Any medfags wanna explain wtf happened to Merkel...

Any medfags wanna explain wtf happened to Merkel? She says dehydration but literally every health site doesn't have shakes as a symptom.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Heat stroke/hyperthermia

Medical student, done OB/GYN rotation.

Large labia has NOTHING to do with number of sexual partners or frequency of sex. Diddly fucking squat. Labia size is determined by birth and puberty. It’s the equivalent of your dick shape.

Frequency of sex will not make the outer vagina look any different. A huge cock may make it gape for like... a few hours, but won’t make the labia bigger.

The only thing that actually changes the size and shape is childbirth, and then it’s usually only after the second - third child.

I saw hundreds of vaginas on rotation, with complete sexual history. There was zero correlation. A woman who’s told us she’s had a hundred partners often had a total “innie” pussy with tiny labia. Lots of girls who had intact hymens had large labia.

Having a shitload of tattoos on the other hand....

Was suddenly quite warm in Germany, so yeah, probably just the heat and dehydration. If i remember correctly she had this in the past.

I mean she could be a robot too and lost her connection to the overlords controlling her for a minute.

why the fuck do you even care?
what does it change?
she's a fucking reptilian. so what now?

oh yeah pardon me, this. she advanced from reptilians already.

She should have just gone to her knees instead of awkwardly wobbling around.

She has aids and probably got gay but who knows.

Hitler Hillary you mean

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>old woman can't handle sudden heat well
what a surprise

she's only chancellor for 1,5 more years, IF the coalition even lasts until then, so who cares

Since when does dehyrdration make someone shake that violently? I've never seen or heard of that happening to anyone from dehydration and not a single medical site lists shaking or tremors as a symptom of it.

It's called exsiccosis (/Exsikkose in german). A result of dehydration which leaves the body without minerals which causes muscle spasms and tremors comparable to a seizure. Common among older people

maybe she had to pee really really bad

she's alcoholic or some strong drug addict

Wendy Williams shook before she collapsed from dehydration.

Attached: WendyWms.webm (480x480, 1.46M)

There was a heat wave and she was dehydrated, it was a whopping 28 degrees Celsius. A whole 3 degrees above room temperature.

Thats a 10 on the richter scale kek

28 degrees is 6-7 degrees over room temperature, my dude

The comments section is brutal. Is she that hated?

Roastie medical student pasta

Angela Twerkle

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Not a medfag, but she's a fairly heavyset 64 year old woman standing strait up at attention. She's not 30 any more, so any number of issues might cause her to become weakened or dizzy. Heat, low blood pressure, thirst, exhaustion. Combination of those.

Which head of state isn't hated by half of the country? I like her. She kept the economy skyrocketing. Also the refugee fuckup was kind of saved by the border states closing up. It isn't as bad today

>Is she that hated?
>Angela Merkel

That's just another word for dehydration though.

I challenge anyone to link to a legit medical resource that lists violent shaking/tremors as a symptom of dehydration.

nothing to worry about
she just recieved 1000 tokens

>Is she that hated
She ruined Germany and large parts of Europe by letting in millions of third world Islamic trash, so yeah, she's hated quite a lot.

convulsive seizures is listed almost everywhere as a symptom, you retard


>That's just another word for dehydration though
Except it's not.
It's a resulting symptom of dehydration. Also causing things like orthostatic hypotension, mild somnolence and shock symptoms like unconsciousness.
Basically she is about to collapse but resists it.

and i challenge you with coming up with a really fucked up and twisted conspiracy theory that involves pregnant male refugees and their anchor babys, volkswagen, a secret society of your choice, namibian shills and reuvian double agents
keep it plausible but entertaining
this board needs a good laugh

I'll never understand these people.
I don't agree with all of her political decision, which isn't surprising considering I'm more centre left BUT that doesn't mean I have to hate her. I don't even hate Trump.
Fucking plebs and it's mentality, it's ridiculous.

