Why don’t the incels just have sex?
Have sex, incel!
Why don’t the incels just have sex?
Have sex, incel!
Zyzz was a homosexual
oh, okay, why didn't i think of that
not uh
So get to work Incel!
I knew Zyzz growing up; we went to the gym together. Long story short, I never injected my steroids, and I'm still alive to fuck bitches and take names.
Seeth on, Yellowfag.
No you didn’t. I KNEW Zyzz growing up
never thought about it this way, user. this has changed my entire perspective on this topic. I guess I'll just have sex then
NONE of you did
I DID. And I'm still here, fags
That would require social skills, OP.
Incels are the way they are, because they lack these. And because they're too afraid to go out, socialise and lean by doing, and learn by failure.
i dont think so fag. zyzz is my dad and he was the boss of microsoft
I dont need to prove anything to you about my sexuality. Ackshept it.
zyzz was jacked but that hair is horrible
Too lazy. Sex is overrated.
Oh yeah, then Why was Zyzz MY DAD and why did he give the 2007 apple keynote speech on my birthday? Checkmate, liars
he was a shitskin. part of the package
I'm zyzz you fuck neck. None of you knew me
how could that be, when he’s sitting right here next to me reading his own bodybuilding bible!
The word incel does describe exactly that: Involuntary celibate
>go out, socialise and lean by doing
But what does this even mean!!! I’ve been rejected by over a hundred girls and I’m still and incel
It means you're supposed to learn from your mistakes.
The knee-jerk reaction is to blame the 100 girls for being "wrong" somehow - but the thinking man would realise that the common factor in these rejections were in fact himself.
The next question should be: "What am I doing wrong?" - from then on things should change.
I’ve done literally nothing wrong. I approach women and they start staring at their feet or in the distance and excuse themselves within a minute
I’m a phantom to these people!
How often do you shower?
How do you approach? In a sprint? Do you doff your trilby and go: "M'lady"?
Do you brush your teeth daily, do you floss?
Same shit every time. It must be you! It must be you!
How about it’s not my hygiene, neither is it fedora tier game, nor is it my height and weight.
These women will only give you the time of day if you are a rich Chad!!!! The beta uprising can not come soon enough. Sexual liberation and hypergamy have ruined civilization!!!
pussy isn't the end all be all find other reasons to live let the cool guys deal with getting cucked or stds or taken in a divorce good luck fags
you see, the fact that you actually believe this is all I need to know to tell you are the problem
Rich Chad whose living in his own bubble detected
We’re gunning for you, boyo
It’s called involuntary celibacy for a reason dude. They can’t just have sex. They lack social skills. You can tell that from literally 80% of the posts on this board. These dipshits don’t know how to talk to anyone, let alone a female. It just builds up until they pop like that fag in Dallas the other day. I bet that motherfucker was a captain among incels. If it were that simple, you’d have people willing themselves wealthy and Donald trump wouldn’t be the fuckin president.
if you workout, have proper hygiene (this extends to even simple things such as a modern haircut and eyebrows) all you need to work on is social skills. which are built with practice. its not an easy process, it took me a few years, but now ive become content with how i look and my social life. blaming anyone but yourself for this will get you nowhere. its a process of self awareness
What this user said.
Silly user, we're all poorfags here. Some of us just learned our social skills during our formative years.
Anyway: You're hygien is good, you're not wearing a fedora, you are decent looking.
Socialise more, have friends with you, let them observe - it's hard to see oneself from the outside, best to have a friend.
Or... a completely new thought, how about you ask the girls?
What am I doing wrong? If they're honest (not all of them are) they will tell you.
Consider it an experiement, throw yourself out there, and you might just learn something.
>its you that’s the problem
>its these millions of men that are the problem
>It’s every man except for Chad Thundercock that is the problem
I blame the internet
Take the redpill, anons
And that is by self reporting. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are already at 50% incel status for males
Tell me this fuckin fag isn’t an incel. This is the archetypal Yea Forumstard
A shamefur dispray
I would if I could, OP
This is sad.
2/3rds in the bottom two tiers
Fucking lmao
This fuckin guy.
Blaming yourself for everything is know as mental illeness
He actually went outside, he couldn't have been from Yea Forums.
Just accept that you've failed as a human being and learn to live with that knowledge.
Dead Zyzz gonna dead
Blaming the entire world around you is also a mental illness, user.
Not the entire world, just females and their hypergamous nature
That's not at all a sign of mental instability.
