It would benefit us all!
It would benefit us all!
Other urls found in this thread:
It won't help, these people are too fucking stupid to even utilize the other porn boards for normal shit.
Kys op
Using proactive to clear acne scars years old is useless; just like using this Yellow, Gamergate-tier shitposting to clear the site of shit and endless porn-posting.
The problem existed well before you noticed it, and taking action when it's too late with your "Holier-than-thou" bullshit won't do a thing. Keep seething, cuck.
cringe and fallacy'nt
Yea Forums never used to be nothing but porn and anyone that says it was obviously is a newfag that started posting only a few years ago
Shut up, faggot.
Yea Forums was much more, but porn was an essential part. For historic reasons and for the greater good, porn has to stay! And after all it is the only thing that is left of good old Yea Forums.
These are russain neo-nazi trolls and they have already been banned from Twitter and Facebook.
The puppet masters pulling these troll strings know that if porn was gone then more normal people would come to Yea Forums and see their pro-trump propaganda
They want the porn gone before the 2020 election because they have no place left to dump their nazi propaganda.
They grow their numbers by brainwashing young people who don't know any better.
This yellow shit has zero to do with porn or anything else
it has 100% to do with shiting this place up before 2020, as usual Democrats can not control Yea Forums they seek to destroy it
We all know by now this is an orchestrated russian campaign to rid /b of porn in order to get more normies to consume pro trump propaganda.
>Get the word out.
>Repost this in all their threads.
>Expose these nazi cowards.
Your clearly a middle age fag
Let me break this down for you. There are 3 types of pornfag:
>1) The degenerates.
These are the pornfags posting traps fur and shota/loli. As much as many people personally hate them, THEY ARE WELCOME ON Yea Forums. Their content isn't welcome on any other board, isn't oversaturated, and has been around on Yea Forums since the beginning.
>2) The newfags.
These are the pornfags that are largely underage and know nothing about Yea Forums, Yea Forums or the culture. Pretty much only come here to fap and maybe browse other threads for a few minutes first. The oversaturation of normie porn means they will never develop and lose their newfaggotry. They need to be redirected to the porn boards where they belong. This will benefit all parties, except...
>3) The jewbots.
These are the true enemy. The vast majority of normie porn threads are started and populated by the bots. They can't be reasoned with, their mission is distraction, and they've succeeded in that for many years now. They were put into place as a control method after Yea Forums caused one too many problems irl. They can only be defeated by redirecting newfags to porn boards, and educating the rest on filters.
they already did that. The random board with no porn is /bant/
What's the problem with porn anyways?
Unfortunately because everyone on this board is an utter fucking retard, doing so would only lead to two new porn boards.
ok retar
No one said NSFW had to go, but the majority of the porn threads that are posted here would fit in perfectly on /s/ or /hc/ which is where they belong.
or just go to if you don't like porn
No it wouldn’t. There is no porn on the other random board
Let me break this down for you. There are 3 types of pornfag:
>1) The degenerates.
These are the pornfags posting traps fur and shota/loli. As much as many people personally hate them, THEY ARE WELCOME ON Yea Forums. Their content isn't welcome on any other board, isn't oversaturated, and has been around on Yea Forums since the beginning.
>2) The newfags.
These are the pornfags that are largely underage and know nothing about Yea Forums, Yea Forums or the culture. Pretty much only come here to fap and maybe browse other threads for a few minutes first. The oversaturation of normie porn means they will never develop and lose their newfaggotry. They need to be redirected to the porn boards where they belong. This will benefit all parties, except...
>3) The jewbots.
These are the true enemy. The vast majority of normie porn threads are started and populated by the bots. They can't be reasoned with, their mission is distraction, and they've succeeded in that for many years now. They were put into place as a control method after Yea Forums caused one too many problems irl. They can only be defeated by redirecting newfags to porn boards and educating the rest on filters, or convincing the mods to tackle the scourge directly.
The only retards are the yellow fags that don’t know their board already exists
you are a fucking fascist. Censorship helps with nothing. Just go die
people could use /hc/ or /s/ or /r/ or other boards without a /bp/
what good would that do, you'd still have the same fb/ig and ylyl cancer and all the other same stale copy pasta shit we have, just less of the same porn threads.
or the 13 porn boards
Porn is a random topic. Cry more, child.
