Alright faggot. Lets assume for a moment that youre right and the earth is flat. Explain me timezones

Alright faggot. Lets assume for a moment that youre right and the earth is flat. Explain me timezones.

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internet gets cached and delayed for hours


Places in the universe where time exists

I'm not even a flat earthers and I can figure it out. You have a disc, and there's a sun on top of it. Sun moves in a circle around the disc. If the earth was flat, you'd be able to see the sun move in the sky and shit. So if its noon in New York, it'd still be 9am in LA.

where is the sun during night? How come some time zones have night while others have the sun up?

Holy shit what are you, 12?

Timezones are a Jewish conspiracy. So is sausage. Be careful, they're watching.

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Time is an arbitrary concept made up by humans. Not even just the Jews, humans in general. We feel the need to come up with some higher concept to explain and over complicate everything when it's not necessary. Other animals don't know what the fuck time is and they don't care but we can't stop obsessing over it and we even make up dumb "zones" in which time is different from other zones. We'll do anything to make something a tribal matter.

explain the crescent moon

have you everseen a world map? you can't put that on a ball without wrinkling the whole thing.

I've never been able to figure out if flat earth's really believe that stupidity or they're just really comitted to the joke.

Doesn't work. You could stand still but spin in a circle staring at the sun if it did.

timezones are created by the jews to keep you in the globist state of mind

sure it works, we do have day and night afterall

Typical rounder comment. Insults, but no facts.

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can't imagine you having more than a 75iq

both. did you think there was'nt any idiots around?

How does night happen? Where does the light from the sun go?

timezones are a hoax. It’s a conspiracy. There is nooone who actually have seen a time zone change. Have you noticed that wherever you go there is the same time on your iphone? Thats right! And all these paid to lie fuckers who claim different, well they lie because they’re paid to do so. Also anyone telling the truth is either also paid to stop or if refused to, they’re shot by the earth border guard police. Do not trust what they say. These are all lies.

Literally everything I said was true. There is no reason to insult my intelligence because you disagree.

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Ah, that perfectly explains why its night in the US while in Europe its bright day. What a smart fucker you are

Where the moon is is where it is night. Where the sun is it day. While the Earth is flat, it is still really big and the sun is still very far away. Not all of the light can cast across the entire Earth at once.

It's easy. Once you realize that just because the Earth is flat, that it doesn't have to be in the shape of a dinner plate.

It could be folded or have a slight curve to it.

Once you realize that the Earth is flat, but is simply folded into a ball like shape, everything works.

>hurr durr humans don't need time
I guess if we woke up, found food, came back went to bed we wouldn't.
>BRB meeting mr. johnson for an important business meeting at 1:30pm.
>Oh wait no time
>Meet mr johnson when the sun is 3 clicks left of the whore house
>Oh wait that's a measurement of time
Kill yourself dumb ass

This pure smart. You my new lawyer.

Everyone knows the sun sets in the south

Not what OP asked me to explain. I was asked to explain timezones and I even went a bit further and explained time itself to help my point. Time is a concept exclusive to us as far as we know. All night and day are a points where the sun and moon at different states in their orbit it has nothing to do with our man-made concept we just think it does due to confirmation bias.

i'll do one better.
>troll that flat earth is flat
>people actually mad
>trolls trolling trolls.exe
>Actual ppl who believe it or start believing it join
>actual trolls stop trolling
>actual people continue unironically trolling

that's how flat earth started and is still going on.

The position of a giant star and a planet that happens to orbit ours and reflect the light of the aforementioned star has nothing to do with our silly concept. I'm not saying we don't need time, at this point we do since we've become so dependent on having schedules and have become what we deem to be civilized. If we didn't evolve past doing the bare minimum to survive like other animals still do then we wouldn't need it of course. But, since there's so many advanced things that we do that need to be done at certain points where the sun and moon are in the right place we constructed a concept to help us better keep track of when these things will occur.

