Computer Science is killing me

The course work isn't hard
I am pretty decent at picking up new things
Topics still are usually interesting

My main issue is every fucking youtube tutorial on anything remotely upper class work is created by FUCKING PAJEETS.


I get accents are a thing. But when it is so bad that they can't be understood and actually sound like a bunch of retards. Not to mention they are too fucking cheap to buy a microphone that doesn't sound like a tin can with a fan being blown into it.

How did that way of speaking ever develop in such a retarded way.

Thats about it. I have to go back to watching videos that make me want to see if I can put my chin higher than my eyes while sitting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>YouTube Tutorial
Is this what passes for "Science" these days?

Stop using youtube for programming advice, learn to read faggot.

So make your own tutorial. Don't be mad the people who know more and are taking initiative sound different, be happy they're speaking English.

science has always been a meme
>pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the exact same information in a classroom, goy

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If you think it gets better after school it doesn't. Plenty of employers know about h1b visa and they will exploit it. You will have to work a job under your expected pay and be forced to work with shitskins that will deliver half baked products and act like children when called out. Welcome to IT. Even large companies with money will cheap out with IT work. Currently work for Boeing and so much is outsourced it is causing issues in many areas but you can't call it out without risking being called a racist.

This. Give me some fucking example code and a wall of text. Maybe put a video under the text to show me how nice something looks if it is graphic programing. There are a lot neat tutorial videos out there, but it is anoying to oause the fucking video just to look at some code. Also skipping around to find the interesting parts takes time. Reeee

Pajeets literally just steal other tutorials and upload 300 incomprehensible and wrong versions with fake titles that pop up as first 100 results for anything on google

They need to get nuked


I have this exact same problem but when I'm looking up tech videos about a new phone or an Android hack or how to pirate a game. Everyone of them is a fucking Pajeet.

I dislike and close the video as soon as I hear their disgusting accent and see their shit colored hand/face.

Attached: PoosFappingInPublic.jpg (4000x2250, 710K)

It's somehow more stupid to pay for the information in a class room, this does not lessen the stupidity of neglecting to

consider this:
all those poos know way more things than you do.
you are the bottom feeder here; can't learn from courses/ books/ practice.

I feel you. Have you checked out Derek Banas? American with a good mic, and very good content


Yeah this is absolutely true.

I'd fucking love Google or a third party to let you screen for accents you have trouble understanding. That would obviously be the cover but I'd immediately block Indian video uploads.

Deal with it .

Fuck you brainlet niggers, ochem Youtube videos saved my ass.

pirate a book, retard

lmfao disgusting shitskins seething

Is this how consumers think of science?

I don't get why people hate on poos so much. You guys are speaking English better than Americans. I know I'll be cannibalized for saying that, but you guys are one of the few threats to the white man via globalization and virtualization. I'm not going to hate you guys for reading and working hard. And I've watched many pootube vids to increase my understanding.



t. the gurl on the pic is me

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I never knew why people would want to go to a college. Niggers must not know about the internet, you can find anything if you know where and what to search for.

InB4 my scrap of paper I've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for.. Just because you have a degree, doesn't make one intelligent.

Fucking hue.

I can't wait for your disgusting shitskin race to be exterminated. One day all turdskin genes will be extinct and the planet will be fully European and it will be a utopia forever. Europeans would have conquered the solar system already if it weren't for you parasites holding us all back.

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All poos do is cheat, though. In my engineering course every poo I've encountered (a lot) work together on individual projects, pay for subscriptions to cheating websites, use language barriers as excuses for not knowing physics principles in their third year, and one time I had the displeasure of witnessing a group of Indians try to badger a unit coordinator in to giving them a higher mark even though their robot didn't achieve what it was meant to.

Indians generally are trash. But, as there are so fucking many of them, there are some that are exemplary, though.

Poos are not a threat, they are a natural ally of the white man.