No the board with out porn should change it’s name to
Yea Forums
It can be /bitches/
t. porncel that is actually arguing to have Yea Forums be 99% porn
t. child throwing a temper tantrum
That is what /r9k/ is for you dumb tit
Actually /r9k/ is forced OC.
/bant/ is a combination board of /int/ and Yea Forums, with the explicit rule of NO PORN DUMPS.
Yellow niggers are just retarded children.
we do not say the name of the devil young one
>cumbrain underage getting mad
/bant/ is literally the board for you. No porn dumps and is still "random." I'm sorry you are so fucking stupid that you can't use the home page OR the board navigation at the top of the page. Or that you think Yea Forums is worth salvaging. I'm not sure what type of mental blockage you have, but you really should consider growing up. Porn will always be on Yea Forums and the Yellow Faggot Movement will be forgotten.
I miss coming here and finding a unique thread. I've had some amazing times on this board. Wading though a sea of dick/porn threads to find something interesting was just the price you had to pay. I don't know when it happened but i stopped coming here to find something after many fruitless searches. Eventually it was accepted that "Yea Forums is nothing but porn now" and i moved on. I don't give two shits about the current state of this board because of yellow posting. The boohooing porn posters cries are music to my ears. A bunch of yellow images spamming up the board are the most exciting thing to happen to it in years. You deserve to have your degenerate porn posting broken up for a little while. gtfo my board pornfags
is the board for your social media trash.
is the board you want. Yea Forums's rules without porn. Enjoy your /jp/ roommate, child.
Great idea
Retarded incel
Not an argument.
I just found out about this today, porn is one of the least dignified things there is, remove it all from this board.
well memed my friend
New boards? That requires, like, effort, and I mean, you know, something other than copying and renaming the code from another, like, Chan or something. Too much difficulty for Hiroshimoot
Except he already did exactly this 2 years ago with the introduction of .
Lol this is the stupidest idea I've ever seen on this board. It would take multiple mods working round the clock just to move incorrectly placed threads, and that's if they feel like being nice and not outright deleting. You have board options too friendo and tbh porn was here before your dumbass found the super secret club
It already is dipshit lol
Stop telling Yea Forums to go to /bant/, /bant/ openly hates the people who browse Yea Forums, wants nothing to do with the civil war and is trying to drive Yea Forums refugees away
It's a small tightknit board with its own OC and the last thing it needs are underage Yea Forums frogposters and political cancer, it's not "Yea Forums 2.0" like you say it is.
Lol you board indeed.
Maybe you should not admit to being from Yea Forums, like normal. Fucking retarded Grease.
Then take your yellow movement and go make it your board. There's no porn to drive out so you shouldn't fail like you have here, lol
Have you tried ?
And make /fur/ again.
Splitting the boards is the only solution.
It's been done, stop being pedantic and use the right board
? got it
There are no words in existence that can begin to describe how much bant sucks.
I hope you die in a plastics factory fire
dedicated /cuck/ board would be a good start, Yea Forums got enough crypto spam to create /biz/ so why not?
First: Die you fashist fuck
Second: no. Just tollarate porn. Everyone has types of post they want to see gone. If everyone can just spam boards to dictate what should be gone, everything would be gone
That's actually a pretty good idea
Welcome to a Yea Forums without NSFW content
Oh right you want to do the same to here
Now my guy, I give you a few minutes to think about the correlation
I thought the "summer" was only a meme. When we will learn?
im a jew so fuck you
Please move your thread to the non porn random board
Well? Pic relevant
And don't come some tosh about flags or IDs
It's a not safe for work board. Go to a safe for work board puritanical heathens.
this this this!
yellow for blue Yea Forums
we are keeping Yea Forums, you can get /bs/ for "b safe"
the reason why these yellowfags don't use /bant/ is becase there american and can't handle british words.
oi gov u fokkin wanker cunt ill fucking give it to yer now ya silly biscuit
I agree. Porn fags actually do need a place to go. Many of the other porn boards are filled with super autistic reeeee fags that rage if the whole board isnt what they want exclusively.
