When are you gonna get yourself a gf?

When are you gonna get yourself a gf?

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Never i dont want to

Waiting for a girl thats out of my league to lower her standards.

pretty comfy being single for the last 7 months. do not miss yet.


Probably between now and 2 months, been having some good contact lately, won't be long until I can ask her out on a date

Had one for a few years. She was emotionally abusive and manipulative. Don't miss it at all and I doubt I'll open up to someone again.

Single life is better in most ways.

I'm trying to get rid of mine without being an asshole. Who wants to alley oop

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Never. I value my free and time and sanity too much.

I think you're onto something

Probably never, sure they are nice for lonely nights or whatever but they are mad expencive, and they always gotta do something. Like when you finally get a weekend where nothings happening they will always find some random shit to fill it with.

Theres girl I know I think she likes me but Im clueless on how to ask her out romantically wat do

as soon as anyone even remotely close to being as attractive as she is even gives me the time of fucking day

I got a boyfriend. But I been thinking of splitting recently. He's great and might be best looking guy I've been with probably out of my league. But I don't like having anal sex that often and he gets frustrated about it and is just a dick. But finding a stable relationship in gay community at least in my experience is almost impossible. Most guys just want to hook up and use me as a cum dumpster. I live and die for the emotional connection.

Hope you’re happy dying alone

Acceptable answer

Mad expensive? There plenty of women making more money than you

>speaks of gf
>adds .webm of a whore

doesn't make sense, does it

no the question is when is a girl going to quit acting she's so much better than me and date me. they have unrealistic expectations. if none of them act like their shit doesn't stink then they can't have me and that's on them.

When I'm financially able to support one.

I have one..
I also have a wife