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looks like it'd taste good, but poor presentation. 7/10
I'm italian.
You eat shit.
Cattle country doesn't have much to offer. But we do know how to eat.
Hello britfag. How's your queen doing? Still burning taxes?
only thing about foreigners that i like is their food
That's a good looking English.
Wow, all I see is farts.
Pie 'n' Mash, you soft sourvern slaaaaayg!
Your local SUCKS¡!!!!!!!!!!
Looks unhealthy as fuck. Try eating some oats prepared in water or ground flaxcseed meal for breakfast instead of eegs and disgusting fucking bacon.
no you dont, enjoy your heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer
ITT: retards putting garbage in their bodies and then wondering why their health is deteriorating.
Might as well just do drugs every week, probably not much unhealthier than having 60% of your calories come from fat.
Non sanno cosa si perdono
Get fucked.
>do drugs every week
fuck off comrade
you should have left that first part off since now we know you're retarded.
My dad and i made this
I mean food addicts arent any better than drug users. At least good drugs like benzos give you tangible psychological benefits, unlike garbage food. Its like smoking, when youve smoked long enough you dont get any positive effect from nicotine, you are just ruining your body for no reason at all. Same with shit greasy food.
Very american ever.
Eggs are so overdone, bacon needs to be done more, and those sausages look cheap af. Fried bread is gross would rather have more hash browns or regular toast.
Black pudding is always solid though and fried mushrooms are a nice touch.
that is a low effort fried breakfast
Imagine being this fucking inbred that you're completely incapable of placing all the different parts of your meal onto your plate in their own part and not mixing it all together like a giant plate of slop.
Are those battered spare ribs?
you act as if everything you eat doesn't meet up in your gut in the end and looks a lot uglier coming out than in.
Had one of these today, was lush.
mmm french cuisine at its finest
Looks like dog food
Looks like a pile of shit .nasty
Everyone guess which US city I live in.
Reminds me to clean the cat’s litter box
Vegans eat the worst food
As an American I can say, none of these are “American”.
Maybe if you ate healthy instead of just fruits and vegetables then you wouldn't be so stupid
>Black pudding
Got a loicens for that haram food mate?
Science Yea Forumsro. This why you look like a rancid sack of shit. Fat people shouldnt be allowed on airplanes without an extra hefty charge. Lets call it the obesity tax. Fucking fatbags nobody likes you
Could be anywhere.
What do you eat? Dirt and rocks and shit loads of chemicals or something?
well, at least most unprocessed plant foods are safe for consumption and have good nutrition values
Onion pie only in poland
dont tax unhealthy, dying people. Tax garbage food and subsidize safe food.
You wanna take that cow out back and shoot it first? It's practically still mooing
Will never understand Americans and their love of undercooked meats...
vegetables, whole grains, fruit and lean meat/fish
you know, the foods that have been proven by numerous studies to be safe for human consumption
Basically. Being in the US is almost a technicality at times.
Oh come the fuck on and play. Or else I'll make you eat one of those autistic aztecnigger things.
That is the most unappetizing collection of food pictures I have ever seen... It wouldn't be so bad, but you sick fucks actually think what you post looks tasty.
This steak looks a little too over cooked . I like mine a little more raw. But still probably the best looking food so far
>Will never understand Americans and their love of undercooked meats...
I don't. I prefer my beef well done. Some slight redness is acceptable but the whole "rare/bloody" thing being better or tastier is a fucking meme.
Sure but your body needs more than just that
fuck you and your shitty food
Tomales? I like them. You can get them here in my town in Illinois
Wayyy undercooked man
Surströmming (fermented herring) smells bad but it actually taste really good.
kek ... too well done for me.
Japanese eat waygu that's practically raw.
From Catalan Republic, Escudella i carn d'olla. Tasty soup with vegetables and meats of pork, turkey and beef.
Looks like shit, fucking raw meat with blood. Also alcohol is fucking horrible in any amount, much healthier to take some xanax.
You're screwed up
like what?
WTF is that? Country?
Lamb doesn’t pass these lips.
It's technically not blood. It's myoglobin, which is used for energy storage within the muscle.
your country sure does love putting phallic objects in their mouth
Is shit?
>every time
Please, use normal glasses of wine...
What the fuck is that, sea sand?
And it's not alcohol, it's au jus. The drippings and caramelization from the meat rendered down into a thin, but flavorful, gravy/sauce.
Nigger detected
Not wine, dumbass.
See here:
This is more class distinction than anything else. In the UK you can practically identify an area by what degree they cook or prefer their steaks. The rarer the steak, the wealthier the person. This goes back to the days where meat was generally rotten. The poorer classes could not afford fresh meat which could be eaten at a lesser temp.
yes looks so tasty
Catalonia (Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona) is considered the first world country about gastronomy.
roasted buckwheat, slavshit traditional meal
its extremely cheap and is one of the most healthiest things you can put into yourself
Fuck off with your i guess asian shitdish? I hate asian shit its disgusting and too spicy all the time and small meals and with all kinds of shit in it like lemon grass i dont know how long to chew on it but i cant get it down my throat. True subhuman food tried once, never again.
