I'm assembling a team
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How do I get in or get more info?
Consult him
Attached: God.jpg (750x714, 48K)
Heard you needed a weapons specialist.
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Im sure you could use a pilot.
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I may be of service.
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every team needs a gopnik
Attached: cheeki_breeki_by_rillakim-d9tv83m.jpg (1191x670, 194K)
The time has come
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My body is ready
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Repoting for dooty
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this level of expertise cannot come cheap
Yellowfag 13 here
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Got room for me and the boys?
Attached: 32y647.jpg (880x480, 78K)
Communications specialist ready.
Attached: 2019_06_05_05.39.43.jpg (1920x1080, 580K)
777 trips to team yellow bitch.
we're not trying to fail this operation fuck fork
Whats the point of this faggery?
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are you in or out?
no time for explanation
to purge the land of traps and niggers
It is time for Jihad brothers. Grab your AK and follow me.
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Mein negers
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You got my sword
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I'm ready I got my clip and bullets and everything.
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The help is much appreciated Yea Forumsoys but I think I've got this one
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We need a leader, and surround him with the brightest, the toughest, the deadliest allies we can find.
Attached: TIM.jpg (773x1034, 40K)
Who's bones must I cheeki Breaki?
Arms specialist reporting in.
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il hepl..hurpp
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You'll need a camouflage expert
Attached: CvRkG5qUMAAJ6rz.jpg (638x794, 70K)
Im in. I know some good dump places
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>angel chorus
The Lord is on your side on this one
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Ima parroten and me with you
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I am stong and smart, i could help
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Im in! Say...got any spare change?
Attached: 1479925020865.jpg (640x480, 33K)