Is Joe gonna be OK /vp/? He's really upset people are making fun of Wingull

Is Joe gonna be OK /vp/? He's really upset people are making fun of Wingull...

Attached: I'm Not a Shill.png (1226x3313, 1.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not including the "how am i a shill?" tweet

Fuck joe, I hope his websites gets a C&D

Can't we just report it to TPCi?

Was it his intention that serebii sounds like a Asian man saying celebi?

Why would they C&D someone as prominently brand-loyal as Joe? Joe makes money off of traffic to his site, and Nintendo/Gamefreak benefit from the free advertising from someone that mindless NPCs look up to.

Is that even possible? Assuming that he isnt a shill, of course.


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>Joe goes on Reddit to "quash misinformation"
>They don't buy it and downvote him to hell and mock him for shilling
>He goes on twitter's echo chamber to complain about how he's receiving "unjustified abusive statements"
Is this true pure "seething" here?

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Wow im retarded, thanks

I bet Joe has some sort of blockage in his brain, or mental disorder, that prevents him from making his own opinion and blindly following others.
What a tool and sheep.

I wonder if his girlfriend ever suck his dick. He looks like he need a bj really bad the way he us submissive and insecure.

This or they do strapon..

He's even doing it on Resetera. He's a pure shill. No way he's doing all this for free.

He is from the UK.

Joe seems like a black supremacist. He lets black men rail his wife while he jacks off in a corner.

Why is Joe so based? He seems to be getting this the most

it's called autism

Hi Joe

I really don't think people defending how stupid Wingull looks know how gliding works. A bird isn't gotta be slowly gliding 2 feet off the fucking ground.

English Elephant man triggered by seagull

who cares about joe

I think it's 50% shilling and 50% this is his life, and he's so distraught at seeing pokemon fall so far that he's doing everything he can to see the light

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I'm sorry that he's too grown up for you. His only fault is calling "dexit" a mistake

Show me proof that it can hover a foot off the ground in a t-pose with no upward air current to support it and he has a point. I don't know how he can post this on two platforms without noticing how ridiculous this sounds.

I think he's losing it. Some Resetera tranny called him out on the fact that "Machamp" popped out of the ground out of nowhere and how shit it looked,and Joe went "Nuh Uh. That was a Machoke!"

Hopefully we are getting closer to the day he deletes his site so the years of retarded Joe threads can finally end.


That would just result in more Joe threads than ever before for a long time and you know it.

The fact that this dude feels the needs to travel across the internet defending the honor of porkymom is pretty pathetic.

Joe makes money from the games being successful.

Of course he will defend them.

But he works for them

that Parvati guy he is quoting is right. the switch can run the witcher 3, skyrim and dark souls. he cant respond to him so he just starts rambling about his bullshit opinion


Reminds me of that asshole from Collider. I wonder how long it'll be before Joe complains about how difficult it is to be a fan of Pokemon?


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>No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

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Are the chinks greasing Joe's palms or what?

His income depends on this game doing well. If people are turned off pokemon they'll stop consuming his content too and he'll starve to death or worse, have to get a real job.

>31% Upvoted

Nah his interests are clear, he wants the brand to continue thriving so he can continue making money from his site.

Because they almost did when he unwittingly admitted he pirated the Gen 5 games with the "it seems like you gain no experience for the tutorial battle"

How else did you think he was able to update information on Gen 7 so quickly on his site? He pirated the games just like us, but had to withhold until release so that TPC wouldn't lawyer up on his ass.

It was hilarious seeing all of his rival websites update on information while he was forced to do nothing.

What an absolute faggot

I can't believe it took this long for people to finally criticize Gay Freak for their blatant mistreatment of the franchise.
Too bad the games will still sell 15 million copies and Gay Freak won't see anything wrong with it.

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I thought his C&D risk was from talking about the gen 5 starter leak.

Back off

Why use Luke for this image? He's one of the few Poketuber's who agrees about how fucking stupid this is.

Can I have your girlfriend's number?

If you're the genuine Joe assburger, prove it. Otherwise shoo, go troll elsewhere, jap cocksucker

bet you wouldn't say that to my face lmao this is me IRL i bet you wouldn't last 10 sec chump

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Him and Pokétips. Shofu seems to be in the middle with his "it's dumb, but im still buying it"

I'm sure Joe is fine considering he's comfortable in the fact that S&S are going to sell at bare minimum 16 million copies according to the data and patterns.
I'm more concerned about how you twitter outrage trannies are taking the fact that your little tantrum has amounted to nothing?
Are you guys hangi-, whoops I shouldn't use that word, are you guys coping well?

