I'll argue about anything with facts. Come at me, bitch

I'll argue about anything with facts. Come at me, bitch.

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traps are not gay

What is being gay?
>Being sexually and/or emotionally attracted to biological males, and/or penises, excluding OCD
What's a trap?
>Biological male artificially going through second puberty with androgens, aiming to look as much like a biological woman, yet keeping male sexual organs, fully or partially

Traps are gay.

Next faggot, please

Niggers are inferior humans by size, IQ and cultural depth.

Bucket LIPS belong to genetically SUPERIOR beings.V LIPS ARE inferior and will only predictably age.

9/11 was an inside job.

Can't argue dat.

Trump has been a good president, and Americans should vote for him again.

No politics.

>I'll argue about anything with facts
>No politics

Dear diary, OP today was kind of a faggot to me, it all started when...

Attached: opisagreatperson.jpg (777x608, 88K)

Niggers have more bone density and greater bone length than whites, similar body fat percentage, more muscle fibers type II (strength type), effectively bigger, stronger muscles but with smaller aerobic capacity than whites.

Inconclusive. Outdated studies used intelligence quotient, which is not a reliable indicator of intelligence.

Niggers have less overall cultural depth than whites. Trivial accomplishments mainly aimed at liberation rather than technological arvancement.

Earth chan should have been brown

Politics are a waste of time that could be spent wisely. Politics give you an illusion of choice, that choosing political candidates will change world for the better, while every politician base is the same

porn doesn't belong on Yea Forums

Why is my dick so small?

You motherfucker need to reread plato

Earth Chan could be depicted anyhow as it's fiction. There is no science behind the fiction

Sure, go with theory of forms and imagine the perfect all you want, but it won't work. Theory isn't superior to the practice, nor is practice to the theory, but it is that they work in conjunction.

Superior for sucking dick, yes. Anything else? It's just a preference

As Islam is per definition and as dictaded in the Quran a fundamentally violent and hateful ideology (disagree?), will a peaceful life on earth ever be possible as long as islam is around (unchanged)?

>never heard of science fiction

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Scooby-Doo's Shaggy doesn't look like stoner, and doesn't behave like one.

Peaceful life will be hard with such a nuisance present. It is not striving to change for the better

Are you arguing for or against a made point? Can you argue for the world becoming a technocratic authoritarian dystopian society?
Not arguing that it should happen but that it is happening.

It is mostly dependant on how does a person describe a stoner.

Earth is round
Gravity isn't fake.
Try me kid.

But without christianity changing much, the followers changed their way of acting upon their book and rules.
Might such a change of mindset be able to achieve similar results in islam and muslims?
Tbh, i'm not sure as the quran dictates rules in a much stricter way than the bible does, but there must be a way

This is a human society so squirrels have no place in it.

Attached: sqrl.jpg (1255x705, 466K)

Why do fat people get so personally offended about the word fat but have no problem with racial slurs or calling people ugly or other people fat when theyre mad

Backing up good point, arguing against bad ones. I don't mettle with politics, nor should anyone detail oriented

We have no evidence to prove claim that Earth is flat, so this one's obvious

In human society, they have not.

You suck nigger. This thread lame as hell.

Might or might not, it is hypothetical and as such is unimportant

Just a personal preference, doesn't add anything factual


Getting offended is a subjective thing. Being emotional is subjective. In affect, people lack reason, to do what's right

Not hypothetical as such changes don't happen from alone. Changes have to be induced, comparable to luther. The question is, is the violence and misery that surely occurs when change is induced in islamic communities, maybe by taking out core statements in the quran or changing the set up of islamig religious communities, worth the effort,is it even possible? In my eyes yes. But hard to say

It is still fiction, no real science. Just author's pseudo view of science

God isn’t real and religion is false in every aspect

We cannot prove anything for sure just by making a hypothetical scenario.

Hitler was right.

God is defined as a kind of higher entity, in religions. We cannot prove existence of god, as it's not objectively defined in reality. It is fictional.

About what? Details please

Actually, how does it feel to be chunky while sentencing the non chunky to death? V stands for estrogenous chunky human, the v LIPS r everywhere, poisoning the land with their dreadful CHUNK. Sad. They have no future, they eat, they fuck, they cry and de.LEL.

Mending on any weapon in minecraft is OP

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Holy shit

Porn is a random thing when in a random sequence(of threads), just like numbers. No one number is random, but there are random unpredictable sequences of numbers. You can't just say "a sequence is not random if it includes the number 7", that's not how it works. Same with Yea Forums and porn. To be truly random, Yea Forums needs everything, including porn. But I agree that it shouldn't be that much, because it's making Yea Forums predictable, e.g. not random.

Swapping easily acquired exp for repairing gear is objectively good option

Right, therefore mending is superior, the base plate for many conquerors of the craft.

We cannot prove that god doesn't exist either.

6 Million Jews did not die.
Try me pussy

If you reply to this statement, your argument is correct.

Hypothetically, lets say any other species of humanoid creature, lets say a fucking martian, showed up with his buddies to earth, told us that they made us and therefore are our god, and told us to literally bake ourselves cease to exist, gave us all the proof that convinced is that they are our god, etc. Do we do it or something?

