When will this faggotry end, Yea Forums?

When will this faggotry end, Yea Forums?

Attached: ffs.png (744x893, 544K)

>Creative Director: Based on the kind of art I want to produce, my teams need to be structured like this.
Doesn't matter that he went to college for this and you're stuck home learning to code, you're trying to structure his team. He knows what he's doing, if it's a shitty idea then it won't work. What's the problem with a free market of ideas?

>Based on the kind of art I want to produce, my teams need to be structured like this

Since when did writing teams need to be 50% women in order to be good?

If it's doomed to suck why are you so pissed off about it? Art directors make decisions all the time that suck. This might be one of them. Why are you writing this guy's report card specifically? Nobody is taking anything from you, relax.

Give me a good reason why people should be employed for the gender and not their talent?

What the fuck is itv and who the fuck watches comedy these days?

Why do you enjoy sitting a room with only dudes?

Ezpz, just have all the guys identify as genderfluid or some other made up shit and have one a day claim to be identifying as female. Thats the thing about all these untenable positions and self contradictory dogma, its not hard to get the people that buy it to cannibalize one another

>why should I employ this person who has life experiences that will allow them to write the characters and plots I am looking for when I can hire someone who looks like me instead?
hmm gee I wonder

If they do this, I am going to shoot them all.

this. they preach inclusion, yet all they do is exclude.

>Give me a good reason why people should be employed for the gender and not their talent?
You're right, we should start hiring more talented women instead of just hiring the man because he was in your frat.

OP wants to sit in a room that's all male, and he is the one calling it faggotry. I'm pretty sure OP is a fag.

That being said, ITV is privately owned isn't it? As long as their not breaking any laws they can do whatever they want. If you don't like the shows, don't watch them

>Creative Director: Based on the kind of art I want to produce, my teams need to consist of straight white males
>Liberals: Makes sense. Totes not bigoted.

>why should I employ this person who has life experiences that will allow them to write the characters and plots I am looking for when I can fill a diversity quota instead?
I miss y'alls a-game

>life experiences

niugga wat

>I'm pretty sure OP is a fag
>pretty sure
>OP is a fag
>pretty sure
guess how I know you're new

>why should I employ this person who has life experiences that will allow them to write the characters and plots I am looking for when I can hire someone who looks like me instead?

This argument has so many flaws it's difficult to know where to begin. Not only is it itself a sexist and shortsighted argument, namely that men are unable to write convincing female characters and vice versa, but you are also saying that a character of any type - gay, black, tranny etc - can only be written well by someone who also possesses those characteristics, which is easily proven wrong with a cursory glance at the history of film and TV.

I am a lefty faggot, don't be retarded.
>What's the problem with a free market of ideas?
>Free market based on merit
>Hire people solely because they have a hole between their legs instead of a meat snake.
Your levels of brainletry are so high you contradicted yourself in one sentence.

I mean wtf...

>I am a lefty faggot
Give it another 4-6 years, and you'll be literally hitler just like the rest of us.
Not because your opinions changed, but because the line between what's socially acceptable and what's Nazism will move more and more to the left

Getting some women involved seems like a good way to end whatever faggotry is going on with these sausage parties.

This. That pinko faggot chomsky is practically a centrist these days.

Off you trot, there's a good little furry

Attached: degenerates.png (300x88, 11K)

you mean when will neckbeards stop clutching the pearls over everything? never

Good. Thank God. I hope the constraints on speech get so fucking tight. My dick is getting hard just thinking about it. I'm so fucking liberal I'm gonna jizz

I don't know who ITV is but here's my thoughts:

As a private company they can do whatever they want

It will probably suck

99% of women just aren't funny no matter how hard they try. In fact the harder they try the less funny they are.

Nature will take its course if un-funny women are hired to write for shows

Nothing of value lost

itv shuts doors after filling to produce anything funny

That's assuming no outside intervention
>ITV fails to produce anything funny
>blames it on sexists and misogynists
>sjws cry on social media
>UK increases cost of television loicense
>gives money to ITV because they're so progressive and diverse
>people are being forced to pay for something they don't even want
>yay equality

just remember folks, true diversity means having people who all look different.

>based on the kind of propaganda they want me to produce, our teams need to be structured like this.
Here I fixed your typo