Why are girls like this
Why are girls like this
Because they want to raise their kids without a father
Instagram idiots. They fucking act like entitled retards. They're on twitter? Nah man I can smell Instashit.
Because all girls want white men
Because dimwits like you make yourself so unattractive that they follow other leaders.
Its impossible to know now. Been to /pol/? They have these massive social media collages of white women hating white men and coloured ones wanting white men. Its all over the place.
I mean gay guys might be rampant on this site but statistically speaking all women go for white guys.
Have you seen mixed race people? There’s obvious advantages from having two parents on opposite ends of the gene pool
>adding extra weight to someone who's already struggling to stay above water
It’s propaganda spam obviously, a lot of these are faked shoops to. It’s really not hard to shoop and totally fake social media status’s these days. They do it on purpose to cause race relations to go haywire even more. It’s fuckin obvious as fuck
Shelby just seems to be retarded. She doesn't even know how to spell. Probably dropped out of school.
I sunk.
This is best day and age to impregnate brown girls.
I mean biological advantages lol as in literally more diverse genes
>dirty water is better than clean water
This is exactly why Americans are failing to be a threat anymore. You differentiate between two social media platforms that take 0 intelligence to use and claim one is better. Its like voting for Republican or Democrat, same sandwich, different slice of bread.
In this context diverse genes is the clean water
Because small white penis brains are not satisfying enough
>mixing potentially harmful contaminants into purified water makes it clean
This post paid for by schills.
implying the opinion of incels matter
>small white penis brains
Yes, brains. Something you clearly do not possess. I mean how fucking dumb do you have to be to butcher such an easy sentence. An advice for you dicklet, if you want to insult someone/something makes sure you do not make such easy errors it makes you look retarded.
Cause they hoes