Why am I still a virgin at 27?

Why am I still a virgin at 27?

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because your dick is cut

Because your case is on the floor

I'm not though

Because you’ve got a shit keyboard

IDK bro. My cock is way smaller and gets fucked regularly. Maybe youre a tool and chicks hate that. Hit up some chubby but cute chicks, always easier. Pic related

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Because you’ve got buttoned jeans instead of the superior zipper jeans

Either you're ugly or have a shit personality, or both.

Probably both?

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Stop crying homo

Because you’re socially awkward

are you blind?

you have a bad haircut

Because of what is attached to that dick

It's either that or an afro

nothing wrong with the length, it's just cut unevenly.

Are you rich?

Well you're not ugly, must be your shit personality then, coupled with poor social skills I imagine

Nope. the only interest I've had is from girls who threaten to self harm when they don't get their own way.

Cause youre gay

maybe its your face bro

You look like you'd be clingy get a better hair cut and shave your face

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you look creepy now

nice circumcision

Well, theres your problem.
Bitches be all over you if you're rich.

Stay away from crazy.

Get a high class hooker, have at least an hour fun (don't kill her scumbag, leave her and be friendly)!

id let you fuck my gf

Seriously i'm not cut

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man I can see your scalp

I've let it grow since then

Opinions on this?

I'd let you fuck me so your issue need not be permanent.

I'm guessing you're a dude?

just to suffer

Because dick size doesn’t matter kek. You think chicks walk around thinking “oh he has a good looking cock let’s fuck him” ?
If you act as a beta look like a beta then that’s what you get.
You’re too lazy to develop some social skills and rely on looks. Looks which fade with time.

I'm a virgin and 23. Does it get any better user?

Because you have a dumpster fire of a personality is my bet.

Depends, are you trying? If you don't fucking crazy bitches you won't have a problem.

don't mind*