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Where did Joe go wrong?

I remember when R/S came out he was shitting on Gamefreak in old Pokemon forums, he even shat on D/P. He even pirated HG/SS and B/W.

At what point did Joe became an unequivocal GF shill?

Their big poketubers, of course they'll buy it. The money they'll make off of videos on Sword and Shield will make a good return on their investment regardless of whether or not their actually good video games.


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Maybe he had a livelihood that wasnt dependent on pokemon back then.

Why are you calling him a shill when he's literally pointing out hard facts?

>hard facts
literal capeshitter NPC mentality.

You're hopeless

>fag impersonator
step on legos and suffer.
In case you're the real deal: no1 loves you, you're autistic, a bootlicker, an absolute moron, weak & pathethic unhuman being.

He's descended from the elephant man

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>Joe is right again
>/vp/ throwing a tantrum
Oh no no onononononno

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How does Masuda's cock taste like? How does it feel to be autistic?

This is embarrassing omg

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Fuck Joe, that shill needs to realize the franchise is at the point where it either listens to it's fan and actually gives them what they want in a game, something as minor as just having all mons in it, or it will be dead very soon.

He posted the sprites of all of the Gen 5 Pokemon on the Internet a few days before as well as their Japanese names and typings, and because his site is prominent, Joe got a C&D. Ever since then, Joe has been a real pussy by saying that "all leaks are fake" and doesn't post anything unless it's 100% confirmed. Which is fucking ironic because the guy still goes to dataminers, hackers, and leakers for the info anyway, compiles it, and then releases it at 12:00 AM UTC on the day a game comes out despite it still technically being pre-release territory for most of the world like a chump.

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lmfaoooooo not a single upvote for his post nor comments

How am I meant to read twitter? top to bottom or bottom to top?

The sad thing is that he keeps saying they're gliding, not stationary, even though you can clearly see in the clip that they just stop mid-air.

Jesus I'm starting to become genwunner, only gen 1, everything else is fanfiction. Maybe +gen 2


no, but I can tell you how to commit suicide in a painless way
The tripcode is the proof, stupid newfags
It tastes like feces. Oh wait, that's your mom's vagina, haha.

>Shilling Poketubers

not to mention everything on his site is taken from roms and is therefore illegal (sprites, models, maps, etc).

>Tries to "quash misinformation" concerning the wingull animations.
>Gets BTFO by Reddit because not even wingulls fly like fucking drones.

Of all the things to defend, why the T-posing wingulls?

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why are we giving him attention? Literally just ignore him

You can't ignore him. Hes too big

this is a bad thread

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I have been saying this for years but for some reason there are daily threads about him.

He says he's not a shill
but of all things

You guys told me Reddit was cringe.

I agree, it's annoying that certain people in this fanbase seem to worship the ground he walks and waits on his word for things they can look up themselves.

LMAO he should've spent some time learning to code an actual website so he had something to fall back to
This is just embarrassing

anti-joefags btfo...

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>Started the whole bring back the national DeX now has to keep backpedaling and saving face for Gamefreak.

Biggest laugh I have had in a long time.

>Incredibly stressful
Uhh how? Because people didn't like a game? You're not even the one making it lmao

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Oh hey that’s my reply.

don't you know how strssfull it is to defend a game this bad? it's pretty difficult.

>You're not even the one making it lmao
Joe has said before that he feels 'phantom stress' when a new pokemon game is being released mainly because he feels responsible for the success of Pokemon in the west

If that is true then he has serious ego issues

How lame

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It is, someone must have the screencap

You couldn't tell by the stuff he tweets?

Too bad it's even more annoying to see faggots whining about it.

I mean I could, but to think he is responsible for Pokemon's success? That's some next level delusion. Not once did Serebii convince me to buy a game.

Hi Joe, don't you have a site to update?

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I'm incredibly mad. What a piece of shit. Someone post that screenshot where someone said he's ruining the community

Guess that explains his constant back and forth between shilling and bashing the games. He wants them to underperform so GF takes a hint and deliver a better product, but not bash so hard or else he'll be the cause of another pokemon crash on the west.

Let’s GO included new animation for each Kanto mon and that’s the rest why I’m sure most of them will be in SWSH.

I've relied on your site for years for good, accurate, and organized information on all things Pokemon, and I don't care what shilling you do as a private individual on your Twitter.