God dude what is your fucking point? You call time silly, and it is literally the thing that makes the world go round as it does today.

time is a construct

There is literally no credible argument what speaks in favor of the world is being a globe. Timezones exist because the flat earth is so vast and the sun is so low that you in europe the sun is directly over you while in america its near the horizon. This explains it. Also gravitation is a negative forcefield which doesnt push you away but sucks you in. This why we stay on the surface. Any questions? Next!

I think it's dumb but I understand why we value it so much, that is my point. All I was asked to do is explain timezones. That's what I did and you went and felt the need to insult me and start an argument which you now want to back out since it seems you are the one without a point and just want something to bitch about.

how fucking naive are you ?
have you ever heard of ISLAM ?
In the quran it says that the earth is flat, when the globalist jewish dominated elite pushes the agenda that the quran is wrong, it makes the muslims accelerate their planned invasion of the western world. The same people who support the idea that the earth is round also accept mass invasion of muslim immigrants into the west even though they KNOW their plan is to subdue the western world under muslim rule. IT IS IN THEIR QURAN. So why? Coincidence? It's all part of their plan. Do I have to fucking spoonfeed you more little child or are you going to step out of your sheltered libtard bubble and wake up?

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It's clearly this. Learn topology you faggots. Shit's flat. Gravity curves it.

Time is real, it existed before us and before earth and will continue to exist afterwards. How we measure it, the units, is only relevant to us

Obviously timezones depend on where you are positiond under the great spotlight. Duh

Time is needed and observed by animals, or do you think animals dont sleep at specific times and that mating season isnt at a particular time of year for species.

Jesus christ cuz the disk is so large are you fucking indiot!!!!

Fucking shit mother fucker!!!

Your mother is biggest donkey, fuck her allright

Well dumbass, that did not at all answer the question.

While you are technically not completely wrong, this is not what flatearthers pray up and down.

OP here. Still No one explained how in a flat earth it can be 6am in London and midnight in Bangkok.

wait a minute? so sun is above the dome or beneath?

what happens if you turn on a flashlight when it's dark outside, you get some light yeah? But does it light up the whole fucking world ? No. All light has limits to how far they can reach and light things up. The sun has enough power to light up half the world, but as the sun moves, some places on earth will go dark, because the sunrays aren't strong enough to light up the space

Both the sun and the earth moves in circles. So when the sun has reached the "end of the world", the world and the sun will have circled 180° in opposite directions, and the sun will then have reached the area of the world that it originally started from 24 hours ago

Animals operate purely on instinct. They don't sequence events the same way we do and most of them don't even have the mental capacity required to remember things long enough to even come close. They go to sleep when they get tired or when it's dark or in the case of nocturnal animals, when it's not dark. They mate when they are horny and there are mates around. They don't record the specific times when these things occur, it happens when their body or the environment signifies that it needs to happen.

bro im not a retard flat earther, but you are missing the boat. It doesn't matter what shape the earth is, the measurement of time is not relevant to the shape of the earth.

Biggest bullshit iv'e heard so far.

You failed the moment you tried talking to the flat earth trolls.

it’s not.

Kek, right because predators, fuck any animal, doesnt learn how to hunt/find food and remember techniques to help it succeed. How do sea turtles show up to specific beaches only on certain times of year to lay their eggs? By random chance? I think not. Why is mating season only in spring for the most part and not fall? It like they know a time where food is/will be plentiful

The T.V. can show you movies that you see and understand as happening somehow. You are able to process when someone throws a baseball at you or away from you in the T.V and that is called "spatial recognition". Dreams are happening inside of your head all the time and these dreams also appear to be occurring in 3d. But they are not 3d. They look like 3d and feel like 3d because we are living in a world that is as flat as our sight and "depth" is only the picture making things smaller or larger but feeling makes us belief that there is a difference that is coming from our nervous system that is 2d like an Iphone and not fully 3d like a truck or a cube. We are all living inside a video game like Call of Duty that LOOKS 3d but is really 2d when you think about it.

the earth is infinitely large circle which is why the gravity works because no matter where you are on the earth you are infinitely far from either side, which is why no matter where you go there is a consistnat gravity.

secondly, the sun is a massive light obstructed by a fidget spinner, as the gaps go by it decides day or night. night is just being in the shadow of the worlds largest fidget spinner.

