waifu thread
Waifu thread
but i was about to use nou x infinity to the infinitieth power! i'm finished!
uh... thanks natalie
ah, maybe! lol
i don't think this change i'm thinking of would fix everything in my life or anything, but i think i would be much happier...
my Zodiac says I'm a Pepsi soul
I want to be friends with this poster
Im not nat
Its okay... I don't think its that impressive. I always thought I needed to improve at that game. I enjoyed the game though, so I just kept playing it a lot.
well, maybe it would, i dont know.
the change im thinking of might change my life. or uh, sometimes i think it would. i think things are too complicated for me to think that way
how are you doing today
there's probably more than 150k players which would put you in the top 10%, which is very impressive
well, thats how you improve anyway.
i see, it was just a guess
only other person i can think of that would know about that and put it so rudely is saxor... of course i guess you could be anyone...
you should spend it posting!
y-yea what about it
good, i'm glad to hear that.
i told you not to mess with me
now you'll never no u again
>how are you doing today
wannabe skeleton
How cute other people are calling him by that
i wanna spend it finishing jessica jones. but maybe also post :)
thanks. i hope you have or find something or someone like that too. but not the bad parts
i dunno if you mean me or you, but if me, thats far
and if you, im sorry to hear it. i hope you can feel better somehow
Eh... I've never really like judging things based off a ranking, but when you put it that way I guess it is.
o-okay, i just hope we can talk more
y-you're gonna galvanize the galapagos?
i would hope so too.. maybe you just have to take the bad along with the good though.
Post prostate massager
Post awoo
depending on how far you go back, might be guaranteed to change your life! but for good or for bad? who knows...?
i've been thoroughly rekt by yuu!
i might have ptsd now...
ah yeah... i thought he preferred it, then he said he didn't really care either way, but i got used to it, so eh
I mean me
I feel bad always for no reason
I should go practice keyboard or read a book or something but I want instant gratification so instead I'm drinking, shitposting and editing the great meme album
this album was my wallpaper for a long time
it is! most people aren't the 10% best at anything
we can always talk more! or, sort of always. like 20% of always
hmm.. well, good luck, then.
i dont know. if it doesnt change what i want but changes something else, can i handle that? i dont know.
oh. im sorry, all i have are empty words. do you like drinking and shitposting and editing the great meme album?
call him by his old name supposedly he doesn't like that supposedly
>do you like drinking and shitposting
If I don't drink I get a really uncomfortable fever and can't sleep or have feelings
shitposting is just a time waster
the album is a masterpiece though and really needs to be finished but I won't release it because I can't decide on a good bandcamp artist name
I see... I guess not.
real difficult time travel philosophical questions right there
this happens every time! lol
that's kinda my concern about changing big things, like preventing someone from dying... i just want a relatively small change that makes a big difference in the long run
heyhey tomocute!
user it is then
natalie and i don't always get along but i wouldn't go out of my way to do that!
hi purps
i imagine it's been another long day... time for some soothing kase chats!
...that sounds like a serious problem... i think im unqualified to give any advice, sorry...
that sounds very interesting. have you considered having something like "a good bandcamp artist name" or "mai waifu"?
s-sorry, i really do just think its impressive.
ah, thats not what i mean really, just really really personal things, i guess. if i cant change the one thing, why bother changing anything at all, i guess.
mhm. i get a day off tomorrow at least.
hallo to you too.
Fair enough. Too bad you don't see eye to eye all the time, he's a pretty good guy. If you ever change your mind just tell him some random user who knows some stuff told you to say it
Hi green.
Its okay. Sorry, I feel a bit bad at the moment...
> I feel a bit bad at the moment
y tho
i-i hope you don't... ;-;
i'll try to comfort you or something
we should talk like near 100% of always
well i wish you luck with that, seems like a difficult task
thank you
hello everyone deserves one reply
well, i don't think either of us will be time traveling any time soon, but i hope you can have some of the changes you need regardless
oh that's good! too bad i'll be gone tomorrow... always kinda bad timing lol
either way i'm always glad when you get a chance to relax, work seems brutal
idk, natalie is just very abrasive and enjoys insulting me
i know he doesn't really mean it but it still gets on my nerves sometimes
ye! comfy comfort! blanket burritos! platonic cuddles! it'll cure me i know it!~
oh, also, yui says you're cute
how are you today?
no, im sorry. dont feel bad for feeling bad, its okay.
i have to sleep, im sorry :(
you're welcome!!
ah, no. its much much too late for something like that, im sorry to say.
how is it going purps
heh thats okay kase. yeah. its 8 days in a row if i kept count right and i hit 46 hours last week and i worked another 8 to start this week off.
happy to be home. yourself?