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motherfuck you basterd bich

>t. Shitskin

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

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>you guys are one of the few threats to the white man via globalization and virtualization
Are you ultra bluepilled or just a poo? start reading there.
To summarize, there's heaps of shitskins out there in South Asia. And there will be heaps more. They're all desperate to come here and spread their disgusting genes. Life is just a survival competition against other tribes. The planet has limited resources and space. Poos/Pakis/Chinks are a disgusting, ever expanding competing tribe. That is enough of a reason to wish for their extinction.

You know the rules

I'd laugh if the 737 Max issues are due to pajeets shitting out bad code

All of those things are very common in poo culture.
>T. Poojeet
No non-white can be our ally nor are they needed as an ally. The best thing they can do if they really want to be our "allies" is castrate themselves and slide into extinction.

Good luck finding a job without a degree. It's possible but unless you've got a shit load of experience doing something for free for countless hours and have a company that is okay with that, most jobs only hire people with degrees for development now.

They are due to pajeets + incompetent management ignoring the white engineers + incompetent management trying to sell safety features as extras

"she" has a mustache

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does your mom look like pic?

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Most people don't know how many companies are going straight into the shitter due to poos. Poos and Chinks both pose as "model minorities" but are silently destroying White nations from within.

Lesson: All non-Whites are the same and none are to be trusted.

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I'm a unix sysadmin, my job is secure and I get paid because nobody reads the fucking manual

Don't learn to code, its a waste of time

literally my dream job except I don't know how to get hired to do it

Tranny detected

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>tfw I'm a native English speaker who's taught university courses in the topic

You should see my reviews compared to my colleagues. Being a native English speaker is an insane boost to presentation abilities. Speaking a language you don't think in is like an entirely additional level of difficulty - I've tried! Their accent isn't that bad, but I've also grown more accustomed to it as I've met more people from the continent.

Also, it's true. Everyone has an innate ability to conduct science and impact the world. Universities don't have a monopoly on education or knowledge, and the internet gave that one away. The information is the same. What you do get is an in-box communication with someone who can, and that's actually worth more than you'd think when you fully realize the scope of the world.

Reverse image search says it's Grace Victoria Cox. Some actress from Lexington, Kentucky.

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God, they're all so fucking ugly.

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they try so hard to look white keek

Computer Science is for faggots

> Unreadable low-res screenshot.

Are you a pajeet or what?

> sysadmin
> literally my dream job

I find your lack of sanity disturbing.

>"CS Major"
Literally BadMath or BadStats Major. Literally exists for pajeets

>T phone poster
Use desktop mode and zoom in

your arm still hairy

Applied Math and Statistics would be more apt a name really.

NVM, sorry, I think the screenshot got somehow compressed by the cloud storage I had it in. Let me try another one.

Attached: WhyPoosSuck.jpg (1080x5445, 1.78M)

Yep this works. Just turn on desktop mode (it's in all browsers on the phone) and zoom in.

If these poos are so good then why do they have to travel to the USA?

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that's why tech companies should always be managed by a engineer, those low IQ economists and managers can't understand shit about the company, they think summing and subtracting numbers as money makes them smart in every decision.

Why in the fuck would you want to work for someone other than your self. Take the Entrepreneur pill. Also those same jobs only hire muh diversity. So if you are white or male, good luck to you finding a job user.

she such a cutie

I run in the same issues with accounting. Can’t stand that accent. They can’t poo in the loo but they can verbally shit the bed

> BadMath or BadStats Major.
isn't everything else though?
You have to be a special kind of autist to enjoy math or Stats occupations.

>Speaking a language you don't think in is like an entirely additional level of difficulty - I've tried!
if you're really proficient in another language you can switch between thinking in native/foreign language with ease. consciously thinking about vocabulary and grammar and shit is needed only if you're still learning.

agree with the rest of your post though, I'd still be 3rd year EE if it wasn't for Pajeets, Iranians and surprisingly Finns

because you aren't up late at night trying to fudge your taxes or getting told to fuckoff when begging for new clients everyday.

Please, for the sake of God, never learn from pajeets. Find some proper source. Stackoverflow is good.

Yes and no.
Having a good, knowledgeable teacher is priceless.

