Just imagine it: You're born with your brain permanently broken, but not in a non-self-aware half-brain way...

Just imagine it: You're born with your brain permanently broken, but not in a non-self-aware half-brain way, or like a downy, but more like a tranny.

The only way you can feel "normal" is by deluding your broken brain as much as possible, and subsequently demanding that every one else play your delusional game of pretend (or else!).

Why would anyone choose to go through life like this? It's no wonder so many poor trannies kill themselves so often. It would be so much more humane for these poor souls to be euthanized, instead of having their wretched existence built on lies and delusions.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why do they really bother you so much, user?
Why do you care? Did a tranny hurt you when you were little? Do you find trannies arousing and hate yourself for it? What?

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It's in his post. They demand that everyone buy into their delusion. That's fucked up. No one pretends schizophrenics delusions are real, why do we pander to trannies?

>They demand that everyone buy into their delusion.
With like, a gun? With violence? What do you mean? How do they demand it?

Its okay to be a tranny, op. You're safe here, faggot.

>It's in his post.
>his post.
Samefagging this hard

Agreed. and was him seeing if method for hiding his IP worked. Didn't want to get caught by the posters count not going up.

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Wow, so she arrested him herself? I would have thought only a cop could have done that, on orders of a judge.

Do you get paid to act this dumb or is this just a hobby for you?

So your problem is less with trannies, and more with how no one else has a problem with trannies?

I mean, you don't have to stay where you are, user. You could move to a third-world country where there's no lgbt rights. Why not do that?

Oh user, everyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill, I thought you would know that by now.

I don't have a problem with anyones freedom of expression. Let's come at this from another angle; if you called me a woman, do you think I could get you arrested?

Do you mean niggers? Niggers have broken brains and so do most non-whites. It's why their civilizations never evolved beyond a basic iron age without European intervention.

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If that's all I did, no way.
Did you read the article you posted or just the click bait headline?

Here, reading it can't possibly hurt your case, right?

Eh, let's agree to disagree. I don't see how calling someone "dude" is harassment.

Neither did the judge. But the judge thought using two twitter accounts to engage in a toxic debate and tweeting defamatory messages about him was harassment.

That makes for a much weaker click bait title, though. Next time read the articles you post the headlines of.

could you read the twitter thread and point out which bits warrant police involvement?

Why? Judge Jason Coppel already did that. You disagree with his ruling?

Because I asked you nicely?

I kind of think the burden is on you at this point?

Burden of what? I'm just asking for your opinion.

I dont see any reason to care OP.

E-athletes who dont make the big tables operate under a similar delusion. Ditto all kinds of entertainers "for the exposure". And unmonetized *Influencers*.

I'llkeep calli g them retards in private if its impolite to fight in public.

If legislation of pronouns is your issue, just vote no and keep calling them by their biological sex.

Why umad?

My opinion is that a judge authorized the arrest of the mum for harassment based on the things she said, which went beyond what the click bait headline implied. I think the cheadline was written specifically to get transphobes panties in a bunch, and here you are posting the headline without having read the article. How are your panties today?

People like making choices. Taking choices away from people may be less humane than killing them, so we don't euthanize the mentally ill.

keep /pol/ in /pol/ i don’t want to see it here

Go back to rêddīt

Obvious samefag

I've read the article, I've read the tweets, the only bunched up panties were that of the transexual. Now can you please point out which sentences, in your opinion, posted on those tweets warranted police involvement?

>The only way you can feel "normal" is by deluding your broken brain as much as possible, and subsequently demanding that every one else play your delusional game of pretend (or else!).
why does that sound so much like a trump supporter

So your issue is with the judge's ruling. Take it up with him. This isn't a society issue.

I doubt he's from the uk. He's an adorable alt-right recruit testing out his outrage-stirring chops. They're not very impressive so far.

Because you suffer from a persecution complex.

woah sir, im not Christianity inside the united states

I think we can all agree that the real victims in all this are straight, white, christian men.

Cool story bro

yep, the majority is the group of most persecuted people. woe is them

Nothing breaks the brain more than religion. Lies, delusion? Religion has it all and it bursts at the seams. Normal people who aren't mentally stunted don't look at people different to them and think, "well I guess they need to die". I see a transsexual and no part of me sees a threat to my life or way of living in any way shape or form. If however your life is built on the grandest of lies and its foundation is shaky to say the least, then you're going to want to lash out against it. Like a dog hearing a doorbell.