>my dad and I made this
By made do you mean one of you shit it out and the other fried it?
hahah Nothing of this is Italian
Nop, I think is something vegan like cuscus
Bad then coz you can only mix 3 things with the meals: water, wine or beer.
They're literally the most basic form of cheaply preparing shitty grade meat.
My city is San Antonio. Thanks all for playing.
Hah. It's glorious ramen. From the country with more Michelin stars than any other: Japan.
I guess you can stick to eating tendies with ketchup like the other children.
Give me all the Kapusta , pierogi, ogorki, kielbasa, golabki, love the polish cuisine....britbong here!
The same happens in almost the countrys around the world
its roasted buckwheat, it smells very nice, kind of earthy flavour
More glorious ramen. All hail 日本!
Do anyone of you have the feeling that 6000 calories are not enough a day? I mean i ordered my classic combo like i always do. Mcd meal domino xl pizza some icecream and a family size tendies box and a big bottle of coke. But in the evening late i feel hungry and a strange feeling like i run out of energy and i begin to feel weak. So i am actually starving? Is this how african kids feel when they starve?
Anyone has the same going on? Like you can eat more n more but you end up hungry again in a short time and your shit is a mash of poo and sticky to the asscrack
Let's switch it up with some tsukemen! ニッポン!
just finished eating this delicacy and on second thought I should’ve toasted the bread. Oh well next time.
>ogorki, kielbasa, golabki
do you mean ogurtsi, kolbasa and golubtsi?
Of course you would like that poliack crap. British food is disgusting
You got the Yea Forumseetus, I'm afraid. The sugar you eat isn't getting to your cells to burn, so you still feel hungry.
We are speaking about food, not about McShit.
Its probably enough as long as you maintain a healthy bmi of 18.5
Go eat some fucking freezer mini-burgers dipped in ranch sauce and Mountain Dew you fucking trailer trash.
This is an american website. Please post only god-tier american food. Nobody likes asian dish. Its shit inefficient low calories food with weird spices and too hot for westerners. Garbage food, post american now!
Nigger tier
Catalan cuisine is Mediterranean cuisine, that means good taste but healthy.
Looks like animal feed.
Wtf kind of corn chips is that ew.
A Florida treat
Guys, he doesn't know about keto!
>squats and shits right into your open mouth
Here you gooo!
Please, close the mouth. Americans cannot speak about gastronomy. You are the last in the queue.
Japanese food is literally the testiest and healthiest. Have you had actual real sushi? Not the fake shit they serve in your country.
>This is an american website. Please post only god-tier american food. Nobody likes asian dish. Its shit inefficient low calories food with weird spices and too hot for westerners. Garbage food, post american now!
Why don't you learn to use English like an American before you start speaking for all Americans? Faggot.
No, the healtier is Mediterranian one.
3/10, needs breakfast haggis
It was bait dumbass
is this a bowl full of dicks
OK. Here's ramen with fried pork chop on top.
Tray, not Trayvon. Tray good for tired waitress. Look down shirt when bend over.
Nori. Seaweed. Salty and crispy when dry. Get wet and chewy like, uhm, seaweed?
No imaginary countries allowed lol
Fuck you California rolls are delicious fucking gook.
>I hate asian shit
>tried once, never gain
Please educate us more about your extensive culinary experience.
well, its actually really tasty. Much better than fucking potatoes and rice
You can also make really good soup with grechka and mushrooms, you dont even need any other ingredients.
Stop talking like Confucius chink.
Sushi? OK.
>eats his meat well done
Please leave.
Other than that rare steak pic, this is the second best posted here.
Hit me up with that black pudding, famalam.
Why u merifaggs put all the food inside a low quality piece of bread?
dude keto lmao
*dies from ketoacidosys or kidney failure*
Hah. I'm fucking American, numbnuts. I was just doing fake Asian shit for you racist pinheads. Here's more sushi.
Proper fine English cuisine. Noice.
I am not an expert on food , but I am sure that there needs to be a difference , between what you eat and what you shit .
what kind of bread do you think that needs?
How bout some soba and tempura?
excellent photo, but something only a pole would come up with/eat
Or maybe some more tsukemen?
Fabes a la catalana. Little beans with mint, pork and black sausage in its sauce. Little paradise of sins and perdition.
The kaiser (Emperor) roll literally came from Austria, you idiot.
High quality of meal does not need bread.