Above but is still is not able to cast upon the entire Earth even at that angle.

But the sheer fact that its dark outside or bright daylight is.

How does the northern lights work on a flat earth model? Why do we see both northern and southern lights and why do we never see them at the same time as expected on a flat surface?


stupid fucking retard. go fuck yourself fag

what a fucking waste of dubs

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>the units, is only relevant to us
>only relevant to us

like i said, construct

>In the quran it says that the earth is flat

Learning to hunt is a muscle memory,their senses and basic common sense. They don't have a hunting season or study ecosystems like us. They track down the shit they eat with their nose and other tracking abilities then kill them. They use their instincts to know not to try to kill something that's obviously stronger than them. Animals lay their eggs and know what places to go to do it based on instinct and where they happen to be in the world. They simply find the nearest place that is safe and has a good climate for their offspring. Their mating season is also a coincidence, they all just happen to be horny around a specific time.

Time is not a construct. It exists without our measurement and before our concept of it. It didnt suddenly come into existence when we measured it

Imagine saying this from a computer or phone, a product of everything he's telling mankind to stop doing.

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Waste of dub says the person posting normie cape shit

>you measure dick length
>strong 1.5 inches
>nope not really, length is just a construct
>actually have extremely large dick
You are taking the cake for biggest retard here,

do you not know what construct means

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Because we can't see hundreds of millions of miles away? It's pretty similar to the whole reason why day and night exist thing that people keep explaining.

Here's a better question. Why are you trying to have a serious argument with flat-earthers? Just ignore them you fucking idiot.

>can't argue a good point
>uh you have small pp
You must be a woman. No one is talking about any measure here but time. Other measurements are made so we can have comprehensible data to understand concepts that existed already. Time is entirely constructed by us on a conceptual level and we are the only ones that use it. It is a higher concept we use to explain and rationalize things that are pure happenstance.

Ok explain to me this

If you stand on top of a large circular rock, and you start walking to either side, eventually because of the gravity, you will loose your foothold and fall to the ground underneath.

That's how physics works. Now, if the earth was shaped the same way as the circular rock, how can people move around the world without eventually fall of into oblivion??? The north pole and south pole are at the exact opposite sides of the world, if the world was round, it will mean that if someone goes to either of the poles, one of them will literally stand upside down, with their feet stuck to the "roof", how the FUCK does that work? No where in physics does there exists any rational explenation as to why such an absurd thing would be possible.

Again, if you start walking from the top of the rock, you will eventually fall. The only exeption we have to this rule, is zero gravity, which doesn't exist on earth except for human made artificial chambers

if the sun was that flat, earth's size would make it so everything was lit up or nothing at all if what you say would be true

>literally braindead

In this model, are the sun and moon spheres, or are they shaped like coins rolling around above the Earth?

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irrefutable proof the earth is actually a minecraft world and we just massive as fuck boi

Please also explain the moon, all the other planets and their moons as well as the stars and their movements. Also explain eclipses, seasons, what it is that pulls us towards the ground and finish off explaining how ALL of that is kept secret from the masses, all around the world.

Off you go, I'll be waiting.

Telescopes motherfucker

>Learning to hunt is a muscle memory,their senses and basic common sense. They don't have a hunting season or study ecosystems like us. They track down the shit they eat with their nose and other tracking abilities then kill them. They use their instincts to know not to try to kill something that's obviously stronger than them.
Yes that is part of it but assuming a pack or wolves or a big cat hasnt learned anything and doesnt plan their attacks is plain dumb.

>animals lay their eggs and know what places to go to do it based on instinct and where they happen to be in the world. They simply find the nearest place that is safe and has a good climate for their offspring
Kek, so animals never migrate far away to have their babies? Certainly their are other safe places (islands) for birds to nest except for the specific ones they learned to use. at specific times.