There really should be a Random Porn board, so any and all kinds of (legal) porn can be posted without autism and reee fags ruining it.
>wants to add rules to Yea Forums
consider suicide
also their Russian flags will post
The problem existed for as long as I've been here, which is 2008. It's easy to ignore, though.
/pol/lacks and Christian moralfags invading has become a much bigger problem IMO. This whole site went to shit when they made /pol/.
Excellent post. Even as an anti-yellowfag, I have to agree.
fucking looser pedophiles here on this board that post that kinda shit and mods cant ban them? rightttt
Or better still, go back to plebbit nigger
Also this
You mean like adding rules concerning certain P-word bros? Who fucked this board up as bad as porn fags have?
>You may not post more than 5 active threads at a time.
There were legal reasons behind that. Yea Forums was almost taken to court over the clop shit and backed down.
Nobody's sad to see them go, and nobody would be sad to see furfags and pornfags go, but it's a slippery slope. They might ban something good next, so keep your mouth shut and happy with what you have.
That's not a content-related rule.
Have what? A formerly fun board that is now filled with generic porn content that can be found across 90% of the internet as it is today? There are sites dedicated to being porn communities, so why the fuck come here and ruin this place with your fucked in the head addiction?
I don't, but they're not the problem. Porn was always here.
What we don't have here anymore are lulz and OC. That's the difference between Yea Forums now and Yea Forums in 2008 when I started here.
If you want to fix Yea Forums, start doing lulzy things again and posting OC.
But this isn't about that, is it? This is about a bunch of pseudo-Nazi /pol/lacks "ridding Yea Forums of degeneracy" or some such garbage.
If the raiders really cared about saving Yea Forums, every one of their threads would be OC instead of a shitpost attached to a yellow picture with vague pro-Christian/pseudo-Nazi propapaganda.
Yeah. Like they did at /gif/ and /wsg/.
>Porn was always here.
Of course it was, it just didnt used to be 80% of the board, and drowning out actual content.
Even if we do create non-porn threads, theyre essentially wiped off the board by a continuous flooding of the same types of porn threads.
Multiple tranny threads
multiple facebook creep threads
multiple tits and ass threads.
You fags could at least keep it to one general.
>But this isn't about that, is it? This is about a bunch of pseudo-Nazi /pol/lacks "ridding Yea Forums of degeneracy" or some such garbage.
I'm more convinced that the constant porn flooding is to keep this place from being what it used to be. To keep this place doing nothing but being mindless dick pullers and circle-jerkers.
sources? where's your proof that this is indeed a democrat plot?
> it just didnt used to be 80% of the board
It still isn't 80% of the board. I noticed people complaining about porn more than I've noticed porn, just because I don't click on those threads.
>Even if we do create non-porn threads, theyre essentially wiped off the board by a continuous flooding of the same types of porn threads.
So find someone before you make the thread to help you bump the thread while it gains traction. This isn't rocket science. Do you not have any friends at all?
>I'm more convinced that the constant porn flooding is to keep this place from being what it used to be. To keep this place doing nothing but being mindless dick pullers and circle-jerkers.
Go back to infowars, you tinfoil hat-wearing faggot.
Porn is on Yea Forums because most people on Yea Forums are horny idiots. Humans don't even need help with that. It's not a conspiracy. Nobody thinks Yea Forums is some huge political threat and that making us all fap to shitty amateur and FB pic threads is the answer. KYS. You spend too time on /pol/, shit will make you paranoid
>You may not post more than 5 active threads at a time.
>That's not a content-related rule.
That's not a rule at all
It's not 80% of the board anymore because people are tired of it being that way and are counter flooding to prove a point.
>So find someone before you make the thread to help you bump the thread while it gains traction. This isn't rocket science. Do you not have any friends at all?
This may come as a surprise, but many of us arent broken and obsessed discord trannies who make it their sole bedroom and basement dwelling lives to flood websites.
>You spend too time on /pol/, shit will make you paranoid
Says the creepy queer who posted this:
>But this isn't about that, is it? This is about a bunch of pseudo-Nazi /pol/lacks "ridding Yea Forums of degeneracy" or some such garbage.
