Guy B has $9000


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Officer please!!! I promise they're not mine. I swear to Janet yellen.


i dont pay attention to buzzfeed.not that it matters,the only news you consider real is trump's twitter account like the rest of the uninformed trumptards

you must be really dumb to think its about oil, no one really gave a shit about oil, it was just a bonus


But the government is indoctrinating by their schools, and that is how you get these threads. Total lack of understanding of market economics, and zero self reliance.


>no one really gave a shit about oil

says the zoomer,who was a sperm in his daddies nutsack when bush was president

the whole reason people protested the iraq war was because of oil

And yet you totally ignore the comments about the school lunch programs.
Your silence speaks volumes.

Found the wage slave. :^)


communists arent wage slaves,communists are people who were forced to work for free,you fucking left wing idiots dont even understand what your buzzwords mean anymore

Who writes the majority of textbooks these days? If you've been in public schools in the past 40 years, you've seen a McDougal-little or Viking published textbook. Who do these companies take direction from? The CFR, that's correct.

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An European

>Highways and water treatment plants are way better in the US than in socialist Venezuela. Highways around here are built by private companies, with public money.
Highways and water in germany and France are even better
>One look at our national debts, state debts, city debts, municipal debts tells me that they're doing something wrong. If a business operated at such deficits, it would shut down instantly
Because a country is not a buisness dipshit, if we really wanted to get rid of our debts and deficits we could just print more money and tell other countries to fuck off (it would be insanely stupid but we could do it).

Basically, you had to audition for the chance to buy insurance and if you failed that audition you had to ask someone else. The worst things were that you could fail the audition by breaking your arm or discovering cancer cells after years of being on the same insurance - like an after-the-fact failure. Second, failing at one place basically docked your secret 'insurability' score so other places wouldn't take you either. Or they would charge twice as much.

I didn’t even vote cause fuckem both. Don’t lie to me you read buzzfeed, people, Vogue and following twink pussy you can on Twitter. I know you do because you started this thread. No reason just “trump bad haha I’m funny”. What else did snl tell you is true? Did Steven Colbert forget to tell you what to eat? Did your wife’s boyfriend hit you again? If you want to beat the republicans how about you think of something more than just “trump bad and stupid”. Still ducking idiots to this day. Give him more free attention dumbass. Any normal person would have learned to stfu by now but nope 3 years later you all still say the same shit. Btw how does trumps dick taste? You seem to really like it since you want to talk about him so much.

>because you started this thread

and? i guess you cant tell the difference between a serious thread and trolling,you fucking retard.but hey,keep thinking your political opinion matters when you didnt even vote

Btw, I grow/raise the vast majority of what I put into my body. I've been supporting myself for the past 25 years. Havnt received one cent of charity or subsidy since then, and always paid my taxes. Nice try though.

it's so hilarious all of you little internet faggots whining about this man for almost 3 years and you're not going to tire of it. You're going to need to keep it up until 2024

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besides,its people like you that are the reason why i make these threads.stay mad cuck

Only a monster would suggest starving children. That's socialist talk there. Soviets starved tons of folks, Chinese too.

its so hilarious how easily butthurt you trumptards get.this is why we call you snowflakes

no the people were protesting because they didnt want the us to do any kind of foreign interventions, be it just for oil or to open up dictatorial shitholes

soviets wernt socialists either,they were communists.learn the difference you buzzword using retard american

such a fun way to say you are entirely uneducated apart from the books i'm sure you've read that you self selected without prior context or knowledge, almost ensuring total bias.


nah,the people were protesting because they thought we were going to iraq for the oil,we wernt.we went there to get rid of sadaam.maybe if you zoomers were alive then your opinions would matter

Currency=debt. Elimination of all debt would eliminate all currency.
Now if you're talking about minting MONEY, I'm on board.