You motherfuckers act like this is a new fuckin concept. Like this isn’t how females have chosen their mates for thousands of years. Like the fact that you faggots can be less and less like the archetypal male as the years go by, like females are the ones who should lower their standards because you’ve become weak. And you faggots are fuckin surprised that a female wants nothing to do with you? All you know about what they want is porn and Instagram and you’re too fuckin retarded to have learned how to appeal to them and what you’re saying is it’s their fault? Or is it the Jews? Fuck off with this cringe pleb.
The difference is women used to need to meet men in person, so they'd date who was available. Now thanks to online dating, women can easily locate the top 5% of men in their immediate area and fuck them, leaving the rest of us lesser men with nobody.
This isn’t anything like in the past. As user said, these women can get all of the attention and validation they need through fucking Chads on tinder. We’re reaching the critical mass of inceldom, and still people like you will white knight for these greedy roasties, why? Maybe just admit that sexual liberation was an anti social mistake? Make monogamy and the marriage contact mean something again?
>leaving the rest of us lesser men with nobody.
There’s your problem, written in your own hand. You’re a lesser man, why should they want you? And I’m not asking in the rhetorical sense. If you can’t, or won’t step up your game, why should a woman bother with you? What do you have to offer them.
Protip, they don’t want a sensible sensitive man. They want you to take charge and be a fuckin man. You do that by not acquiescing to being a lesser man, dumbass.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a man, or a faggot?
Why don't incels just be gay?
No amount of taking charge will turn a regular guy into a chiseled Brad Pitt chad.
You know what your problem is? Your fathers didn’t beat the weakness out of your asses in your childhood. Society says it’s okay for you homos to play with dolls and wear tutus and shit until you decide what your fuckin gender is. This is why women don’t choose you.
How do you figure that?
And by the way, Whatever womens
“Wants” are will be the undoing of civilization. They don’t want pro-social institutions or families. They only want selfish desires. The beta-uprising is more a mere meme
More than a
You assume they HAD fathers. Most likely they had a succession of "mommy's friend Chad' skipping through their lives every few months.
>just take charge bro
You're not wrong but just remember how pointless it all is by considering the average woman is a social retard and a friggin idiot. So step the game up and win your prize. She's a used up late model whore with undiagnosed cluster b disorders and smells kind of weird. What a prize...
i don't think that is necessarily true though, im a social autist, that is indecisive as fuck and have still fucked multiple women.
I don't see why it's so hard. I've had sex with over 30 women and I'm awkward as fuck.
Incels just need to have sex.
Sure, but why does everyone suddenly give a shit? If young men don't want to fuck bitches, let them be. What's the harm?
Lol, says the guy so fucked up he can't even have sex.
How did you get a woman to have sex with you? Need details. I have no idea how this works.
Feel better now? Did that accomplish what you wanted?
They want to fuck, they're just too ugly and autistic to make it happen, so they whine about how women are evil on an anime picture message board.
It's just rolling the dice, dude. Seriously, girls are not that smart. Half the the time it's just about asking directly and being in the right place. A couple of drinks and not being creepy helps immensely. You're overthinking it and seem to believe that women know what the fuck they're doing instead of seeing their behavior as insecurity and stupidity.
For the love of god, please take a step back from your weird-ass anger and think. Here is the women's side of the ACTUAL OKC graph. You can google this shit in several seconds, the data is everywhere nowadays and they do the same shit every year (it never fluctuates by any appreciable degree). .
I don't say this because I hate you and want to prove you wrong, I say this because there is sex and love waiting out there for all of you. I can't tell you how many ugly ass dudes I see walking around every day with girls way too hot for them. And they're in love! Met at small gatherings, or through online games, or hell at a bar neither of them wanted to be at!
I promise you'll get pussy or a gf or whatever, you just have to keep trying and improving, even if it's only a little at a time.
t. 25 year old robot who's had a girlfriend or two every year of his life since junior year
Excellent. There's a first time for everything.
So you just walk up to someone you've never met and ask her for sex, and that works?
Thats what the Chad gatekeepers will tell you works but its bullshit. I’ve tried it dozens of times
Nah, I'm waiting for the robot girls. Bio girls are so last century. Who wants a slippery goopy hole with bad hygiene when you can have a velvet lined self cleaning vibrating power massager that never complains?
That doesn’t disprove how women rate men on OKC at all, your anecdotal experiences still don’t change the fact that every other man is an incel
Same. I can't fathom what a guy has to do wrong to fuck up basic human interaction like that.