You can stop with calling the kettle black, potfag
>it just didnt used to be 80% of the board
This illusory truth again. Porn is rarely more than 40% and usually less than 30%
No I'm not a shill, or a bot, or a pornfag
Not at all. I've actually counted the catalog on numerous occasions. Have you?
hey guess what? They did it already
>It's not 80% of the board anymore because
It wasn't 80% of the board before you started flooding it, either. It's never been 80%.
>This may come as a surprise, but many of us arent broken and obsessed discord trannies who make it their sole bedroom and basement dwelling lives to flood websites.
That comes as a surprise indeed, considering that's exactly what you appear to be doing.
>You can stop with calling the kettle black, potfag
How are those things contradictory? /pol/ is the worst thing to ever happen to this site. That was my point in both instances.
The other 60% is usually
>Hey guise what if
>Frog poster shit
>Guise I totally did this thing EBIN SCREEN CAP XD
>Teenage autism
Oh and now of course the piss coloured fags wanting to have everything their own way.
I didn't audit the non-porn content as yellowfags just want more of it. I just counted porn threads
Or you could go to a workable board instead.
It's called /bant/ you retard
It's called use a fucking porn board you incel fuck
>It's called use a fucking porn board you incel fuck
We do. We use an NSFW board where porn is allowed under the rules. Your point?
Yellow is down to one thread. lol
the fuck could you losers possibly have to talk about other than porn
THIS. I don't come to Yea Forums for porn, but I am not upset for it.
There'll always be one or two floating around from now for ever more; a bit like logposters. Eventually they'll be posted by newfriends who have no idea of the original intent and they post them for the rage and lulz, because that's how they think Yea Forums works (again, like logfags)
Nope, I think it's called /bant/. I'm not surprised that a 'revolution' organised by frog posters would end badly. You have zero control over your own lives, why did you think you could control this board?
>for the rage and lulz
That's how Yea Forums has worked as long as I've been here.
Then and i really need you to follow this train of thought. Make. OC. Its simple youre bitching about content on a korean fishing forum make content.
>bu....but user porn kills all OC!
No. No the fuck it doesnt, you just cant make any cause you dont have a creative bone in your body.
you soon will be about our constant whining
we yellows really are Holier-than-thou
Yea Forums never used to be nothing but porn
This shit died after about a week just like I knew it would.
>we yellows really are Holier-than-thou
Yep, nothing more than some uppity frog posters. Glad you agree with us.
if Yea Forums creates a board for yellowbois, I would die of laughter.
What is your salary agent boomer? Do you feel like you are an integral part in the Faggy Bitch Idiots?
>That's how Yea Forums has worked as long as I've been here.
You might find it different when you reach your first month
thought that might trigger you, was right
>damage control, the post
>I would die of laughter.
i hope they create the board then
its called bant
have you tried utilizing /bant/ ?
I've been coming here since they were called fap threads.
Even made a video about it 10 years ago as one of my favorite part of Yea Forums
One hundred times this.
it already exists
Only solution.
i wouldn't mind this
There is no reason to post porn on Yea Forums.
Prove me wrong.
The Final Solution
You're a newfag I see
You're a new fag I see
Why should we allow duplicate threads on Yea Forums?
It already is Summerfag. Go over to
Yeah what the fuck do you guys want? Tell me and fuck off, you've got a message, don't you? If you guys are just searching for me, good job you've found me, if you just want my attention you've gotten it, if you're just here to waste my time you're successful on that part, confuckingrats, and I can't believe you guys are using this retarded board to find someone, and it's even more retarded that it's fucking working, but it's rather funny this is the solution you've taken, well I highly doubt it's have taken alot of resources, maybe it's not so retarded after all if it's working, so, is this the first part and the end of the road for me? The suspense sure is killing me here, and yes, this is a repost.
Look at the ads on the board. You think they give a fuck? They have made thier money and know you retards wont leave. So why put the effort forward?
>put me in the screenshot you reddit fags
>save this, cuz I'm calling it now that itll never happen for this exact reason, but theyll come up with some bullshit excuse.