Animations for what? Let's Go doesn't even have amie right?

If even the biggest bootlickers like reddit and poketubers can see what's wrong with this game beyond the culling, then Joe is a lost cause.

Pokémon that appear from their Pokéball does a little animation before the battle starts. That’s what Joe is referring to with Machop. I’m pretty sure that little animation was added in Let’s GO.


>I am the backlash to the backlash!
kys. yeah it's right here.

That’s actually autistic. Is this dude on the spectrum?

Nigga... are you for fucking real

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>How to get Machop
Oh please tell me this guy has one of these videos for every Pokemon in Let's Go

How has no one posted a screencap yet? I need to see this.

Nooo what the fuck bros?

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Reminder James is literally Game Freak

Jesus fucking christ. Someone's starved for ad revenue

>He did it to him

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Is he behind it all?

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>Joe's tsundere for a grub

>going to pedosite to bitch about being retarded

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post yfw Celebi gets scrubbed and Sewaddle is confirmed

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don't forget the mspaint seasonal banners either lmao.

That's hilarious, I wonder how stressed James must be as the art director and also someone who can understand both English and Japanese.

You know he is. I thought this was painfully obvious.

Fuck Turner, I hope he gets yakuza'd asap.

I hope he's seen the Ocarina of Time memes.

Reminder to use AdBlock if you visit so he gets no ad revenue

Is there a reason to visit Serebii instead of Bulbapedia, Veekun, and Twitter (for news)?

Isn't he responsible for allowing the Trees of Quality into the game? He knows about it at this point right?

What's sad about James is, while you can definitely criticize his art direction, I'm sure most of SS' major problems are out of his control, because really outside of drawing pretty picture I'm sure the Art Director gets out-commanded by pretty much everyone else, and is taken the least serious. But because he's a major face being presented to everyone by Gamefreak, he's going to get a lot of flack.

I considered it odd that he was being shown off a lot since usually his position and others don't get even a lick of Direct time, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional. James is the sacrificial lamb intended to take it, and then be tossed aside afterwards so they can say "silly gaijins, we let you try making a game but you failed".

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Bulbapedia’s adds are intrusive as fuck.
Serebii is generally the best place for finding as much reliable info about the games at launch at one place, but since the games have leaked early lately he is loosing ground there too.

>outside of drawing pretty picture
Turner has yet to provide anything of value to the franchise, it's telling he started out by doing Coldsteel-esque recolour of Lugia. I can't wait to hear about 'creative differences' when he is fired.

>Turner has yet to provide anything of value to the franchise
*blocks your path*

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This is what a shills look like.

Thanks for illustrating my point. How much of a retard do you need to be to think Prague Golem in a skirt is anywhere near good?

> Golurk
> Good

Loving Every Laugh

Autists are some of the most argumentative and opinionated people on the fucking planet.

James doesn’t actually have all that much flack on his Twitter, he hardly ever talks about Pokemon unless it’s fanart of one of the Pokemon he designed, and even then I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone nagging him about the national dex. I think pretty much everyone recognizes he only really has a say on the Pokemon and maybe he town designs.

Depends, in previous generations they had a 2D art director (Sugimori) and a 3D art director (recently Unno) so I doubt James is in charge of both aspects now.
I'd put the blame for the shitty trees on whoever is on the lead of the 3D map graphics.

>Even reddit hates the new Pokemon game
Is this it? Is this finally going to be what starts Gamefreak's slow death? Even the hivemind that mindlessly consumes all forms of Pokemon media while forcing their children to consume it as well seems to hate it now.

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Imagine if any other franchise used the fact that they had to make new animations as the reason they cut content.
What a fucking joke.

>Even the hivemind that mindlessly consumes all forms of Pokemon media while forcing their children to consume it as well seems to hate it now.

They just moved to Twitter.


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Imagine Celebi getting cut from Sword and Shield. I'd love to see his reaction.

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>he started out by doing Coldsteel-esque recolour of Lugia
>implying he had a choice in the matter
>implying he wasn't just drawing what he was told to draw

Got a link to that?

Shofu is as much as a shill as any other poketuber he's just more likable

Because it isn't real

It is shill, I've literally seen people posting it here for years

It won't kill but it could give a punch to make it sell worse than LGPE.

>The total amount of money in Gamefreak's pocket increased

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he's an e-celeb for pokemon. his career is based on people continuing to slurp up game freak's shit.

