Crab thread

Crab thread.

Attached: bpd2gq7mu4s21.jpg (791x648, 46K)

Attached: crab.png (571x390, 390K)

Attached: CrabTower.jpg (1777x1411, 1.21M)

crabs are freakin gross and you basically you are banned

he walkin to the the side

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: stealthy.jpg (185x272, 19K)

i wonder if oliver was ever found

Attached: lost crab oliver.jpg (550x505, 41K)

anti-crab fascist dubs

Attached: bobs.jpg (599x460, 46K)

Thank you to everyone who posted crab and contributed to the thread.

Attached: 1551416467407.jpg (444x370, 51K)

Attached: dabcrab.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

resistance to law is terrorism

t. bootlicker trips

Attached: 1564315885321.png (500x428, 232K)

Attached: pf.png (676x506, 841K)


just even thinking of a poor sad family having their crab get lost and it being poor and sad out in the world makes me so sad

Attached: kncr1.gif (500x282, 1.98M)

cheer up, crabs now have automatic weapons

look like a klobb

Attached: GNh3FOU.jpg (960x960, 147K)

le krabs

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: krabby.png (600x600, 175K)

Attached: when tranny becomes law.png (791x648, 393K)

Attached: crabe.png (791x648, 487K)

Attached: FUGG.png (791x648, 595K)
