Why are modern commies such retards?

why are modern commies such retards?

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Damn... you live in a fantasy world where the seldom extremes are considered the mass populous, don't you?


>threads own post.


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>why are commies such retards?

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based picture, saved it

Nah, those are just idiots.

you're never gonna find an actual communist in north america

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I know plenty of people in the high school and college that I went to who thought communism was un ironically a good idea.

Attached: 1141-its-okay-it-wasnt-real-communism-we-can-try-31545397.png (500x532, 94K)

If inheritance weren't a thing this would be so right too. Right now my company is owned by a guy who didn't even go to college but his parents made it so that doesn't matter.

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Intergenerational wealth = bootstraps

>going to cons

Commies were always retarded.

All the factory owners and the slave owners were all lefties I.E. Democrats. Their only solution to their own stupidity is more stupidity.

Leftism is like a snowball effect.

1.Kings who knew everything give a little leverage to their Lords
2.Lords betray their kings and give a little leverage to their Knights
3.Knights betray their Lords and give a little leverage to their merchants
4.Merchants betray the knights and give a little leverage to their peasants
5.Peasants betray the merchants and everything goes into the toilet

Ever notice how 500 years ago we were making the most insanely complicated churches ever, now we make flat white walls and people think it amazing.

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Right? Like a solid 80-90% of the bitching I hear about crippling student debt comes from motherfuckers who didn't bother with their due diligence. Doctorate in English with an emphasis on the works of Edgar Allen Poe? BS in an engineering field that clearly requires at least a master's? BA in ceramics with no business or manufacturing experience? Good luck with that shit. I'm not saying that education hasn't gotten ridiculously expensive because it has; but still, do your fucking research.

Today's youth are clueless. You might like this:


We aren't, this picture is very based and stereotyped. Well, it depends on the type of commmunist... Yeah pretty much all the commie countries are retarded shitholes, excl. cuba, since ussr fell. Cuba's getting poorer though.

Nice stale boomer meme

stale but still true

Its because the current generation were sold by and large that higher education was going to be meaningful and a good decision. They werent even taught the critical thinking skills you cited here, in order to understand why it was a bad idea. Besides the fact that there aren't actually enough important jobs per the number of people that now exist. Most work is just filler nowadays and by the standards of the capitalist, cannot warrant a higher wage. Combine this with greedy people at the top talking money out of the system more and more and it's a recipe for disaster. It's not as simple as OP thinks.

Never was much truth to this. Socioeconomic stratification has been shown to be just as solidified in capitalist US as it is in other countries. And it is getting worse as the wealth divide becomes larger. You can't equate someone who's middle class parents could afford to keep them from starving while they went to college on loans vs the parent who buys them a house to live in and pays for there schooling.

This. Thanks to inheritance we still have a nobility class by a different name.

This is true in terms of how people behave. It is patently false as to why the 1% is the 1%

>it's just as bad elsewhere guise
Well, golly. Because it's fucked everywhere else means it should be fucked here too.
>you can't equate
I can and did.

cuvk boy....suck my cock commie scum....i willl redistibute my cum in your ass hole little bitch

>>Well, golly. Because it's fucked everywhere else means it should be fucked here too
No if you could read before trolling its always been fucked here, we've just been better at lying about it
>>I can and did..
False equivalency is false equivalency. unless you agree to the equivalency poster = moron

Always the best picture for arguing the point.

The autistic guy would get a day off for bronycon because he'd be making six figures at Facebook. How do I know? I'm a brony at Facebook, you stupid bitches!

Friendly reminder: The bolshevik revolution was not an "uprising of the populous."
They were financed by various American and English agents in petrograd. Same as the mensheviks. And the move to bring down Nick II.