YLYL. No niggers tho

YLYL. No niggers tho.

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>No niggers tho.
Can it really be an authentic YLYL without God's clowns?

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remember all the kids whose favorite color was brown

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really showcases black peoples lack of knowledge of history

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Takes one to know one


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He's going to win again

Unfunny thread. Didn't laugh

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Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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You must be a nigger then

When will Yea Forums duff him up for me?

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I didn't realise the digital camera was around 1000 bce.

moar pls

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You have to be 18+ to post here kiddo

Good start but those yellow faggots are trying to ruin it with the negro and pol shit.

They dont want porn but dont want ylyl either. They are all reddit shitskins and discord trannies

the kikes are out in force tonight

I'm 24 you fucking cuck

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You should know better then


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Jontron is fucking funny you little faggot

You prove my point

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as if the democrats look any better

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Hopefully someone will finally step up and shoot the retard in his dumb fucking face.

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I hope Trump wins

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IQ isn't a real thing. It was created as a means of guessing whether your child should start school or not. The creator said it cannot and should not be used to gauge intelligence in adults.

It's made up.

well monkeys do have a high iq so what does that say bout niggars

I never liked this argument. It's like "how could we get rid of our slaves!"

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they only thing that made me laugh so far this made me giggle a little

this always make me laugh because none of you even consider this is a posed shot...or is the cringe that he's a shitty cam guy?

Does this mean that more niggers are Democrats because of their low IQ?

I see tumblr's here.

An outsiders perspective, your 'democrats' just seem like normal people. You trump supporters are fucking retards though. Come to my country and I will murder you.

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Oh wow look at me! I tagged everyone!

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mate i was fixing a lamp!

jesus christ

It's the yellowposters trying to make it more PC and tame. They are trying to make Yea Forums more inviting and normie friendly before they start recruiting for 8ch

So what they're saying is black people are less evolved than some monkeys.

they really need to think more carefully about this kind of stuff.

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also, shitty policing if you know he deals drugs there why the fuck would you not catch him in the act?


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I do too. I love watching America burn.


Fuck off

You're an idiot.

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IQ isn't a real thing. You can post as many memes as you want. Pictures of graphs are not proof of anything, and you would know that if you passed even basic science in high school.

But you didn't. You dropped out, clearly.

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yeah your blatantly lying it's actually very well thought out just fuckin wikipedia it and read it ONE time bro....

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>The Metric System isn't real

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found the npr libtard

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Haha I get it, because Trump supporters are like Nazis from a fantasy movie. That's clever. Can I save this picture?

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Who is that Jew creature in the middle and why do I recognize?

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No it would just hurt the woman

Gollums twin sister

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ER, no its not, cunt.

You are 24 years old and find that funny?

Just fucking kill yourself, incel

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I thought that she was some famous feminist.

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I didn't stutter

Listen dude just because you're 32 and are a hugless vigin doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on people with actual lives. I've fucked more girls this month than you will in your entire life kiddo. Hopefully your mom gets the tendies ready for you before you shit on your keyboard again. Fuck you and your shitty sense of humor cunt

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VA tech shooter was Asian

I didn't know you could type stuttering

dont encourage it

Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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When will Yea Forums hurt this man?

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Jesus bro did you not read the title?

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How is Trump racist?

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Dude I'm OP and I didn't even post Ray post, calm the fuck down kid

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Nice copy pasta nigger

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the left can't meme.

i'm outta here

>Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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Shut up you fucking boring cunt.

If you're not American, nobody wants to come to your shithole country, faggot

>someone taking a picture of something completely public
Wew lad.

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Wow I'm you took the time and effort to write all that just for me

>you sound like a fucking brainlet man child.

My brain reads RGB as "Red Green Blue". I apologise

Make me you fat nigger

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>Not recognizing a copypasta
Summer really is here


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Hardcore Dyslexia

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it's from /fit/

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meant for this user

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This means that more people are Democrats because Americans are stupid

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The surface underneath the graph isn't even equal. This is so unbelievably retarded.

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the perfect disguise

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That's because they are both scaled for the racial composition of the us you fucking retard

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Fucking lost to that for some reason. Caught me off guard in this thread.

