Why the fuck is everything on Yea Forums yellow? I'm an old fart and cant keep up with the newest memes anymore...

Why the fuck is everything on Yea Forums yellow? I'm an old fart and cant keep up with the newest memes anymore. What's going on?

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Because retards are mad that porn is taking over their precious Yea Forums so they would rather ruin it themselves

The fuck? Yea Forums has ALWAYS had porn on it. From traps to the (RIP) Jb threads.

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Old fart here....what is Jb?

Grow up ildfag

What seriously? well it doesn't mean justin beiber.. that's all I'm going to say.

yeah but not ONLY porn. It's just boring.
despite the fact that there ARE Porn-Boards already here. That's the point.
i really can't see why it's so hard to understand.

I guess. I mean Yea Forums used to be the wild west. from jb threads to crazy anarchy cookbook recipes to raid groups. Now it's fucking over moderated and any "Racy" thread gets deleted immediately.

I agree with the porn getting old though. how many fucking trap threads or post your creep cam or "PLZ XRAY THIS PHOTO" can you fucking deal with.

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Let me break this down for you. There are 3 types of pornfag:
>1) The degenerates.
These are the pornfags posting traps fur and shota/loli. As much as many people personally hate them, THEY ARE WELCOME ON Yea Forums. Their content isn't welcome on any other board, isn't oversaturated, and has been around on Yea Forums since the beginning.
>2) The newfags.
These are the pornfags that are largely underage and know nothing about Yea Forums, Yea Forums or the culture. Pretty much only come here to fap and maybe browse other threads for a few minutes first. The oversaturation of normie porn means they will never develop and lose their newfaggotry. They need to be redirected to the porn boards where they belong. This will benefit all parties, except...
>3) The jewbots.
These are the true enemy. The vast majority of normie porn threads are started and populated by the bots. They can't be reasoned with, their mission is distraction, and they've succeeded in that for many years now. They were put into place as a control method after Yea Forums caused one too many problems irl. They can only be defeated by redirecting newfags to porn boards and educating the rest on filters, or convincing the mods to tackle the scourge directly.

that's the point exactly. There is no thing with a little bit of Porn every now and then. But by now, it's ONLY porn, and that's not Yea Forums for me.
that's (imo) what the yellow thing is all about. and it's an attempt, i approve.

fb/ig threads. you need to be blind not to see it.

It’s newfags asking for a porn free random board that don’t know it already exists

fags trying to stop porn , homophobic remarks , racist remarks , the usual sjw bollcks ,,,, niggers need to take a joke and less cock

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holy shit. Im an oldfag and had no idea this board existed. thanks user

It's sad when Yea Forums, the site that used to be free from censorship.. is becoming fucking censored.

It started years ago when moot sold this cesspool. Yall remember when they filtered NIGGER to say "ROODYPOO"? LMAO

Nah just porn, people add other shit in because theyre too retarded to just go to an actual porn board or site. Theres no reason to bitch except for you.
This is funny, and couldve easily become a slur in normieville which wouldve been funnier.

well one slur that I'm almost certain originated from Yea Forums is dindu (dindu nuffin) and I've heard that from a few normies. Always good for a chuckle

What yellow?