Why don't I get a girlfriend? I look above average, blond and emerald green eyes...

Why don't I get a girlfriend? I look above average, blond and emerald green eyes, am very intelligent and damn successful. Actually I should have a beautiful girlfriend who admires my magnificent aura and adores me above all else. I do not understand it. My sense for fashion is extremely elegant and my appearance impressive. I also have a great sense of humour. Why don't I get a girlfriend? Meanwhile I have to watch how fat "people" run around happily and have a girlfriend. This is as disgusting as it is unfair.

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If you are serious and not a troll, well you should read what youve just wrote. If you still don't get it well I've got some bad news for you...

What news?

Just be yourself bro

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Someone who needs to brag about how intelligent, successful and whatnot are are rather repulsive for most ppl

If you think getting chicks is all about LOOKING good then you might be an emotionless sperglord. You sperglord.

Indeed they are. I noticed it's usually weird and faggy eurocucks who talk that way.

First, lose the additude, nobody owes you anything. Life is unfair, its never been fair. You might think you are the center of the universe in your own little mind, but in the grand scheme of things you are not even compareable with a grain of sand. I don't have girlfriend. I don't whine and cry about it, just accept the fact that you are a loser and no amount of larping on Yea Forums will change that.

Really nobody cares about that shit.... Enjoy life be positive, confident and happy have hobbies learn to listen to others those are some things that attract the opposite sex

Why are you trying so hard? just be yourself

It's not a bragging. Those are just facts about me. If you think I'm bragging, it says more about you.
I was tested as a child and am mentally in an absolute top condition. Not only do I look great, I also have a great, funny personality for whom I am highly appreciated.

>OP quoting Elliot Rodgers
>no one sees it

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I knew a girl who was exactly like this. Handsome, sucessful in the job and pretty fit. Although he was exatly insecure as you. Try lowering your standards and be real confident. Someone confident don't really cares.

that"s because you don"t have that masculin X factor. You are likely too nice and come across as weak and feminin.
tldr : your aura resembles that of a friendzoned cuck

If you are anything like that in real life you are a shit human being. I get a smug vibe from you, I don't even know what you look like and I just want to punch your fucking face for being such a fucking cunt!

Great bait
If genuine, it's because you're a cocky asshole who thinks too highly of himself, you clearly don't have a personality and if you were as intelligent as you say you are, you should easily be able to see this yourself :)

Why do you talk like a retard? Ever think you talk too much about yourself? I think those were autism tests, because you're coming off real assburgery.

I see it. OP is a psycho who can't see it.

Here you go again... Still doesn't ring a bell man? Nobody here is attacking you tbh I'm rather surprised how many good and I mean really good answers are here .

>It's not bragging

Yes, it is. The problem here isn't the way other people view you, it's how you view yourself; women pick up on things like that very easily, fyi. It doesn't matter how successful you are, or how good looking you think you are, or how well you think you dress; what matters is that in hiding behind "just stating a fact" you're putting yourself out there in a way that comes across as arrogant. That's got NOTHING to do with us, and everything to do with you. That's YOUR problem to fix, not the world's to endure.

That's where you're going wrong. Women like confidence, they flock to it. But you don't come across as confident, because confidence embraces humility. You come off as arrogant, even here, to strangers on an anonymous image board. And that's no good.

Drop the attitude. Drop telling people how amazing you are and calling it facts when you get called out. Develop your life more, explore other hobbies, find happiness that doesn't need to include women. That's the ticket. At that point, you'll get all the female attention you want.

The fact that you haven't experienced that tells me a lot about you. You're entirely too wrapped up in the way you are and not the way you feel. No one wants to be dragged down by someone who wants to be worshiped, men or women. Yet here you are, bitching about finding a girlfriend. Everyone wants to meet the right person, no one wants to work on BEING the right person. Work on that first.

I have great confidence. I recently made a fat woman cry at university because she bumped into me. A person with low confidence would not have said anything or even apologized to her. I called her the fat pig she is and made it clear how little she is worth. I am alpha

OP finds out he has autism

You obviously have a bad personality. Girls don't like bragging dudes that have a very high opinion of themselves. Be more humble and less of a cunt. Might help.

This should be carved into the stone, even tho this is a troll post

so many stupid fucks baited

Yeah, was pretty obviously a troll post. But honestly, I just felt like bitching about something today and this post scratched the itch. Thanks though, man!

Is this an Elliot Rodgers quote?