She got dizzy from standing in the heat at her age and is shaking from the effort of trying to keep steady and standing. If you replaced some of your aspie google-fu with common sense you'd understand this.

She fucked up germany forever.

Now we have many immigrants here who like germany but hate germans.

You don't suck start the whole nation of islam then complain about dehydration

Link to any medical site that says convulsive seizures is a symptom of dehydration, go on...

Does playing the german national anthem raise the core body temperature of all germans, or just her?

>She got dizzy from standing in the heat at her age and is shaking from the effort of trying to keep steady and standing

Imagine actually thinking that's a reasonable excuse for violent shaking

alcohol withdrawals

>heat wave
>28 degrees Celsius
every single thing that lives in a desert right now is laughing

This Because dehydration causes your body system to fall, either blood pressure or disruption of nervs.
These tremors mostly are some body reaction to fight collapsing. Like you can see with weightlifters fighting the weights.

Attached: fallen soldier.jpg (590x330, 35K)

Yeah, like they would love when they have a 10 degree celsius day. For most desert animals the night is the scary one, because it can really get so cold their body hibernates.
While Merkel would love that this isnt a very cold night.

Probably a UTI. She should wipe front to back and pee after sex in Table 2. It's a bit old but pretty cool article form AMDA.

I don't know if by other comment got posted but here, table 4, not 2.

trying to supress her upcoming shapeshifting metamorphosis

i bet you this nigger will dismiss it because its not the homepage of his go to witchdoctor

she needs some milk


somebody should tell france.

She realized what she did to Germany

just go back schlomo/jamal

She's single.



You mean nerve gas

Fop kek

Shaking like a Dog shitting razor blades

Just like Hitler in the last months of the war, shaking like a jackhammer from all the amphetamines and horse tranquilizers she's jacked up on.

Is that a dude dressed up as a loose woman?

Only by a loud minority.
She definetly has support from the (old) people. There are two kinds of people who dislike her. Stupid fuckers who think the refugees are the source of all evil and merkel has the sole responseability for that. And people who actually understand how complex politics are and just want better social security / less wage slavery.

room temperature is relative to the room ur in fuckface. no matter where u are, even outside is a massive room, it's always room temperature

you may well be a rabid homosexual relative to who you're asking, therefore you're a rabid homosexual

>Christian Democrats
>Doesn't import Christians

it was the German national anthem

unfortunately no matter how much dick i suck, i am relatively straight compared to you.

Where is Table 2 on that page? I don't see anything about shaking or tremors. This is what I'm seeing, pic related

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people who actually want better social security and less wage slavery should be mad they have to compete with immigrants who devalue labor.

or u just employ them to make u money

Only thing straight about you is your dick when I walk in the room, boi.

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she worked for she socialist goverment of the DDR, she just continues what she did learn there

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It's the hitler syndrome.

Shake it baby!



>lost her connection to the overlords controlling her

My sides

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Damn it Megan. Nobody asked you to defend your oversized, gaping vagina

Med student, continued

The “swelling” of the inner labia during arousal is very slight and is more of a shape/orientation change than a size change, as her clit swells and “tents” the labia with it, though you might see no change at all. It will certainly not change an “innie” to an “outie.”

Repeated bouts of arousal do not make the labia increase size over time. This idea is *dumbasses making shit up.*

I’ve done pediatrics and OB/GYN. The size of labia usually becomes apparent at age 9-10 when the girl hits puberty, but may begin slightly earlier. The size of the labia will not change with onset of sexual activity.

From personal experience, there are ways to tell (not perfect) if she’s “gotten around,” but labia size is not one of them.

Femanon here.

Serious question: since men don't have vaginas, are you empty inside as to where a vagina would go? Could you have some type of surgery to make that empty space like a storage pouch? Seems like alot of possibilities out there considering all the things that come in and out of vaginas.

Serious answer: no one cares that you have a vagina.

