Any thoughts of the Dallas Shooting?

Any thoughts of the Dallas Shooting?

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he ded

Dallas shooting....nothing happend.....
Weapons, killing, murder...That is not possible in the land of dreams....
(they are thinking there the best and all the world shoud be like them) eueuhhhh NO

>Any thoughts of the Dallas Shooting?
It's a false flag--it was a gun free zone. Everyone knows once you pass a law like that, criminals and mass shooters need to obey it so it didn't happen.

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I'm in dallas and I cry he didn't get anyone. Better yet, me. He must have been a sadboi

Basically /poltards IRL once they leave their hugbox and mom's basement

Amatsukaze, best boat.

>Basically /poltards IRL

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I don't think about because I don't care. Look at that loser white boy, I hear he didn't get any kills. White boys can't fight can't shoot they can't even jump. Shit is fucking pathetic

>Any thoughts of the Dallas Shooting?

Wanna be ranger got himself chaptered from the military and tried to play real world Call of Duty and got himself killed like a fuckboi.

Spics really are a lost cause

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Did he even get shots off? Or was he killed before any of his stupidity got someone hurt

i like how he shared pictures and videos on the internet before he did it

you would think nsa spying,that was suppose to keep us safe.would of seen this and arrested the guy.but nope,i guess the surveillance state has accomplished nothing,just like trump's police state will accomplish nothing

Yeah, he fired like 20+ rounds and didn't hit a single person.

He popped a few rounds into the door after dropping a mag and his tac belt... a FSO hit him square in the head with a 9mm before he limped into the parking lot to die

lol,guy was in the military.couldnt even shoot straight,i guess this is why libtards shouldnt be allowed to own guns

Imagine thinking you're gonna go shoot up a courthouse in Texas of all places.

Sounds like my local sheriff department. 4 of them got in a shoot out and fired over 40 shots. None actually connected. Only 5 hit the SUV the guy was in.

typical alt-wite incel

He had alt-right memes on his facebook, brainlet.

>a FSO hit him square in the head with a 9mm before he limped into the parking lot to die


Should have used a fuddyfive

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>alt right

your point? i guess your to stupid to think that the real right cares about a bunch of dumb edgy leftist college kids

More ironic that he hit him from the back of the building like a good football field distance out...

They interviewed the guy yesterday. 20+ years of active shooter certifications, makes me think this was more a suicide attempt then anything

then again,your not educated enough to argue with if your using memes on the internet as an example of a person's political views

>"h-he had rascist memez therefore he'z rasccist!!!"
fucking idiot,his Facebook profile was for the most part apolitical, with no real indication he was alt-right or antifa

>the real right
What's that? You and your fleshlight?

OrHi wite boi incel

>They interviewed the guy yesterday. 20+ years of active shooter certifications, makes me think this was more a suicide attempt then anything

I'd kill myself too if I had a 90s boy haircut in 2019

>the real right

i mean the older people,who voted for bush.not your aids riddled fags like milo yiannapolous and that hillary supporter richard spencer

nobody cares about the alt right

And flunked out of army basic lmao

>he had racist memes which proves he's a leftist

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>i mean the older people
This guy is almost 40. Does he count grandpa?

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It's a god damn shame that stuff like this happens.

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It's the IRL version of yellow-fagging.
>I don't like something so I have to make everyone else suffer until everyone realizes I'm a lost cause.

Coulda been better. I mean they're just Cowboys fans


>send replacement guard to the area

i didnt say that fag

apart from the fact that Trump is more incompetent than W Bush, what is the real difference between them in policy?

Nice trips. Thoughts?

I believe it actually occurred in the Dallas area.
'Twas during the day
The police were definitely involved
'Twas over quickly

All in all, if you have to have a shooting, you'd want it to go quickly. So I'd say it went better than usual?

He ded.

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He was hit in the chest, round punctured through his flak vest. He was never shot in the head.

Gun laws must be changed. This madness can’t go on.

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