People like what they like. I'm constantly surprised and paranoid when women tell me that I'm hot (never happened in high school). And shit, they don't even know I have a big cock since I look like a fuckin' lanklet so I don't even have that going for me until we actually get to the point where we are gonna fuck anyway. There's a chick out there for you, incel-bros. Or a dude, I don't judge. Just keep fighting.
Gay incels don’t exist, retard
>Your saying I can dodge bullets
>No Neo, when the time comes. You wont have too.
I didn’t read anymore than the first sentence. I don’t give a shit what the graph says. The reason you don’t have a gf is you’re weak and fuckin retarded. That’s it. The end. If you want to change the metric on YOURSELF, deal with your shit and improve yourself. Then your chances of having a partner will go up. And the reason I know this is true is nobody likes a person who blames everyone else for their problems instead of looking at themselves. Nobody.
You gotta love this guy for being so full of himself and such an asshat at the same time. I just love that total lack of self awareness.
I agree user. he's easily the biggest lolcow in internet history.
Or, you know, he could just do lots of drugs and then some weak minded street slags will screw him for a fix. But that's kind of like a hobby which is kind of like self improvement along the same lines as eating your vegetables. So, yeah, you can do drugs or eat vegetables, your choice.
is that the "u mad whiteboi" troll?
I’ve never even attempted to speak to a girl. I don’t remember ever having a single conversation with one, even in school
Nice bait
This is what you get when you ask the emotional female to use her logos, you are a fool for trusting this.
this does not represent her actual choices but her desires, what she would feel like should be true in a world perfect for her
The moment you meet that go out the window because the situation feels different than she had imagined.
honestly, virgin girls treat guys like they want to be treated and then the men leave because they don't like it while virgin men treat women like they want to be treated and then the women leave because they don't like it.
You are not the same! So why do you always consider things from YOUR perspective when you are not looking for same sex relationships?
damned morons..
Seriously, just stop trying. The worst part about incels is that they're desperate and miserable and everyone nearby can feel it.
Get sex off your mind. Get a hobby that involves other people, even if it's just D&D with a bunch of guys. Join the town rec softball league. Whatever. Find something a bit social that you enjoy and do it. Just do it without even the thought of sex on your mind.
Once you get rid of the reek of desperation some woman might be interested. If not, well, you spent a lot of time doing something you enjoyed and you're no worse off than when you started.
Well I mean that's kinda what he said in a more pussy way
Because they're not real. They don't exist. They're just a creation to coerce you into action that benefits the machine. The pictures on this site are all fiction. That stuff happened millennia ago. Women went a thing anymore. Just wait for the robot girls and then we can start over on Mars!
you can be sensible and sensitive, just don't expose yourself to the point of weakness like the virgin losers do while the chad with the guitar repeats their words with success
Why not?
man, your attitude is so shit I doubt you would be able to pay for sex successfully at this point
A gay man can get fucked by another gay man any time he wants, they are sex obsessed animals (much like incels in that respect)
Because fags fuck like rabbits on meth. Like really horny rabbits on lots of really good meth. That's why.
>knee-jerks then leg begins to flail about uncontrollably...
If every girl reacts the same way then it is most definitely you. Do you really think all females are reacting in the same way because what? They are telepathically linked? They are in a female only cult that encompasses every living woman? Every woman has the exact same preferences? No user you are the only variable that remains the same through all of these interactions. Improve yourself or get with the necking.
Why... would anyone ever pay a whore for a couple minutes to use her slippery goopy tuna pocket? Why?
>robot girls on mars
maybe in VR, space is a scam, sadly.
>spent years longer than originally
>more money
>better tech
>can't do it
its a scam, nasa takes tax money from suckers. politics itself is a split and rule tactic put there to hide theft like this from you by giving you scraps to fight over.
I swear you freaks want to stay the way you are and in the same lot in life. Any thread with incels involved becomes a first-hand experience with crabs in a bucket. Either you improve yourself, you find an environment where you can thrive, or you fake it. But whining online and spreading your shit to other weak minded men is totally helping you and them.
Maybe you guys should organize a mass suicide event? That'll show those Chads and Staceys, amirite?
convenience or desperation are likely the top reasons
Some people smoke cigarettes and pay for it, humans are generally speaking pretty dumb
Right, and the promise of women and wives and family is the ultimate scrap dangled in front of the donkey so we keep marching and pulling the millstone but it's just going to drag us to the bottom of the sea and drown us with false promises.