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Which communists regimes in history have ceded control to the masses once utopia has been achieved? I'll wait.

well, they were dumb then, should probably have educated themselves on the foreign policy and whats going to happen if the us becomes isolationist

that wasnt even my point retard


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leftism bad

>hurr hurr I’m trolling now because he’s right
If you were trolling you wouldn’t have admitted it or get angry over the people in this thread saying the like trump. Back into your corner and drink your soy milk. Don’t you have a Twitter feed you have to cry on? Wait is your daily cuck news channel on commercial break and that’s why you came here to cry? Did the red hat man scare you again? Did you need to kill time before your wife is ready to get banged by her boyfriend again and you can watch?

I--big govt------------------------------small govt--I
If the party you're defending is on the same side of the scale as socialism, communism, fascism, Marxism, you're probably in the wrong.

Except that my reading list is incredibly diverse.

I have read all the Marx, Engels, Mendel, Lange, Keynes, Krugman. (and more)

I have read Friedman, Sowell, Hayek, Hazlitt, Bastiat, von Mises, Block. (and more)

I have broken the chains of public school indoctrination.

>hurr hurr,i take everything i read on the internet seriously

the soviets were communists,not socialists

Does it matter? The us Is gonna fucking explode into a conflict eventually. Seems like you're trying to cause more issues so this whole conflict of political opinions can start. I personally cant wait for a civil war to happen again in the us, it'll be funny to see the incels, thots, Democrats, Republicans, and liberals fight to the death in the name of ideology.

also,there will never be real socialism or real communism in have fun believing the buzzwords your retarded party is giving you

Um, hmmmmmmmm... yea, I got nothing.

You know you’re getting pretty triggered for someone who is trolling.

But you will never slip the bonds of your faggotry.

A libtard

The functional difference between communism and socialism is........... what, exactly?
Rich ruling elite, large peasant class. My experience starving to death in Mao's China is different from starving to death in stalin's Soviet union exactly how?

"Real communism and real socialism" isn't my concern. I would never say that is is or was.

which communist regime hasn't been actively sabotaged by foreign super power right after a war or major turmoil?
Not even a tankie but let's not fuck around and say that a genuine communist regime had acceptable starting conditions

you do realize both of those people were communists right?

go figure you probably got your education from the same country that still teaches people that columbus was the first person to discover america

real communism was nether achieved. Communism is the end point of socialism, a transition to classless moneyless society. Soviet russia was socialist, pretty much like any other country of its period influenced by marxist ideology. You leftists dont even know your own stuff.

People who vote for them and aren't multimillionaires.

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Different from starving in Venezuela how?

Holocaust believers.

It's impossible... they're ruining our country with their low IQs.


A democrat

EXACTLY. exactly my point. A governing body indebted to private banks is destined to fail. Fractional reserve banking is the culprit here, like I've been saying all along.

soviet russia was not socialist,it was communist.just like mao's china was

its not even worth arguing with you because i bet your another stupid american, not a leftist,im just a guy educated enough to tell the difference between socialism and communism

well, whats the difference then?

When stalin's brand of communism is different than Mao's brand of communism, it's kinda hard to nail down a precise definition of communism, dont you think?

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Communism is a classes society by definition. There weren't classes in stalin's union or Mao's China? Give me a break.

666 trips of satan's lie

>cant respond with an educated comment so he just sends me a wikipedia link

how come you call cnn,a liberal biased news network.fake news,but you dont call a liberal owned website fake news?

Nice Ad Hominem. If this is all you have, then you clearly are a loser.

This thread tells a lot about how Yea Forums is shifting

how is it shifting? Yea Forums is has always been contrarian and antiauthoritarian. People here supported drumph just because he was a meme candidate, then literal neo nazi stormfaggots and boomers from t_d invaded pol. Go fuck yourself, newfriend.

People who think all Republicans have the same intelligence. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Is the information inaccurate?
You say Trump's been a Democrat most of his life, I posted the page that's tracked how long he's been registered with each party.
A 72 year old man was only registered as a Democrat for 8 years, 2001-2009.

