Quick question what does/b/ think of Alex Jones situation right now?
Quick question what does/b/ think of Alex Jones situation right now?
Honestly dont care about that freakshow. Hes just another sociopath entertainer.
Literally have no idea who that is. Fuck you and your ecelebs.
>Alex Jones
lmao, the frogs are gay tho
Getting framed and shills working at full force as we can see here:
There's a situation?
youtube has never been more boring since they banned him
he's also a pedophile now apparently
He's getting framed for something that he didn't do
>Quick question what does/b/ think of Alex Jones situation right now?
or: he's been caught doing something he DID do.
He's definitely pedo. During the custody battle shit a couple years ago or so, his ex-wife even said he abused his daughter in "suspicious ways I'm not even entirely aware of"
This user is right tho.
FBI said he's innocent. Never sent any cheese. In fact, he was sent cheese via email, but no one at info wars ever opened the emails or knew they were there.
Alex Jones is being framed by the left wing MSM.
She's probably covering her own ass because she allowed it to happen for money. Why else would anyone be with that psycho.
So she made it up?
>he abused my daughter but idk what he did!!!!!
Sure thing sweetheart.
if she's not aware of them, how does she know?
tbabes lol
And you call him a conspiracy theorist.
You fgts are crazy.
>In fact, he was sent cheese via email, but no one at info wars ever opened the emails or knew they were there.
>his ex-wife
>suspicious ways
>I'm not even entirely aware
>(I'm not sure of)
you.. do realize exes, especially women, lie about their former spouses, right?
women do it far more often and more rigorously than men.
"he molested our daughter" is a free ticket to claiming the mans assets and their kid.
you do realize they receive thousands of emails per day, right? the majority of them get sent into spam folders that no one ever sees.
>what does/b/ think of Alex Jones situation right now?
couldnt care less
I mean the FBI literally confirmed the fact it was sent to him, that he did not send anything, and that the email was never opened. So, what are you on about?
>Someone disagrees with me therefore they are shilling.
>no idea who alex jones is
just leave forever
according to the FBI, that IS right
since when does be believe what the fucking fbi says?!
I like the guy more already.
>implying Yea Forums is one person
here suck this dick nigger
he's fucked
I think it's pretty gay. Fuck sandy hook and those dumb ass dead kids
so edgy, so shocking, oh my goodness!!!!1111
Pics or it didn't happen,
>giving the benefit of doubt to a degenerate who likes dudes with tits
You're either;
1. Lying to strangers on the internet. Why?
2. Live inside your room, never go outside, don't watch TV or read any form of news, and are a newfag. All these criteria are required to not know who Alex Jones is.
He's lying, it's bait. He wouldn't open and reply to the Alex Jones thread just to say "duhhh i dunno him" if they actually didn't.
Here are the facts:
The FBI is treating Alex Jones as a victim.
The MSM lied and created fake reports that AJ was under FBI investigation for child pornography.
These same media outlets later retracted the story. But it's too late. Brainlets like you will still believe it.
You can tell they are shills due to their terrible taste (near fb/tumblr tier) for memes.
The second one will try to exploit alt right suspicions regarding the gay/tranny-pedo connection while the first one will just assume Alex Jones is guilty despite no evidence supporting it (basically the fbi is right this time).
No. I call him a grade 'A' asshole. Who looks like a sex offender.... just look at him.
That's been their strategy during the trump era. Shout a lie as loud as they can and whisper the correction after the mob has been riled up.
Citation needed.
I cant believe you actually posted here flouride boy.
name one MSM outlet that said that AJ was under investigation for CP.
Must be a slow day for the FBI.
dude got caught in a video showing his browser open to tranny porn. He apparently didn't use his own water filters in a moment of extreme thirst and BAM, he's faggot now too.
Fucking dumb cunt
>Because this happens in the real world
You do realize how fucking stupid this is? Guy is clearly set up.
What? You either do not understand what I said or you are misrepresenting what I saod in order to troll me or to deflect from my corrwct asssesment. I said suspicions regarding the trans/gay-pedo connection that is common in non leftist circles. This connection could be caused by both prejudice and some form of comorbidity regarding those disorders (or less common characteristics/tendencies, if you want to be a faggot about it).
Most people on social media get their opinions from headlines only and dont even read articles. That is why deceptive ass headlines like this should be illegal.
Where does it say the FBI are treating him as a victim? It doesn't.
The FBI will hopefully be treating him as a suspected pedo asshat.
Anyone got any RUSSIAN COCK?
