On LSD post trippy shit

On LSD post trippy shit

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no but i will post
cool cds.

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We may be living in a false vacuum.

I like to stroke it

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I got something good for you

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Hedonism is often viewed as bad and excessive, but why would humans not want to live in pure pleasure all the time? Are we told it is bad so we don't seek it out and instead live in misery dejectedly? Or is it truly impossible?

Mortality we all die

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Goddamn, if I ever waste a good LSD trip by hanging out on Yea Forums I hope somebody shoots me.

>on LSD
go to /gif/, start fapping and when you're 90% ready to blow go jump in the shower.
finish off in the shower.
you'll feel the best orgasm of your life as you jizz megalitres of life juice down a never-ending waterfall in the jungle.
t.i always have to fap in the shower when on LSD now cuz it's so fucking good

Hahaha, hell yeah! Thanks for the laugh

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Does oil on water count?

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This place, it's almost like you never leave

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Fucking hell seems like yellow Submarine

That was a fun seizure

Russian commie little faggit bitch go suck on stalins dick faggit

Here is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.

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get the fuck off Yea Forums quit wasting your acid with Yea Forums you fucking mong

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I'd fuck ricegums mom