This fucking sucks.
I’ve been in this fucking city for over a year.
I still have zero contacts for weed.
I’m not asking anyone at work for it, bc then everyone will know.
It’s especially annoying because alcohol is far worse on your body, and I’m becoming an alcoholic bc no weed.
What do?
This fucking sucks
>I’m not asking anyone at work for it, bc then everyone will know.
Try making friends at work you retard. Unless you work a job thats in a safety critical role, I wouldn't worry about it.
go out on friday night and walk up to the first rastaman you see?
can't find weed, never thought I would witness such a retard question. Move to Canada, its legal, buy it anywhere
We all get along and are friends but I’m 2ic at the company so I need the respect of the staff to do my job effectively.
Have you tried.. making friends? Kinda a prerequisite
You gotta meet people outside of work then
Yeah not in Au. :/
I’d love to find a local dealer where I can rock up once a week and buy like $50 worth. Like I’m the good old days.
your solution is so fucking retarded i shouldn't even have to explain why
If ur in Wisconsin i got you
Yeah, I’m thinking to start going to this Wednesday poker game. Might make some friends there.
Currently outside of work I only have like 1 friend in this city and he doesn’t drink or smoke and now he’s just moved 1 hour away.
Brisbane Au :/
Back when I was early 20’s I flatter with my boss (computer/electronics store). We’d smoke all night and blaze up before work. Fuck those were some better days...
just hang out at night in bars and be aware of how you behave
introduce yourself to people even if you fail constantly
aim at the junkies but not the desperate ones
you will eventually learn to keep calm with new people and to infiltrate groups, there are all sorts of ways to appear valuable other than impression but i will not bother explaining, instead read something on body language
>so many ways to get high, bith legal and illegal
>boils his choices to weed and booze
OP confirmed faggot again, jesus christ just die from liver damage
sage in all fields, fuck OP
If it's taken you this long and still havn't hooked up why not just go buy some autoflower seeds and grow them in your backyard, in 3ish mths you got some weed. If you need seeds go to ( i heard they are legit
you're fucking retarded
walk outside your house you incel
You can always order online, in my experience it's often even cheaper than on the street and everyone I've dealt with has sent extremely subtle packages, like a "thank you package" for donating to some charity
Please dont. Keep your faggy bullshit to yourself.
American logic at its finest.
Weed bad
Alcohol good
No wonder we got owned by rice farmers.
Brisbane Aus, you stupid eurofag.
Lol not living where weed is legal
Go to Canada
Start a small grow. 6 months from now you will have more than you need. I would bloom about 2-4 plants a month. It was a small grow in a closet nobody ever knew.
Come to Canada, brother. They're literally hundreds of websites you could order weed for cheap. Save up for a vacation to vancouver or something. Get focused, save the money you could be boozing with, and use it on your smoke odyssey.
ITT: police entrapping police
My backyard, while spacious , has retired couple on both sides and they wouldn’t like the weed growing fml.
I’m going to have to go out and make friends. Joy :/
Canada sucks why the fuck would someone want to fly around the globe for Canada?
Sounds good, but I’ve already been to Canada.
>What do?