>Their mating season is also a coincidence, they all just happen to be horny around a specific time.
its like they learned if they mate and give birth at the wrong time they wont have food for themselves or the baby weird. Its like a concept of time

your bait is weak sauce

What about them?

this doesnt explain anything and doesnt address any of my questions, Nice try tho, the earth is a globe. Deal with it

I mean, your wife thinks the guy with 1.5 inches who fucks her everyday when you're at work is extremelly large, compared to your 0.1 inches

It's all relative, because it's an artificial human made social construct made up by some edgy old so called "philosopher" in ancient greece who got people to believe him because he talked so much bullshit that people actually started beliving in him, they believed in "fire gods", "water gods" "love gods" etc. They were fucking STUPID

buy one and you will be enlightened

It answers both your questions but you never planned on actually having a serious argument. You just want to call other stupid because it happened to you all year during 7th grade. Enjoy your time off junior!

retard or bait, not sure


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The sun is not flat. The Earth is. Notice how both the sun and them moon are still round in the picture. Or as round as they can be since it isn't a 3D model.

Well I guess this debate is over since the 12 year olds woke up.

Is this common core?

Nah I don't need one. But, I think I get what you're implying. The Earth is flat but things on it are not. Any location where you could place a telescope and get a clear view of each end of Earth would be too high up to see the lights anyway.

never said anyone was "stupid" you are projecting and you doesnt answer them. You didnt address how the southern lights would work, which wouldnt work in a flat earth model. Also on a flat disc youd expect to see both at once if you can see one. Which we definitely can see one and never see both. Hmmmm, its like it depends on a globe earth

If you see any flat earth model from ancient times, you will notice that the earth is not "exactly" flat, but more like a cone in which the middle is slightly bumped upwards and/or there are mountains.
This would (although in a very bullshitty way) explain why the sun disappears during night time.

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The earth is a special place because of all the planets in the universe earth is the only one that's flat. Also the planet is going to blow up in 12 years.

its weird how your only explanation depends on a general overall curve to planet...

Timezones were set by the British Empire my friend

Holy shit

The how big is this disc?
Also I need pictures of the edge
Where does all the ocean water go? Just into space or under the disc?
What's under the disc?

deeper question what if time is a somewhat roundish figure?

>people actually believe the flat earth google psyops

reddit you're so fucking retarded

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the moon and the sun and all other planets are round unlike the eart. That is the reason why no life exists there except for single celled bacteria that are so small they don't adhere to larger creatures like eartly animals or humans. Bacteria can stick to any kind of surfaces regardless of gravity. Earth was the only flat surface among the "planets" in our solar system, that's why it was able to produce sofisticated life forms. All planets rotate, that's why we see them moving.

Season changes are a phenomenon that has yet to be fully understood by science. Have you ever gone on a ski vacation on some mountaint resort ? Idk where you live, where I live, it's common to use sunscreen before you go skiing. Because when you are on top of the mountain you are closer to the sun, and it's commong to get sunburned, even though it's "winter", cold and snow. Now if winter time came as a result of lack of sun, how the fuck is their still sunlight everyday during winter? How the fuck is it possible to get sunburned when it's winter ??? Most likely it has to do with wind currents that affect the temperatures in ways the sun can't.

The reason why we're pulled to the ground is just fucking gravity. Things can't just float in thin air(unless it has some driving force keeping them afloat like airplane wings powered by engines etc). If something isn't supported by a surface underneath it, it will fall. It's really not that fucking complicated.

All of the shit you've seen from either USA or former soviets regarding space travel is fake as fuck. The "moonlanding" was proved to be fake decades ago. It all errupted because of the cold war, when the two sides wanted to prove they were technologically superior. When either of the sides started publishing pictures of "the earth", the other side had to publish similair pictures in order to not cause a contoversy over which of the "pictures" were real or fake.

>spoonfeed me
Enough. It doesn't matter how many facts we post you won't listen and you'll just call us retarded. You're not looking to be convinced, you're looking for something to laugh at.