I have Alzheimer's, ask me anything.......
Surprised the libcucks are not blaming Russia for this.
he... uh.. had a private mail server?
That's what they said about michael jackson
he looks cute in this pic
are there candids with that face beaver? :3
That whole meme unironically triggers the fuck out of me,because its one of the actually least wrong things hes said.
Monsanto's most popular pesticide when dosed heavily into water like it is in the mid-west, causes male frogs to spontaniously morph sexes into female frogs. It activates the dormant genes in the frog that are only supposed to be activated when exposed to a secretion by males when the male population gets too high.
It unironically means they are putting chemicals in the water than turn male frogs into female frogs, and gay.
There are 10x more wrong things hes said that are even more ludicrous like the fact that hillary is an interdimmensional space demon or a potbellied goblin vampire.
wow. that's almost like the way Alex Jones treats news. isn't irony... ironic?
It's correct, but it's not right. Under a few dozen technicalities and illusions. Just like everything the left has done in the last four years.
Tranny frogs
You know those dubs don't lie.
Michael Jackson didn't fucking hand out kiddie porn to people.
tranny porn is not child porn, and judging by the number of trap threads on Yea Forums, watching tranny porn isn't illegal, yet.
You don't read the news do you? He literally just said he'd dish out money to the people who uncover it within info wars.
I'm not so sure, she looks like what I'd imagine a multidimensional space demon would look like.
>4 years
They've been doing this shit since the second world War
The right is being banned and demonetized on YouTube and social media, censorship in the land of free speech...welcome to your America.
Maybe on a bad day. But no more so than mccain did or that shambling skinwalker biden
Clever boy. Deliberately leaked. They'll never suspect he's a pedo now.
No. Just cock to kiddys
Check his deposition for Sandy Hook. When asked about various vile comments he's made, he claimed he has “A form of psychosis.” He also claims he doesn't remember making many of his on-air comments.
He's a fucking joke.
In the land of the internet. Keep in mind that people can do whatever they want as long as it's on the terms of service you agreed to.
Personally, I dislike censorship on the internet. However I also believe in rules.
Probably because the 'Left' doesn't realize that they'll be cannibalized after the 'Right' is off of the chopping block.
So every single right winger that was banned or demonetized broke the rules somehow? Wew son.
wouldn't be surprised if the meme was artificially started to discredit the true catastrophe by making a joke out of it. Guardian reported about them having a large viral marketing department operating also as a internet defense force.
"I'm totally okay with 3 or 4 corporations determining what's okay and what's not okay to post about on the internet."
but it proves he's a degenerate
freedom of speech doesn't apply to private companies shit-for-brains, only the government.
then he should be here.
>right winger
>bitching about corporations having too much power
>applying 1800 logic to 2019
based retard. We live on the net not on the street anymore. Use your 2 braincells to understand the intent of the lawmaker and not the literal interpretation.
>shit for brains
So angry, ok explain to me exactly how EVERY right winger broke the rules then...quite a coincidence they all decided to do it at the same time.
>being this clueless
Shhh.... it has nothing to do with the 2020 elections.
doesn't surprise me
If cooperations controlling what you should say sound frighning to you, you might want to reconsider your political idiology. Because the right wing is all about reducing regulations in cooperations. So they can fuck your shit up even more
As one who's gf has sjw friends constantly getting banned from FB and crying about censorship and the evil patriarchy when they post hate speech and hate articles while I laugh and laugh and laugh.
No you idiot, the right is not being singled out. You're just literally not allowed to post dumbass half brained shit with no backing that may cause other people to get hurt. And that's not the law or freedom of speech shit, that's the rules and terms of the platform to which you subscribe.
Crocodile tears all of you. Be normal ffs.
The internet is ran by confused old people who believe whatever liberals tell them.
That's just life. No matter how free you think you are, you're under an illusion.
>constitution had a shelf life
u wut m8?
I think he looks fresh and energetic and i want him to fuck my wife while he rants about the illuminati and the new world order
oh the irony
If you think the left/right paradigm is a real thing, you might want to reconsider your political ideology. The left and the rights practical agendas are both financed by the same people. Nice try though.
>dumbass half brained shit
You don’t spend much time on YouTube do you? That’s 90% of the content.
I think he's a piece of shit and should kill himself. Hopefully Trump follows.
That's always true. Do you believe a constitution is upheld forever? You already have several sections broken. It's make believe. The moment people stop caring it's finished and replaced.
That alone wasn't the condition, was it? You cut out the "that can cause people to get hurt" part.
