Smol cat wants to know why you cum on a tissue instead of a woman
Smol cat wants to know why you cum on a tissue instead of a woman
smol kot i'm glad to see you have a new owner.
drink some yellow milk smol kot i hope he takes good care of you.
Talking to women is hard, smol cat. That's why i masturbate on porn sites.
it gets easier when you stop fapping faggot.
no it doesn't unless stop fapping suddenly makes you a rich, loudmouth, 10/10 handsome chad.
no shit it doesn't instantaneously make you a better person. It's the first step towards such things though. I said it gets easier, if you stop fapping you will have a desire to breed and that desire is supposed to fuel your drive to socialize and find a mate, once you do that you'll want to provide, once you have that drive you'll go out and achieve new things for your mate. Though after witnessing a brief moment of your thought process maybe you should just keep fapping.
Preach it Smol Cat!
I can't buy a box of 50 women for $1.
Why not both?
smol kitty
ha jokes on you i cum in my mouth
because my owners keep me in captivity and subjugate me to hours of trap porn
>pic related
>the person bait posting definitely isn't the butthurt one
wew lad
Because its cheaper.
Because my dick is secreting prostate cream and I need to blow it like my nose
I think most people do want to socialise, breed, provide and achieve new things. People are working on it. It’s just that every now and then they take a break to fap, lol.
Not saying it’s good that they fap.
Just saying we can’t write off their entire life motivation just because they jerk off, they’ll just simply be LESS motivated than the ones that don’t.
Jerking off lowers your life expectancy, lowers your physical appearance, makes you age faster, makes you less motivated. Which are all normal sacrifices when attempting to reproduce. But if you’re blowing a load on a tissue, what’s it for? A quick bit of relief?
wasted many long hours seeking short-term pleasure
it's only brought me long-term suffering
learn from my mistake Yea Forumsros
Save the energy.
You only think chad is a loudmouth because someone who has energy seems overwhelming to you, because you’re a demotivated loner who jerks off 100 times a day and doesn’t have the energy/brainpower to hold up basic conversations.
Because fucking a vagina is gay
fucking based
>because fucking a vagina is gay
i wonder who could be behind this post...
>FBI open up
>we have reports of a faggot porn posters on Yea Forums
>don't you know their are dedicated porn boards
>fucking newfag
Smol Cat is worth 10 AUD, so better keep low profile
Got any source for your claims, or are you just spouting propaganda?
Everyone spanks it, just do it within moderation and ignore propaganda posters like yellow fags
>what a compelling argument
you must really be proud
Yes, and the desire to breed has done wonders for the planet.
There are only two real ways to control the population, fapping and suicide. Fapping is more effective as it preempts millions of potential lives versus suicide which only rids the planet of one.
nofap is cringe
Because I have no dick.
Check and mate.
why doesn't Yea Forums just ban all the summerfags?
>ban summerfags
because then you wouldn't be able to post here
reported for raiding Yea Forums with porn
Yeah, that means you do it a reasonable amount of times, not constantly. There's your lesson in English for the day
porn fags are seething
>porn fags BFTO'd
reposting logical information to avoid spam
you're welcome mods
Hello OP and other posters,
You may be unaware, but the Yea website offers a variety of different boards. While the Yea Forums (random) board may be used for anything that’s random, it would be better to populate other boards where your specific interest lies..!
Here are a list of various boards dedicated to specific genres of porn listed under the “Adult” section on the Yea Forums website!
Sexy Beautiful Women
Adult Gif
Handsome Men
High Resolution
Adult Cartoons (rule 34)
Adult Requests
Random Degeneracy
sticky this shit
Cuz i ugly and no one wants me
You need to work on yourself in both mind and body user.
Start off small and work your way up to the chad you were meant to be.
what if its porn that doesn't fit in any of the other boards?
Which type of porn?
Because 99% of the porn on Yea Forums already has a board for it
The only exception would be loli/shota, which is frankly retarded considering how there is plenty of loli/shota content on same thing is true with furry porn, there's shit tons of it on /trash/ yet these porn spammers say Yea Forums is the only place for them, it's retardation in it's finest form.
dont need to worry about a future lawsuit
Because women aren't interested in autists..
>checking this quality thread
porn niggers salty as fuck on here
hop aboard anons
I'll nut on smol cat too
Smoll cat needs to learn the difference between a shirt and a tissue
>mfw yellow never dies
cause i don't feel as bad throwing a tissue away after i've used it, with women sometimes there's guilt.