So I just got robbed $600.
All i know is the guys phone # and possible locations of where he might be.
Am I fucked Yea Forums or is there a way to find him.
So I just got robbed $600.
All i know is the guys phone # and possible locations of where he might be.
Am I fucked Yea Forums or is there a way to find him.
Do you know what a police station is?
can't goto police
are there any other options which involve me more?
I mean you could get a gun and go kill him and steal your shit back I guess? But that would be highly illegal and you would most certainly be caught.
You have a 4% chance to recover your funds. With every 5 minutes, that drops another .1%.
Hurry up
Hey youre on to something!
Anyways, back to what I was getting at.
I have his number, those stupid google things don't really tell me shit.
Is there a way in which I could even spend a small amount of time on learning to figure out how to find out his general location in which he may be at right now? (or later?)
I know what his car looks like. I just need a step in the right direction.
So you have his phone number, description of his vehicle, and general locations where he might be? And you're not going to the cops whyyyy? Also, op's pic looks like a very uncomfortable handjob.
Don't bring $600 the next time you buy drugs dumbass.
>got robbed 600$
do you not know what a bank is
Find his car and rub kyjelly and vasoline all over the windows and throw a bunch of glitter on it
I was gonna cut the brake lines and back my beat up truck up into it, hard, possibly twice.
Be a man, take the loss, stop buying illegal drugs
I'd grab my gun and find the fucker. You're only fucked if you're a little punk bitch.
>I'd grab my gun and find the fucker. You're only fucked if you're a little punk bitch.
nope, you sound foolish
Nigger detected.
>can't goto police
So you haven't been robbed, you just want to stalk a girl.
Sounds like you got ripped off while doing some illegal shady shit.
If you can't go to the cops, you can't do shit.
Post the number here, I might be able to find something
You got ripped off? Always only trade in your money for the goods. You won't get it back. Learn from it. Never give a dealer your money before they got your stuff. The only thing you can do is try to contact his boss or something. Usually they are interested to not rip off their customers. Or beat him up and show him not to fuck with you.
Learn from it and move on. If it goes down again buy a gun
Depending on what type of guy it is and what kind of consequences there could be, if it's just some white dickhead who took your money because you acted retarded and gave him the opportunity, go maximum violence and get your fucking money back. maximum violence like in enough violence to get it back