There is nothing wrong on being a tranny

I agree 100% with your sentiment but your delivery comes off as preachy. Your message is one to rally the anti-religion troops, but we have plenty of those messages already. What we need are messages to remind the hateful religious that peace, love, and understanding are among the core tenets of virtually every religion, and that when hate creeps in among them, it's unfailingly because a hateful person is trying to wield religion as a weapon.

There will be religion for as long as there are humans, and there will be people trying to use religion to spread hate and fear for as long as there is religion. The solution isn't to get rid of religion, just as the solution isn't to get rid of humans. The solution is to motivate the compassionate and love-filled religious to speak out against those who would co-opt their religion for evil deeds.

>The solution is to motivate the compassionate and love-filled religious to speak out against those who would co-opt their religion for evil deeds.
sure doesn't look like that will happen soon, televangelists make too much money off the poor saps.

Don't confuse what is bright and loud for what is common.
Despite all the negative noise you hear, most Americans want their country to do more to support and protect transgendered people.

Tolerance is growing, even as the noise and rhetoric from the stubborn and fearful increases.

No one really forces you to pander to them. Its not against the law to call them by their biological sex.

How the fuck does that even affect you?

Get a fucking life incel.

How is UK even relevant to this discussion? It doesnt have freedom of speach.

In an ideal world that would be the best solution but how many thousands of years have people tried to do that I wonder. I didn't intend to come off as preachy and I have no interest rallying anything or anyone up. I have a sense of optimism about general human intelligence anyway. As we get smarter, less people identify as being religious it seems. I swear a headline in the past week or so read as more and more (young) Americans are declaring themselves as non-religious.

Messages of love and compassion should be easy to grasp but if your faith framework lists x, y and z and sinful and against the teachings/ways of your God, how long can you expect someone to tolerate that?

A lot of political and culture reddit subs are unironically much better than pol.

Imagine thinking that literal unironic neo nazis, fecebook boomers and woke tin foil hatters are worthy people to discuss politics with.

I think that was his point.

Yea Forums's not a place for debate or feels.

Go back to the place that is, or shut your mouth incel.

I dont see OP bringing up religion. Are you just assuming OP is religious? I read it as a more logical analysis than a spiritual one. Or maybe you just cant recognize any logical criticism of transexuality, and anything talking about it in a non-positive non-glorifying light means teh ebil religions r here! *holds up a spork and puts on devil horns headband*

This kinda shit is third reich, who cares what trans people do so long as it doesn’t harm you or others.

The fact they’re ostracized by most people including their peers, family, coworkers makes it hard for them to fit in or feel accepted being who they are is the real factor in why suicide rates are high not just among them but other LGBQ folk.
This isn’t about “but muh biology says there’s only two genders” argument or they’re “mentally ill” argument cause those who believe in euthanizing others aren’t exactly sane themselves to begin with that are consistently brought up by people who believe in deities & genocide. It has nothing to do with that, the fact is you’re assholes and are mad they’re different or non conforming & want you want to be a victim of the “gay agenda” when what they do doesn’t affect you in the slightest.


Well, I mean there are political subs that has better memes and humor than pol. Poltards have no chill what so ever. Even chapo is better than pol despite having a big problem with unironic tankies.

I agree trannies are delusional. If you walked in on your brother trying to chop off his own arm because it's how he identifies, you'd think he was insane

Not everyone who’s trans gets surgery. Some trans people don’t but still identify as another gender or no gender all together.
Maybe read up on the subject & talk to actual trans people?

This, fuck protecting marginalized people from retarded normies.

Actually, go fuck yourself, op.

This and now kids are claiming they're trannies at 5 years old.


40,000 thousand year of human evolution is going to ruined in about century because mentally ill people like you. Gender is not, nor has it ever been a social construct. If you are born a man you will always be a man. If you think otherwise the is, quite actually, schizophrenia.

Trans people have been around since early man, this is something that can EASILY be googled.

You don't actually know what schizophrenia actually is do you?

ITT tranny faggots

How retarded are you? You need to play with a loaded handgun. The fact that people like you are actively supporting the normalization of something like this is so pathetic. You know what else can be googled? 'Gender Dysphoria'. Look it up. Transgenderism is quite literally a mental illness

You are actually suffering from a mental disease and are in denial, aren't you?

