I can has a swimsuit and leotard thread, yes?

i can has a swimsuit and leotard thread, yes?

Attached: il_fullxfull.1492518723_3msl.jpg (2725x2725, 607K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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Abuse it while you can

Attached: c4f19d5d93234552bc57152cd4e2b860.png (1080x1920, 1.59M)

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what do you mean? its not even a nice ass.

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back side?

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i have the high res pics of her.

Attached: 1470201208428-0.jpg (612x612, 101K)

dump please!

Attached: Ashley02.jpg (640x696, 39K)

im seaching the HD

Attached: a173.jpg (998x1500, 253K)

cute and tiny

Attached: 8357F5A4-BE73-4AF2-9E38-B7B9081BB7CF.jpg (1241x1354, 288K)

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so hot

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whats her name?

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not sure

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Smack her until she cries, then I would rip that bikini top off, slap her tits around until they are red, then pull her nipples until she cries more, then allow my dogs to have their way with her and she's tied up to a bench.

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Cool, it's the thread with the same pictures again!

trap eh?

Attached: 003.jpg (1365x2048, 1.99M)

cool, it's the douchebag guy that complains a lot

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Attached: Screenshot_20181231-042312.jpg (1080x1920, 948K)

oh okay

Attached: 016.jpg (1365x2048, 1.06M)

no show face why for not

Attached: $004.jpg (1080x1620, 300K)

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Na no face

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too bad. ashamed must be

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Love this girl's ass. it's soooo kissable

Attached: 6.27.17_HAHDay24042_5000x.jpg (1080x1620, 157K)

I wonder if anyone got to eat her pussy at the fair.

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i like this black chick better

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Lil cheeks

Attached: erika bhwef.jpg (716x1335, 176K)

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Tattoos are gross

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Swimsuits that don't cover the hipbones are disgusting me. What a whore way of making a very revealing cloth item more revealing.

Attached: il_fullxfull.1363137136_he5g.jpg (1993x3000, 488K)

Then maybe you should live in a place like Afghanistan you crazy person

Attached: il_fullxfull.1494757462_exhx.jpg (2024x2623, 1.19M)

Promoting low self-respect is a Satanist move. Good people respect themselves and want the same positive mindset for others, Satanist.

Attached: 20190616_073607.jpg (1080x2220, 1.25M)

Pushing your beliefs on others is wrong and the reason being is because other people have the right to believe what they want to as long as it does not hurt others.. you however push your beliefs on others and try to make other people feel bad. You promote hatred which is satanism.

Attached: 241.jpg (1035x1380, 165K)

You sound like a feminist

Attached: $001.jpg (1000x1500, 109K)

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That image isn't appalling to you?

What if it was your own daughter wanting to wear swimwear like that?

What's appalling is actually how you push your beliefs on others and try to make them feel guilty about how they feel. If you don't like something keep it to yourself, because this is not the place for feelings this is Yea Forums. Go to Tumblr if u want feelings.

Attached: 180528120504lc727rWK-xxl.jpg (1600x2400, 482K)

If my daughter had the self image that she could actually wear that, it would be okay. Because I will not push my beliefs on other people, I will allow them to do what they believe is right. And furthermore, it is not against the law. So are you going by the Muslim law?

Attached: 20190619_042608.jpg (1080x1331, 762K)

So in your eyes, women should not be allowed to wear certain things. How is what you are saying not oppressive? Feminists are oppressive, Muslims are oppressive, cult followers are oppressive. You are one of these three. Why are you here?

Attached: 9.0_Swim_Daydream_Stoked_One_Piece_Red_White_Stripe3_660x1024_crop_bottom.jpg (660x1024, 116K)

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You wouldn't push your beliefs onto your own children? That's a powerful plan, I wonder how that would pan out.

I'm not sorry that I don't want to see people at the beach in fetish attire.

Worked out pretty well.

Then go to Afghanistan. You will be happy there because all the females are covered up eyes and all. It's quite a shame that you don't see your fault in your thought. Perhaps you should visit these other countries, and that would probably give you a better Outlook on what Freedom really is. In Germany, at the gym in the saunas, many people go naked and it is co-ed. I bet your head would explode.

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fetish attire? Everything could be summed up as a fetish. Showing ankles could be a fetish, showing belly buttons could be a fetish, people have foot fetishes. So what you are telling me is that we should just cover everything up because it could be deemed as a fetish I, am I right?

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I have no problem with nudity. It's not slutty.

So how about this? Can I assume you are in favour of this at a public pool or lake?

Attached: swimtrunks.jpg (300x300, 21K)

>I'm not sorry that I don't want to see people at the beach in fetish attire.

>OMG! That one piece swimsuit is too revealing!
>meanwhile most women and children at the beach are probably wearing tiny bikinis

It happens, and even if I didn't like it, it's Beyond My Control. So why complain about something that I cannot control. And why would I try to control somebody else? You want a totalitarian government. So please go over to Afghanistan, Iraq, China even. And stay there. I'm done talking to you I have to go to work. Have a good night.


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Dump all u got

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what she got in her back pocket