Even a mediocre to bad Math or Stats Major can spend like a few weeks and be better at "CS" than CS majors.
It was a major designed in the 90s to milk retards for tuition money. Then it got repackaged recently into "Data Science". 90% of the curriculum is busy work and programs routinely don't force students to learn actual IC design or FPGA programming.

Are you really finding this with 'upper class' work?
I remember running to patjeet tutorials all the time when it came to programming basics,
but the moment I started looking for deeper topics it was usually white people discussing them.


Learn a trade you nigger

How the fuck is anyone going to learn to program by watching a lecture? Lectures are for hard to understand information. For programming you need to understand a bunch of little pieces at the time you are trying to use them.


>My main issue is every fucking youtube tutorial

If you have to watch a fucking video to understand ANY computer science concept you are fucking Karlie Kloss tier stupid. If you can't get the answer 100x faster from stackoverflow you need to go back and finish your marketing degree. They love visual morons.

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kek I've ran into this problem a few times.

Not really with ease, I usually start thinking in English after at least a week in an English-speaking country.

Checkout EdX, Courserea, KhanAcademy (don't let the name put you off, guy's American). Or download a few college textbooks.

>it's Grace Victoria Cox

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>dont need a degree to be smart
Well, no. But, you will never get past the resume submission part of the job process without it. At least not a company with an HR department. That shit may fly at geek squad or some other bullshit computer repair place, but any company looking to pay some guy 80k+ and bennies is gonna want to see some qualifications.
No one is obligated to give you some sort of "pass" because you think you are "above" getting a degree.
Unless you have many certifications, with also paper backing them up.

Wtf are these threads. Jesus this place is shit

>Poo calling anything shit
Your skin, your race and your country is shit, Pajeet.

see, you are starting to get it. you are not welcome here, we hate your kind. GTFO

I found computer science useless / boring as fuck,
it was all theoretical stuff and 'usability' / ' legality '
sometimes writing essays about historical people, and the applications and social relevance of computing. There was barely any practical experience involved in the course at all, and I was already good enough at Java to do any of the programming coursework before I even went to university, in the final year they went into all this advanced bullshit about distributed computing and networking, synching data or whatever but it was all theoretical with no context. We were taught hardware but again without much practical experience, except modeling basic logic gates in software, a lot of stuff about modern processors was mentioned but again it was theoretical and just buzzwords that you could learn from watching Linus Tech Tips or similar but on a more technical level, nobody would have been capable of building a 1980s style amateur computer system at the end of it like the lecturer claimed he used to do . I wanted to be a game dev but that part of the course was basically tacked on from modules of a digital arts degree and then they bought it some poor pleb that didnt know what he was talking about to try and teach us game engine programming, except it was pretty much just 2 modules in 3 years, out of a total of like 25 modules.

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last time I went on stackexchange all the people asking questions were pajeet and pajeet women and all they did was copy/paste their uni questions directly, no attempt to say hi and explain anything, just bam, no attempt to solve it, just "do my homework" and on their lined social media profile shes a "coder" lol ... can't even make a struct

Here's a tip your giant faggot OP.

If you need YouTube tutorials to learn your going to be a shitty developer who is no better than the pajeets you are complaining about.

It's time to switch majors.

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Using youtube is a terrible idea. Pajeets are bad at programming. All programming languages and libraries are well documented by the people that write them. Use the documentation.

yeah this is kind of retarded, unless your following an entire project but even then, seeing the code and being able to navigate it freely is much nicer, can't imagine how a video would make it better unless your still learning the toolbox or UI

First one looks like an abo. Second one has had her skin whitened to try to be white but is still failing at that.

Its like that with electronics videos too, probably about half of the videos are some jungle nigger,
you get all these funny comments like ' Please sir what is the voltage of the battery needed, I must complete this project urgently ', I even saw one where they were asking if they could buy the $1 breadboard circuit that was shown how to make in the tutorial.