They really should be euthanized. Most of them (at least the traps on this site) have watched so much porn, its caused a complete chemical imbalance in their brain and they dont know better. It's quite sad

fuck evolution and fuck humans


I would rather support trannies than retarded normies like you.

to pol with you

It’s actually not according to WHO & is no longer listed in the DSMMD.
I think they’re more of an authority on the subject rather than an angry, pathetic little incel such as yourself.
I know you’re incapable of being a decent human being and it’s not your fault. Maybe someday you’ll grow out of it.

They’d be fine if they’d accept they have a mental illness and get help like others do.

What is your profession?

lol this guy thinks he’s an expert.

i agree, fuck white people. they tried to kill us jews so they deserve everything they get imho.

More like:
>Hey guys, tranny-hate circle jerk?
>Man, c'mon, tranny-hate circle jerk.
>No, man. We don't care.
>You not agreeing to a tranny-hate circle jerk infuriates me!
>uh, hey, i'll circle jerk with you.
>Finally! Gah! I hate those trannies so much!!!
>yea, me to
>Well that's hardly getting into it. C'mon! Rage with me!!
>eh, actually I don't really care, either


No it got delisted for political reasons, not scientific ones. If you ever thought through things logically instead of through the rose tinted glasses of left-wing political bias you would see that

Do you know where you are? r/T_D is this way ==>?

Show your shitty morals and social norms into your ass. The day of mayocide is coming and literal unironic fascists like you gonna be the first against the wall.


How are you thinking logically in the slightest right now? I don’t think actual people who study the subject and are actually interested in understanding it don’t use the amount of anger or scrutiny you do, they’re objective unlike how you’re acting right now.

So many people have been removed from that list. Do you genuinely believe spinsters need to be classified as mentally disabled because they’ve never been married?

Good god you’re an ignorant, sad, dumb tool. Keep trying.

So you want humans to go extinct, and you would rather support trannies than normal people? You sound like a mentally healthy, and happy individual

Nice cope ya got there.

So you want humans to go extinct, and you would rather support trannies than normal people? You sound like a mentally healthy, and happy individual!

With the way things are going we’re all going to be extinct regardless if we reproduce or not. We are a disease on the planet and eventually the planet will remove the disease.

You are spending so much time trying to defend your mental illness. Just stop. Find people who care about you and get the help you need.

If nothing else, trannies help expose the silly, simple-minded assertion that gender is purely a social construct.

If it was purely a social construct, then why are gender roles so similar or outright the same across the world's cultures?

Why were hunters always men, and the majority of child rearing and home making done by women?'

Why aren't more women soldiers throughout history? They would easily get dominated by men 95% of the time.

Men have the biology built for hunting. The testosterone, the upper body mass, etc. This is what gave rise to masculinity and a lot of male oriented culture. Was some of it exaggerated the world over, often to the point of detriment? Sure.

That doesn't mean gender is purely a social construct. It's genuinely disingenuous to think so. Additionally yes, there are outliers and exceptions to the rule, but that doesnt prove gender is entirely a social construct.

I’m not mentally ill or trans, I’m just not an ignorant asshole is all.

not op but i will call trannies by their birth names and genders.
If i could choose to be a hot lesbian chick i probably would but fuck it im a guy so whatever guess thats just how shit is. Enjoy shoving painful hole stretchers into your artificial hole to keep it agape, or your tiny non-funtional penis due to the hormones, plebs.

>born broken
>choose to live this way

Do you even listen to yourself?

This is facts

Oh you're one of those.

You’re wrong about that early man theory where women were solely caretakers: google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/science/2015/may/14/early-men-women-equal-scientists

Empathetic & objective. Yes.


Clearly not.

Why are right wingers so stupid?

#thinkingliberal lmao

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This man has more logic than 80% of this thread

That fuckin dude can't even open a bottle with those weak ass hands, but it's not him, it's the bottles fault

Actually I don't really care. And most non hon trannies are really hot. And Im pretty sure they are much more interesting individuals than retarded normies like you.

This has to be bait. I refuse to believe men like this can exist.

haha, whatever faggot.
don't even deny it, have you seen post op vaginas? they are just stab wounds they continuously pry open.

I treat trans people like i treat anyone else, By using their birth name and referring to them as their birth gender.

>And Im pretty sure they are much more interesting individuals than retarded normies like you

I'll admit homo drama is entertaining. But all they have is their whole gay thing and that's all they can ever talk about. So feel free at any point to doggy paddle out of the gene pool.

Not a liberal but okay lol

No you don’t treat trans people like anyone else, you despise them and it’s quite obvious.

