Check out these dubs

Check out these dubs

[hint: they aren't dubs]

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Ha ha!

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Attached: 0CAF459B-A126-469A-8B6F-C25A9B4E1E61.jpg (664x489, 289K)

Epic singles my dude

Attached: 1513523288349.gif (448x252, 919K)

>[hint: they aren't dubs]
wtf, how did you know?

check THIS out

Attached: yuuko.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

why dont you check em




This thread is full of fucking losers.



Attached: Frogath+used+roll+1+0099frogath+rolls+84+chill+out+guys+_e399525ae8f365d430e0f1b28d9d093c.png (626x461, 326K)

I've been rolling for dubs my whole life. 15 years now. only singles. Im going to kill myself


Attached: 1507258997925.jpg (710x982, 74K)



those are dubs

Wish I could get singles. How does one do it?

Attached: 1558846344406.png (597x570, 539K)

Only respectable black people get singles

Fucking amateur

Attached: doublesguy10.jpg (934x625, 60K)

Posse Versus activities require two posse members (leader counts) in a persistent posse. Normally, if the activities are grayed out (or all minus one are, OR it doesn’t show at all) you need to join a new lobby. Sometimes simply changing lobbies works. If that doesnt work you can try replaying a story mission and using the lobby you are put into afterwards. However, with Hunt the Leader, that is the one posse activity that sometimes is not grayed out if all the rest are. So it should hopefully be easier to start! Worth noting that you can receive an invite while in Free Roam, and accepting it will count for you too!