Any stackers here?

any stackers here?

.16oz platinum
1.632oz gold
375.14oz silver

as of 9min ago this is worth $7994.75

i plan on selling it.
then what?

Attached: A384BFE9-9959-4935-B2E3-A512C1646DCF.png (1334x750, 1.34M)

Attached: 87D031E2-0BC8-4B9A-966C-B60B82F79493.png (1334x750, 1.42M)

go kill yourself

How much did you pay for it all-together?

gtfo nigger

buy more gold, it's popping

Attached: Gold Price Chart.jpg (679x532, 40K)

So if you have $8,000 in precious metals, you must have at least $80,000 in the stock market then right?

i’ve got $15000 in cash plus the metal.
thinking about starting an IRA

Not a bad idea. How easily can you liquidate those metals? Or would the institution handling your IRA accept them as deposits?

Sell it, invest in a better revenue market. Heroin.

The market is inflated, and we're poised for a recession. I wouldn't get into an IRA right now.


This. Please respond. also where did you accumulate this?

dumping the metal for cash shouldn’t be hard but i haven’t looked into using it as an actual deposit. never crossed my mind tbh.

This. #medicinalheroin2020

You should do something. You have $23,000 just sitting there doing nothing for you. The cash is devaluing slowly and the metal is not much better.

Where do you come up with this thought?

How is that possible for the money to lose value? I can possibly see why the metal has potential to lose but what happens when the metals are desired?

>Medicinal Heroine
You mean Hydrocodone, or, more recently, Fentanyl?

invest all in heroine and then golden shot faggot

Common sense.

Attached: yield_curve.webm (480x480, 1.25M)

>low level jew here ama!

diacetylmorphine hydrocloride = heroin
it's still used as a painkiller in medical settings baby, but not often. cocaine, too, usually in facial/dental surgery.

cash devalues through inflation. precious metals don't inflate.

Attached: inflationpp.jpg (1024x751, 147K)

Halloween Mr irs

Dressing up as a retard are we?

is this your jew gold

heroin isn't used much as before (the spike before they figured it was very very afdictive)
nowadays it's more common to use oxycodone and oxymorphone (both much more potent than heroin and kinda less addictive in the grand scheme)
though the opioid market is truly a wonderful thing, you got your opiates (codeine, morphine) to get people addicted, semi-synth opiates to ground their addiction (hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, desomotphine, diacetylmorphine, oxymorphane), then by the time they start taking several hundreds of grams of oxy you transfer them to fentanyl, and by the time they start taking large enough doses of that you start spiking them with carfentanyl
once you get on carfentanyl you either have a horrible metastised cancer which will kill you in a matter of weeks or days or you're deep in the addiction that you'll be dead from an overdose in a

Stale. I can taste the dust.


Silver or gold? Is silver worth enough to make sense?