>b has been fucked for years. It hasn't changed and will never change.
i've been here since 2011 and i couldn't agree more. /pol/ is the cancer on all of Yea Forums.
>newfag can't answer the question
newfag confirmed
lurk more
>this is a repost
reported for raiding Yea Forums with spam and defending the invasion from porn boards
Sage faggot
I'm just curious why they're trying to find me.
>Yea Forums with porn and Yea Forums without
We already have that.
>Why should we allow
Who are you to decide?
>implying people were looking for you
>implying you didn't willingly join the conversation
wew lad
Yea Forums is not a porn board
there are already boards for porn
what do you not get about this newfag?
I just want to meme and shitpost without having to sift through faggy degeneracy
>newfag wants duplicate threads on two different boards, one being a RANDOM BOARD
user...please go back to whatever part of reddit you came from
you all are too stupid to use /bant/ why would anyone give you ANOTHER board?
>bant sucks
then go post there until it doesn't suck, retard.
Why don't we just completely eliminate Yea Forums and create hundreds of new boards for every possible topic.
Of maybe just delete Yea Forums and make reddit the standard.
too late
there's already a board for meta discussion too, but here we are, newfriend. there is no 1:1 mapping of content to appropriate board, no matter how autistic you try to be about it.
>bant/ openly hates the people who browse Yea Forums
You mean all 10 of them
>uphold traditional Romanian values
You have 13 boards for porn.
Why would we give you Yea Forums?
>mfw there's probably at least one board on reddit going on about the latest autistic storm to pee on Yea Forums
>he thinks Yea Forums is random board
>he says we can post porn on Yea Forums even though there are already porn boards for that topic
>yet he also wants meta-threads to be moved to could you contradict yourself anymore than you already have?
>could you be any more obvious of a newnigga?
How about we make a /sex/ board where everything sex/porn related is allowed as long as it is legal (like furry , loli , shota , tribute threads , IG/FB/VSGO etc.)
>this user gets it
we need a two state solution
porn fags can either go to their own boards or they can ask the mods for a random porn board
Yea Forums is for random topics
not porn
So Again, you fucking retards have no idea what the fuck you are doing and need to lurk moar.
pornfags are obviously newfags
it's so easy to see that even summerfags think they're retarded
Only newfags call anyone else a newfag.
>jus' sayin'
how about /bwp/ for without porn and Yea Forums for anything goes?
if pol is cancer, what the fuck has B become?
It's already a thing. Imagine being 2 years late to the negotiations.
how about no
how about you fuck off
or come back when your balls drop kid
are you retarded
there has always been porn on b
/pol/ is still worse.
There are still plenty on Yea Forums who are ironically political or racist for the lulz.
For /pol/tards all that shit is a way of life
>that's true, but nor entirely
i'm not going to word police myself because someone would get the wrong impression of me
if im calling out anons for not posting content on the proper board then i'm obviously less of a newfag then they are
they deleted my fucking mgs thread, the gooks, can you believe it? there's no hope for this site anymore.
porn boards are already a thing
imagine changing the subject to avoid being called a faggot
obvious shilling
Yea Forums is not a porn board
If you think Yea Forums is not the proper fucking board for fucking anything by virtue if it being Yea Forums then you should fuck off back to 2015
It's everything you are asking for.
Yea Forums without porn. Look at the sticky.
this is a good one
Some faggot got upset your MGS thread not on Yea Forums?
>the real legacy of yellow
hey, nice, i made a thread saying the exact same thing a few nights abo
it’s different tho. bant has country flags and ids, Yea Forums doesn’t
Somethings telling me you're a nigger. Back 2 red it
>being this retarded
Yea Forums is not for porn spam
porn is not random because it has dedicated boards
how hard is this to understand?>it's everything you're asking for
No, it's not lol
Yea Forums is a random board
you are not allowed to post /s/ threads on Yea Forums because there is already an /s/ board
is what am saying.. these people are bad people
The whole point of Yea Forums is the freedom to post nearly anything you want.
Fuck off Reddit.
>defending the posting of non-random topics on the random board
reported for raiding
>Fuck off reddit
Uses reddit spacing
Yea Forums is not for porn
there are already porn boards
eat shit porn nigger
>you don't agree with me and my fellow sheep therefore you're subhuman and should gtfo to the website I used to go on before making Yea Forums "home"
How hard is it to understand Yea Forums has no fucking rules?
