What a fucking asshole

What a fucking asshole.

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dude is a fraud, he never invented anything or contributed a productive aspect of science.


Some idiots believe this.

lmao the dudes a fucking vegetable kept alive on adrenachrome an hero

Lose your delusions.

Ah Im crippled shit at least I am smart, shit fuck god fuck him for making me crippled tho.

He imvented hawk theory.

the shit we know about gravity today is thanks to him. he corrected what was wrong about Einstein and Newtons work

Hawking radiation
You're a fucking idiot there is no God kill yourself christfag



you should check on the facts instead of listening to Fox news, moron

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we dont know if there is a god or not. Some believe in one, some don't. So what's the fuss about?

>what's the fuss about?
Not many people are that laid back about others disagreeing with them. Throughout history, disagreements over which gods do and don't exist has been one of the most popular reasons for killing shitloads of people.

Fuck yeah! Send them to YOUR GOD, the RIGHT and ONLY GOD, to prove you're RIGHT!

Please kys OP. Mankind is trying to move out of the dark ages. Stop holding us back.

Being definitive about it because Einstein wasn't. Anyway, he doesn't say what to do about god not being real, he doesn't say "you should dye your hair blue, change genders, join antifa and suck black dicks" or "accept intersectionality is real white boyyyy". Realistically Steven Hawking is probably a realistically conservative boomer, even the openly Marxist old scientists I respect like Haldane would be shocked by the self-congratulatory faggotry of the modern day.

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the number of atheists are actually going down. turns out it's not god you're killing, just religion. hope that makes you feel safe.

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>What a fucking asshole.

God? I know, right?

I really doubt that, but if it's any consolation the averge gen-Y atheist man has by now realized Christianity is good shit, it's shit but it's good. It build the western world, allowed for the exploration of math and science - meanwhile Islam ended it's own golden age by declaring mathematics beyond a certain complexity is "sorcery" and the Jews continue to waste time on their petty schemes probably intellectually knowing their historically high rate of inbreeding has doomed their kind because their genetic pool has shallowed out but not accepting it in their hearts.

Oh and meanwhile black people aren't even on the radar, not really being evolutionarily modern humans anyway. Anyone from haplogroup L0 through L3 is basically not even a human being, maybe 60% as smart and probably dangerous.

So anyway the modern atheist isn't bound to a particular politic, if anything atheist conservatives will free conservatism from the burden of a religion while weaponizing it's intellectual side for the final showdown with Confucianism.

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>Believing in a god while there is no real evidence of him existing.

All evidence towards there being a god is anecdotal and/or just flat out people saying there is a god.

How can you believe a story so obviously created by other men?

No, you only get to meet my God if you believe in him. Otherwise you go to my devil.

>homo erectus

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>Anyone from haplogroup L0 through L3 is basically not even a human being
>all branch out *after* Homo Sapiens
Are your parents related? Like...before they were married?

he cheated on his wife with his nurse.
and he couldn't even physically fuck them.
he has more to benefit from their not being a god than if there is.
Bias opinion.

yfw all of them are theoretical quotes.

>I really doubt that
14% self identified atheists last year
13% self identified atheists this year

Oh, evolutionarily modern humans were created by interbreeding with Neanderthals and Denisovans, all non-african humans are related to Neanderthal while unmixed blacks are purely a continuation of pure H.Sapiens, but also backcrossing with the earlier Heidelbergensis from which all humans are more distantly descended. Neanderthal turns out to have been quite smart and is likely where we got much of our additional interest in technology, it's intelligence couldn't save it from life in the pleistocene era in which the forest cover they used to hunt thinned out. Humans, capable of ranged attack upon prey, survived "the ice age". Asians were created by an additional crossing with Denisovans farther east, we're still studying Denisovans but I think they will turn out to have been even smarter than Neanderthal.

He was such a lad. He had stone tools, he cooked his food. This nigga invented some of the best shit actually.

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ofc he would say that
he was a puddle

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So your argument that homo sapiens aren't human is that they DIDN'T interbreed with earlier, less evolved proto-humans?

He was right.

Go cope somewhere else

It was christian scientists, particularly the one who discovered the moon, that moved us out of the dark ages. Scientists didn't start becoming atheists until the 1980s - fact!


not only that but we have blinded accepted science as religion now
we dont check into stuff ourselves cause we cant or dont have time, and the community just accepts giant leaps of deduction in a particular subject to be able to conclude x y or z

Lmao, listen, hawking got some of his theories proved, but most of them are just that.
With that said, Im not saying there is a god either. But you losers on B love when people claim god doesnt exist, it is all you sad losers are waiting for. You only need that much to "confirm" it.

In the end of the day, is it likely there is a god? Not really. But are you faggots desperate to confirm that there isnt a god? Yeah and very much so.

God wont judge you for watching trap porn, gay porn, being a loser and smoking weed.

Go try being employed somewhere longer than a week now, loser ;-)

I can understand why he'd think that.

You're on Yea Forums.
I doubt you understand much of anything.

Hawking "wrote" there is no god in his last memoir... Released after his death.
(((Who))) could be behind this?


so, explain me, what's a theoretical quote in dumfuckistan?


the sooner people will realize that religion is mere fiction the better.
it´s the whole crown of creation mentality that christianity promoted thousands of years that caused most of the shit we´re in today.

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Less-evolved is apparently wrong, we're getting a much more complex and granular picture. Obviously earlier hominid forms spread out earlier than the migration dealt with in the Out of Africa theory and evolved in various directions, with more difficult conditions provoking more intelligence and inventiveness.

So basically I think white people were, no shit, created by snow and rain. Our whole original culture is raiding a neighbor to survive winter, this turned into an obsession with the seasons and the passage of time, eventually leading to modern science. They didn't know it but what plagued them was El Nino. Oh, this is also why white people are obsessed with eating animals, particularly other mammals: if you keep a lower mammal out of the wind you can just feed it dead grass (hay) and it will be fine, then you can eat it instead of plants that died of cold.

So yes I'm both calling you a dumb nigger and saying my own race is a superior warrior race in the same post.

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My God is the void. Send them all there