Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA area, I drive my car all over the area, and I work 50+ hrs a week
Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA area, I drive my car all over the area...
if you work 50+ hrs a week how do you find enough time to post this shitty thread on a daily basis?
Can you get me in contact with a Sprite rep?
I have alot of downtime and 50 hrs ain't alot
That's coke so no
Will a pepsi bottle fit into my tight anus?
Why are you a poor nigger
I make $60k a year, nice try bitch
Do you prefer coke or pepsi?
Pepsi tastes like shit.
Conke all the way!
Do you get overtime with 50+ hours a week?
No you don't you shit post here all day for free
I'm in the US so yeah
>What is downtime
Niggers never learn, neck yourself
Ok wite boi incel
Sorry I'm Mexican coon
OK wite incel who pretends to be a minority or woman online.
My dad used to work as a merchandiser in my country and after some time he got to the top. Keep up the work and you will be rewarded
Says the incel pretending to be a Pepsi vendor on a Mongolian throat singing board
You mean Taiwanese basket weaving.
Thanks user
What do you do for a living?
Remember with the tracks not against them