Did you really think the yellow movement was dead? Take your porn to the designated boards. Moot is buying Yea Forums back and once he gets here everything will change.
Did you really think the yellow movement was dead? Take your porn to the designated boards...
Never surrender
I really want Yea Forums to become the legend it used to Yea Forums.
Lol I don't think moot is coming back ever.
It's the porn bots
>newer-than-newfag 2016 douchers think they can "reclaim Yea Forums" because schools out
>not a single compelling moment or meme from the entire user base in years
>not recognizing where the money is coming from
>being a literal keyboard warrior for a website you never participated in or visited
You might not know it but this "let's return to the golden years" schtick has been done for a long time, it not only doesn't work, but actively contributed to the stagnation of content on this board.
I've been around since 2012/13. Yes porn has always been here. But nowhere near the sheer amount of posts and threads from the last couple years. If you've been around for awhile you know I'm right. Yeah I'm sure some of these yellow posters are kids. But they can be used as tools to further our cause. Join us user.
Filth! Take it away
Ain't buying anything my nigga
These are russain neo-nazi trolls and they have already been banned from Twitter and Facebook.
The puppet masters pulling these troll strings know that if porn was gone then more normal people would come to Yea Forums and see their pro-trump propaganda
They want the porn gone before the 2020 election because they have no place left to dump their nazi propaganda.
They grow their numbers by brainwashing young people who don't know any better.
This yellow shit has zero to do with porn or anything else
it has 100% to do with shiting this place up before 2020, as usual Democrats can not control Yea Forums they seek to destroy it
We all know by now this is an orchestrated russian campaign to rid /b of porn in order to get more normies to consume pro trump propaganda.
>Get the word out.
>Repost this in all their threads.
>Expose these nazi cowards.
ok retar
>Moot is buying Yea Forums back and once he gets here everything will change.
Almost sounds biblical. Everything went to shit, our creator left us, and now we await his return, hoping he'll deliver us from evil.
Moot is jesus
How do you guys expect to stop the porn threads of thousands of addicted people just by posting yellow? They're addicted. It won't change anything. They'll just keep posting. The only way you'd win is if as many people became as addicted to posting yellow. Good luck
Let me break this down for you. There are 3 types of pornfag:
>1) The degenerates.
These are the pornfags posting traps fur and shota/loli. As much as many people personally hate them, THEY ARE WELCOME ON Yea Forums. Their content isn't welcome on any other board, isn't oversaturated, and has been around on Yea Forums since the beginning.
>2) The newfags.
These are the pornfags that are largely underage and know nothing about Yea Forums, Yea Forums or the culture. Pretty much only come here to fap and maybe browse other threads for a few minutes first. The oversaturation of normie porn means they will never develop and lose their newfaggotry. They need to be redirected to the porn boards where they belong. This will benefit all parties, except...
>3) The jewbots.
These are the true enemy. The vast majority of normie porn threads are started and populated by the bots. They can't be reasoned with, their mission is distraction, and they've succeeded in that for many years now. They were put into place as a control method after Yea Forums caused one too many problems irl. They can only be defeated by redirecting newfags to porn boards and educating the rest on filters, or convincing the mods to tackle the scourge directly.
Yea Forums has porn fliers bro, mods already sold 4 chan completely, your plan will fail.
Post this in all yellow to remind them that they are wrong because of money.
That actually seem plausible, I'm getting a sexual thrill off of all this yellow.
You can't fix jews
>he actually believes this
underage never learn
It will never be that again