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>posted a page

>some libtard website that is always begging for money

k then cuck,how about a website that isnt biased?

that's true, somehow they're all dumber than each other, logically it souldn't be possible but somehow it's true

Go to sleep Sergey

besides,he's brought his liberal crap to the white house.thats why he passed more gun control in his first term then obama did in 2 terms,but of trumptards think a bunch of non american immigrants are more important then freedom

a democrat

a liberal

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how come these people never came up with anything? we're years in and not only do they not have their own memes, they still think they can just repeat our memes and kind of wave their arms around?

i'm sure there's quality anti-trump humor but damn if it's not coming out of some 8 dollar an hour shill who seriously says stuff like

>This thread tells a lot about how Yea Forums is shifting

is that what they told you that your goal was? do you really think you're some kind of sociological secret weapon and not just the human version of a pop-up?

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By all means, prove Trump (a 72 year old man) has been a registered Democrat longer than 8 years total.

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A (former) Hillary supporter


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This is b8

A Democrat

a liberal
a communist
a socialist
and anyone who likes the color yellow

Just yet another example of the left taking the rights terminology/memes.
Gonna call him an NPC next?


funny,you understand that republicans.the ones who can actually vote and change things.dont care what you retard schoolkids and your bullshit "political activism"or whatever you call glad i grew up in the generation that cared about politics when they were old enough to vote.instead of you retard zoomers who die in school shootings every other week and get put in pedistals to shit on my freedom

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>aww,the snowflake made a comic about cnn,because mean media people say bad things about trump.even though ive never cared about trump and his supporters attacking the media every chance they get

Has the federal government's authority grown and been centralized or diminished and decentralized while Republicans were in office?
Patriot Act seemed pretty egregious to me.

Obama tried to get the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 reinstalled.
Luckily nobody took him seriously when he was fake crying over the Sandy Hook kids.

Trump got bump stocks banned.
Although I wouldn't agree with them being banned, I don't they it hindered our 2nd Amendment in the slightest.
Have you ever used a bump stock?
They're being garbage, not a single person trained with firearms would prefer to have one attached when his life was on the line.

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no,because im not some 16 year old with a chinese made red hat who thinks his political opinion matters because some schoolkids got shot up or whatever

Wow chill
I literally live on the other side of the planet and only give a little shit tbh

funny how you whine about obama trying to get gun control,but not trump

i guess the constitution only matters to you when the democrats are in anti american pieces of shit deserve to be in a gulag

I just told you I don't agree with bump stocks being banned, but if you think a bump stock ban is in any way comparable to the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, you're infinitely stupid.

and no,i have never used a bump stock.but i understand what the constitution is,and would rather have you anti american pieces of shit banned instead of my gun rights

it doesnt matter if you disagree with it being banned,your a trumpshit who voted for the guy who banned them.but go ahead and bring up obama,like i guess you only care about freedom when the democrats are shitting on it.the stupid ones are people like yourself,you dont deserve the right to vote

>did I mention you’re gay?
So are you one of those triggered republicans that even republicans wanna distance themselves from?
Certainly sound like one

a box of Republicans

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Bump stocks are attachments, literally nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.
Have you ever read the 2nd Amendment?
Are bump stocks arms?

Also, how am I anti American, I just told you twice that I disagreed with the ban.
I think it's time for you to grow up, kohai.

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There was widespread discontent or outrage in the circles I saw. Bump stocks are pieces of garbage, but permitting one shard in a glacier of gradualism is too much.

>that even republicans want to distant themselves from?

define republican,i bet you think those trump supporting idiots are republicans.which is exactly why you lost the house majority in the midterms and will lose the presidency in 2020,republicans dont want to put up with your liberal shit

I didn't bring up Obama, you did.

