Ok so like, this shit's called a refrigerator right?

ok so like, this shit's called a refrigerator right?
well, the prefix "re" means to do something again

like "re-invite" which means to invite again
or "re-purpose" which means to give purpose again.

and the suffix "or(or er)" means one who does what the word means

such as "kill-er" being one who kills

so "re-frigerat-or" means "one who frigerates again"

but what if i put something in it that was never frigerated in the first place?

is it still a "re"frigerator, or just a frigerator?

Attached: stainless-steel-frigidaire-top-freezer-refrigerators-fftr1821ts-64_1000.jpg (1000x1000, 33K)

You buy shit that's chilled and RE-fridgerate it you fuckin spastic

You put non-chilled things in the pantry.
You put chilled (fridgerated) things in the refrigerator.

So if it's not pre-chilled I would need to buy a Fridgerator to chill it?

What about a Defridgerator?

That's called an oven, user

Oven doesn't sound at all like defridgerator

>basically pumping warmth from outside inside the heating chamber and cooling the outside.
based and global warming solved

It's a refridgerator because the cooling solution gets hot and cold over and over again through compression and expansion


Attached: 4chan.gif (300x100, 285K)

Someone should upsize and patent that

It goes Prefridgerator>Fridgerator>Refrigerator

>drive on a parkway and park in a driveway

and when does it defridge?

Don't forget the Superfridgerator

Only when the item needs to be warmed again

so lets cook a fucking steak in a fridge running backwards then

That's what A/C condensers are for

Attached: doitfaget.jpg (405x720, 47K)

When you rest, you recuperate. Does that mean you decuperated? At what point did you initially cuperate?

It doesn't have anything to do with what you put inside you absolute autist. It is a reeeefrigerator because it frigerates over and over again. It doesn't magically start doing that when you put something inside.

But some things are room temp when you buy them but say to refrigerate after opening.

Just flip the wires around in the plug so the electricity goes the other way.