I want it to be something cryptic and short
I'll figure it out
I'm not sure really...
Well... Okay...
I don't know right now... I'm a bit tired.
ah maybe you should sleep then purps?
It's just how he expresses his feelings he does mean good by it. If it's getting under your skin try calling him by his old name or insult his tekken skills
im glad to hear it
im good, its getting pretty close to bedtime. gonna finish this episode of jessica jones and then its time for bed.
do you have any plans for the rest of your day?
hm... im particular to obscure, impossible to understand references.
i hope you feel better, friend.
get a good hefty with of sulfur dioxide you abysmal kikelord
Play some Dark Souls, fap to traps, and eat some tendies and dew. It always works.
>that pic
That sounds like a good idea.
I'll probably just sleep it off...
Two out of three of those things sound like a good idea...
sounds super great! i'll try my best to cure you
we should get yui involved with the cuddling and stuff too
tell him he's also cute
is he still banned or something?
we should talk like near 100% of always, not including sleeping
i-is that a request? or are you saying it'd be gratifying
don't take advice from this timbit
Which ones?
Can I join you?
that sounds like a good plan. thats what i usually do.
ill send you texts while you sleep
no im running out of g words
Jessica jones? nope not any at all.
sleep well purps
then i hope that tsugu episode comes sooner
i'm sorry to hear that tomo, it sounds utterly ridiculous
i think maybe you'll want to just sleep all day tomorrow anyway, lol
he's told me as such as well but it seems unnecessary
does that old name happen to start with a "d"? if so that doesn't seem to bother him lol
mhm! i will be all better and it'll be thanks to yuu!
netflix show about the marvel character of the same name
its good
well, i hope its at least comfy then
yeah, me too.
I'll let you figure that one out...
Yeah, its a good idea when you feel tired.
goodnight purple
cant say ive heard of them lol
its rough. just holding on till my vacation. nah i want to do nothing in front of a screen silly
sleep well.
Everyone's got different ways of expressing their feelings. Natalie is a good guy. Give him shit back. Not even close to d. You have the goth one added ask him he should know
AAAAAAAAAAA I'm too impatient
>we should get yui involved with the cuddling and stuff too
That sounds great, I'd love it
>tell him he's also cute
Thanks, y-you, too
>is he still banned or something?
Something like that
thats fine. i like it, anyway.
oh goodness, hi there
I missed you a lot, even though I could've and did contact you at any time!!
o-okay i guess that works
i cant think of any that fit in well with your gratifying galvanization of the galpagos
yay the power of friendship cuddles is super strong
it's felt like an eternity x.x
chronus smiles upon us this day!
that vacation will be well-deserved! i want to hear all about it afterward!!
heh, even better~
some stuff doesn't become okay to say just because it's "shit-talking"... i thoroughly reject that notion
eh... natalie can dish it out but he can't take it, in my experience anyway
maybe i will~
ah, hey yui
the absolute state of this thread
>he ignores me
Hi there
i-i missed you too
as long as you like it
ill be sure to tell ya.
no, i understand the feeling, i feel the same.
so whats your phone number
great gods grope graciously, giving grapes gifts
to the galapagos
we'll see.
i can assure you everyone will know exactly when that video is released because i will tell everyone
thats all that matters :)
to me anyway. obviously.
y-yeah, i think so too!
i bet it has... tho looks like yui's back early! i just told him you were still banned, so he might think it's not really you
ye!! i must know every little detail of tomo's exciting july!!
you wield the sight!!
ugggh I wish she was real
Aw I'm sorry
I'll be here for a little but then I must go, and where I am going you cannot come
I'm glad to be speaking with you again! Everything's changed! The world is so fast! Cars are all over the streets.