>apparently fucking impossible
Wow OP. You’re the dumbest faggot ever
>Complains about Reddit
>Uses "kek"
>Thinks this is Reddit spacing despite it predating Reddit
>Yea Forums is not for porn
Yea Forums is for whatever the fuck you want, fag.
Oh I know
I was in an old-fashioned classic Yea Forums advice thread. You know, standard Yea Forums content since forever.
Had faggots screeching about the thread belonging on /adv/ instead.
Reddit spacing is called reddit spacing because of the faggots who brought the name with them.
Faggots have been double spacing on Yea Forums since week 1
>I was in an old-fashioned classic Yea Forums advice thread. You know, standard Yea Forums content since forever.
If you think this feelsy shit is "standard Yea Forums content" you're part of the new culture.
Every now and then a few Yea Forumstards try to change the board culture and end up exasperating the thing they were trying to """fix""". This yellow porn shit is already starting to blow over.
No more avoiding the subject.
>muh porn
Nah fuck off.
You want to fix Yea Forums? Go after the femanon AMA threads. Tits not required but encouraged? Fuck right off. They're everything Yea Forums isn't.
What are you talking about? Get the fuck out. Newfav.
You can post, generally, whatever the fuck you want on Yea Forums. If a thread doesn't draw, it soon gets dropped off the catalog. Post whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not illegal.
Basically what Yea Forums was built on, newfag.
Just go to /bant/ you faggot
There's the board you want. It already exists.
how hard is it too understand that duplicate threads shouldn't be allowed on a random board?
>reddit fag trying to save face
you've been exposed nigger
time to try again
>Hurr Yea Forums should be heavily regulated
NAA bucko. You can't deflect. You're in your first year aren't you? Lol.
>how hard is it too understand that duplicate threads shouldn't be allowed on a random board?
Never said feels advice
It was a faggot asking for advice on ways to murder his wife's cat.
Obviously being edgy
So fuck off.
Gookmoot only does decisions that give money
Get the fuck out newfag
What an actual retard. Typing like a moron won't disguise your put on edginess. Why do you want Yea Forums to be regulated? What are you gaining from it?
It's not for spam faggot
go back to one of the 13 fucking porn boards
>implying calling out reddit-spacing is invalid because multiple people used it before reddit
implying that someone negates my argument for being a way to verify reddit posters
you're the one complicate with people raiding Yea Forums /d/umbass, not us>
why should we allow duplicate content on a random board?
answer the question.
>purposely lying to defend porn spam
you can post whatever you want as long as it's not content that has a dedicated board
why don't you want Yea Forums to be random?
answer the question
>just go to /s/ faggot that's the board you want
why can't you porn fags prove me wrong?
Yea Forums is not for porn
>you can post whatever you want as long as it's not content that has a dedicated board
>why don't you want Yea Forums to be random?
>answer the question
Randomness dictates anything and everything. Why don't you want Yea Forums to be random?
>Implying the girls I jerk off to are either sexy, or beautiful
You've been proven wrong repeatedly. Why do you want to regulate Yea Forums?
>you can post whatever you want as long as it's not content that has a dedicated board
You yourself just have an example of a classic Yea Forums thread that has a dedicated board in /adv/.
The rate at which you can shit out porn threads does kill OC
Yea Forums is for whatever the fuck I want.
>he literally thinks posting duplicate content can still be considered random
how /s/tupid are you?
where have I been proven wrong faggot?
point out the post
why can't porn fags prove me wrong?
Yea Forums is not porn board
>fucking this
it's not for porn
porn isn't random
there are already porn boarda
porn isn't random
why can't you stay on topic?
im not talking about random content
im talking about porn
porn is not random
>they're now on to bargaining
Fear will always fade with time
>where have I been proven wrong faggot?
>point out the post
Lol ffs can you refute any of this? I can go back further newfag
Randomness dictates anything and everything. Are you autistic? Literally everything you WANT out of Yea Forums can be found on another board therefore isn't random.