Reading comprehension, pal.
I'm not a flat earth mongrel, just saying how it would be explained, and I quote:
>in a very bullshitty way

>the moon and the sun and all other planets are round unlike the eart
why is earth special? Is Mars a globe?

>That is the reason why no life exists there except for single celled bacteria that are so small they don't adhere to larger creatures like eartly animals or humans
Kek, did you know there are all sorts of bacteria that live on your skin?

But saying they are far away doesnt explain it away. When you can see it, youd see both on their model, which doesnt happen.

to add to my post () plus how magnetic fields work and their shape, it would never allow for the southern lights to exist, which they do. So again saying its too far doesnt work

>there are all sorts of bacteria that live on your skin?
That's why in the civilized world we wash your hands, you dirty street shitter.

>implying the flat world's first round earth image is a George Lucas computer rendering

So is the middle always dark or always light. it can't be both.

>Shit's flat. Gravity curves it
This is some Nth level shit right here.

Because the curve is so small you can't notice it.

Right? I had the same thought. It was almost like a nice classic Jayden Smith thought

I don't think you understand what the word infinite means.

Yeah, and a bit prior to the globalist society we're living in now

your skin extends past you hands and your body has its own unique microbiome.


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If the earth is flat, how come I live on a hill?
Checkmate, atheists.

I think I have a better explanation: If the sun is really far away, its light can't pass through all the air in the way.

>why is earth special?
why can't humans fly like birds ? Why can't we survive on simply eating grass which is found everywhere, just like cows? Why can't we just regrow our teeth like rabbits and tigers?
Because the universe is completely fucking random. It's that simple.

>did you know there are all sorts of bacteria that live on your skin?
uhh yup. For example there are bacteria living underneath on the bottom of your ballsack. However if you stand up, the bacteria won't "fall off", they will still stick to your balls. That's why there exists bacteria that can stick on the surface of round obstacles.

infinite is the size of your mothers disappointment at your existence

there u go.

And just like, a believer is born. Your logic is not only undeniable, but it's pure poetry. I hope you continue your pursuit of spreading the truth

Time is round? Is Jayden Smith actually in this thread?

>why can't humans fly like birds ? Why can't we survive on simply eating grass which is found everywhere, just like cows? Why can't we just regrow our teeth like rabbits and tigers?
>Because the universe is completely fucking random. It's that simple.
All these things have rational explanations that have been or can be tested or supported with existing theories. There is no reason why something between the mass of the sun and the moon which are both spheres wouldnt also be spherical shaped

>uhh yup. For example there are bacteria living underneath on the bottom of your ballsack. However if you stand up, the bacteria won't "fall off", they will still stick to your balls. That's why there exists bacteria that can stick on the surface of round obstacles.
yea, no...

If a mirror looks into a mirror what does it see?

a mirror


To all the idiot spherical Earth believers out there, answer me this one question. If the Earth is soooo spherical, why is called a "planet"? You know, that word that purposefully come from the word "plain" which means literally "flat earth". BAM! I bet that one hurt

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Fap material.

It’s reflection of itself staring back at itself.

why are sealions called sealions, they are not lions that live in the sea?

Thats not where the word planet comes from

An alternate reality in which Pikachu performs oral sex on Capn' Crunch?

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why is a meter exactly 1000 mm, and a mm 1000 nm?
why does earth equal 1g?
why does water freeze at 0c and boil at 100?

shits has no explanation, it is too perfect. the only explanation is that black niggers created the universe by stealing the nothing, which made nothing into everything, and is why they are poor as they collectively own, amount and contribute to nothing. it is the biggest secret, when they say they din do "nothing" wrong, they are admitting their ultimate crime.

niggers are our gods.

Seal ions.
They look like seals.
Ions is more like a variation of eons or aeons, meaning that they are seals for the ages.

Of course not, dummy. It's lions that were name after sea lions because they're lions that don't live in the sea. This is pretty obvious stuff, guys

True. It comes from the word "plane", which is a device that flies through the sky, meaning that it "wanders" around.
Around comes from "a round", meaning, a round object. A round object that wanders.