It's why the corps are so happy to push the social just narrative. They benefit even more than the migrants do. Leftists who chose what brands they back based on their political stance are even bigger pawns than wagie civ nats who back the candidate offering the biggest tax cuts.


every problem can be solved by a few hours reading documentation

>boo hoo my white company is dying
>better hire some cheap indians to fix everything
>indians extend companies life and save thousands of jobs for the meantime
>company dies years after it was due to die

>it is anoying to oause the fucking video just to look at some code

One can only conclude that most people are idiots (yeah, big surprise). I recently watched a video where a guy was explaining how he made a belt sander. The fucking moron went over every damn dimension, like he expected anyone who was interested would make their own drawing and pause and write down every fucking number. Just make the damn drawing and link to it.

Video learning is for idiots, same as most lectures. In high school I'd ignore the Calculus teacher and read a book or whatever, and look up every few minutes to confirm that nothing important was going on. One day I noticed an error way back where he starte deriving something, and I pointed it out. While he erased the entire board full of bad equations, I had to laugh at all the "students" frantically erasing or marking through all the shit they had copied from the board without giving it a single thought.

desu some algorithms are better explained with a video (e.g. graph algorithms)

Mate I'm in the same boat. It's kinda disheartening to be taught by an Indian bloke who you know you're going to be competing with for a job when you graduate.

Was reading a tutorial from a pajeet just yesterday that I realised halfway through was ripped from one I'd read a few days prior.

you can learn most subjects except perhaps medicine or law or advanced science by watching stuff on Youtube then practicing it by yourself by the way. I was like ' this VR stuff is cool but I wish I could make my own waifus and animate them ' but I didn't think I was someone that was capable of doing 'art' as if it was like a natural talent, I used to like it at school but all my work was zero skill level. But I ended up learning it, starting with CGI then moving onto drawing and painting and now going to try making 3d prints and painting them with acrylic.

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Yes, a lot of companies are approaching critical poo mass. They keep adding code and layers of technology while getting rid of the white guys who built the original stuff they're stacking on top of. When something breaks, a thousand poos can't fix what one white guy who really knew the system could fix. That's why we're starting to see longer downtimes for services even at the biggest companies. It won't get better.

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Longer downtime?Services are as snappy as ever.Dont know what ur talking bout?


no. no they don't. Indian accent on youtube is the #1 sign that someone is quoting rote memorization and teaching to a crowd doing memorization.

You're better off reading a book.

lambda school, retard


OP it gets worse when you actually get a job and all your coworkers are pajeets

I dont care what anyone says. Telusko learnings is the best channel to learn to code. That guy is great.

while OP is, in fact retarded, I've worked with Indians and while they work hard they lack a lot of social, creative, and technical skills.

I've seen a lot of blatant copy paste code, or 'I don't know how this module works' (because they can't actually read code), or not fixing small obviously wrong things because they weren't *explicitly* told to do that exact minor thing.

Meh did 3 years of it , then was 2 years unemployed after

Depends on your level of commitment and specialisation. The days of being able to make a steady six figure salary designing quick brochure sites for local mom and pop shops are definitely over but the stuff that actually requires some thought and skill is more lucrative than ever with the race to automate everything. The pareto principle is a thing.

I've been doing it for 24 years, self-taught, no degree. All I can tell you is every job I ever got was through word-of-mouth. Someone who needed a sysadmin knew someone who knew me. One problem is that people who need a Unix sysadmin don't know that's what it's called. They just know they have problems with a server. Might be a mail server, might be a terminal server for point-of-sale systems, tucked away in a closet somewhere. So it's hard to describe the job usefully. I tell people I work on "unusual" systems, the ones that aren't like their desktops.

Go back to pajeetoid


Think that's bad?
The cheating is WAY worse.

Oh, and professionally? — Be prepared for *HUGE* waves of unchecked arrogance, despite overflowing incompetency.

If poos were as good as the US CEOs clamoring for moar H1Bs say they are, India would be a massive hotspot of innovation, a subcontinent-wide Silicon Valley. Still have yet to see anything of the sort.

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All of you in IT tech education are much better off learning the trade by working at a repair shop or something like that. If you're young and without a degree you'll cost less for your employer to hire so that makes up for the fact that you still have to learn a lot.