There's a pretty big campaign against woo medicine, too.
>being so fucking autistic that you don't even know what an amendment is
I personally think all Democrats should drawn an quartered
>being so religious you think madeup regulations can't be all broken with time
By your logic all media and tv should be banned then, csi shows you how to murder people, cooking shows convince people they can cook (someone might get hurt) same with home renovation shows, websites that show you how to make weapons/bombs etc.. everything you see/hear can be considered “dangerous” of the person watching it is an idiot.
He's a pedo now m8. Got any kids?
>being this ass-blasted and uneducated
Can’t put safety bumpers on the whole world, if people watch something and then go do it themselves then they only have themselves to blame.
The effect is much much worse when the shit is actually being presented as fact. I' guarantee you csi has caused far less damage and violence then a dangerous ideology touted by a figure claiming to be red pilled.
There is a world of difference between Alex Jones and a fucking TV show. And you know that. I know you're smart enough to know that. So much so I am shocked you actually used this as an argument and thought it was fly.
Come on man you're better than that.
Who financed the congressional budgets Obama signed. Who financed the congressional budgets Bush 2 signed? Trump? Clinton? Bush 1?
I'll wait.
These asshats are not "the right wing". These are Far Right nutjobs that are trying to convince the Republicans that they are somehow part of the same group.
Video on YouTube “watch me light a gorillion matches at once” still up with millions of views, but some kid won’t go try that in his dads garage.
you have no argument, making shit up about the poster as if it were a legit retort just shows how butthurt you are yourself without adding anything of value. Fix your shit.
>they're not the same as you...
And so they were banned...
>they're not the same as you...
And so they were banned...
Well said.
Stay ass blasted, Eurofuck.
Cooking and home renovation shows aren’t “fact”? And yes someone could get hurt physically or financially.
He's just regurgitating the same weak argument.
BNL... oh that must be true then. He does have that classic pedo look though, and all that talk of alien jew demons would have tempted me into his shed as a kid.
>replies 4th time with nothing
you've got mental issues
You're gonna change your tune once the things you support get banned. Banning speech has historically always led to more banned speech. Your support for banning speech will only lead to your speech being banned.
Stay ass blasted, Eurofuck.
Hes getting what he deserves. Dude does nothign but make things up about other people. Frankly, I am enjoying how the tables have turned.
>when your single reply gets counted for someone else's
rich people. they can afford to play both sides but only one of those sides gives them massive tax breaks. your false equivalence only serves them further.
and since when did the 1st amendment extend to corporations and not just government?
Exactly, nobody cares and everyone defends it until they’re the ones in the crosshairs.
I'm really hoping to read that all the pressure gets to him and that he kills himself in the next few days.
The fact that Alex Jones decided to throw that in there renews my faith that he does have a sense of humor
Problem with your logic is that the ban happy lefties are labeling just about everyone who is right leaning and has a following as Alt right. See Ben Shapiro for a perfect example of this.
The rich get poorer under the dems? Huh.. that's interesting. Your willingness to regurgitate the same bullshit they tell you to only serves them further.
Socialists methods help rich too. They sold helping poorly paid people with welfare. What it actually meant was they could start paying them even less as the employers would get enough through the tax system. Your taxes fund their profits now through the supposed "social" system. It's a scam on both sides.
Under oath, Jones stated he said the things he did due to psychosis. Fine, I'll buy that.
So case closed. He didn't know what he was saying, it was all just psychotic babble. So we can all stop pretending he's relevant in any way.
so he's a closeted degenerate who overcompensates in public by shilling ultra-conservatism. who knew
Our problems stem from the constitution not being upheld.
I--Big govt--------------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, socialists, communists(socialists), fascists, nazis, marxists are all on the same end of the spectrum. The constitution was explicitly written to ban the centralization of power. the people that own our government obviously didnt care for that so they changed it. Fortunately they cant take the Peoples power yet. One day its gonna fall one way or another. Either they retain absolute power and our sovereignty is abolished forever, or we decide were done with them and we do something else. Probably gonna be them winning. Dumb fucks want them to win.
He is a grifter that profits from low iq people. He isnt any different than scam artist holistic health vitamin peddlers that use fake diseases to make morons buy into their remedies. He pretty much deserves getter cucked and deplatformed by all the tech corporations.
Fuck all wingcucks, and fuck tin foil hat right wingers in particular.
That's not what he said in context. Your media cherry picks to paint a different picture. Go figure. Banned speech is wrong. Period. Idc what the guy said.