Oh sure, and I bet you're going to spew liberal indoctrinated fake definition of where the word came from, right? Unenlightened idiots

That first part was kind of right, but there's nothing in it's etymology that states anything about being round, friend. You just lied

>why is a meter exactly 1000 mm, and a mm 1000 nm?
Because when they established the metric system they made it base 10 (1 m = 10 dm = 100 cm = 1,000 mm...)
>why does earth equal 1g?
Because it's the planet where we live, thus it was just logical to use the Earth's gravity as a point of reference versus other celestial bodies.
>why does water freeze at 0c and boil at 100?
Because they established those two reference points (freezing to boiling) and divided the scale in 100, following a metric system-like logic.
>niggers are our gods
We wuz kang kongz

>the moon and the sun and all other planets are round unlike the eart. That is the reason why no life exists there except for single celled bacteria that are so small they don't adhere to larger creatures like eartly animals or humans. Bacteria can stick to any kind of surfaces regardless of gravity. Earth was the only flat surface among the "planets" in our solar system, that's why it was able to produce sofisticated life forms. All planets rotate, that's why we see them moving.
So the other planets are regular planets? Are they all the size that "fake" science has measured them to be? What is it that illuminates them so that we can see them? How do the planets rotating cause them to move in relation to us?

>Season changes are a phenomenon that has yet to be fully understood by science. Have you ever gone on a ski vacation on some mountaint resort ? Idk where you live, where I live, it's common to use sunscreen before you go skiing. Because when you are on top of the mountain you are closer to the sun, and it's commong to get sunburned, even though it's "winter", cold and snow. Now if winter time came as a result of lack of sun, how the fuck is their still sunlight everyday during winter? How the fuck is it possible to get sunburned when it's winter ??? Most likely it has to do with wind currents that affect the temperatures in ways the sun can't.
Snow reflects the UV-rays from the sun quite well, could explain the need for sunscreen. Does it get alot warmer as you climb a mountain and get closer to the sun?
I live quite far north, in winter we have about 5 hours of daylight and 19 hours of darkness and during summer it flips. What effects do you think that has on the overall temperature? It's always colder at night than during the day, go look up the nightly temperatures in the Sahara.

>The reason why we're pulled to the ground is just fucking gravity. Things can't just float in thin air(unless it has some driving force keeping them afloat like airplane wings powered by engines etc). If something isn't supported by a surface underneath it, it will fall. It's really not that fucking complicated.
Alright so you do agree gravity exists, that's good. Do you also agree that the earths mass is what causes gravity? If so, everyone would not only be pulled down towards the surface but also towards the north pole, with that pull increasing in strenght the further you get from it.
Or does your version of gravity just pull down?

>All of the shit you've seen from either USA or former soviets regarding space travel is fake as fuck. The "moonlanding" was proved to be fake decades ago. It all errupted because of the cold war, when the two sides wanted to prove they were technologically superior. When either of the sides started publishing pictures of "the earth", the other side had to publish similair pictures in order to not cause a contoversy over which of the "pictures" were real or fake.
By now several other nations have sent rockets to space. The number of people involved in space travel and exploration number in the hundreds of thousands worldwide. It is a logistical impossibility to keep that many people quiet about it being fake.

Besides being a disc (I assume), how is the earth shaped? What's underneath the disc? How do the edges work? Where's the center of gravity? What caused the earth to be flat when the other planets aren't? Explain the mechanics of the atmosphere.

my issue with this is that this is not a porn thread. This is the kind of thread yellow is fighting for. Why are you so bad at trolling?

That's what the new world order would tell you to obscure the truth.

Here's my concern:

For argument, I'll assume it's entirely true and that the Earth is flat, and that the sphere is a myth pushed by higher forces.

So, if that's the case... What's the point of the lie? What does anyone gain by telling people the Earth is a different shape? There's no monetary gain that I can see, and honestly it seems like a waste of resources to keep the lie going.

this is also how Yea Forums went from closing the pool to shooting up mosques


SPAM THE Yea Forums
YELLOW WE WANT Yea Forums of old


The truth?
No, you mean the turth.