Your logic is incredibly flawed
It's for whatever the fuck I want. And it will continue to be that way in two weeks when you GB2R.
melania backs yellow movement
That's the reason why nobody cares about Yea Forums anymore. Moot made too many boards that already split the userbase. Angry people went to /pol/, memers went to Yea Forums, forever alones went to /soc/ and /r9k/.
Everyone used to be here but now everyone has their specific interest board and the only people left on Yea Forums are the porn dumpers.
Splitting the board even more would kill it.
i see you're still in the denial phase
that's okay
you'll realise Yea Forums isn't a porn board eventually
Yea Forums is for whatever the fuck I want
>Muh Yellow
Fucken kek has this fizzled out already? Lol. Yea Forumstards used to last a solid week before giving up an autistic crusade
▲ ▲
i already responded to the majority of those posts and i already covered the topics for the ones I didn't respond too
debate these porn fag
I rate this post 1/fag
Or just anti-b where any image / post that appeared on b in the last 24 hours is blocked as a post as unoriginal
isn't random when it's constantly being repeated
like all the porn threads that already have their own dedicated boards
>he thinks I'm leaving
and in two weeks you still won't be able to prove to me why porn threads should be on Yea Forums and not the boards that already catter to that porn
Yea Forums is a containment board for porn and that's not going to change, choose another option
the porn spam is obviously a much more important issue than the dividing of boards
we divided those boards for different subjects
just like how porn should be divided from Yea Forums
>muh /bant/
even if i go to /bant/ porn is still raiding Yea Forums
Yea Forums is not a porn board
>further proves he's in denial
it's not for porn spamming
well porn fags?
im waiting?
i thought you could prove me wrong
yet it turns out your just degenerates spamming porn on Yea Forums and you shall be removed
They want hate and bs threads. The porn is getting in the way, because if we see tits, no one gives a shit about a nigger or kike thread.
>13 porn boards
Yea Forums is not one of them
quit pretending to be retarded
porn boards already exist, they're in the Adult section.
move to /bant/ if you want non porn Yea Forums
>global rule 3
You literally didn't prove shit wrong, you just deflected.
Everyone's arguing about the nature of Yea Forums and what it is.
Yea Forums is everything
Yea Forums is nothing
>porn boards already exist
Yea Forums is not one of them
/bant/ was obviously created to give porn spammers an excuse to spam
they have no reason for being on Yea Forums
if you think we'll give up our home to invaders you're absolutely retarded
Instead trying to remove the porn posters, you should keep the true Yea Forums spirit up with quality threads instead just leaving a void and frustration.
It's also not a blue-board, so they can post as much tiddies as they want.
newfag detected
are you absolutely retarded nigger?
that rule is already being broken
there is racism on /pol/ and furfags on /trash/
btw the majority of porn spam on Yea Forums is /s/-tier
so global rule three doesn't even apply to this situation
still waiting for you to prove these posts wrong porn nigger
>your deflecting
you're deflecting while projecting you retarded pornfag
>instead of trying to remove the porn spammers
>you should keep the true spirit of Yea Forums up by trying to post quality threads
why do you think im trying to ban the repetitive porn spam you moron
you're obviously a pornfag trying to change the subject
>its not a blue-board
really nigger? trap porn isn't blue-pilled
GTFO here
There's damn brazzers ads
Every one of those posts has proven you wrong and your attempts are deflecting aren't arguments.
>watch as the porn fags kick and scream
So? Fucking go to /bant/ and take over the "tightknit board. Who cares what the fuck /bant/ fags want...
This. Stop whining about how much /bant/ sucks. Go there and make it your dreamt Yea Forums.
The hordes of yellowfags should overwhelm the current /bant/.
porn belongs on porn boards
not Yea Forums
what does the adds have to do with the posts on the board?
>ass hurt porn nigger in pure denial
you tried your best
it just wasn't good enough
Yea Forums is not a porn board
you have one last chance to prove me wrong
make it count
Oficially, Yea Forums is for random topics that include porn.
/bant/ is for random topics without porn.