That's only a risk in diabetics
Don't cry, fatty cunt.
looks like a shit fried "sampler"
That looks good. 10/10 would bite
look like someone barfed on plate. disgusting, fat and not tasty. bleeh
another shitty dinner I wouldn't even try
pure fat - looks absolutely not tasty at all
cheap food for poor people
some shitty delivery food - not even regional
this is so far from good pizza
served terrible - I wouldn't take a bit
looks like logs of shit soaked in piss
>sushi from market
definitely regional...
another fat britfag
messy shit
another barf-looking dish
do you seriously eat this shit?
disgusting and those flavors do not combine
first nice dish here.
Guys - you really have poor taste.
No torontofags? Really?
true slavic breakfast
How about it needs more cow
Wtf? No ketchup for spaghetti, a empty plate, a weird sculpture of some crisp. Thats proven me again that asian food is the worst of all. How can you eat that shit and get saturated? Disgusting fuck gooks we should have nuked them more
We're talking south slavonic?
Or more like west slavonic?
Looks like what’s in my toilet before I flushed.
They don't eat to get "saturated". That's why you're 400lbs and they're skinny.
What a dumb thing to say.
Some A5 wagyu then?
Holy moly that looks amazing, Italian is the best cuisine
We have a winner
Ah, reminds me of your mom.
>ITT: faggots with no taste
Go to fine dinning sometime, itll change your redneck bullshit.
fuck yes I love faggots. just needs some peas and mash/chips
well, im not diabetic but im pretty sure I was approaching ketoacidys after a month of so of eating olive oil, pig lard, butter and some veggies and a bit of carbs and eggs. Felt like absolute fucking shit and the acetone breath got so bad that my whole house started to smell like ecetone.
This retarded diet isnt even used to treat epilepsy in kids anymore due to how horrible it is.
The dude keto lmao retards probably dont even enter ketosis due to how much protein they consume which is made into glucose in the liver when needed.
The real keto is at least 75% fat its worse for you than doing drugs every day.
Fuck yeah. Beener delight.
The meat looks sick. Cant be healthy to eat that diseases ridden meat. Or is it dog?
My peener moved
Too much fat. What is that shitty cut, flank?
Caramelized scallops? Yum
Didn't know humans regurgitate food for their offspring
Your troll is showing, but I'll educate you nonetheless.
The empty bowl is for the sauce (ponzu), green onions, and wasabi. You then dip the noodles (buckwheat noodles) into that. The fried stuff is mushrooms and some other veg. I often get shrimp, but this day I opted for matsutake mushrooms.
It's actually fairly filling, if you're not a fat-ass burgermerican.
It's extremely fatty cow steak from Japanese cows. Pretty expensive. A5 is what Amerifats would call Kobe beef.
Can't recall. Ribeye, I'd guess from the shape and fat dispersion.
I mean even Inuit people who eat nothing but fatty meat developed a gene that lowers their threshold for ketosis.
Get on my level
That’s not a ribeye looks like it’s from that quarter flank
Typical Bavarian garden restaurant food:
The Meat is super crispy, fried upper pigs leg. Sides are local kind of radish and potato dumplings in a beer/meat sauce.
Throw those gross French fries away and that pizza actually looks good.
You are obviously a vegetarian faggot bitch. I enjoy beating the shit out of cunts like you. I part time as door security at a couple of Austin 6th street establishments. Me and the other staff can quickly zero out faggots like you and trip you up. Then you get choked out and rolled with APD usually scooping you up. Had to change the routine a bit. But we've adapted after we talked with the officers about some recent changes.
Cuck bitches like you will never get our boots off your neck or out of your asses.
Also nice: baked carp
The only food worse than shit from the UK is German. That food? gets a 2/10.
serious mass bulk every day for din, i feel sick but would rather be sick than hungry ya get me
Please be troll. I love me some good ol' german schweinshaxe und reibekloese with a gud weissbeer. Fuck you britfag you eat shit all day dont talk. Brexit when? Fucking tired of ya
Aaah yiesss ... baked carp. Where you throw that shit in the trash and eat the plate also, Basketball-American detected.
But... What about if you eat mostly fat while also doing drugs? I'm thinking about a diet consisting of only Oreo cookie cream, which is basically flavored lard, and maybe heroin. Or should I consider extra fatty bacon and amphetamines instead? I think my brother in law is almost a full year into a diet conisiting entirely of aspirin, scotch, and Cheetos. I think he just ignored his last heart attack because his liver is failing.
Nice spacing faggot we know
Nice. Got hooked on rouladen when I was stationed there. Don't even get me started about schwartenmagen.... Might head back to Heidelberg this fall, if it isn't overrun with niggers.
Yes, youre right our food is strange, but unique and delicious.