Who is this Yea Forums?
Sounds like the worst asshole ever.

so many replies to my weak ass bait
it's been fun, cya niggers

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How does the flat earth theory explain 6 months of total darkness/light at the south pole [true not magnetic]
How does the flat earth theory explain magnetic poles?
How does flat earth explain Auroras at the magnetic extremities of the earth?
how does flat earth theory explain the fact we've just been able to see Jupiter substantially closer than normally?

Planet means wanderer. It was coined because unlike stars, the positions of objects like Venus, Mars and Jupiter did not appear to be fixed in place.

Earth is called a planet because it is recognized to be one of these wanderers.

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>How does the flat earth theory explain 6 months of total darkness/light at the south pole
Do you even know anyone who has spent months over there to confirm this?
Didn't think so.
>How does the flat earth theory explain magnetic poles?
Magnetic satellites created by the compass companies
>How does flat earth explain Auroras at the magnetic extremities of the earth?
Just part of the planet's chakras
>how does flat earth theory explain the fact we've just been able to see Jupiter substantially closer than normally?
It's been drooping


Pluto was finally reclassified after astronomers observed that the former planet had pretty much just sat there staring at the sun since 1992

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Fail. Pluto was reclassified because it failed to clear its orbital path around Sol - it dips into the Kuiper Belt more than once.

This is because the Kuiper belt is more of a rounded bowl than a belt, if it was flatter the planet would just rest on it like The Firmament rests over the Earth

Total Faggot failure !! Pluto is a dog same as goofy but goofy gets the benefits of a human being ( House car clothe ect ect. Pluto lives in a dog houses and is owned by Mickey Mouse

Disney shamelessly ripped off Uncle Tom's Cabin, and he got away with it by changing the characters into dogs

Now this is flat !!

Attached: 6D19961F-15CD-4A13-AF12-186424CC35D0.jpg (718x993, 108K)

Disney has made millions out of ripping off other peoples stories . Aladdin, snow white , Beauty and the beast Ect ect. Faggs

>water doesnt curve

Attached: Water-boiling-in-space.jpg (620x375, 40K)

Poor photoshop !

>Magnetic satellites by compass companies
please try harder

Why do you have to aim for satalite internet on ships ?

please stop... delet this fred... it makes my brain implode

Attached: derp4a.gif (1080x974, 1.22M)

That's just the government tricking us into thinking that the earth is round.

I read somewhere the usa government bombs all those countries to build mc Donalds there. Is this true ?

Now give him a penis, and I'm all in for that trap.

>why does the sun set behind the horizon?
>what is at the edge of Earth, i.e. why does everything exist in three dimensions other than the Earth?
>Is the Sun a sphere?
>If so, why is the Sun a sphere, but the Earth is not?
>what about the other planets? are they spheres?
>can you explain the movement patterns of the other planets? why are they so sporadic and illogical in a flat-earth mode, but make perfect sense in a heliocentric one?
>I'm a pilot, and I make my own flight plans. Can you explain why my flight plans make perfect sense in a round-earth model (flight times and speeds match up for flights based on distances around a globe) but would be incoherent and nonsensical in a flat-earth model?
>satellites exist-- some in geosynchronous orbit, some in nonstationary orbit-- so how do you explain the physics of a nonstationary orbiting satellite?
>how do you explain the moon phases?

Attached: giphy.gif (250x333, 1.09M)

The government is tricking us.

Attached: Flat Earth2.jpg (504x504, 41K)

Attached: flat earth4.jpg (540x540, 48K)

Attached: Earth.jpg (1344x960, 212K)

Attached: the-earth-isnt-flat-or-round-dumbasses-its-dumb-thicc-15521657.png (500x566, 109K)

How the fuck are you all so easily trolled?

Flat, what?

Fixed, I know size doesn't matter. But with those boots you don't even have to make a move.

Attached: 1560955867904.jpg (1000x1000, 194K)