i already got that one, thanks though i probably should have grabbed it from day 1 haven't seen it since probably have to make my own or just wait to get lucky
These are russain neo-nazi trolls and they have already been banned from Twitter and Facebook.
The puppet masters pulling these troll strings know that if porn was gone then more normal people would come to Yea Forums and see their pro-trump propaganda
They want the porn gone before the 2020 election because they have no place left to dump their nazi propaganda.
They grow their numbers by brainwashing young people who don't know any better. This yellow shit has zero to do with porn or anything else
it has 100% to do with shiting this place up before 2020, as usual Democrats can not control Yea Forums they seek to destroy it We all know by now this is an orchestrated russian campaign to rid /b of porn in order to get more normies to consume pro trump propaganda.
>Get the word out. >Repost this in all their threads. >Expose these nazi cowards.