I aint giving you no three fifty you goddamn lochness monster.
I cant wait till someone you support gets banned. Cant. Wait.
It's coming by the way, because dumb fucks like you support banning speech. You're supporting your own muzzleing. Classic
Gay frogs
they don't get rich fast enough under the democrats. that's why they pushed so hard for
tax breaks once the Republicans took over (their only legislative achievement, mind you).
you really are a good little pawn of theirs aren't you?
But, it's real....
>rich people get richer by paying more taxes
wew lad
You're the one that believes things change depending on "which party" is "in power" ahhahahahahhahaha.
You dont find it odd that the ultra rich support the same socialist laws that groups of hippy bums in Portland support? Socialism doesnt have a ruling wealthy class? I wonder how they stay so rich while giving everything to the poor. Oh wait... the people paying for the laws to be written and passed are exempt from those laws? Noooo. It cant be.
You didn't get it. You are paying for their employees through taxes. Walmart&costo pay them not enough wage to live - the rest comes as welfare from your taxes. What was sold as a social measure is infact a wealth transfer from you to the rich owner as now instead of him it's you paying part of their employees wage.
Inflation is a far more insidious tax than any welfare program. Inflation is passed by your bank owned Congress without your consent. If congress had to pass direct taxes for everything they spend, we'd have their heads on spits already. They can inflate as muuuuuuuch as they want because its not a direct tax.
this is how we know you're shitposting from St. Petersburg.
and yet the Republicans are always trying to attack "entitlements" to make the poor even more so.
This is how I know you're not capable of doing any investigation of your own. All you can do is swallow the trash they tell you to swallow.
Does Russia take massive loans from the IMF/World bank? Where did Russia get all of the money to rebuild after ww2? Where did all the tech come from for the buildup for the cold war?
Its all just coincidence in your world huh? Sad.
Where does the money come from that the IMF/world bank hands out to China, Russia, most of central and south America, most of Easter europe?
Who wrote the IMF/world bank charter?
Tell me, how often do you hear the name Warburg in the news? How about Vanderbilt? Morgan? House?
I'm sure it's all coincidence that you dont.
What college did Hitler go to? How rich was he? Same for stalin?
They were poor and uneducated. Imagine if they were Harvard and oxford educated and had 20 billion dollars. Think they might've gone about conquering in a different manner? Populations aren't conquered by the sword anymore. They're conquered with debt.
Your belief that no one is capable of being power hungry is handicapping you. Your believe in pure coincidence or ignorance is handicapping you.
oh I definitely triggered the slavposter. protip: you're not white
>mfw the FAS baby is so triggered
what time is it right now where you are?
because typing out a string of random characters read from a jpg is a bitch, here:
>The evidence that this is 100% true is irrefutable, so, uh... it was a joke!
Ha ha, yes; all of the embarrassing things I have ever done were ALSO done as jokes. What a good sense of humor I have.
I'm white. And I'm smart enough to follow the money instead of listening to what mainstream media and professional liars (politicians) tell me. Anyone defending the Mandrake mechanism, of which the federal government plays a crutial role, is the problem.
Its 0808 here. The federal government has devalued the dollars in your pocket by 1% since you typed that message. Why defend the people that are hurting you? I dont get it.
BNL News is, as far as I can tell, not an actual news agency, rather it's just a Twitter account. No other sources are claiming the FBI said anything was planted. The only person claiming this is Alex Jones and his explanation runs counter to what his own fucking lawyers said about it.
Infowars sent Sandy Hook victims' lawyers child porn and Alex Jones did what all right-wing conspiracy-theorists do, claimed it was a set up.
People like you boggle my mind. There are no nefarious forces at work in your world. Anything that happens is purely coincidental, negligence, or "Alex Jones did it". You drank the koolaid hard dude.
If you dont realize he is just sperm burping up gay conspiracy theories so you buy his supplements, your a cuck.
according to his lawyer, all i can find so far is FBI hasn't commented on it
Go to BNL's website, you fucking lunkhead. It's a Blogspot page with a different name than their own Twitter account. All it is is a bunch of headlines almost exclusively from Fox News with links to the Fox stories. Their first two Tweets ever were both directed at Russia Today. They are a particularly lazy right-wing blogger/Twitter user if not a Russian.
NO news agency has said anything about Jones being a victim in this or that the CP was planted or that the FBI believed him. Rather the FBI is investigating it because, go figure, he had fucking CP on his server.