Well, vaginas are gross and fake vaginas are even worse. That doesnt mean that trannies with dicks are somehow worse than the biological women. Most of passing trannies actually look much better than your average roastie.

OP speaks the truth

You act like you’re in the gene pool incel

i despise what they do to their bodies, and i don't like them to tell me what to call them. I don't dislike them as people.

There's a difference.

I am... Very much so. No seriously at some point today, get hit by a truck. You are a total dead end, you contribute nothing to life or generally anything.

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Well, better get used to it. Because things like that are going to get normalized completely during your lifetime.

So if I call you a garbage person cause you act like a garbage person that’s okay right? To call you what you are even if you don’t identify as that?


lol like you’ve ever contributed to anything, neet.

Whats even the point of contributing to the gene pool if you wont be able to experience the fruits of your contribution after you die?

that's a subjective truth not an objective truth, subjectively you think you have a good point but objectively you're wrong, would be a good example.
objectively, trans people were born a certain gender and had a certain name at birth. subjectively, they are x gender and have y name.
you calling me, or forcing others to call me by your subjective truths is forcing your will on me, as would transsexuals be by asking me to do the same to them.

And is loss of freedom of speech a good thing?
That's equally bad for me and you both to force people to express themselves in socially accepted ways by law.

Is it really hard to call someone by their name? So if someone legally changes their name, you won’t call them that, you’ll still proceed to call them what their birth name was?

It’s not subjective buddy if you feel the need to harass people over trivial things like name and gender. Only right wingers find it hard to call people by their name.

yes, if i have called someone a name all their life and they suddenly change it, why should i start calling them something else? seems absurd. What if i want to change my name every day and get people arrested for not getting it correct?

harass? trivial? so you're admitting what i call people by as pronouns and name is trivial, then? then how am i harassing people if i am doing something trivial.

What freadom of speach lol?

Theres no place outside of US thats ever had freedom of speech. And Im pretty sure you can be an absolute pice of bigoted shit against trannies and other "degenerates" in the US without breaking any laws and getting in trouble.

Its not a trannie problem you dumbass, its the problem of countries that arent united states having shit laws.

> The Guardian

> Two WHOLE societies studied! ZOMG GROUNDBREAKING

> The exception is not the rule.

> The studiy is mostly based speculation and conjecture

I dont think user was wrong at all actually.

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I guess its just easier to believe I was born a fucking asshole. Anything for that meal ticket right

Are you legally changing your name or are you changing your name for no reason?

If someone changes their name first or last & you persist to call them their old name intentionally for no reason other than to be an asshole then yes, that’s harassment. You don’t have to like it, you don’t even have to call them that behind their back, but you could be a somewhat decent person and just say it to their face. It’s not infringing on your freedoms it’s just common courtesy.

user isn’t a anthropologist or historian.

Please leave other trannies alone. If you really want to whack me with a goddamn axe I wont stop you. Quit trying to find an excuse to hurt innocent people.

how is harassment calling someone their name lmao shits absurd

Because if it’s no longer their legal name then yes, it is harassment. Why would you go out of your own way to refer to them as something they'd rather not be referred to as? This isn’t hard, but you make it seem like it really is.

Are trannies even innocent anymore? The seem to be more psychopathic and sociopathic everyday. It honestly seems like half the trannies on normie media sites are just pretending so they can act holier than thou and attack other people for their own fucked-in-the-head amusement.

Says the people calling for their extermination.

They want laws passed to enforce pronouns and dating them. So yes with a government appointed gun.

if it was their legal name sure but most of the time they change names like once a week for fuck knows why and i personally am not dumb enough to believe they change their name that fast.

It's basically a combination of self-defense and mercy-killing more than extermination.

Which laws?

LMFAO this is a dumbass argument that isn’t even a legitimate one. You literally know no trans folk do you?

Says the sociopath.

poltards truly have no chill at all, I dont even doubt that you are sincere sincere theres no point to pretending on an anonimous board

literal sociopath, and future mass shooter, go take your pills schizo

yes, i may have over exaggerated but i know a trans person who fucking changes their name all the time like they can't decide on on lmao.

You’ve been incredibly disingenuous and just admitted to arguing in bad faith. So I doubt that. I don’t doubt there are people, trans or not who do that, I just doubt you actually know someone who does and is actually trans. You tried though.

No, they don't. If you have a valid argument, you shouldn't have to make shit up.