Megan is not giving up hope that one day, perhaps, something smaller than a watermelon will satisfy her monstrous canyon

for a second i hoped she'd drop dead

I have the same thing, and have had a through review in the hospital.
It's probably low blood pressure and dehydration

The amount of fucking alt-christian incels that are visiting Yea Forums is it really cuz tumblr is done? or gayeddit has been more strict with their porn? whatever the case is..this is the chan. Where degenerates come to share ideas , explore their sexuality and also redpill others. Fuck your stupid "muh degeneracy", I came here to fucking jerk off and go on my day. I don't give a fuck about genetics , looks , styles etc. At the end of the day every girl on here is a fucking whore and deserves to be treated like one, I dont see pictures or videos of my girlfriend because she is not one of them so I treat her with respect and kindness but other than that? fuck it. Every woman is a whore deep down inside, they're literally made for that, they're genetics and their evolution has conditioned them to be sex toys and the ones who are aware and carry themselves as such should be treated and spoken that way, so if we say she should fucking trim then she should, if I wanted a fucking hairy bitch then I'd be a fag fucking a 16 year old twink.

Looked like Hitler was trying to manifest through her.

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Hey Merkel hurry up and fucking die you wretched vermin nazi fat fuck !!

lol xD

smoothbrained tinfoil hat manager detected

Hey, hey... get your adjectives in order
- wretched, fat, Nazi-vermin fuck
- wretched, fat-fuck, Nazi vermin

She shit talked GOD EMPEROR TRUMP one to many goddamned times.

She got a dose of the TRUMP CURSE!

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creutzfeldt-jakob disease
result of prions from ingesting human brain tissue in black mass rituals.
Hillary has same thing

Paramedfag here. Dehydration is front, clearly. I live in a very hot climate and have seen legit dehydration with no symptoms of that sort.

Generalized weakness, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, headache and depending on the severity altered mental status, are the most common signs of dehydration. From just a video it appears to possibly be neurological. Some were saying Tardive but I doubt that. I would be more likely to say metabolic related or some type of withdrawal. But of course without a physical or diagnostic evaluation we will never know.

Killery Clinton said the same thing a few years back after she collapsed at the 9/11 ceremony and shit...that was no dehydration either. Most people know she was having seizures. But all in all...that is no fucking dehydration..

Trying to hold in diarrhea.

Goddamn my wife watches her (HOW YOU DOIN) and I want to kill myself.

Have you not seen Europe's shit storm of refugee muslims and other sand niggers just RAPING THE FUCKING country? It's AIDS.

No, she's not, stupid. This is Yea Forums, so its 90% /pol/ echochamber. Merkel still has the highest approval ratings among all German politicians, followed by the head of the green party. Angry fascist incels will tell you that "the people" hate her and she "screwed over" the country, both of which are lies from any objective point of view. Germany is one of the healthiest and most prosperous countries in the world, while everyone around us is falling apart. The situation is so lopsided that some German government bonds have negative interest rate.


This guy gets it.

That's one giant self-contradicting garbage fire right there.

The comments are on youtube, Adolf

The heat and dehydration. Happened to me in the military once. We were standing at attention and people were dropping. I almost dropped but was "fighting" it, started shaking like her. Looks strange but probably nothing bad.

Presented to you by the Florida Intitute for Alternative Facts.

OP showed his dick, she was shaking trying to avoid laughing her ass off.

Well, I have a background in medicine, it sure is a reasonable excuse. But sure, you probably know best..

Probably more than 28 in the sun... And she wasn't wearing shorts and a t-shirt was she.

Kept Germany as the biggest power and biggest economy in Europe?

Yeah.. because youtube comments are a great place to look for normal people. 99% shit really. Probably even worse than Yea Forums

Well she kinda did, but you didn't really have a choice during DDR. She worked actively for reunification with West Germany and worked for democracy. She's also smart as hell and worked as a researcher in quantum chemistry before 89.

"Dehydration" is usually a cover for anything from a nervous breakdown to drug abuse. Take your pick.

Muh true Norman

She's just triggered.