I don't think I can live on the outside anymore
friend hi
threeway cuddling! yay!
y-you're welcome
sorry that wasn't the intention ;-;
i'll tell it to you in a secret code only you could understand
sounds like a lot of stuff to do.. are you sure you can do all of that? how are you going to call upon the great gods?
woo fun times are here
I didn't say it was okay only where it comes from. Like i said he does mean well and does it to show closeness. That's why i said to give it back to him. Poke back at him
y-you can't even take user with you i understand at least you got my messaged
that girl is very tall. or the other one is short, i dont know.
i possess the desire
me too! everything's the same! the world is as it was!
welcome home, yui-poster :)
okay i sent the text did you get it?
no, i cant do any of that. but i can make a sentence i guess. although using the wrong tense made it seem like the grapes were receiving gifts instead of giving grapes as gifts
not my president !!
and the fun times never end! triple blanket burrito!!
i think yamada is a bit on the short side, but kase is very tall for a girl! she's a tomboy and star highschool athlete!
i see, kase sounds very admirable
n-no i didn't
nothing wrong with gifting some grapes
h-have you ever had a threesome like this before?
dark times. too many niggers roaming the thread
you should read kase-san sometime! it's really cute!!!
a-ah... i haven't...
threesome is an interesting way to put it... y'know...
They're gonna nuke me IP
I missed you so much!!
I hope you've been feeling okay
Three-way cuddling yess!!! It'll be so fun!
>sorry that wasn't the intention ;-;
It's okay, I know
Sorry... soon
It's not the same. I can't squeeze a drop without asking for permission
Thank you :)
I believe you
But my Tommy Gun don't
Yes, Kase-san is very cute!
And so is Kase-chan!
hang on ill start guessing it randomly then
is it 111-1111?
ill add it to my phone app thingy
w-what? squeeze a drop?
ill have to read it i suppose
don't do anything user would disapprove of be safe welcome back
what's the problem? h-how else would you put it? you don't want to have a threesome with me and yui?
hi! i missed you too!
i've been alright, yea
super fun! we will have the most fun ever had!
we should invite tsugu too
m-maybe it is..
are you just gonna send a text to every random number?
let's see yer tommygun do the talkin', buddy!
yay! tell me what you think after a few chapters!!
Holy shit erpers are annoying
Lynch em
To pee
You may! It's good! I read it with Kase-chan! It was so cute!
I'll try
Thank you!
I'd love to have a threesome or even just a twosome with you
I hope you feel better when I return, with or without my influence
Yes!! A foursome!!
I would reference the next part but last time that happened I accidentally got engaged to Yuu-chan
It was the happiest hour in my life
its not.
no, its a fun idea though.
we'll find something eventually
d-dont hold your breath. im pretty bad at starting new things
i-ill get to it eventually, i think
smash erper's skulls in with a baseball bat
Post prostate massager before I molest Yui
ehehehehe n-nothing
a real real good time~
you can be real coy y'know, yuu
you mean the happiest next 70 years of both of your lives!
you should probably breathe
o-oh, i never saw shawshank, thats probably why im not getting it
the start of it is exciting the end is boring lol
It's a fay reference to The Shawshank Redemption
No rush!!
Ehehehe... yeah
w-wow, thanks.. you're really nice
i'm sure i'll feel a lot better when you're back! because of your influence!
sounds super great
fun but maybe a bit exhausting.. seems like a lot to do
good luck!
really good time! the best time of our lives!
w-what do you mean? m-maybe just a tiny bit..
Send me your love letters to the mutt and I'll make him read them
im... keep... holding my breath . . .
i must know every little detail of tomo's exciting anime con adventure!!
c-can i be the bride's maid?
y-you know what you did, yuu... even tho you'll never admit it...
sly yuu~
ah. i havent seen that.
o-one day, i-i think...
i dunno, we can just keep cahtting in waifu threads for now, i think.
i like that
breathe! breathe!!! you wont make it!!
anyway, jessica jones was good, im going to bed
Cute post numbers!
You're really nice, too, you know!
Yay! Thank you!
T-twosome, th-though
Tell him he's cool and I like him a lot and he's smart and he is really wise and knows what to say always!
And Tsu-chan is the best man, we had it all planned out
too late, am dead
goodnight tsugu! have sweet dreams!
uwu yay!
Wow, you and I have vastly different opinions
w-what do you mean? i'm innocent
i have no clue what you're talking about~
yes that's good with me
goodnight, sleep well! hope you have a good day tomorrow
w-woah, this must be fate or something..
th-thanks.. you're nicer
yay! you're welcome!
you want to do it really badly, don't you?
Fair enough
No worries!!
Sleep well!!! Have a great tomorrow, champ!
Yes! It'll be grand!
Y-yeah, like we were meant to be together
Aw, come on. You drive me to be my nicest
I... I mean... y'know... if you're up for it...
that tilde speaks volumes, you know~
yeah, whatever
when do we get the dresses?
