Yellow friends we won! They gave us our board!

Yellow friends we won! They gave us our board!

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2 years ago.


Friendly reminder that /bant/ is hostile to Yea Forums refugees and wants nothing to do with the civil war

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trips confirm, yay!

/bant/ literally hates Yea Forums.

>he doesn't know Yea Forums is the most hated board
I bet you thought it was /pol/, unironically.

Attached: Costanza.webm (1280x720, 745K)

Yea Forums literally doesn’t care what fags think

Wasted trips.
Bant sucks.
And i can't express how much it sucks as there are no words to describe how much it sucks.

well yah it sucks. They have no porn

Not just that, they are pretentious little pricks ,
Plus,, muh flag and shit

Anons. You should all check out this thread.
It's a juicy debate about what is and is not random on Yea Forums.

Flags are gay on anonymous boards
Check out this thread instead user.



why don’t you like flags, Vladimir?

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about time

/bant/ fag here, no yellow please

You must be new.

I was here last summer too

Mods need to just mod Yea Forums, close all trap, loli, faggoty shoite that gets posted.

except traps and faggotry are ok though, no homo

trips noted

quads over rule

they’re having a pretty big celebration over there for the yellow team

newfag never heard of Yea Forums or /r9k/

Attached: brah nah.jpg (256x256, 5K)

coping /pol/cel lol

/bant/ sucks. I refuse this offer. I will not stop until Yea Forums is 100% yellow!

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/bant/ has post ids and flags
Not anonymous
Its shit

posts flags, ah I can see this being a problem for yellow, thanks Vladimir

Old Yea Forums had IDs! We want old Yea Forums reeeee

Just don't fucking tell them you're from here

literal fag detected

>old Yea Forums

That was like 2009 and it was very breif.

by yellow friends, come back and visit once in a while, just don’t act like newfags again

>/bant is shit
i found a new home by now. i just come here now to troll pornbois and make bullshit threads!

i mean those idiots even reply to my threads
there are so many retards here now. its unbelievable.

and another one


what he said

yellow brick road