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what is the state of your IT?

Nothing fun will make you a good wage (unless of course you are exceptionally good at). The more exciting / interesting an occupation the more people there will be willing to do it cheaper. Supply and demand. If you really want to make a fortune chose a highly skilled job that no truly sane person would ever do for fun.

Oh, one bit of advice: if you do pick up a sysadmin job, even a 1-hour troubleshooting, act like a white man and be professional. Just responding to phone calls and emails within 24 hours will make you stand out over 95% of the competition, because the standard now is for clients to have to spend weeks chasing the IT guy down to get anything done. Just doing a reasonable job will make you stand out, and they'll remember you when they can't afford the run-around.

don't get in this field user
I wished I hadn't wasted my best years sitting in front of the computer to end up being mixed with poos under the dictatorship of muh strong wamun in tech.

Try theoretical physics or mathematics loser.

>>I've been experiencing the arrogance in college already
You have my sympathy.

Attached: poos can't into IT.png (1850x4917, 1.63M)

do you poop in loop?

>queue Dreamscape.mp3

>watching youtube videos to learn programming
How about you read a book, you fucking nigger?

Anyway, if you don't want to deal with pajeets, either get into embedded systems programming, or abandon programming altogether.

You didn't notice the multiple-hour downtimes at Facebook and Youtube recently? Everyone else did.

I feel for you user. I have my degree in CS. I watched myself start enyry level coding jobs in canada for min wage (12hr). this was in 2003. Everything went to the poos. My freelance clients wanted code written for pennies on the hour. Poos complied since for them 10a day is still ok. I had a boomer management team like in officespace. My doctor put me on stress leave after i was complaining of chest pains and unable to catch my breath. I got an email fireing me a week into my medical leave. Was supposed to have a gold plated insurance policy...etc. I ended up on the street. Only a handful of ppl in cs will make it. Its dominated by poos working and managerial boomers.

#learn to code

and strong wamun tech leaders

I was just reading about PIC32 yesterday

Attached: SuperPajeet.jpg (512x512, 37K)

>learn to read
already did. now i farm fish and hunt ...and shitpost.

>youtube tutorials
Literally all of my classmates, can't wait to see them crash and burn
Switch careers before it's too late
Basically half Indian half bangladeshi ... 100% pajeet

>learning to program from street shitter videos.
user, you realize the best devs were created before the internet even existed right? Get a linux system. Unix is your IDE. Read man pages, write some C. Stop being such a faggot.

Video tutorials are borderline procrastination anyway. Read a book nigger.

Get used to it friend. Once you get a job and most of your co-workers will pajeets

Apparently, streets aren't the only place they shit on... they also like to shit on their code
They just copy paste the same thing in 10 different places and don't document anything, so whenever you need to make a change you waste hours of your time
I spend more time handling pajeet code than actually programming

Then there is the fact that a lot of them have poor hygiene and the pajeet girls can be just as horny as those guys who keep posting "bitch lasagna" on facebook

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The age of white people needed in CS is over and is never coming back. I would have loved to have a job working with 'puters when the dotcom boom was flying high in the 90s. Now there's too many pajeets and chinks. Oh well.

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Tits or GTFO roastie bitch, you know the rules around here!

Are you me?
>be working with a pajeet
>see him copy code from SO
>watch him paste everywhere in the code and trial-error test it
>look at him asking wtf is he doing
>gets into a sweaty tab switch/window drag craze with some poos BS
leave him alone and never talk to him anymore, never merge his code

yes.. i forgot about all the whamens there in some sales capacity. They were getting stock options. I asked for a raise from min wage .... or something after 20 months. got yelled at like a child from a retarded boomer that i was always making anallytical tools for. He couldnt read code to save his life. I had made a small error with an operator importing excel into the db. He was all like.. cant you fucking add. are you stupid. I broke inside and pretty much lost my mind for awhile. very stressful. dumb condecending boomers. whats not to love

What? Why the fuck are you watching YouTube tutorials

You're a piece of shit mate, typical Burger retard. Go make your own videos you fucking Zoomer piece of shit, those indians with "shitty accents" are 10x more hungry and competent than you will ever be. Humble yourself faggot and be happy that there are people out there putting shit online because you fucking dumbass need to watch videos instead of reading literature like a true white man, but you're on the lower end of the IQ curve despite being white.