Hell, Alex Jones already got his dumbass sanctioned by the judge in this case because he went on air and accused opposing counsel of planting it.
>There are no nefarious forces at work in your world.
Is this a joke? Isn't this in defense of a guy currently being sued by people who he claimed are faking that their children were murdered because of some false flag operation that did nothing?
FBI hasn't said shit you dumbfuck
In all likelihood Alex Jones has in fact done a whole bunch of stupid fucked up super illegal psychopathic shit. You stock your pond full of shitty fish, don't be surprised when the law comes fishing in your pond and gets a truckload of shitty fish.
He dumb
Like or lothe him he was the canary in the coal mine.
Those youtube commie kikes are banning everything with an IQ over a 100 with less than 20k subs.
I wonder what was on hilary Clinton's server? Maybe the DNC? Oh no that stuff is okay cause they're "liberal"
Alex Jones is a kook, but saying he is wrong and the only one wrong in this picture is moronic.
what the fuck does this have to do with proving alex jones' innocence?
Hillary Clinton did way less illegal stuff. Thank God the "democrats" are such beacons of virtuosity
When the mainstream media is against someone, it makes you wonder. And what was he convicted of doing? Why isn't he in jail?
Who the fuck proves their innocence when there is presumption of innocence?
Did you really just butterymales me? Desperation.
>oh no the libs are coming quick talk about Hillary Clinton
they're still investigating it? still what does hillary have to do with alex jones? it really makes me wonder if you can come up with a coherent argument that stays on track
He's the internet equivalent of some retard with a signboard that says "THE END IS NIGH!!!" and babbling. The only thing more embarrassing is the people who actually believe him.
well yeah in the legal system, but trying to make claim of someone being framed on a laotian christian singles forum, is trying to prove his innocence to a subgroup of people.
Trump was investigated for 2 years.... why isn't he in jail.
Oh that's right, investigation doesnt mean shit. Conviction does.
Told lies about murdered children.
Pay up, motherfucker.
Is that you talking or the stroke, Mr. Lahey?
What BS.
Jones hasta pay up for lies.
>I cant wait till someone you support gets banned. Cant. Wait.
If they're a repeat offender of TOS as Alex Jones is, then c'est la vie.
None of my peeps hide under the perpetual conservative victimhood complex, which was concocted to distract from their exercises in bad faith.
Jones to me is just as much of a dishonest hack like Crowder, and when you build a brand off fucking with people, this is the kind of shit that happens.
I dont need to argue btw. You're fortunate enough to be able to swallow what mainstream media and politicians tell you. Maybe some day I'll get to that level of enlightenment.
still not staying on track, user
>Told lies about murdered children. Pay up, motherfucker.
This. I have no sympathy for the scumbag.
>Oh that's right, investigation doesnt mean shit. Conviction does.
Courts don't determine innocence.
Someone who intentionally spreads misinformation is toxic to public discord and information. Deplatform the likes of Alex everyday please.
Conservative. Victim complex. Hahahaha
He didn't lie though
I dont support banning speech at all, I dont support government or isps banning access to websites, etc.
On the other hand, corporations like google and apple have no obligation to ruin their image by hosting your retarded takes on politics and social issues.
i mean, if you think the FBI commented on an open investigation to some twitter news aggregate, then go ahead and believe it.
Facts: he lied about murdered children.
Make him homeless and broke.
Guilt beyond jury negation is irrelevant.
Death to Fascists everywhere!!
>Alex Jones
If you actually take this guy seriously, you're a fag.
You'll believe anything bud. Best of luck to you. I hope your outlook that the system is functioning flawlessly works our for you and your children.
Everyone must be silenced!
Honest Opinion hear,
I think what Youtube and other social media outlets has done to Alex Jones is a shame. In some form or fashion the man is right! And has a woken mentality to fight for what's right. I think is ex-wife is after money. The "claim" that he is a pedo is bullshit...just look at that man, he would never commit such as terrible act. For god sake, he was on Joe Rogan's podcast! The man has talent/intelligence to spread truth as absurd he can be at times.
honestly, can you grasp what im saying to you, and why it makes no sense? im not saying he was looking at cheeze, im saying the whole notion that the FBI cleared him is garbage.
Guilty convictions can be overturned, and previous cases be put to trial again and result in a conviction.
Take the Central Park 5 for example. They had confessed, they had been convicted, but since years later DNA evidence proved it was impossible to have been them, they now walk free.
Adhering to Court rulings as perfect might as well be a cult.
