Whats the key to a happy life ?

whats the key to a happy life ?

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No such thing.

Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women

This and copious amount of cash

Serious answer - attempting to achieve meaningful goals

Using reason to determine the best course of action for your own flourishing.

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doing what she's doing once a week at least

A common ground with the person that lives deep within you. The one that society and even family and fear cannot change.

Understanding that you are on the outside of a happy life. And that you need to take a step into a new way of living. Rejecting the idea that you are not living up to your first potential is the best way to latch on to a sinking boat. You've got to see the possibilities as at a distance away from you. As you outside of them. And then you've got to take steps to bring about that life while understanding that your journey was the only price for getting your getting that while knowing also that the journey made you worthy for it and deserving of it.

do things that make you happy

The right amount of sleep.

Happiness is not a state of mind. It's not constant. Happiness, true happiness, lies in moments. Once you discover that space and time is actually space/time, a single concept, then you realize time is an abstract that we try to understand. What you dont know is each moment that you live is always on repeat. You are being born at this very moment. You are going to your first day of school right now. You kissed for the first time just a moment ago. Whether its an ex girlfriend or a dead relative, those people are with you forever in those moments. And being able to remember them is where true happiness lies. Collect those moments through out your life, as much as you can. Because in a few moments, you wont be here to remember anything.

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Enjoying it / what you have
Staying goal orientated
A fast car with a cute girl who’s smart funny and can carry a conversation
For me it’s also dubstep / Shambhala the festival

By subscribing to youtube.com/watch?v=l6pTHghAYtE
and hitting the like button.

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Less is more
Not being caught in the endless battle of material possessions

I chased wealth for my first 30 years. The happiest I’ve ever been was when I was making ok money, driving an ok car, and dating my wife. After we started making serious money, all enjoyment in life went away.

Working on returning to happier times now

>Less is more

Less is more. Dumb is smart. Midgets are tall.

Motherfucker, do you even logic?


Contentment with stupidity you mean.

>Not being caught in the endless battle of material possessions

Getting you fat ass to the store and handing over a piece of paper that weights 1/512 of a pound while your fat ass weights hundreds of pound alone isn't "a battle".

>I chased wealth for my first 30 years.

Chasing a burger you mean.

>and dating my wife

Is she fat?

>all enjoyment in life went away.

Little dick faggot.

>Working on returning to happier times now

Do you even temporal-tense dumbass?


>The effort that went into this post made me hungry.

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Careful with that edge, eugene

You probably think that was funny, but that’s Ausfag-level shitposting over on /pol/. How did you escape your containment board?

Intimate relation
Having responsibilities you can handle.
Setting obtainable goals you can work towards.
Some amount of luck

same unfunny faggots.

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Found the fatties.

This guy in the video of the GOON.



The key is gratitude. Practice being grateful for what you have and subconsciously you’re mind will train you to be content with your surroundings. Constantly dwelling on an idea of happiness will only register the feeling of lack in your brain. Gratitude will lead you to a better life. Also do not hold onto any resentments, it’s like poison.


That's just contentment with the world.
It isn't finding self preservation and enjoyment with the person that you are.
That's what happiness really is.

Ending it.

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is at the root of all evil in the world. It may seem difficult but living fearlessly will make you feel so much better about yourself and others will be drawn to you

Explore your desires and try new stuff, then you can focus on what makes you feel happy and good.
Is also a good point.

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Genetics (you get the looks and less prone to diseases so you live longer), money and Philippines