>fried dumplings with sides. Most often leek'n'cream
I just tried mushy peas and mashed potatoes last week and I've got to say that you Brit motherfuckers are really onto something.
sausage and friarielli
directly from southern italy
Ahh yes can you ask the chef to make the slidd extra creamy?
white pizza slice with onion and beacon
southern italy
Italian and Portuguese sausages are the best sausages by far
>regards from germany
Dood.. They guy is swedish. He's by default whiter then you.
Looks fantastic. Enjoy
You spelled “I’m poor” wrong
Less onion, more bacon
southern italy "CUOPPO"
made with local fried squids, shrimps and anchovies.
You have to squeeze a lemon on it and enjoy the amazing taste.
>Everyone guess which US city I live in.
Nice try DeQuil. Everyone knows there’s no whites in Switzerland.
thanks mate, i also enjoy bavarian food, like bratwurst, and various sausages your connationals make.
I thought Italian was the best?
Debris roast beef
Fried shrimp
Cole slaw
Garlic butter fries
Thanks, i laughed.
Looks over cooked but I’d try it
Road kill
You ever had tube steak?
me not, but surely your mother had
Why does your back bacon look purple and all fucked up like bad pussy?
Cheese made with love in America
Mixture of 2 or more animals to avoid any waste of parts on the animals being used for food
A hint of Mexican flour product
you eat well dont because you cant afford good meat you cheap nigger
New mexico?
OP enjoys it daily
>Cheese in America
Mostly plastic, with food coloring, a touch of preservatives, and maybe some milk.
That’s a ridiculous amount of gravey
Best fucking cheese ever! American Cheese mofos!
90% of you idiots are going to develop diabetes before you're 50 years old.
I was raised on brown gravy son. That is exactly how much goes on a plate around here.
Based and krautpilled
Cheese is really kind of fucking bad for you and the cheap cheese is complete garbage. So whats even the point of eating it?
Well yeah, me too but that’s too much dad
Also you mispelled gravy.
Over fucking cooked! wtf
Yeah, I saw that as I hit “post”
Looks quite delicious.
Nice ole southern plate
Anything with sausage ... damn skippy
fok of you twat
Nothing exotic. But it sure is fucking tasty.
Sultanas, bread, cinnamon, nutmeg to taste, sugar, eggs, milk, double cream and a fuck load of butter.
jävlar nu kör vi
More or less yea. It's a Midwest thing too.
I’m in Best Carolina and this is a standard but too much gravy tho
Britfag here but i really want to try this.
Fuck yeah
Local to Hawaii since no one in the US eats this unhealthy.
I think my insulin is low
It's great. Very rich to be eating for breakfast but the crab is so sweet drawn butter is rarely needed.
fuck i want one
Disgusting UK fag. How are the immigrants?
Is that flambé top with holly? Very Christmasie
Well I live in nowhere USA where "too much gravy" isn't really a thing.
Looks British
Blue collar af
It's basically a more savory lobster.
Looks great. What country?
your guys should one day try pho and spring roll, it isnt really spicy and it tastes really nice
England/UK. Its called Beef Wellington.
Isn’t it the Brits that hide meat in bread?
i dont like eating cooked dog
Yikes yourself, they're delicious.
The best
We call it a Christmas Pudding, its topped with cherry or brandy and lit on fire.
Looks gud
Korean barbeque is fucking great. But holy shit you're obsessed with us yanks m8.
Crispy meat and potato dumplings sound great
Get the fuck out. American here that enjoys British and especially German food.
Love breakfast pizza
>Portuguese sausages
Based taste
Looks tasty
I've never seen someone finish a meal with gravy and not have leftover gravy. The standard here is that if you don't have leftover gravy on your plate by the time you finish then there wasn't enough gravy.
That's life in the sunflower state.
That looks good. Unusual coming from UK.
Welcome to rural Appalachia
Yep. Sadly the prices had risen over the years, but some seasons are better than others.
We know how to make the best of basic fresh ingredients. Three simple things, fresh berries, meringue and double/whipped cream, then any other fancy bits you want to add. Delicious.
Shit, my wife makes ham and beans and cornbread when we're broke and I wolf it down. Not a bad meal and you can make a lot for under 10 bucks.
Definitely takes hints from you crazy fucks.
Usually has
>Portuguese sausage
>chicken cutlets
>hamburger patty
>shit ton of rice and gravy
That looks awesome. Goddamn that cornbread is the zozz
Pollastre amb escamarlans. Catalan traditional gastronomy.
$10 eat as much as you want. Cape Town, South Africa.
That’s an incredible plate. I usually find that exact plate at fine food restaurants. I need a set of them. Where to buy?
Looks like something that’s usually found in a dumpster
Sopeta de pescadors, that is fisherman soup with sea treasures.
I haven't got a clue. Maybe search online?
Looks tasty af but how many niggers do you have to fight to get a seat?
Are u used to see Mediterranean dishes?
Here, the original pizza. Not Italian. They copied the invention. Coca de recapte.