I hope YouTube and Facebook keeps it up. I hate the "republicans" as much as I hate the "democrats", and stirring shit up by banning "republicans" just means more trouble for the "Democrats." The more social trash the feds get involved in, the more they can inflate our currency and destroy all buying power of the dollar. Maybe when the dollar is literally worthless, it will stop being accepted anywhere. Let's blow this bitch up.
>Facts: he lied about murdered children.
I'll never understand why there are all these people who want Alex Jones crucified but somehow have been totally fine with Obama lying about the murdered children in Yemen.
The Government concealing the full extent of their bombings is to be expected.
Jones perpetuating a conspiracy where literally everything is a carefully orchestrated falsehood is an abuse of his station as a public commentator.
Exactly! I'm tired of this banning of people based on their opinions
And Youtube!
Taking down videos because they don't like them. What the fuck is that? Every video on YT should be up no matter what. Except for porno! Everyone deserves the truth no matter what part of history we are in! I want our descendants to learn and grow from our mistakes!
Maybe he and trump can share a cell.
This post may be serious and reflect real sentiments.
Hopefully not.
This, he’s pretty funny but it’s pure entertainment, he even admitted it in his divorce proceedings.
It is serious.
Do you acknowledge the difference between the two or?
Well for sure, what Obama did was evil shit, which makes Alex Jones look like an angel in comparison
i think he's just trolling you
You understand Obama's use drones was done to reduce civilian deaths, right? Before that the standard was aerial bombings that lacked the same precision.
You're harping on a false comparison based on a strawman.
The discussion is set around political commentators, not the geopolitics of Presidents.
>Lying about your gov't murders is OK, what's bad is to be a tinfoil hat wacko on the internet, because you can't compare the two
I remember the drones;his coucil was testing them out in my state near my domain....Fuck Obama.
Alex is a hilarious entertainer who's made money off the gullibility of the average American. Nothing more to see here, move on.
>because you can't compare the two
Yup, you can't.
There's operations that the public will never know about.
Obama never claimed his status as arbiter of truth, and it's fully within the power of the President to withhold information.
You might think Jones is a tinfoil wacko, but there are plenty of his fans that don't, and actually take his commentary seriously.
The difference is that Obama omitted information, whereas Jones perpetuated an entirely false reality, where he starts from a baseless claim and then applies horseshit logic.
Joe Rogan said it in the Alex Jones interview.
The interdimensional space whatever is Alex's way of basically having no words to describe how fucked up the corruption is and how deep it goes and how we cannot actually do anything to fix this. Alex Jones confirmed this iirc.
I'm sure some of you had a at least one moment in your lifetime where you had no words to describe something and you just uttered random words.
>You understand Obama's use drones was done to reduce civilian deaths, right?
Which skyrocketed under Obama
The difference is Alex Jones just makes crackpot people distrust the untrustworthy, while Obama destroyed countless lives and corrupted the USA even more.
>Which skyrocketed under Obama
Which you base on data about Yemen.
Obama didn't bomb eastern europe like Clinton did, so by that logic I can point to the death counts being lower.
>The difference is Alex Jones just makes crackpot people distrust the untrustworthy,
But he's claiming to be a trustworthy person, whereas Obama is not claiming biblical truth on everything he says.
what happened with him
Because there are known unknowns and there are unknown unknowns
So 99% of the media?
Nobody is threatening Or coercing anyone to watch Alex Jones.
Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, death tolls up all over the middle east but yeah, not Kosovo
I believe Obama claims to be at least as trustworthy as Alex Jones, Obama doesn't claim to be retarded, crazy or acting and he ran for office, so I'd say he was claiming to be a trustworthy person.
But you can always deflect by going back to saying they can't be compared because of how you feel.
So Alex Jones and others are banned or demonetized because what they say MAY cause someone to injure themselves or others.
Meanwhile YouTube full of videos of people doing stupid challenges and other various retarded activities which HAVE resulted in injury and death.
Double standard much?
You need to go outside and stop sperging
This is obviously more about sending a message to anyone that rocks the boat culturally.
>not Kosovo
Yep, so lower deaths :^)
>Obama doesn't claim to be retarded, crazy or acting
Because he generally doesn't claim stupid shit then cop out of it.
> saying they can't be compared
Because a politicians job isn't that of a political commentator.
Is Yea Forums full of leftists these days? Or has it always been?
menu changes daily
thats why its called random you idiot
He got cp and didn't post it on Yea Forums. He's pathetic and not a Yea Forumsro.
Are you still trying to troll that Obama's cool but by different standards Jones is bad?
