"To be born black is to have won the first and greatest lottery in life." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

"To be born black is to have won the first and greatest lottery in life." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

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Photoshop a white baby on the monitor.

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fuck this, BWC and black qveens thread

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Youre just as much of a kike as OP, consider killing yourself

>allowing your women to fuck blacks

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Seething shitskin manlets

Fuck off. Wmbf interracial breeding is the future

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the thread is already garbage anyway. And at least I sage, unlike you

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either way, whites are going extinct

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not really. Whites could bleach Africa pretty easily if they wanted

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No, black women will boost the white birth rate

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that's a lie, the white blood never gets darker only whiter, mulattos all become quadroons, etc. they just keep going for white people. blacks are getting white outed.

see my picture. One white guy, bleached 600 black girls. Whites could bleach the whole Africa very easily. Every single girl loves white males

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asian/white really is the best combo

Yeah but the male hapa offspring will grow up to spam whiteboi threads

abort the males. The females are qts and non-defective

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