That's why I said the start of Gamefreak's slow death. The new games have been selling a lot less than the older games, and the fact that they're on some of the widely available consoles just makes it pathetic. I could actually see Gamefreak dying within a decade if this keeps up.

I would love to see an edit of this with the dex getting cut recently


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They've been dying in Japan for a while. America is to blame for the franchise current state.

Cringe idea but someone make this with /vp/ and Reddit with PC being the shills.

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Would /vp/ be the dwarf?

This is obviously some Yea Forums user touring reddit. No one on reddit actually talks like that.

>feels compelled to 'touch base' after a


>They've been dying in Japan for a while.
go into more depth on this, so is pokemon just niche over there and even kids are starting to not give a fuck anymore in japan?

Wingull soars on updrafts, so it makes sense that they levitate around at a uniform three feet off the ground! The animation is great, you're just too ignorant to appreciate it!

Can you post him crying on Twitter this is top incel butthurt

He's an "influencer", don't you know

It's seen as that thing weirdo manbabies like. Kids would rather have new stuff.

Content Creator, Influencer, Social Justice Warrior, etc.

>Trying (and failing) to take a step back from social media

Game Freak must've told him to get back to work.

I'm going to hell this

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Overworld pokemon was a mistake.

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I got this.

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lmao uncanny resemblance.

>britbong genes
>britbong genes AND elephant man genes

Haha, did he really say this? What an egomaniac.

Virgins desperately agreeing with her just to get her attention

The aesthetics for sword and shield are truly awful. Turner has done a terrible job for sure. He should go back to just designing Pokemon.

I think he is right. This decision is inexcusable, but there are many lies spreading these days. Facts are facts, aside that we think that cutting Pokémon from the dex is a really bad decision.

He’s is the art director though, it’s okay thinking he’s vetoed by Ohmori but that’s not what the position implies. If he’s not the one making decisions on aesthetics and quality controlling all the games art, then why give him that title? They could have just kept him designing Pokemon. Clearly by giving him that title they must trust him, but based on all we’ve seen so far, he’s failed pretty miserably. Sure you can blame the engine limitations, but there’s no excuse for the horrible trees or the blandness of the region.

what was it? doesnt seem to be there anymore

Can /vp/ make him crack?

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eat a dick, faggot

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No, he is just too retarded to understand that セレビィ is how you express the pronunciation of Celebi in katakana. For ages now he "translates" the katakana back into western letters and keeps parroting that these are the japanese names. Last time I looked (which I admit was probably 2-3 years ago), Laglarge (Swampert in the west) was still listed as Raguraji on his 90's webpage.

He fixed it. Probably just now, though.

I doubt he actually browses this place, he'd snap immediately.

Parvati was 100% right
This isn't about accepting mediocrity like Gens 6/7, this is people just openly accepting absolute shit

lol, you're partially right. He fixed it in the new iterations of his dex pages, but if you click on gen 5 or lower, the Rugaji bullshit is still in. Amazing, since Rugaji would even be wrong if you mapped the katakana 1:1 (yielding Raguraji).

"I can't defend myself so I just pretend I don't care"

He’s so obviously bluffing though, can’t you tell? The “luckily I’m too stubborn to ever do that” comment kind of gives it away. It’s just attention seeking. The guy has delusions of grandeur and thinks he’s highly important to the Pokemon franchise. He literally talks and acts like game freak have him on speed dial. No doubt he’s had his ego deflated the last few days and so now wants an ego boost by fishing for positive replies by pretending he thought about quitting. It’s pretty pathetic.

Isn't the majority of web traffic mobile? Why would anyone bother going to his dinosaur of a site?

Why do people visit open air museums? To experience the past.

Not his tripcode retard, is some faggot named Niggerkiller669

I won't believe it unless i see evidence

Well supposedly he’s a freelance writer and freelance web designer, but he’s clearly fucking terrible at both those things.

Of course he is a freelancer. Who the hell would hire you with that kind of portfolio?

Why has this dumb argument shifted from flapping wings to hovering? Pokemon have been magically hovering since the very first games, you don’t need air currents.

king of apologists

Joe is lucky he lives across the pond. If we crossed paths, I would smash him into the pavement.

Use pokemondb, doofus.

Pokemon has at least two or three years of life left, he could go and do a masters in CS before bailing instead of wasting time shilling.

Kek why was this thread moved here?

I think he went to uni.

Who knew Joe was friends with the /vp/ mods?

How is this at all offtopic to /vp/, mods are fags

>joe is paying resetera and Yea Forums mods