Fucking reject, you can't even follow your own conversation for more than two posts?

how cute,the anti gun trump supporter is telling other people to grow up.might i suggest telling your president that,not mature adults who dont throw tantrums whenever the media says something bad about them

>bump stocks are a piece of garbage

yeah,the outrage should be towards people like you.because apparently,your voting for the wrong party.if you hate guns,might i suggest voting for the democrats where you and your president belong in 2020

Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. It does not matter what your political preference is; you should be doing everything you can to get him out of office.

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I’m republican and I could give a shit about bump stocks. Man up and convert your firearm to auto. You’re such a faggot you won’t do it because “bump stocks”

samefag also

>then a

i hope you're not a lefty

People not hating him due to being an Israel shill.

Again. I’m republican.

You're all over the place, don't move the goalposts and make shit up now that your argument have been destroyed, kiddo.

Did you even read my posts?

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Sure thing, pal, I'll get right on that.

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Yes. That’s why I called you a faggot.

Who financed the congressional budgets Obama signed? Who is financing the congressional budgets trump is signing? Seems to me like voting "for the other guy" doesnt really do a whole lot to change the outcomes, does it? I don't hate guns. I hate that children in schools aren't protected better than pieces of paper in bank vaults.

I don't think you did, bozo.
This is me.
Please remove your head from your ass.

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Ok. So. You’re a faggot. Clear now?

Lolbertarians who haven’t read Industrial Society and it’s Future.

So what's your take on anarchy?

I think, at this point, you should follow your own advice and man up.
Only niggers and faggots don't admit when they're wrong.

Are you a niggerfaggot?


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i feel the pics never do him justice

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Your mother for having a fucking baby.

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You fucking idiots on the left need to go to another country. Get out

>people's existing healthcare plans were terminated because they didnt want your nigger's handout

can anyone translate this? I have no idea what this retard is saying


>still supporting Trump

Attached: trumppeople.jpg (600x600, 43K)

>Still posting fake quotes.

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typical. posting fake quotes

this is the actual quote if anyone is interested in more than just bashing this man for the sake of virtue signaling

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she did that without any practice. a natural

found one

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this is

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Reality sucks huh?

dude who pays to suck someone elses dick
a 1 year old
an animal thats dumber than a dog or cat

oh wait I am drunk all these things are in fact smarter



your boyfriend vote for him?

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if you think you should vote dem DONT VOTE
quote this and DONT VOTE
I dont care what you stance is
If you vote you're a jew and I cant trust you

I dont ask for who my loved ones vote for, I only ask if they voted

I'm guessing you were depressed that bj didnt get Hillary a vote. Next time pick a better candidate and it might work.

I don't give a flying fuck about hillary or trump or muppet characters in general.

A democrat


Attached: 1560822281616.gif (381x434, 1.98M)

Take this shit to

A working class Republican

No we are not on the same side. You are gay and you're a pussy.

A Democrat!

> dumber then
> then
It's than when you're comparing things, so I'm gonna say OP is dumber than a Republican.

you dont like art ?

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Even the heaviest shitposting is better than being forced to see what gets your dick hard

a Democrat. /thread

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This is the kind of art I do like

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surprisingly hot

pig frog fetish ? im not sure Yea Forums is that kind of place anymore

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shut up europe

not pig/frog specifically. I like fat women

my ideal woman

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a liberal

>muh fake news

Attached: photo.jpg (536x640, 98K)

>1/10th of what I make goes to the feds
>1/10th of what I make goes to the state
>1/10th of what I make goes to medicare and social security
>1/10th of what I spend goes to the state/county

thunder thighs

big tits good thighs thats barely even a fetish

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I feel atracted to actual BBWs too. But to many people, the woman I posted is considered overweight, or even obese

BBW I'd consider giving my right nut for a chance to breed her

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But think about who gets to choose the models and women who are seen as role models mostly its a bunch of gays hence all the thin cunts with a face like a petulant boy scout