High on acid.
This shit is killing me y'all:
I need somebody to talk to rn.
Let's connect or some shit like that.
High on acid
True story OP. Many years ago I dropped acid and went Christmas shopping with a friend. Went into one shop with a coloured pattern on the carpet and I kept lifting my feet up high when I walked around because I thought the colours were floating and I was trying to avoid tripping over them. Went into Radio Shack and they actually had a fuckin dwarf serving at the counter. I just could not believe it, I laughed so much I was literally crying. Anyway in the end I somehow managed to buy one present and had to go home cos I was just too high.
Fuckin' beautiful man. This enlightened me on such high levels, you can't imagine.
I appreciate the sarcasm.
Why the fuck is he rapping in front of a fucking window? Hahahah
I fucking meant this honestly.
It's hard to describe how motherfucking much I love you man.
acid man, gotta love it
how much did you drop?
I did 1800ug last summer around a campfire and stopped doing drugs altogether after that, ego death outer body experience shit, also smoked DMT that night so yea, trippin balls
I dunno man. Like 500µm?
DMT sounds like THE thing that I want to do in some future.
I prefer to drop solo and write every shitty little thing down somewhere.
500 is a fun dosage, enjoy it user
and yea DMT is really an eye opener, definitely worth the trouble of acquirement
Listening to this right now and I'm doin' like Air Guitar moves and shit.
Kind of annoys me that we talk about me.
Like can we talk more about you're stuff?
What are your plans and shit?
yea music is amazing on acid, enjoy
well I'm going to visit my little brother and some old friends of mine this weekend in my home town. I plan on smoking some weed and hang out with the bois. I've been smoking weed from age 12 to 26, I'm 28 now and I just feel like it for the weekend. Other then that I've found a job that will start at 3rd of july, been without a job for the past 5 years living on benefits for paranoid schizophrenia. I'm from germany so it's not that hard to get NEETbucks and live an easy life
Just got myself a bottle of red wine and started listening to this
been a drug dealer most part of my life, been on the streets, lived in ghettos, all that jazz
Hier mein Audionegger.
Hab ehrlich gesagt vor. Also bischen von NEETbucks leben. =)
I can see your life background as an character.
A portrait and all that shit.
ja kann man machen, bist in deutschland?
Ja. Bayern. Mehr will ich noch nicht sagen.
Zu noided auf alles.
Ist einfach nur lächerlich.
Ja eh...
Soll ich dann auch so rüberkommen, dass ich sozial verkrüppelt bin? Und dann kommen die NEETbucks?
Will im Tontechnik Bereich was machen, aber sehr dangerous alles bei mir hier so.
jo macht ja nichts, war n paar mal in erding
Also kommt drauf an, SGB II bzw Hartz IV reicht schonmal für wohnung und essen, die zahlen Miete bis zu nem gewissen punkt und dann noch 404 euro zur freien verfügung.
Ich leb von SGB XII weil ich schizo bin, bin in nem betreutem haus bekomm aber weniger bargeld als bei SGB II. Wenn du auf spasti machst prüfen die das, ich glaub erst ab 100% behinderung kriegst du bonus geld, ich hab 25% mit schizophrenie. Ansonsten falls du schon länger gearbeitet hast gibts halt Arbeitslosengeld 1 das sind 60% von dem was du verdient hast glaub ich, irgendwie so.
Tontechnik klingt doch cool, ausbildung in sicht?
Yo my man watch the music video for breakbot: baby im yours