What you suggest already exists.
go back to these porn niggers
your home is waiting for you
Sexy Beautiful Women
Adult Gif
Handsome Men
High Resolution
Adult Cartoons (rule 34)
Adult Requests
Random Degeneracy
>what you suggest already exists
neither of those boards are random you moron
/bant/ is filled with bots and Yea Forums is filled with porn that already has a dedicated boards
it doesn't matter how much you try and wiggle away from the subject
Yea Forums is not a porn board
still waiting for your argument porn nigger
Yea Forums is not for porn
By now the joke is: the first 50 replies are from one russian bot doing all the work. Ignore it, filter and move on
If you don't believe, join pol discords, ask them if bots took over the moevement and join other threads with the same topic
/bant/ is filled with bots becasue yellowfags come to Yea Forums and leave /bant/ all alone to be taken over by shit.
You cry about something that ALSO already has a dedicated board: a random thread with no porn, albeit being misused right now. But the community is to blame for that.
>he genuinely thinks his greentext makes sense
>blaming the Yea Forums community for spamming porn invaders and bots
>pic related
Yea Forums is not a porn board
porn on Yea Forums is not random
there are already boards for the porn spam on Yea Forums
prove me wrong porn nigger
oh look, porn spamming that belongs on /s/
i guess OP was right after all
>oh look, porn spamming that belongs on /s/
>i guess OP was right after all
oh look, a post belonging to looks like Yea Forums can to be deleted
b has always had porn. Most of it until recently would have probably made you newfags shit yourselves. There used to ALWAYS be a jb thread or three up, and a few times a day a pizza thread would pop up.
Quit crying about porn you fucking zoomer queers. Go to a work safe board if you're so scared of porn.
>looks like Yea Forums can to be deleted
looked alike b can to has been willing to be deleted
but good point, if people went to specific boards b absolutely had zero reason to exist
it has flags though. I have shit flag and I dont want my opinion being discriminated against based on it. Also, ids are cancer.
Its great for pol due to how retarded its users are and the whole paid shills controversy but it has no place on b.
thanks for proving me right nigger, again
>porn threads on Yea Forums shouldn't be moved to the porn boards
>yet /qa/ threads on Yea Forums should be moved to /qa/
are you genuinely retarded?
or are you purposely being biased?
i say both
>it has flags though. I have shit flag and I dont want my opinion being discriminated against based on it. Also, ids are cancer.
so you want to push your shitposting and troll some? Just open a new browser for every reply, counts it as new user and as a bonus bumps it (what you are not even able to do as OP on here)
>>porn threads on Yea Forums shouldn't be moved to the porn boards
>>yet /qa/ threads on Yea Forums should be moved to /qa/
I am on purpose retarded to show you: b is random and since your threads have a purpose to be on here also porn threads, gore, rekt, ylyl and even the retarded sixx poster has. If you don't like, ignore and sage
It's easy to prove you wrong: Yea Forums IS full of porn. It's a fact. Always was, at least since I can remember from more than 10 years ago.
You argue stuff as it should be for you, I describe facts.
Hey, setting up or even knowing what filter are is a hard for redditors, go easy on him
>literally can't even stay on topic at all
Yea Forums is not a porn board
you are complicate with killing off the randonness of Yea Forums
we are more random than your constant porn spam you /s/tupid porn nigger
I don't want regulations.
I want faggots to remember the true spirit of old Yea Forums which was fucking anarchy because Yea Forums had no fucking rules.
I mean Yea Forums was still shit then with endless streams of stale memes and old pasta, but it was free.
Here, have some porn.
>he's using the im an oldfag routine
the fact you claim to be an oldfag yet you can't admit /s/ threads belong on /s/ and not Yea Forums obviously shows you're lying
shill harder pornfag
>implying redditors aren't the ones spamming porn on Yea Forums
wew lad
how much of a newfag do you have to be to not post /s/ content on the /s/ board
the fact you have any sort of pride or ground to stand on is absolutely laughable
>Yea Forums is not a porn board
>Also b is not a rekt board, b is not for this qa thread, b is not for art, b is not for political discussions, b is not for webms or gifs, b is not for tech questions, b is random and as such every other board already covers its topics and b needs to die.
Do you want to say that? Or are you one of the loli and jb poster?
No, I like shitposting Sixx and rolling