Ohhh, so you're both just retarded. Gotcha.
Just like there's slutty women and prudish ones, the same goes for faggots. There's tons of them that are afraid to even interact with other men and they post about it online in little hugboxes just like you. Just cuz cocksmoking feather wearing leather fags are the only gay people you've been exposed to doesn't mean shit.
>women want rich Chad
Only thing stopping you from being the ideal man is your stubborn attitude and refusal to self improve. You are not perfect in every way and its commie leftist tier kike shit to think women should have to lower their standards for your failure. Women have always been hypergamous, its not a new thing. The best suitors get mates, it's how the game has been played since the dawn of man.
Dude, triple doubles... What the fuck did you just do?
lol you have worms in your brain holy fuck
Lmao, they don't want you to have a family, to build for yourself instead of spending all your money on empty materialistic bullshit while you chase their lie.
No, they want you like this, empty inside, apathetic, depressed, emotional, easy to control
A family gives you priorities of your own, gives you motivation to not see the world burn, gives you perspective that would be dangerous for them if you gained.
same reason cripples in wheelchairs dont just go for a run.
What an odd response from an obvious troll post. Do you have something you'd like to tell us, user? Maybe you keep it in the closet and would like to bring it and show us?
Yes, but we used to be able to beat them for bad behavior, now the state white knights when you whip a bitch.
Be careful, user, the Jews are listening. I keep those thoughts to myself when they pop up.
The nuclear family is the heart of a healthy nation. The globalist kikes don't want healthy nations that might resist assimilation. No they want the world to bend the knee and your sorry self couldnt even stand up if you wanted to.
They do, just not sure you can marry your right hand!
>the jews
the jews you are afraid of are only the talmudic ones and what makes them horrible is thier satanic doctrine. Just like the catholic church pretend to be christian while spouting old satanic babylon religion under new names the mainstream jews are equally fake and does the same.
I pity them but there is no reason to be afraid of them, at least not once you see past the power lie
they are fools, victims in golden shackles.
If inels had sex who would be around to post the FB, blacked, and celeb posts?
So many white knights and Chad gatekeepers ITT
Beatting anyone weaker then you is some low down shit user. Your faggoty beta ass knows getting hit hurts so why would you hit someone else unless in defense. Sounds like your a man child that doesnt realise all the pussy in the world doesnt matter if your a shitty man. Good men are stoic and dont drivle over a lack pussy. Improve yourself and your surroundings and the pussy will come to you.
Imagine being so weak you had to behave like that. Makes me disgusted to just imagine myself that low. Men should not be that pathetic.
I’m not a rich chad and I don’t have any issues finding a chick to be with dude. I guess the only difference is I’m in my 40s. I remember when I was a teenager just after I graduated, none of the girls my age wanted to date me. They were all dating dudes in the mid-late 20s with jobs and money. I worked at six flags and made 8 bucks an hour. Which back then wasn’t too shabby. What I didn’t realize then was, the reason those girls didn’t pick me was because I didn’t have anything the good ones wanted. And there in lies your problem. The good ones. I bet if you really tried you could find a chick. She might not measure up to your standards, but you could find one. Every dude can find a chick. Even crackheads, if their standards are low enough. And they’d have to be because THAT is what the state of their lives can support.
When I was young, I wanted the fine ones tho. It wasn’t until I joined the military and had something going for myself that a few of those girls even noticed me.
Your struggle is not unique bros. You could stand to whine a little less about it and make something of yourselves and remember this one important thing. Some of you aren’t meant to have what you want. And that is the natural order to things. Others of you can and will understand once you stop making excuses for yourselves. It’s not chad. It’s you.
Female genocide when?
Something tells me you have never commited to /fit/ness more then a month...
>Why don't the incels just have sex?
>Involuntary Celibate
>Why don't the INVOLUNTARY celibates VOLUNTARILY have sex?
They can't, unless they rape someone, by definition.
Are you telling them to rape?
Brad Pitt is puny.
Is like to meet a nice chick, but at 34, I’m kind of pretty resigned to the fact I’ll be incel for life.
If I don’t find someone by the time I’m 40, I’ve decided to just be done with it and pay for a hooker.
100% right, this guy
>Beta uprising
The perfect oxymoron.
Should have done that a long time ago. Just remember, if you had tried harder to self improve in early life you wouldnt be in this situation. The fault is not women's it's yours. Don't put women on such a high pedastal that you give them that much authority over your life.
poor girl at the top all alone
good pic but pepe should be in spandex
She mine