Fucking idiot

Tfw this passes for huwhite in muttmerica. You’ve been put on notice yuropoors

I live for your posts, Wal Mart user.

Why the fuck should I care?

Pakis are so desperate. But guess what paki. We don't want you in the world, get out and colonize mars or something. We have dibs on the moon

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Bless you, sir

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back in my day we learned them computers from books! It's a series of pieces of paper with the squiggles on em! They tell ya how to use the pooter!

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>when the youtube tutorial is in Hindi but youre familliar with the system enough to follow along

But born in the US with a jew-tier IQ.

I work for Wells Fargo and about 75% of the people who work here in IT are pajeets. I want to blow my brains out everyday after talking with these people in meetings all day. They are the worst.

how about you build some loos instead. and stop everyone who hates your ugly smelly ass a paki, you are the most hated people on this planet

America is my second home

Attached: supportForAmerikkka.png (309x282, 16K)

Silence, poo. Whites are talking.

Read and comprehend
This is truly what western culture thinks of India

Attached: AmericaThinksOf_2.jpg (881x773, 85K)

There's like a gorillion interactive learning lessons on the interwebs, stop using jewtube


What is this? Agitprop for ants?

You can't learn discrete maths or differential calculus from youtube tutorials. Get an ipad/ android tablet, download books off of the internet and read them everyday.

pakoid has no IT

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If you need a pooloo youtube tutorial and you call it "upper class work" you are probably a dumb nigger.

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>Indian accents in videos
Fucking lel, I lived with a bunch of Polish compscis during college, and literally all of them would complain about this exact thing.

Correct and poo-pilled.

I agree that most of it can and should be learned from books/documentation and practice. But it's also true that humans learn best when they can get the info from multiple sources/senses. That's why traditional learning included books and exercises along with lectures and sometimes one-on-one tutoring. There's not necessarily anything wrong with supplementing your book learning with videos in place of lectures. I've done a series of instructional videos on 8-bit coding (hobbyist stuff) and I get comments from people saying it made something click for them that didn't with the book. The problem is too many people try to get by on videos alone.

complain to the white master of the company
or if your complaint is not taken seriously .. they don't really care about copying off the internet

if you think white people love you then you are delusional af. you are ugly loud and smelly. in fact i cant think of a single culture that like you people besides other poo colored people around you

India is India
We need some white influence/mentoring to perform our best. Not all white though, only the elite of the white. We can distinguish trash from elite easily

If white people started going to college this wouldn't be an issue. So, errr....who's retarded?

>70% of software engineers on stack overflow survey had bachelor's or higher degree.
>Only 30% did not obtain a degree


In the 80s and 90s it was a slax accent. Engineering attracts non_english speakers because the language of engineering is math.
And quit watching youtube videos.

No one considers you human, poo. You're a smelly disgusting shitskin paki yourself. No one will ever take your inferior, hideous race seriously. It's just your biology and genetics. You're doomed.

except nothing he does works and he shits other people's code, you dumb curry nigger

>How did that way of speaking ever develop in such a retarded way.
its because white people wanted stupid accents so the brits taught them stupid accents

they are a caricature of a person from another country. you want proof? lip plates. not a real thing prior to some faggots wandering through in the 70s doing national geographic documentaries. they paid poor 3rd worlders to lie about their customs and white people thought wow thats neat

white peoples desire to see strange things is the root cause. how ever despite side shows being illegal the left has tried to cover up the revelation that lip plates are not a real cultural thing. this is the white man in his natural element doing mental gymnastics and performing double speak to justify his fetishes

the poos funny way of speaking is no different. the upside for them is that you let your guard down and their foot soldiers spread enough hepB and C in the west that you will not recover. for a country full of hepB&C patients because they wont use vaccines its funny you would even allow them to be doctors

