Asian thread

asian thread

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ah, it wouldn't be an asian thread without a little zed

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GF, want nudes?

Attached: GF02.jpg (720x882, 59K)

Where is she from? I'm going to guess Japanese, but she's very western looking really.

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yes, please

She's actually Thai, but she have a very western-like face, (she got mocked a lot when she was a kid "place face, foreigner, Farang"..).
This pic have some filter tho, maybe this one will be more representative
She's surgery-less tho

Attached: GF01.jpg (654x960, 104K)

Zed has been making intermittent appearances recently

Attached: 2015-01-05 01.29.11-4.jpg (473x800, 50K)

I have a gallery for friend only on Mother less (name=Kuo), with all of them, even some vid, but I only want to share them with my Yea Forumsro so you have to send a friend request if you want to access it

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How are her tits?


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what do you mean ? How they feel ? or if they are natural ? if the later, yes they are, and if the former, I don't know yet, will see her soon, for now it's only cam stuff


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Show frontal nude

Damn, this poor girl, small tits and sagging already.

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Jasmine Lin?

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My penis is happy.

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any more of her mega?

What's the story with this girl?
>ugly face
>chinky eyes
>huge tits
>big mouth
>broad nose
>curveless figure
She's so ugly that she's adorable, sort of like a pug.

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anyone have more of her?

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can we get some nerdy Korean fobs

Zed or Jasmine?

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Does this work for you user?

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More of her?

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yeah more of girls like her

Yeah the narrow eyes just do it for me, I fucking love it.

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Holy fuck she's amazing, got more?

So jealous that you get to suck on those nipples

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hell yes our fav japanese gf

user any new stuff for us?

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Lmao, the first girl is gorgeous compared to this weeb

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keep posting and what kind of asian is she?

hapa from hawaii

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whats her nastiest photo?

I fucked an asian once in my 20's. It was still to this day one of my greatest fucks. I still jack off to the thought of it.

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Just a few. Nothing crazy

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sent a request

Her anus must be so cute.

some new nudes please

that pic is shopped. here is where the body is from.

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Any more?

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Went to undergrad with her, how old are these? Not sure if I should let her know these are circulating.

Damn, how's it feel to be a virgin?

can we get more of these cute innocent fobs with a bush nude?

Been wanting to tell her but nah

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lmao the original is prettier than the shopped