That means the thread is mine
We can now post the n word
uh it will be fine lol
i need the deets! and the tails! and the cool stories! and the weird stories! and the cute stories! i wish i could be there!!
w-wow, maybe it's something like that, yea..
i would hope i do! you're already the nicest though so i'm sure it doesn't change a whole lot
i'm definitely up for it! it'll be very pleasurable.. and intimate..
i hope it'll be good for you too
i'm not sure what you mean, i was simply imitating you and your tildes
where are my runescape niggas at?
ill be sure to take pics of cool things yeah
Oh, yes! Let me call the tailor!
You'll get a beautiful black dress!
It could be possible..
Ah, I'm not that nice, really l
Oh, I think we'll have a very pleasurable, intimate time
I'd be honored
i'm up for a fun time of course~
a beautiful goff lolita dress!!
DO IT NEVADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She cute!
Good morning, friend!!
The beautifulest goth lolita dress!
i think it may be likely..
i really think you're that nice
y-yea! it'll be amazing.. unforgettable..
a f-fun time? do you have any particular ideas in mind?
It's too early to be morning, but I have to clean my room
W-well, maybe we just have to follow our fate, then
I look nice but.. am I nice?
Hmm... we could do it more than once... if you like the first time
Aww dang... I wish I could help. I hope you can find energy soon. If you need anything, ask
yes! beautiful! gorgeous! i'm fabulous!!
>closest thing to image of kase in goth loliita dress
i'm pretty fixated on the whole blanket burrito thing, not gonna lie
i really really wanna do that!
heh kase sounds excited
o-okay, i'd be alright with that
yes, final answer
yea we could! we'll do it a bunch! we'll do it all day! i'm sure i'll like the first time
yea it's gonna be great! the most comfiest thing ever! very warm! very soft!
i really really wanna do it too
ye i am! it's an exciting thing!
so you confirm you are the nutritious poster known by the handle ((((((nevada))))))
You are fabulous!
You always were!
So would I
We're playing Jeopardy, you have to answer in a question
O-oh, all day? W-well, I'd be flattered. I'll try to keep up...
Does it sound like that?
Just a coincidence
Pretty sure nevada's the one who posts azula
My waifu is loli tamamo from monster girls quest. She is such a cutie
Then post her you cockmongler
yes, i can't wait!
absolutely not! i'm not cute!
what is yes?
i'm sure it wont be hard to do so or anything! and you'll be invigorated by the pleasure and fun too
okay, let's do it right now then!
Isn't she sweet?
>Just a coincidence
never mind
nigger faggot
h-here, i'll get started . . .
nigger faggot
Have a nice night and a nice tomorrow
Where I am going you cannot come
Love you, too, dad
Awwww yes you are~!
I'm very excited
No. Or yes? I don't know
Ehehehe, o-okay, I trust you.
I'll see you in bed
got nothing for you
n-no i'm not!
have a good night, yui!
Eh, mediocre taste
How a kitsune loli can be mediocre
Help would be awesome!
o-okay, looks great! i'll join you soon
i-i am too
okay! i am not sure either!
see you then
goodnight, sleep well! i hope you have a good day tomorrow
Because I hate you
i don't have a pic of kase in a blanket burrito, but
this is pretty comfy too~
You mean. What did i do to you
i have this pic of yuu in a sort of soap burrito, is that good?
yes looks very comfy
When you said your waifu is loli tamamo from monster girls quest
eheh, m-maybe we can have a bubble bath too!
Why? Is there something wrong with that
assert dominance by urinating upon thine foe
Because you chose her
I can share with you
I hate her because you chose her, and I hate you because you chose her
I'm sorry user. Don't be mad at me.
yea that sounds great! i'll wash your back a-and stuff..
Actually I hate you because you were born
w-wait what?
yeah that would be nice!... and not lewd because the bubbles would cover everything...
maybe draw pictures on each other's backs and the other person guesses what it is!
and do beards made of bubbles!
y-yea, just like in anime and stuff
oh i don't know, i'm kind of ticklish.. i'd be squirming around a lot..
the beards sound really fun though!
y-yeah, the steam would help a lot too!
hehe, well the squirming might be kinda fun actually... maybe i'll just tickle you even!
mhm! we can try all kinds of facial hair styles! which is good because i can barely grow my own! lol
ahhh... it all sounds fun... but i'm afraid i've gotten quite sleepy and it's also quite late for me, so i think i'll head to bed now
have a good night, yuu!
s-sounds like it'd be very interesting at least..
that's good! i don't grow much either
no that's alright, it is late and if you're sleepy you should sleep and stuff. goodnight, sleep well! i hope you have a good day tomorrow
interesting... mhm!
delayed puberty gang
meant yuu