I can't even take you serious at this point.
It has been since 2016.
They think we meme'd trump into office. This is some kind of holy war to them
Thanks friend !
Yes, because they operate under different capacities as public figures due to their job.
Does Kim Kardashian's views on international trade carry the same weight and responsibilities as Trump's?
Downloading and emailing CP to own the libs. I feel very owned right now.
Sandy Hook lawyers sent him child porn malware
>not watching his lying ass doing braingymnastics on his site while buying some merch
wtf is wrong with you?!
he's a fucking retard
Funny you mention that cause I actually had to stop coming here around that time period I just couldn't take it anymore. It's pretty crazy to think theres people who spend time doing this shit.
>Yes, because they operate under different capacities as public figures due to their job.
So what?
Thank you I've tried explaining this so many times
Too many ppl lie for us to really know. FBI does sneaky shit. Lefters make shit up for views. Alex himself rants like a psycho. Anyone claiming they can even begin to know the answer (besides Jones, his daughter, and the Gov't......all of whom might lie) is just making a loosly based claim.
Are you saying the President of the USA should be held to much lower standards than a crackpot nobody voted for on the internet?
Anyone with the barest education on Government will know that politicians will tell mistruths on occasion. Sometimes it's done to prevent Civil Unrest, or as in Obama's case he's downplaying the full extent of his middle east policies.
Alex Jones however is demagogue that plenty heed unconditionally. And his falsehood more egregious than some holocaust deniers who downplay the death toll.
Jones claimed *EVERYTHING* was fake and orchestrated, and that all the grieving parents were state actors. This inspired some of his fans to harass them.
Now for your comparison to be valid, you need to prove that Obama's omission of the real death count resulted in anything similar.
wait so if someone lies about something, they should be arrested & later raped/killed? because i like where this is going
idk he's full of testosterone and conspiracy theories
He actually just reports shit he hears. Sometimes its false information, people trolling him hes not the brightest. Everyone goes on these rants saying he claims all this stuff when really he just reports.
That sounds like a polite way to say as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings it’s ok.
>He actually just reports shit he hears
Where did he hear Sandy Hook was fake? He claimed the parents were state actors, what did he base that on?
>Now for your comparison to be valid, you need to prove that Obama's omission of the real death count resulted in anything similar.
It resulted in no accountability, which lead to even more deaths and the creation of more terrorists, and people harassed the government over the lying.
And more people believed Obama's lies.
News reports where the "father" of one of the kids is laughing before he gets on stage, then starts "crying" for the press conference.
Are you serious?
The quote of him saying that shit was actually him repeating what a guest had just said almost as a question.
We all know how the government deals with dissidents and whistle blowers.
>News reports where the "father" of one of the kids is laughing before he gets on stage, then starts "crying" for the press conference.
And there's a number of explanations for that.
Jones's claim that's evidence of him being a state actor is HIS speculation that he's using to weave HIS narrative
Who loaded the lusitania with arms and ammunition? Who sent the lusitania into German waters at 3/4 speed? Who canceled the lusitanias military escort? Who ordered all British ships to fire on any white flagged ship? Who owned both of Germany's largest shipping companies, as well as all of the shipping companies from the US and all but one company from england? Which company owned the lusitania?
Naw I'm sure it's all coincidence. No one has ever fabricated a loss to further their cause. Go back to sleep.
Obviously he would've based it on some he heard... That was the guy's whole point I believe
>It resulted in no accountability, which lead to even more deaths and the creation of more terrorists
The bombings themselves did, not the official death count.
>and people harassed the government over the lying.
That's not harassing people based on a lie.
Atrazine used on soy beans, soy products are pushed as healthy and skyrocket on the market, suddenly half your graduating class this year identifies as a different gender. Makes one wonder.
How far Bill Hicks has fallen
i lost; he lost
If Lustania was a false flag, then why did the US cite the Zimmerman telegram as one of the primary causes to go to war?
I grew up with friend who lived on a farm, he never smoked and worked out his whole life, 42 years old and he has bone, brain and liver cancer.
He may be entitled to compensation...
>That's not harassing people based on a lie.
Because of a lie
I'm out, already knew you were a troll so I don't know why this morbid curiosity kept me here
Was he exposed to large quantities of round-up? If so, he or a loved one may be entitled to financial compensation
Unless it’s a new life I don’t think it’ll cover it, gotta love that roundup..it’s safe we swear!
literal Dunning-Kruger
If you're listening to what the US tells you about why it does what it does, you're standing in line waiting to get fucked. Politicians you know are real honest people? Cause the ones I've seen lie through their teeth.