Attached: Germanys Jew.gif (240x135, 1.7M)

My bad. Still, the same logic applies. Angry fascists are much more likely to shitpost wherever they go. If you want a picture of the actual situation, look at the polling data and election results. The AfD stagnates at 13%. That's basically the part of the population that "hates" Merkel. There are more that disapprove, of course. Generally, the trend goes to the left, with the green party soaring in popularity since the EU elections.


Yeah, I always point out how Germany "pays" negative interest on some of their govenrment bonds and has not increaased public debt since 2010 (even reduced it a little), but its useless. Once people have decided the "immigrants" or "the jews" or "the muslims" are the root cause of all evil, they are too far gone to grasp any concept that is not fueled by rage. That much for facts don't care about feelings.

>If you want a picture of the actual situation, look at the polling data and election results
There's no reason to assume those are accurate.
But sure, most people in Germany are probably drones who don't have any real opinions on Merkel.

>muh doctored polls
>muh sheeple
Its hard to live in a world where not everybody agrees with you, isn't it?

Who says it's angry fascists shitposting?
Maybe it's far more people who don't agree with Merkel?
Or does not agreeing with Merkel make a person a fascist in your book?

She’s dying of syphilus just like the last retard to ruin Germany.

> the refugees are the source of all evil and merkel has the sole responseability for that
She hasn't, yet she is the one standing there in the light of the public eye. Who else would they blame?
And yes, refugess are cancer. Idgaf about them and if it were for me, they could all been hanged along the border when they got here. i'd even take vacations to visit those villainous creatures.
I was not asked about my opinion on any of the decisions that led to the present state/situation. Therefore i don't have to feel something like guilt, and i sure as fuck don't have any responsibility regarding this scum. Hang 'em high.

I use inductive reasoning to infer their political stance. Also, you very well know to which kind of people I'm talking about, your pretense to civility is transparent.


>muh doctored polls
You're the one saying this shit

>muh sheeple
Fits the volk just perfectly

t. stupid fucker

What's important to understand is you're now the establishment in a generation that worships the underdog. Really, dude, I am an atheist bisexual microbiologist from California, and somehow I'm /pol/ right wing? I don't hate anyone, I just realize the narrative has been seized by force. I genuinely think the EU is some kind of a corporatist effort to flatten you people into a single "market".

The only important protest was Occupy Wallstreet, it rightly aimed the blame for the course of the world at the 1% who really control it. When that happened the first "SJW" arrived to invade it, to replace all the class consciousness of that protest with identity consciousness instead - which is useless and transient deliberately. Race fights are pointless, maintaining democracy by not allowing the rich to enact some kind of weird totalitarian plan against the middle class fucking is. The rich will absolutely shoot themselves in the foot by killing the middle class by the way, they're stupid ignorant oddly isolated humans who could make this mistake. They too are only human, no matter how rich their family is.

Denying white people's racism and complaints is a huge mistake, letting it just be a revenge ha-ha reversal is not going to work - people aren't actually god-fearing little dolls, they are angry monkey things who only care about themselves and will crush anything that even remotely threatens their survival. You people DESERVE all this /pol/ horseshit, you should have dealt with all these feelings long ago, you should have behaved as the educated and superior people you pretend to be and fixed this before it even started.

God I hate Germany, just die already, just stop ruining the world and die.

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>Everyone that disagrees with me is a fascist
This about right?

fucking Karma thats what

>Also, you very well know to which kind of people I'm talking about
How the hell would I?
I have no idea who or what you're talking about.
You don't even say why you think people are fascists.

I don't even get what you're arguing against, much less who "we" are supposed to be. My impression is that you prepped up a massive boogieman to scare yourself with, but I can't even tell what he's supposed to look like.

Stop pretending you're not on Yea Forums.

>The people must decide
>The people didn't agree with me. They are sheeple

That looks rather neurological to me, but I'm no doctor.

>The poster said something I didn't agree with or like, I'll greentext the word sheeple along with some non-sense