Spongebob was a fucking shit show. A complete waste of time to watch.

I have Alzheimer's, ask me anything....

"Oil and Gold" was Shriekback's best album

Wouldn't whites be stronger and blacks be more aerobic considering whites are all the champion lifters and blacks are known for running?

I thought I just did...

Here we are aiming to prove existence. Based on evidence we have, it doesn't exist This paradox can go on as we are arguing against fictional entity

>Outdated studies used intelligence quotient, which is not a reliable indicator of intelligence
I thought you were arguing with facts.

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I can't prove they did.

God has to be real.

There is no other logical explanation for the start of the universe. Even in science, something cannot come from nothing. Even on a quantum level, there must be both mater and antimatter created, and where is all of the antimatter? How is it that only MAtter has collected in such large clusters when all we see are tiny particles on antimatter in the visible universe?

On top of that, how would such perfect and continuous systems be born from randomness? EVerything around today has some sort of fallback cycle or failsafe in order to keep existing. Everything from humans reproducing to stars having life cycles. This is a clear sign of intelligent design because this could never be so successful under the pure laws of entropy.

I don't talk about religion much on here because I know I have an unpopular opinion, but I feel like talking about it tonight.


Fact: IQ isn't reliable indicator of intelligence, as intelligence is much more complex thing than one standard numerical scale

This statement is false.



>as intelligence is much more complex thing than one standard numerical scale
brainlet cope

You're right that your statement is false

oof fail

Not OP but you did not make a statement. What exactly were you stating?
>This statement is false

>op is a fag

>commusism is the answer to alot of our mordern problems

>women are better politicans caus they dont have the stand your ground mindset many males have

The yellow movement is not working and will die out without substantially changing Yea Forums.

op is gay

Having an entity as a reason for universe's existence is not logical. Such systems aren't "perfect" , just unknown for us at this point. Attributing what you don't know to a higher force, is a known psychological mechanism

I don't engage in homosexual behavior nor have homosexual traits.

Hypothetical argument is invalid

Intelligent people will never have low IQs. Countries that are worse off have lower IQs.

Let's pretend for a moment that IQ and success doesn't correlate, if smart people never score low on IQ tests it's at the very least useful for recognizing who is stupid, which is the point of that one guy who anti-IQ people are always referencing.

ya but ur op. you cannot prove otherwise

I don't,can't be proven I'm OP

ur op and therefore gay



Being not stupid and intelligent is not the same. Question should be phrased whether someone is dumb or not, not intelligent or not

This goes up your ass.

Attached: faggot bat.png (754x559, 233K)

Can't be proven.

Unless the argument is about who is stupid, not who is smart, like it is with niggers.

That is true. But again, op didn't phrase his question good, so it could be misinterpreted

Going to get something to eat, keep bumping for 20 minutes

Chocolate bunnies in blue wrappers are better thanks chocolate bunnies in red wrappers

Grilled cheese MUST contain at LEAST two slices of cheese of any kind, if there is one slice the bread overpowers the cheese

5g will cause cancer in a large group of the population.

Smartphones are making as stupid.

you have a big dick

It’s hard to debate people like you because if i bring up evidence u will just give excuses

OP is one ugly motherfucker.

>the chimneys for the gas chambers at auscwitz were destroyed and replaced by replicas
>the soldiers went into the camps and specifically destroyed the evidence of the gas chambers but not camps
>this is not suspicious

god, real or bot?

can I use it on u?

wait no I actually want to

He’s essentially saying that, u may be smart at doing math and perform well in school and u may seem intelligent but in the broader scope of things, you probably couldn’t repair a car or fix things/ be resourceful which is what intelligence is. There are other means of measuring intelligence and using one factor such as iq is dumb.

imagine going to fuck urself the whole way

give a neutral source for this?

intelligence is not knowledge, a higher IQ would make you a better mechanic.

>this is not suspicious
It very well could be but that doesn’t prove that 6 million Jews didn’t die which is what u have to prove to me, retard

This is not necessarily true

so this is what autism looks like


but you believe human lampshades, human soap, and electrified floors that somehow ignored ground?

Depends on preference

Well, have you given me evidence?


It would, engines are in more than just cars, I'll bet that as you change the kind of vehicle IQ goes up. Probably smarter men working on planes than men working on cars.

It falls under average with 6x6 length/girth

No, it Is not

yeah, on how many beers one had.

Is it not true that intelligence is an abstract theory and impossible to measure in a linear way effectively like for creativity for example ?


The earth is round.

checkmate Canadians.

Prove i didnt bang your mom last night

No need to prove, she's dead


No, you can measure every definition of intelligence

What do you mean excluding OCD?

thats why she didnt move around a lot then

Facts are just oversaturated opinions.

HOCD - homosexual OCD = engaging in faggot activity although you don't like it, but you are afraid of being a faggot, so you do activity over and over again

Not exclusively


The B in LBGTQ stands for Bi, yet they maintain gender is a construct and there are more than 2

Is this not a comflict of interests?

No, it's a conflict of faggots