England was out of money and behind on payments to its financier (morgan). Morgan happened to own almost all the ships on the Atlantic at the time. All except the company that owned the lusitania. Magically, a competitors boat sinks, and money is flowing from the federal reserve (Morgan played a large role in creating this monster too) to England, which then paid Morgan.
If you want to live in a world of nothing but coincidences, be my guest. I trust exactly ZERO% of what the government tells me it's doing.
Fractional reserve banking and the mandrake mechanism are constructs of power hungry and evil people. Will be the death of us all.
6 million? That’s gotta be like tends of thousands a day every day nonstop for all 6 years of the war. Why did nazi Germany use gas when bullets were less than a penny during wartime? Why is it illegal to ask questions about the holocaust in most countries? Asking for a friend
You didn't answer my question.
>If you want to live in a world of nothing but coincidences
And in the world of paranoid conspiracy theories, there are no coincidences. This is why 9/11 truther propoganda is so effective, because otherwise intelligent people are seduced far easier by projected patterns instead of doing the actual work of examining whether each individual claim is factual.
I have a healthy amount of Skepticism regarding the government, and it's most heavily applied to military reports. But the last thing I'll do is attach myself to a demagogue that abuses the principle of questioning everything for his own profit.
Which plane hit building 7? I cant recall.
>Why did nazi Germany use gas when bullets were less than a penny during wartime?
They did, initially. But it broke the morale of the people doing the shooting. Alcoholism rates skyrocketed in death squads.
Your mother.
Why did the government say it had a "legit" reason to get involved in a war on the other side of the ocean? Because telling the truth would've had them all hung.
Why does your federal government tax you through inflation instead of a direct tax? Same reason. Get with the program buddy. These people are not out here for your benefit. But, you are more comfortable towing the status quo, so be it. Defend your masters.
>Why does your federal government tax you through inflation
You....don't know how these things work.
>Defend your masters.
Who is that guy and what is her situation?
I know far better than you. It is indefensible.
How much has the dollar been devalued since the formation of the federal reserve? I'll wait for your explanation on how our buying power has nothing to do with creation of currency and how the federal reserve isn't a private bank.
How does your moral government pay for all of its social programs, war, and interest back to the private bank which it borrows from?
It borrows from a private bank. Borrow is what they tell you anyways, in reality it is created. When politicians can spend an infinite amount of money without direct taxation, you end up with huge amounts of dollars magically entering the system without a corresponding rise in goods and services. This is inflation. Pure and simple.
> the federal reserve isn't a private bank.
It is however a private company. The government can appoint people to it, but their decisions are at their own discretion alone.
The Federal Reserve has no sway over tax policies in the same way the government doesn't control inflation.
happy he is kicked off youtube he is a zionist shill and wont tell you who the globalists are
Watch the Einesatzgruppen documentary on Netflix and watch anything discussing the topics discussed at the Wannsee Conference for a full explanation on the inefficiency of shooting squads, the mental toll on the German troops, and the need for those supplies on the Russuan Front.
You think he's a zionist shill and yet you somehow don't think that youtube very publicly kicking him off and gaining public support for doing such things isn't a deliberate part of the plan?
clearly the emotional state you'd expect from a parent that just lost their child
they didn't even try
Ha. Wow bro. So you're telling me. With a straight face that, the presidential appointments and congressional approval of federal reserve commissioners is independent and honest. The government is ENTIRELY dependent upon the federal reserve for its existence, but they're picking and approving appointments independently.
Who is the federal reserve creating all this money for? The federal government and commercial banks. If the government stops spending money that doesnt exist, inflation halts. That's what I call control.
I think it's so cute that in the same breath you'll say the government appoints people to the Fed, yet has no control over it's own currency. My point exactly.
I'll state again, fractional reserve banking has laid waste to every single country its controlled. The federal reserve was created to "insulate American from booms and busts" yet we have had a boom bust cycle every 10ish years since its inception. Come on dude.
>The government is ENTIRELY dependent upon the federal reserve for its existence
You understand we take loans from other countries too, right?
That's how we accumulate debt to other countries.
Do you think that's necessarily a bad thing?
>I think it's so cute that in the same breath you'll say the government appoints people to the Fed, yet has no control over it's own currency.
It really doesn't. Virtually all Presidents want low interest interest rates to bolster growth numbers. Yet the Fed acts contrary to that.
Needs mental help.