Daily reminder of just how far Yea Forums has fallen.

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At least you should still be able to spell tit

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What lesbian porn is this?

Nice b8 m8

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Fake, dumb faggot.

Virginia Tech shooter was Korean. Pulse Orlando shooter was Afghani.

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So, you paid for this shit or a gigantic cuck?

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How comes that then niggers were first sighted homasapiens?

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those threads used to be funny. now its just unoriginal reddit bullshit. fuck off normies.

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mmm, bet it tastes like semi cured concrete

>homo sapiens
choose one


black dick is feminine penis

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I don't get it. She had asthma but cystic fibrosis was a bait?

Goylent drinker detected.

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Ah yes, this is how it looks in downtown detroit for sure

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You can't be smart if you mettle with politics

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Imagine being a person who has to put every current event in the context of a movie, like a fucking Potter fan.

Wetbacks can't be linemen, because you have to speak english.
Source-me, an ex lineman

They have Robert Downey Jr!

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>hoe allows everyone around to see her barely concealed ass
>taking a photo of her ass is bad

I don't get it. I use both the deodorant and the shampoo.

Newfag spotted

And yet Finland surrendered and gave up the land.

thats ginsberg you retard, supreme court justice

You've gotta love those border towns, hard working Mexicans do nothing but build houses and contribute!

>make sure you arent seen

wtf lost twice in a row

more disney memees from the discord geneeration who come to Yea Forums because they think its cool

Cant even have s ylyl thread without kikes mass spamming their bullshit these days.

White men, run, read, marry a traditional white woman and most importantly, arm yourselves. The boogaloo comes, know your duty and perform it well.

Well, you're underage b&, so the only cringey laughing is at your expenses, also you should probably kys

You realize you just tried to contextualize your statement with a movie, right?

What film is this from?

Darude - Sandstorm

dunno, some vidya about a brave boy named Zelda I think.

this honestly is true

I said film, not SONG.

She is a high court judge and i think the first one
She is a jew and her dream is for the high court to be predominatelly or entirely female judges
Thats why UK is going to down the shithole

its fockin RAAAAWWW

You’re retarded

Fuck you, I have 6 401ks and I haven't rolled over a single one. I think I get to retire?

Bait or retarded or both?

Yea Forums meme.

Very good answer

Apparently people that surrounded autistic fandoms don't bath. Hence the reason smash bros has a meme about the players not bathing, and konami having to penalize people for smelling bad at yu-gi-oh tournaments. I wouldn't doubt brony's are the same way.

Holy shit. Epic dude

too soon nigger

Fucking retards

it indeed has.

Of course he did.
More pressing question:
Since all the experience and knowledge gets back to Naruto when the clones dissapear, What would happen if He was orgasming of edging with multiple clones, and then dismissed them.

Some people actually believe this shit.

> Black people don't get yeast infections.

Don't take the bait.

This can't be real.

Yeah. It's unfair on lazy people.

>An outsiders perspective, your 'democrats' just seem like normal people. You trump supporters are fucking retards though.

You will believe whatever the American mainstream media wants you to believe, you ignorant little rat.

>Come to my country and I will murder you.

Why on earth would someone leave America?

the jews looked comfy desu

Dry submarine

>for you

AHHH YES, Because "white" merimuts are the only whites. Just disregard all the other white cuisine out there, that uses spices and herbs and likes it hearthy. Just eat a fucking rollbraten and say this shit again you faggot

Yeah, they are probably born with it. lel

WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET.. GO off yourself Niggerloving kike

Because, as we all know, the imperial system is far more practical

>African civilization
> Egypt is the closest to the greeks and Romans, closer to the whites
> Does not mention Sumers, arabs, the Tiki people, etc...

The left can't meme.

Those dates are wildly incorrect, nothing happened in the americas in 1000 bc


I agree with the previous comment- the left is alt-retarded when trying to be funny, clever, do anything important or that uses logic, etc.

Stop shit-posting in YLYL, retard. Go back to redit where idiocy thrives.

Retards will read this and believe it.
>durrr differnt guy spermy look differnt hurrrrr

And you’re still in high school? What a retard

If you joined the army, they'd assign you to faggotry, boi.