Goku is stronger than Superman. Fight me.
Goku is stronger than Superman. Fight me
He's stronger than anybody
Homer can kick both Superman's and Goku's ass
how long does it take to go even beyond?
They need to jump the shark they should really teach Goku mixed martial arts by now.
One puch man is way stronger then both of them
edit>One Punch Man
Go is the strongest of them all.
Isn’t Superman as powerful as the writer feels like making him?
Sorry. One Punch Man.
One Punch Man kills Super Man with one punch.
Can confirm. I'm watchin this dude toss a giant piccolo like he's nothing.
"My character is stronger than yours"
Characters from separate stories don't mix.
OPM is joke character and it's for joke faggot normies
Superman is able to see every woman naked, always.
Superman wins.
OPM won the battle just watched it on youtube. It was a good battle though