>muh magic dirt
He's not American. Not All Indians, sure, but that doesn't make them us.

too funny when white people complain about how dumb they are, and then call someone "dumb" for trying to help them. no wonder the race is going extinct lol


Because they're over here, in our workplaces, with their strange English - they /do/ compete with us. Do you think we should like them? But it's not one or two, it's rafts of them. Frequently they're a little bit sucky. Anyway, they want to be treated as equals, but they're not.
> are speaking English
Not sure whether poo or yellow, but you're non-native. You have to go back.

No one likes pakis though

Attached: IndiasRole.png (310x793, 86K)


99% of what I learned in my CSC courses was/is completely useless

reading all of this before meeting my white gf, you guys are so funny hahahah

We are a force of nature
Deal with it

oo I poopa doopa in da compoota

of course, because they are the same people as you. smelly, shitskin, ugly, abbos

Yes, like the ameribro said, I was trying to help you. But it seems you deserve to be BTFOed instead

Attached: IndiaSavesTheDayAgain.jpg (832x1192, 150K)

Videos good crystalising concepts you've done the actual learning for from a book but it's terrible if you're totally new to a topic. YouTubers skip over details a book with a publisher to impress and a word count to meet won't. That's fine if you just want to quickly familiarise yourself with a subject but it's hopeless if you want to truly understand it.


Problem is not even copying the code from the internet
Problem is copy pasting without having any idea of what the code is doing in the first place and then having my boss come up to me a couple of weeks later when I'm busy and complain that something is not working, we are about to lose the client, and I have X days to figure out what is wrong and somehow fix everything

I didn't say he was, but he's been civilised and educated by them.

You are genettcally indistinguishable from Pakis, poo
>political views equate to what the general public thinks of you
What makes you think you're a special kind of shitskin? You're no different than the rest of the unwashed brown masses that pollute White nations. As for Chinks, they're so revolted by you that they have Korean restaurants within India that ban Indians from entering. Whites had laws and policies segregating you too, but we aren't allowed to separate from the subhumans anymore sadly.

Attached: 16d8332.png (385x99, 14K)

like how about like
complain and try to put the blame on the person you think is responsible. Obviously when you find the bug, you can trace it back to whose contribution it was. don't be a nigger who just complains on the internet

If you needed videos to understand ochem, youre the brainlet.

>t.biochem 4.0 grad

Kashmir is always going to be India

If you know how to utilise it properly beyond copy and pasting the first piece of code that solves your problem, stackoverflow's actually a pretty good resource.

>Poo continues to defend his genetic garbage of a race
You can scam all day long, shitskin as is natural to your kind, but natural law dictates that you'll always be viewed as subhuman.

The Greeks viewed you as subhuman.
The Scythians viewed you as subhuman.
The Romans viewed you as subhuman.
The Portuguese viewed you as subhuman.
The British viewed you as subhuman.
The Chinks viewed you as subhuman.

And today, everyone from Whites to Chinks to Koreans to Filipinos and Thai, Arabs and Mexicans view you as subhuman. Because being a subhuman is rooted in the very being of who you are. It's in your kind's blood.

Attached: 449bafd.jpg (1280x720, 255K)

>'push blame on someone else'
that isn't what the person paying your wage gives a shit about
>indian guy gave me a huge chunk of code
>local guy ironed out the kinks
>don't give a fuck where the kinks originated because its working now


Insufferable and incomprensible for us Euros who can already barely suffer the arrogant cowboy slang and the effeminate British accent.

In the past it used to be great knowing English, you got 5 to 10 times more resources online than you got by searching in any other major language.

Now I gotta search for videos in German or Italian otherwise 50% of videos are from an Indian trying to speak in English and EVEN if the title is in English another 40% of fucking Indians speaking in one of their pooh languages, it is incredible.

>don't give a fuck where the kinks originated because its working now

Then it's not the Indian's fault at all.
stop complaining because you have no substance to back it up with action.